Movement and Position 1

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Ans 1.

a) B
Ans 1. b) A
Ans 1. c) A
Ans 2. The students can measure the average speed of the student by
calculating the total distance traveled by the rider and the time he took to cover
that distance. The student can then calculate the total distance upon the time
taken and take the final output as the average speed of the biker. It will be
measured in m/s or km/h.
Ans 3. a) i. 42.5 m/s
ii. 42.5 - 0 / 15 = 2.833m/s^2
iii. Speed = distance/time 42.5 = d/120 d = 120*42.5 = 5100
Ans 3. b) Because an airplane with a larger mass will need a more distanced
runway for it to gradually decrease its speed and then stop. Also if it has a higher
speed for landing will take more time in order to stop at a point. The braking
distance should be more. It takes 12.5 seconds for the airplane to land on a
500m runway which is a very short time for the braking distance of the airplane.
Ans 4.a) In position B the cyclist has cycled/pedaled at a constant speed. In
position D, the cyclist has taken a break from cycling.
Ans 4.b) The acceleration of stage E is shown greater than A by making line E’s
gradient more steeper. Steeper the line the greater the acceleration. Narrower
the gradient, less the acceleration
Ans 4.c) DON’T KNOW
Ans 4. d) Speed = distance/time 4 = 106.5/t t = 106.5/4 = 26.625sec nearly to
27 secs which is the same as in the provided time in the graph
Ans 5. The driver being drunk/half awake
The condition of the surface of road for braking
The braking distance
The speed at which the car comes
Time taking to break
Ans 6. a)i.6.1m
ii.We can calculate thehoriontal lines in the graph and mark the time it
takes for person x to be at a stationary position each time. The horizontal lines
show the stopping and no movement of the person x.
Ans 6. b)i. Average speed = distance moved / time taken
ii. Average speed = 6.1m / 420s(7min) = 0.0145m/s
Ans 7. a) i. Friction and Gravty
ii. The ball slows down as it rolls because the firction acting beneath it
reduces the speed as it rolls down. DON’T KNOW ANYMORE.
Ans 7. b) It travels faster than ball x because there is no friction present in air
while thrown.
Ans 7.c)i. KE = 1/2mv^2
ii. 36 = ½*45*s 36=22.5*s s=36/22.5 = 1.6m/s (DOUBT)
iii. With more forc prviding the ball more kinetic energy

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