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Submitted To: Shayamasree Chakrabarty

Submitted By: Devika Kshetrapal (JI/2021-23/0036)
Most people simply want to find joy in their lives. Some people have lost the will to live, but
the great majority of people are today involved in activities that are either purposefully or
intuitively designed to maximize the amount of enjoyment they get out of life.

Sometimes, these activities may have the opposite effect, or they may make us happy in the
short term but miserable in the long term. Another possibility is that they may have no effect
at all. On other occasions, they can make us happy in the moment but unhappy in the long
run. As a result of this, the concept of happiness may be interpreted in several different ways,
and over the course of human history, the meaning of happiness has shifted significantly.

There are a wide variety of perspectives on what constitutes happiness, including the

In the short term, I am referring to the emotions and sensations that people are experiencing
now, such as joy, despair, or pleasure. This is exactly what an individual is going through at
this very moment, right now.
The general sense of happiness and fulfilment with one’s life throughout the course of the
next several years Ruut Veenhoven did a study on how pleasure is different from one culture
to the next. In one of his studies, he said that pleasure is "an overall satisfaction of one's
existence as a whole."
From this point of view, the reflective approach to being a successful person is important in
the long run. Aristotle said that this kind of life was marked by "good behaviour that is in line
with reason."
The first two ideas about happiness are probably familiar to most people. The third idea about
happiness, which is focused on the future, is the one that interests me the most. 
Aristotle believed the greatest way to live a human life was to maximize one's logical powers.
He reasoned that this was the best way to live a human life, since reason is something that is
unique to humans. Aristotle thought that having a lot of talent or skill was not enough to live
a happy and meaningful life. Participating in activities that are both mentally challenging and
competitive is the only way to find true happiness in life. If we want to be happy, we need to
do things like that.

On the other hand, Aristotle did not discount the relevance of other parts of a person's life,
such as the relationships they have with other people, their wealth, or their power. In fact, he
voiced doubt that we would be able to achieve eudaimonia if we were without any one of
these fundamental components in their entirety. He argued that this would make it impossible
for us to achieve eudaimonia. For instance, he felt that it was impossible to think of a happy
life for a person who lacked "excellent birth, lovely children, and beauty." This was because
he believed that happiness stemmed from having a "good birth," "nice children," and

In today's language, it is hard to imagine how a person could be happy if they have no friends
and are poor. It is also difficult to imagine how such a person could be happy. And precisely
this is what the Maslow pyramid, which is one of the most well-known models of happiness
in psychology, is all about.

There are many different schools of thought within psychology about what makes individuals
It is tough to put a number on one's level of happiness. To begin, the topic at hand is whether
happiness is a state that can be objectively measured. Is it more about how you feel in life in
general or how you feel at this one moment? Is it founded on reason or on personal
The responses to these questions are still the subject of much discussion among
psychologists. Because of the importance of this subfield of research, there is even a
specialized magazine dedicated to the topic that has the name "Journal of Happiness Studies."

On the other hand, there are three basic theories that the bulk of researchers are now
concentrating their attention on:

The Freedom of Choice Theory says that the amount of freedom people has to make their
own decisions has a big effect on how happy they are with their lives. When people's
essential needs are met, the amount of satisfaction they feel is directly related to the degree of
autonomy they have in deciding how they will spend their lives and how much control they
have over the decisions they make regarding how they will spend their time.
The self-determination theory says that one of the most important parts of a happy life is
being able to live your own life without being limited by other people's expectations and
demands. The level of happiness may be directly linked to things like how motivated you are
and how open you are to personal growth and improvement.
The final one is the theory of positive psychology, which also happens to be my personal
favourite among all of them. Positive psychology claims that rather than focusing on fixing
things as they break, we should spend more time striving to enhance our mental health in a
way that is more hopeful and proactive. This contrasts with the traditional approach of
focusing on mending things as they break. Research shows that self-help can be helpful,
which backs up this idea. Later on in this article, I'll go into a little bit more depth on this
subject matter.
Even though I can relate to these ideas, it's important to remember that chasing pleasure at
any cost could have unintended consequences. It is simple for me to relate to these CA. A
study that was carried out by specialists found that if you are unable to live up to extremely
high expectations, it may cause you to experience feelings of despair. Studies have also
demonstrated that the value that is placed on happiness in Eastern cultures is far lower than
the value that is placed on happiness in Western civilizations. When it comes to the most
important things to aim for in life, for example, harmony is valued more highly in many non-
Western cultures than it is in Western nations. This is because Western society places greater
emphasis on individual achievement.
Because of this, we should ask ourselves if we should embrace and fully experience the
whole range of our feelings, which includes both positive and negative ones, and if we should
do so. That seems like it would bring out the humanity in all of us. The pursuit of pleasure
might be amenable to a plan that looks at it from more than one angle.

A strategy that considers more aspects of one's life to bring about contentment.
There are times when everything in life seems to be going wrong. And there are times when
everything is going according to plan, yet for some reason we are unable to feel entirely
pleased even when everything is going as expected. Because of this, there is more to
happiness than merely being able to say that one is not experiencing any difficulties. In
addition, becoming an expert in the management of happiness is already a talent. Because
neuroscience has made little progress in understanding the biological foundations of
happiness up to this point.
In a nutshell, we have learned a significant amount about the hedonistic aspects of happiness,
often known as the specifics of what it is that makes us feel pleasure. Even though we are
aware of the areas of the brain that become active anytime we experience pleasure, the
research that attempts to explain what happens in our brains when we are happy and why is
still mostly based on speculation.
Self-acceptance is when a person knows and can accept both the good and bad things about
themselves. It also requires trying to be objective when evaluating one's own skills and
abilities, as well as being aware of one's own strengths and limitations. It's about trying every
day to love yourself despite your flaws.
Autonomy is the condition of being independent in one's thinking and having self-assurance
in one's ideas despite the influence of other people. This state is referred to as "autonomy." It
implies that you can control the path that your life takes going forward.
The feeling that you oversee your environment is called "environmental mastery." You are
able to take advantage of opportunities when they come up, which helps you reach your most
important goals and meet your own needs. You are able to keep the forces and activities that
originate from the outside world under control in your day-to-day life. This provides the
illusion that you are in control of the conditions in which you are now living.

Personal development: although all four pillars of this model of happiness are significant to
me in their own right, I place the utmost weight on the one that deals with the development of
one's self.  Personal growth may be thought of as the process of becoming a better version of
Relationships with other individuals that are characterized by the following beneficial traits If
you want to be happy in your life, you need to have meaningful relationships with other
people, whether they are family, friends, or co-workers. These connections can take many
forms, including friendships and familial ties. Relationships of this kind should include
feelings of empathy and compassion that go both ways, as well as different levels of physical
closeness between the people involved.
The last and most important step in learning how to live a meaningful life for oneself is to
figure out how important and valuable one's own life is. This step is closely related to the
first, which is why it is necessary to pursue goals that are meaningful to you. You can find
out what your life is about and what your place in the world is by doing important work,
studying philosophy, or even making deep connections with other people. When discussing
the topic of happiness and the attitudes that people have toward this notion, it is possible to
speak about a great number of different people who have a variety of perspectives on the
concept of happiness. As a result, individuals are able to describe pleasure using the strangest
terms possible due to the fact that their perspectives are unique.

It is also possible to pay attention to people whose ideas on this emotional state are radically
different from your own, which is something that you should consider doing. Because people
frequently have difficulty defining precisely what they mean when they talk about happiness,
some people may consider it a metaphorical notion. This is due to the fact that many people
fail to describe exactly what they mean when they talk about happiness. Some people may
define happiness in terms of a specific phrase that describes the sensations they experience
when they acquire new possessions or realize their professional ambitions. Some people may
consider happiness to be a metaphor for something entirely else.

On the other hand, an individual could make an attempt to understand the notion of happiness
for oneself in order to set goals that are more practically associated with this phenomenon. It
may appear that the pursuit of happiness is a fruitless endeavour; yet, pleasure, understood as
a certain way of perceiving reality, can be reached by referring to tiny steps rather than
focusing on "global" and intricate programs directed toward an individual's fulfilment.
The word "happy" can mean a feeling, an experience, a way of looking at reality and the
world around you, or a way of living your life that focuses on the good things that happen
and the successes you have.

From this point of view, happiness is a phenomenon that has several dimensions associated
with an individual's approach to observing everyday reality and routine events and with an
individual's response to these aspects while organizing his or her life. From this point of
view, happiness is a phenomenon that has different parts that depend on how a person looks
at normal, everyday things and events. According to this point of view, happiness is not a
destination but rather a condition that may be reached by a number of different routes. In
light of everything that has been said, it is not inconceivable that one may come to agree

Therefore, it is up to the person to determine whether they will lead a happy life and
concentrate on wonderful moments, or if they will concentrate on the negative aspects of
their lives. Despite the fact has asserted in the past that "life isn't about what happens to you,"
he is a supporter of this point of view towards the globe. Everything hinges on how you
respond to something in a proactive manner.

One other way of thinking maintains that an individual's level of happiness is not contingent
on the events that take place in the wider world and that an individual's level of happiness
may increase simply by revaluating the things that are available to them on a daily basis. This
line of thinking suggests that an individual's happiness can be improved by revaluating the
things that are available to them. From this point of view, it is crucial to have a discourse
about the specific and easy steps that folks can take to change their attitudes and enhance the
amount of joy they experience in their lives.
One can suggest a set of things that, if done by a person, will lead to that person living a
happy life. As the proverb says, "Happy people live in the present," and I couldn't agree more
with this philosophy. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done is to ignore what has
happened in the past and what will happen in the future and instead focus solely on what is
occurring in the here and now. This is because people's memories of the past and hopes for
the future might keep them from fully appreciating what is happening right now.
The second step is to make friends and build relationships with people to make it less likely
that you will feel alone and alone. This method for finding happiness was built on the results
of an in-depth study of the paradox of contentment, which served as the starting point for this
method. The third step in the process of becoming happy and content with oneself is to locate
a sense of meaning and direction in one's own life.

When talking about meaningfulness, it is extremely important not to get mired down in
complicated notions and ideas. This is because when people put the achievement of "global"
goals ahead of their own happiness and the happiness of others, the search for meaning can
become a pointless waste of time.

So, there are many different activities, situations, and ways of acting that can be seen as real
sources of happiness. Each of these methods can be thought of as fairly simple, as long as a
person knows what kinds of activities, situations, and behaviours can be considered real
sources of happiness.

People often think that money can't buy happiness and that they should instead focus on the
many other things in their lives that might make them happy. Nevertheless, one's financial
situation has the potential to be seen as a basic source of happiness, much in the same way
that love and friendship are. Despite the fact that those who are wealthy run the risk of
neglecting the simple joys in life, the key to unlocking the secret to one's financial situation,
possibilities, and level of success is in how one views these things. This is true despite the
fact that wealthy people run the risk of neglecting the simple pleasures of life.

So, money can be a source of happiness if it is used to improve oneself, strengthen

relationships, finish hard tasks, and help the community. So, relationships are also a source of
happiness, since a spouse or relative can change a person's happiness or sadness with just a
few words. This means that the happiness or unhappiness of a person can be changed with
only a few words spoken by a relative.

Happiness is also linked to having a positive outlook, and having positive thoughts can
greatly improve a person's health because, among other things, they can affect how
productive and successful a person is. People experience a rise in both their degree of
satisfaction and their level of pleasure when they have the opportunity to speak with one
another and share their views. As a direct result of this, one may argue that the degree to
which one experiences joy does not depend on the "globally noteworthy" accomplishments or
professional successes that they have attained.

If you want to live a happy life, you need to work on bettering yourself.
Do you recall a moment when you desperately wanted to do something but knew it was
beyond your capabilities? It may have been the first time you rode a bike, drove a vehicle, or
asked someone out on a date. Maybe it was all three! It's possible that it was something
entirely unrelated. Then you put it into action, and you found that you had been able to do it
the whole time   you had been doubting yourself. In a similar vein, if you want to build a
happy life for yourself, the first thing you need to do is have faith in both who you are and
your ability to achieve the goals you set for yourself. After that, you'll have the realization
that you've always had it inside you to be successful in anything you've attempted. Therefore,
if one wants to live a happy life, it is vital for them to take part in activities that promote their
own personal growth.

Some ways to develop a person's skills are listed below:

Develop a growth mindset by convincing yourself that you have the ability to make positive
changes in your life and achieve the goals you set for yourself.
 Identify your values.
 Make up your own standards for what defines a happy life and stick to them.
 Maintain a record of our progress as people as we go forward in this endeavor.
 You need to get some help  developing yourself in order to be able to build a
satisfying life for yourself.
 If you want to live a happy life, you must cultivate a positive frame of mind.

At least one person in each of our circles is familiar with someone who always searches for
the worst possible conclusion in every given situation. It's possible that this person is both of
us in disguise. If we are able to retrain our brains to think positively rather than negatively,
we will be able to turn even the most frustrating experiences into something pleasant, and as
a result, we will be able to create a happier life out of the one that we currently have. Any
single second, hour, or day is made better by the fact that we have the ability to see the silver
lining in every situation. Because of this, if you want to live a happier life, you have to keep a
positive attitude at all times.

Here are just a few of the many ways you can think positively:
If you do the things above, your brain will get used to thinking in a more positive and hopeful
Think about how you would like each day to go if you already had the amazing life you've
always wanted.
 Savour the happy times.
 Use the good times to their fullest by making the most of them.
 Put your attention on the positive features of the current circumstance.
 To get started, gather a collection of photographs or statements that can inspire you
and put a positive spin on things.
 Think optimistically, but make sure you're equally ready to think badly if the situation
calls for it.
 Practice gratitude.
 You need to stop minimizing the things you've accomplished.

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