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Read the story and decide whether the sentences are true or false:

1. Tony Russell worked as a guide in Nepal. T/F

2. Tony and Kamal had to carry their equipment. T/F
3. It is difficult to see tigers in the afternoon. T/F
4. Tony saw a dead deer that was five hundred kilos plus and four metres long. T/F
5. He rescued Kamal from the tiger. T/F

2. Read the events of the story below. Put the events in the correct order and match
them with the appropriate pictures.

a)When they crept nearer, they saw the tiger’s lunch.

b) When the elephants ran at the tiger, Tony and Kamal quickly escaped.
c)Tony decided to go into the jungle when the hospital gave him a few days’ holiday.
d) The tiger grabbed Kamal’s leg between its teeth.
e) The elephants were carrying their equipment.
f) Tony asked a Nepalese guide to go with him.
g) They started preparing for the trip at six in the morning.

3.Answer the following questions:

a)What was the weather like?
b)Why did Kamal make Tony wear shoes and trousers?
c) Why is it difficult to find tigers in the afternoon?
d) What did the tiger look like?
e) What would you do in Tony’s situation?
f) Have you ever seen a tiger?
4. Match the words with their definitions. Then use these words to fill in the
sentences below:

1.someone whose job is to take tourists to a place and show them around
2. animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions
3. to move slowly, quietly and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed.
4. to take hold of someone or something with a sudden and violent movement; to
5. the tools, machines, clothes that you need to do a particular job or activity
6. scared

a) frightened
b) to creep
c) wildlife
d) a guide
e) to grab
f) equipment

1. There was a lot of …………. in the jungle, for example tigers, snakes and lions.
2. We had to hire a ………….. to take us up into the mountains.
3. A thief …………….. her handbag as she was walking across the park.
4. A lot of people are ………….. of dentists.
5. The little boy ………….quietly into the kitchen and took some biscuits off the table.

5. Complete the infinitive or past forms of the verbs below:

……………. FOUND
ASK …………
………….. SAW
………….. CREPT
MAKE ………………
CLIMB ………………..
DECIDE ………………..
……………. GRABBED
ESCAPE ………………..
………… HEARD

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