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Explain how you would select an absorption medium (from the pool of
solvents/solutions) for removal of gaseous pollutant from a stream.
The selection of an appropriate absorption medium for the removal of a gaseous
pollutant from a stream involves several steps. Here are the steps to follow:

Identify the nature of the gaseous pollutant - This is important as the nature of the
pollutant will determine the type of absorption medium to be used. For instance, if
the pollutant is acidic, an alkaline medium will be suitable for its removal.

Determine the solubility of the pollutant - This will determine the efficiency of the
absorption medium in removing the pollutant. If the pollutant is highly soluble in
water, a water-based medium will be suitable. If it is not very soluble, an organic
solvent may be required.

Evaluate the toxicity and environmental impact of the absorption medium - It is

important to consider the toxicity and environmental impact of the absorption
medium itself, as it can have a negative impact on the environment. It is best to
use non-toxic and environmentally friendly absorption mediums.

Consider the cost of the absorption medium - The cost of the absorption medium
should also be considered as it can affect the overall cost of the pollution control

Evaluate the operating conditions - The operating conditions, such as temperature

and pressure, should also be considered when selecting an absorption medium.
The medium should be able to function effectively under the operating conditions.

Conduct pilot tests - It is recommended to conduct pilot tests to determine the

effectiveness of the absorption medium in removing the pollutant. This will help to
ensure that the selected medium is efficient in removing the pollutant and can be
scaled up for industrial applications.

Overall, the selection of an appropriate absorption medium for the removal of a

gaseous pollutant from a stream should be based on a thorough evaluation of the
nature of the pollutant, solubility, toxicity, environmental impact, cost, operating
conditions, and effectiveness of the medium.
One example of how biogeochemical cycles can be used to solve environmental
problems is through the management of nitrogen (N) in agricultural systems.
Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture can lead to nitrogen pollution,
which can have negative effects on the environment, including eutrophication of
water bodies and greenhouse gas emissions. The nitrogen cycle can be managed to
reduce nitrogen pollution by optimizing the use of nitrogen fertilizers and
enhancing nitrogen fixation by plants and soil microorganisms.
Here's how it can be done:
Assess the nitrogen needs of the crops - It is important to determine the optimal
amount of nitrogen required by the crops for healthy growth and yield.
Apply nitrogen fertilizer appropriately - The nitrogen fertilizer should be applied at
the right time, rate, and method to minimize losses due to leaching, volatilization,
and denitrification.
Incorporate legumes into the crop rotation - Legumes are plants that have the
ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic associations with nitrogen-
fixing bacteria in their roots. Incorporating legumes into the crop rotation can
enhance nitrogen fixation and reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizers.
Enhance soil organic matter - Soil organic matter is an important source of
nitrogen for plants. Practices such as crop residue management, composting, and
cover cropping can increase soil organic matter and enhance nitrogen availability.
Monitor nitrogen levels - Regular monitoring of soil and plant nitrogen levels can
help to adjust fertilizer application rates and identify potential nitrogen losses.
The following schematic diagram illustrates the nitrogen cycle in agricultural
systems and the different management practices that can be implemented to
reduce nitrogen pollution.
Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are a type of particulate matter control
equipment that uses an electrostatic charge to remove particulate matter
(PM) from an industrial gas stream. Compared to other particulate matter
controlling equipment, ESPs offer several advantages, including:

High efficiency - ESPs have the ability to remove up to 99% of particulate

matter from the gas stream, making them one of the most efficient
particulate matter control technologies available.

Low pressure drop - ESPs operate at a low pressure drop, which means
they consume less energy than other types of equipment, resulting in lower
operating costs.

Large capacity - ESPs are available in a range of sizes and configurations,

making them suitable for large industrial applications.

Versatility - ESPs can be used to control a wide range of particulate matter

sizes and types, including submicron-sized particles.

Low maintenance - ESPs require minimal maintenance, making them a

cost-effective solution for controlling particulate matter emissions.
Compliance with regulations - ESPs are recognized by regulatory bodies
such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an effective
technology for controlling particulate matter emissions from industrial

The operating principle of an ESP involves charging the particulate matter in

the gas stream with a high voltage, which causes the particles to become
charged and attracted to a collection surface. The charged particles are then
collected on the surface, where they can be removed periodically.

Other particulate matter controlling equipment, such as baghouses and

scrubbers, also have their advantages and disadvantages. Baghouses are
effective in capturing small particles and have a high efficiency, but they
require frequent replacement of filter bags and operate at a higher pressure
drop, resulting in higher energy costs. Scrubbers are effective in removing
gas-phase pollutants and particulate matter, but they require a significant
amount of water for operation and produce a wastewater stream that
requires treatment.

Overall, ESPs offer a highly efficient and cost-effective solution for

controlling particulate matter emissions from industrial sources. The choice
of equipment depends on the specific requirements of the application and
the type and size of particulate matter to be controlled.

Case Study 1: Solar Energy in Desert Regions

Problem: Desert regions are characterized by high temperatures during the

day and low temperatures during the night. This makes it difficult to maintain
a comfortable temperature in buildings and other structures. In addition,
these regions often have limited access to electricity, making it challenging
to power air conditioning units and other cooling systems.

Solution: Solar energy has been proposed as a solution to this problem.

Solar panels can be installed to generate electricity, which can then be used
to power air conditioning units and other cooling systems. This would reduce
the reliance on fossil fuels and provide a sustainable source of energy for
these regions.

New Problem: The use of solar energy in desert regions can lead to a new
problem - water scarcity. The process of generating electricity from solar
panels requires a significant amount of water, particularly for cleaning the
panels. In regions with limited access to water, this can lead to water
shortages and conflicts over water resources.
Sustainable Solution: To address this problem, sustainable solutions such
as the use of dry-cleaning methods for solar panels, the implementation of
water-saving technologies, and the use of renewable energy sources that
require less water, such as wind and geothermal energy, should be

Case Study 2: Dams for Hydroelectric Power

Problem: Many regions rely on hydroelectric power as a source of

renewable energy. Dams are often constructed to generate hydroelectric
power, but they can also provide other benefits, such as flood control and

Solution: Dams are constructed to generate hydroelectric power, which can

provide a sustainable source of energy for communities.

New Problem: The construction of dams can lead to a new problem - habitat
destruction and loss of biodiversity. Dams can alter the natural flow of rivers,
which can impact aquatic ecosystems and the wildlife that depend on them.
In addition, the construction of dams can displace communities and lead to
social and economic disruptions.

Sustainable Solution: To address this problem, sustainable solutions such

as the construction of smaller, run-of-river hydroelectric facilities that
minimize the impact on natural ecosystems, the use of fish ladders and
other measures to ensure the free movement of aquatic species, and the
development of alternative sources of renewable energy that do not require
the construction of dams should be explored. In addition, proper planning
and stakeholder engagement can help to mitigate the social and economic
impacts of dam construction.

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