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Take-Away Entry # 05

Part 1: Understanding the Science Framework!

Name: JHANINE B. TAMPOS Course/Yr/Sec: BEED 3-A

Date: 10/18/2021 Score: ________

After having seen the coverage of the two science components, let us understand the framework by answering the
following questions that refer to the two areas of discipline and how they move along in progression from lower to higher
grade level. Let us make a comparison of the two. Agree or disagree to the observations by ticking on the on the “agree” or
“disagree” column and explain or elaborate further.
Statements about (1) Matter and (2) Living Agree Disagree Explanation
Things in their Environment

1.) In both topics, the concepts in Grade Agree. Grade 3 topics are simpler to look
3 are simpler than Grade 4. or read than Grade 4. Grade 4, is
 complex and have lots of sub topic.

2.) There is a consistent title of the major Disagree. The higher the Grade level,
topic from Grade 3 to 6. the topic will be difficult, and the topic
 will depend on the learners.

3.) The area on Living Things and their Agree. Since it talks all about living
Environment focused on three kinds of things on earth which is human.
living things: Humans, Animals, and  Animals and plants.

4.) The Chemistry component of Agree. Since the branch of Science

Elementary Science revolve around Matter which is Chemistry talks about matter
that progressively advance in complexity  and it talks about different level of
from Grade 3 to Grade 6.
lesson to be discussed from Grade level 3
to 6.

5.) In the Elementary Science Framework, Disagree. Grade 3 pupils are

Chemistry which is considered by many as knowledgeable enough to identify things
difficult subject is taught in Grade 3.  that are solid, liquid and gas.

6.) Elementary Science should lead Agree. For them to develop and become
learners to scientific literacy.  a well-rounded individual and learn
more about the world.

In summary, what do you understand regarding the spiral progression curriculum in science for the elementary
As what I have understood about the spiral progression curriculum in Science for the Elementary Grades 3 to
Grade 6, the four major fields or discipline of science are taught. And from small information when you are in Grade 3 it
will become bigger information when you will reach in Grade 6 level. Though the four major discipline is taught from
Grade 3 to Grade 6. It has different topics and the sub topics to teach or to be learn by the students.

In addition, the spiral progression curriculum in Science for the elementary grades is that this curriculum will be
the guide to teachers that a learners will be exposed into a wide variety of a topics and disciplines where learners will be
able to understand the deep ,meaning of what he/she want to possess in that particular disciplines.
Take-Away Entry # 05

Part 2: A Scenario of Science Teaching in the Philippines: How Can We Do Better?

Source: Published on August 3, 2018 by Rafael Ambag (

Science education in our country cannot be considered as a

strength. Based on 2014 statistics, the passing rate for the national
achievement test (NAT) for grade six pupils is only 69.21%. The
passing rate for high school seems far worse, with a passing rate of
only 46.38% from 2010 statistics. Moreover, the Philippines
consistently performs abysmally in international surveys.

One example is the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). In 2003, for high
school, the country ranked only 34th out of 38 countries in HS II Math, and 43rd out of the 46 participating
countries in HS II Science. For elementary, fourth grade participants ranked 23rd out of the 25 countries
in both math and science. Our country stopped participating in the survey in 2008, perhaps after getting
such lackluster scores.

More recently, the country participated in the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA).
Conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the study ranked 79
participating economies based on their students’ performance in reading, science and math. Filipino
students had the lowest mean score in reading comprehension (340 points, below the 487-point survey
average). They also ranked second to the last in science (357) and math (353), below the 489-point
average in both subjects.

This raises an all-important question: Why is this so?

Science educators in the early 21st century are facing a myriad of issues. Some of the complex
issues in the field of science education include the availability of appropriate textbooks and classroom
resources; the preparation and training of science teachers (including both pre-service training and in-
service professional development); political and religious opposition to cutting-edge science instruction; the
need to meet standards and to prepare students for standardized examinations; and the dramatically
increasing use of the internet as a source of information.


A long journey for science in the Philippines

Providing competent science education facilitates students to be curious at a young age. It also
cultivates their set of beliefs, based on the answers to their questions. Science pushes for the concept of
objectivity, as opposed to relying solely on emotions that might hinder proper decision-making. Instead of
arguing based on gut feel or emotions alone, we present data and facts. At the same time, we remain
open-minded about the perspectives of other people. The values of objectivity and open-mindedness, in
turn, enable and encourage people to listen to each other.
With this in mind, the current situation of STEM education in the Philippines proves that we have a long
road ahead of us. Nevertheless, this should not stop us from pausing and admitting that yes, there is a
problem that we should work upon.

We can still improve our textbooks and learning materials. We can still encourage more people to become
STEM educators. And we can still improve our NAT scores, and confidently participate in international
surveys once more.

Improving science education will not only allow our country to have citizens who are thinkers first and
foremost, but also increase the number of STEM graduates to address the glaring industrial and agricultural
needs that will boost the economic growth of our country.

The Philippines is still a developing country; however, that’s not a classification that one should be ashamed
of. It’s an indication that that our country experienced massive setbacks due to colonization, corruption,
and the lack of a properly educated voting population. In fact, we are completely capable of achieving the
successes experienced by countries on the other side of the globe.

What we should know is that for us to reach such a goal, we need science. Not just science discussed in
textbooks and observed in laboratories, but science in everyday life; science that is evident in how we
handle all of our tasks and decisions. A strong science education is not an option, it is a must.

We must improve the ways we teach science in the Philippines, if we want to see ourselves moving and
thinking forward.


As a future professional or a future teacher to be specific, to help my future pupil I will

open up their minds about the said topic by developing their skills and, give them the purpose
of science in our daily lives. And also I will make sure that the students will build their own
learning through discovering new things about science. We all know that an effective science
lesson requires planning engaging activities, navigating tricky science concepts, anticipating
and working with students, the best way to teach students especially in science subject is let
them experience, because they can learn best through experiencing things that leads to a new
lesson. And of course we will not forget to make the lesson fun upon learning the lesson.

Problems are everywhere. We can’t deny the fact that in every situation, there were
always consequences linkage on it. In every problems, there were always solutions after on it.
As future Science teacher, despite the pressing problems of the Philippine Science Education,
I can fulfill my role by just simply giving my best of everything. Being you, will help the
learners motivate to study specifically in terms of Science subject. Science will always be a
challenging one because many things must be done for them (learners) to be able to learn
with that specific topic. As what I’ve tackled above, they will learn through experiences, so in
Science, there will be an experiments that will help the learners experience of everything they
want to have with the guidance of the teacher. By that, despite of the problems they have, in
that simplest thing we can help our country be better and give a solutions where everyone
have. Teachers will always be a hero for every learners because they will be play as a
motivator and guidance for every learners they have. In every problem, there will always be a
solution after it.

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