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 IAHR  International  Symposium  on  Ice    

Lahti,  Finland,  June  14  to  18,  2010    


Ice Research and Engineering in Finland


Mauri Määttänen
Emeritus professor, Helsinki University of Technology, FIN-02150, Espoo, Finland,

The Finnish people have inherited the sense of snow and ice for thousands of years. Needs to travel dur-
ing wintertime has brought with understanding how to utilize snow covered terrain for transportation
and how to cross over frozen lakes and waterways. For over hundred years the increasing demand for
transportation of heavier goods and scheduled winter navigation have brought with a need to develop
efficient ships to break the ice and to develop offshore aids to navigation structures that can resist mov-
ing sea ice loads. The trial and error in design has been replaced by scientific research to learn the true
behaviour of ice in order to predict theoretically ice actions on different types of ships or structures. The
predictability has been refined by scale-model testing and by full-scale measurement data. Gradually the
versatile numerical simulation - virtual reality - with ever improving computer capabilities is gradually
replacing costly scale-model or full-scale testing. However, the validation of such numerical models is
strongly dependent on full-scale data. The research work has been carried trough both in national and
international research projects.
 1.  Introduction  

This paper gives an update on Finnish activities in the field of ice research and engineering. My earlier
review, “Advance in Ice Mechanics in Finland”, was published by ASME in Applied Mechanics Re-
view in 1987. A rough limit to the extent of the review is reliance on ice mechanical properties that in-
fluence to ice interaction with structures and ice failure modes. Other ice research areas, such as geo-
physics, snow, ice dynamics, river ice processes, ice accretion, etc., are not included here. State-of-the-
art Finnish research results in these fields are presented in several papers in this IAHR Symposium on
Ice, e.g. in sessions on “Ice Jam” and “Eco-ice hydraulics”. A review on geophysics has been published
in the Journal Geophysica, Leppäranta et. al. 2001.

The worldwide recession in ice research at the latter part of 80’s hit also Finland cutting heavily the
number of solely in ice devoted researchers, reduced in-field and laboratory work, and delayed projects.
Another reason for the lower activity was the collapse of Soviet Union before the Russian state was re-
organized and common projects could be initiated. However, core research sustained in universities and
research centres, as well as in the winter navigation related industry. Even before full EU membership
status in 1995, Finland could participate in EU research projects. EU-projects related to arctic and in
cold regions activities were natural targets for Finnish organizations to apply and to attend. This revital-
ized ice research and engineering activities in 1990’s, even though not to the same level as at the begin-
ning of 80’s. Presently a steady level of ice research is going on and its volume is expected to increase at
the pace of energy price.

The accumulating knowledge of ice mechanical properties, including time dependence and material
damage, together with exponentially increasing computer power and graphics capabilities, allow more
and more accurate numerical simulation of ice action against structures. The achievements in numerical
models pave way towards virtual reality. The numerical model validation is based on achieving identical
results with full-scale measurement data and externally observed ice failure and rubble patterns. Virtual
reality allows thereafter a more thorough insight to learn what really happens in time and geometry de-
pendent ice failure processes. E.g. in real measurements it is impossible to monitor what is going on in-
side the ice or rubble during ice failure process. The objective is to utilize virtual reality as a more reli-
able and versatile design tool in new ice action design scenarios than what is possible otherwise.

2. Ice and traffic

In wintertime, before the era of motorized vehicles in Finland, snow covered terrain with frozen lakes,
rivers, and marshlands opened the whole country for an easier access than during summer time. The
snow moderated the rough terrain while frozen waterways cut distances significantly enabling the mov-
ing of people or transportation of goods with less energy. Skiing allowed people to cover longer dis-
tances faster and with straighter route than by walking or by boat. Early forest industry was strongly de-
pendent on horse and sleigh as means of transportation the timber to lake and river systems from where
logs were floated in spring to factories or to harbours for export. Then the forest industry utilized winter
roads heavily and today still does with motorized vehicles. Experience on ice roads was utilized in one
modern ice bearing capacity application. Close to 70 tons heavy crane truck was driven on the sea ice to
a wind energy converter installation site to a gravel island in the Gulf of Bothnia in 1999. Ice thickness
was augmented to grow just over 100 cm by ploughing snow away, and by on the top flooding and
The friction has two opposites effects on winter traffic: low friction is an advantage for ski or sleigh
sliding but a problem for a car tyre. A couple of PhD thesis have been completed ed in Finland to ex-
plain the friction between the slider and ice or snow. Lehtovaara 1989, studied the ski friction. The
physical friction model for a material sliding on ice by Oksanen 1983, observes the energy balance of
frictional work, ice melting and heat conduction into the ice and material. This explains most of the slid-
ing friction phenomena, including contact pressure, sliding velocity, temperature and material physical

3. Winter navigation
Winter navigation has been the catalyst for ice research and engineering in Finland. Passenger traffic
started in 1877 between Hanko, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden. The first icebreaker “Murtaja” started
to assist ships in 1890. Gradually with expanding winter navigation the number of icebreakers and their
engine power increased. For scheduled daily traffic ice-reinforced ferries and cargo ships were devel-
oped. From 1970 all the Finnish main harbours have been kept open the year round.

The winter navigation needed and utilized data on ice environment that had been gathered systemati-
cally starting at the beginning of 1800’s. A network of coastal ice observation stations were established,
and in 1918 the Finnish Institute of Marine Research founded, FIMRWWW. Today winter navigation util-
izes ice forecasts that are based on history over 200 years in the Baltic ice environment, fresh satellite
and SAR ice concentration data and weather prognosis.

Scientific research on ice breaking resistance and manoeuvring in ice allowed installing smaller engines
to the latest icebreakers than in 1970’s. Such a development was a result from systematic research to
understand better ice mechanical properties, ice failure patterns, displacing the broken floes, and
ice/ship drag phenomena. An essential contribution to this process was obtained in the Finnish ship/ice
scale-model testing laboratories.

4. Physical modelling
Wärtsilä Oy constructed the first ice tank in the world into a bomb shelter in Helsinki for the Exxon
funded Manhattan project starting in 1969. A more versatile ice tank Wärtsilä Arctic Resesearch Center
(WARC), a consortium including Wärtsilä, Finnish Universities and Technical Research Centre, was
inaugurated in 1983. During the ice research high season at 1980’s two other ice tanks were also con-
structed in Finland: in 1986 Technical Research Centre (VTT) small tank intended mostly for structures
in ice testing, and in 1987 Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) large tank for ship manoeuvring or
for large structures, Määttänen 1987. The WARC ice tank was dismantled and replaced by the Aker
Arctic Research Center (AARC) state-of-the-art ice tank in 2006 in the new Helsinki Vuosaari harbour.

With improvement of ice tanks a must is the development of robust model ice. At 1980’s FG and FGX
model ice types were developed to control correctly with scale ratio the modulus of elasticity to flexural
strength, and crushing strength to flexural strength. This is essential in order to reproduce natural full-
scale ice failure patterns in small-scale for extrapolating the scale-model test results into the full-scale.

The intensive search for an optimal hull shape in ice-infested waters has brought with revolutionary ship
and icebreaker designs, e.g. double acting hull and azimuth propulsion systems, Fig. 1, Niini 2009. This
has solved the problem how to design an efficient ship hull shape both for open water and for ice in-
fested sea. For open water the bulbous bow can be maintained in the double acting cargo ship as it pro-
ceeds the stern first in heavy ice. The concept has proven its worth in arctic cargo ships, Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Double acting arctic cargo ship breaking Figure 2. Test setup for intermediate-scale ice
thick ice in reverse mode , Niini 2009. crushing against variable stiffness ship hull.

This spring a novel close to full-scale physical modelling project was carried through in the AARC ice
tank as a part of the on going STRUTSIWWW project. The objectives are to determine the effect of hull
reinforcement stiffness on the ice crushing pressure distribution. A section of ship hull was scaled down
in 1:3 ratio, and a block of ice was crushed against it, Fig. 2. The main varied parameters were ice ve-
locity to achieve ice failure both at ductile and brittle modes, and the stringer rigidity. The last one was
accomplished by changing one stiffener into a more flexible one. The measured data included in addi-
tion to the stiffener loads the pressure distribution along the 200x480 mm2 ice edge contact area by a
tactile sensor having 5 by 9 mm resolution. The ice test blocks 0.2x0.8x1.4 m3 - corresponding to 60 cm
thick ice in full-scale - were manufactured in snow filled moulds that were impregnated by zero degree
water under vacuum suction. The model ice mechanical properties, including compressive and flexural
strength, temperature, salinity, and density, were measured. The tactile sensor videos indicate e.g. the
change from the initial even contact pressure to a line like load as the crushing emerges. The analysing
of the measurement data is in progress and will be published after the project is completed.

5. Aids-to-navigation
Before the accurate satellite navigation emerged in 1980’s all navigation, and especially winter naviga-
tion in drifting ice, needed a fairly large number of fixed offshore aids-to-navigation structures for safe
travel in narrow and winding routes to Finnish ports. To save construction cost large diameter driven
steel piles were designed to replace expensive caisson type offshore foundations in 1973. However the
first applications were disappointing. Severe vibrations in the whole structure occurred whenever ice
was moving and crushing against the foundation pile. Fatigue failures occurred in welds. Superstruc-
tures were destroyed in two lighthouses and in several channel edge markers. In two cases even the
foundation pile failed by plastic buckling.

The investigation on the reasons of steel structure failures pointed to the similar ice-induced vibrations
that had been earlier encountered in Cook Inlet, and on the too small aspect ratio effect in calculating the
ice load for the narrow steel pile compared to a wide caisson. The research for eliminating ice-induced
vibrations lead to the invention of vibration isolated steel lighthouse. The basic idea is to allow founda-
tion pile movement while the superstructure remains stationary, c.f. car wheel movement in relation to
the chassis. In offshore structures this effect can be accomplished by tailoring the natural modes of the
structure in the design phase. Following this principle, starting in 1977, eleven vibration isolated steel
lighthouses have been constructed in Finnish sea routes and they have all functioned according to the
expectations: no ice induced vibrations in the superstructure, Määttänen 1987. A concrete proof is the
smooth operation of the 2 m diameter wind generators that were installed on the top of the superstruc-
tures, Fig. 3. E.g. in the Kemi-2 vibration isolated lighthouse the wind generator had been functioning
flawless for 20 years until a ship collided the lighthouse in 2000. The Kemi-2 location is the most de-
manding in the Baltic in reference to moving ice thickness, its frequency of movement, and pressure

Suomen Leijona, 1987, wind generator below the helideck Kemi-2 1981 Nukkujanmatala 1977
Figure 3. Vibration isolated lighthouses with wind generator as power source.

The demand for new lighthouses practically ended by year 2000 with improved reliability of GPS-navi-
gation. However, new offshore channel edge markers and leading light structures are constructed each
year. All the load carrying structural components are designed with stringent design criteria against fa-
tigue loads due to ice-induced vibrations. The battery pack, lantern and solar cells on the top have vibra-
tion isolation. More than 100 of these structures are presently in use and new constructions are initiated.

The numerical model, originally developed to solve the problems of self-excited ice-induced vibrations
in aids-to-navigation structures, is capable to predict initial intermittent saw-tooth like ice load peaks,
continuous frequency lock-in, and random brittle vibrations with increasing ice velocity. The model has
later been expanded both for multi-legged and wide structures, Määttänen 1999. The in-field proven
concept of vibration isolated lighthouse has also been proposed for oil and gas related offshore struc-
tures. At Bohai Sea one production platform, JZ20-2NW, has a hybrid vibration isolation for the super-
structure (passive lateral vibration shear isolation as in Finnish lighthouses completed with active MR-
actuators), Shi (2007).

6. Offshore wind energy

Foundations for the present 3 MW offshore wind energy converters (OWEC) have similar dimensions
as offshore lighthouses in the Northern Baltic. Hence the familiar technology can be adopted relatively
easily for OWEC foundations in ice infested waters. European Union and Finnish guidelines have set
requirements for an increase of renewable energy by 2020. This will bring with more offshore than
cheaper onshore wind energy construction. The reason is NIMBY effect: the windmills should be out of
sight of the local residents. The land-fast ice zone along the Finnish coastline is vast, offering plenty of
potential for large capacity wind farms. However, very little is known on ice loads against isolated

Figure 4. OWEC test foundation and a land-fast ice movement January 27-28.2010.

structures in land-fast ice zone. To refine the ice load design criteria in the land-fast ice zone an instru-
mented test structure with real static and dynamic properties of a complete 3 MW OWEC was con-
structed in summer 2009 to the northernmost part of the Gulf of Bothnia, Fig. 4. The instrumentation
provides data on ice and wave actions. The data is transmitted in real time to the University of Oulu by a
telemetry system for monitoring and load analysis.

The expected ice action in the land-fast ice zone is only due to thermal ice expansion, or due to thin or
rotten ice movements. Therefore the resulting ice loads are expected to be low and without any, or only
with insignificant ice-induced vibrations. Hence there would be no need for cone at the waterline of the
foundation structure. The first measured ice load event against the test foundation, 27-28 January 2010,
included exceptionally thick ice movement - 80 cm thick ice in early winter - during a storm that raised
water level 0.7 m. The stress level in the structures, and the total load were within the predictions. The
data on wave and ice loads, and the applied construction technique will later be utilized for the coming
OWEC foundation designs. A 3 MW wind turbine will be installed in near future on top of the test
foundation. Presently more than five large wind farms are being planned to the Gulf of Bothnia.

During winter months the problem of blade ice accretion has been studied in Finland starting at the be-
ginning of 1990’s. The blade icing will reduce power production, cause imbalance into the turbine, or
even force the turbine to be stopped. Measurements with heated blade surfaces have proven that if less
than 3 % of produced power is used for blade heating the problems can be avoided. The consumed heat-
ing energy is more than balanced with higher energy harvest during winter months. Statistics on wind
energy production have proven that during winter months the production is in average almost double
compared to that in summer months, Fig. 5, Holttinen 2008.
Figure 5. Monthly Finnish wind power production in years 1992-2007. Scale % from annual.

7. Full-scale testing
To verify scale-model or numerical ice action predictions full-scale data is needed. Scientifically
planned full-scale testing of ships and structures gradually replaced the initial random learning from oc-
curred structural damage. Simultaneously measured ice data, including ice thickness, ice strength, exis-
tence of pressure ridges, etc., was compared to measured ship performance, and predictions based on
design and scale-model tests. Extensive statistics of local ice pressure against ship hull were measured at
different parts of the Baltic. The results were used to define Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules, the re-
quirements of ships for navigation in ice. The new frontier was to set guidelines for the Northeast Pas-
sage navigation. Finland was heavily involved in two EU funded projects ARCDEVwww (Arctic Demon-
stration and Exploratory Voyage) for linking the Russian western arctic regions of Russia with the EU)
and ARCOPwww (Arctic Operational Platform) also related for Northern sea route navigation. In addition
to joint projects AARC has conducted numerous sea trials and measurements on their new ice breaker
and arctic cargo ship constructions.

Figure 6. Kemi-1 with the test cone and a typical rubble pile formation on the cone.
The Kemi-1 test cone project in 1983-1987 provided for the first time in-field full-scale data on cone ice
loads, Fig. 6. The thorough data analysis was conducted as a joint industry project with American oil
companies, Tam 1995. As early as in 1985 the most important findings on ice/cone interaction
were learnt:
1. The presence of rubble pile in front of the cone
2. The absence of ice induced vibrations
3. The loads were smaller than predicted
The data has been used for small cones for the aids-to-navigation structures in Finland, and for the ice
load design of Confederate Bridge piers. Presently the combined Kemi-1 and Confederate Bridge cone
ice load data is the main reference for cone ice load design, Brown et. al. 2009.

Two multi-national EU funded projects LOLEIFwww (LOw LEvel Ice Forces) and STRICEwww (STRuc-
tures in ICE) from 1997 to 2003 had objectives to find out why the full-scale ice loads are not as high
what was expected from laboratory test data and theoretical predictions. A lot of full-scale ice crushing
load data was measured in carefully monitored conditions from Swedish Norströmsgrund lighthouse.
Simultaneously at the opposite side of Gulf of Bothnia, comprehensive full-scale testing was conducted
for pressure ridge keel and consolidated layer mechanical properties. The Finnish contribution in these
projects included full-scale in-field test to measure pressure ridge rubble and keel mechanical properties,
Fig. 7, data analysis, and to develop ice load prediction methods. Test scenarios included pure keel
compaction and shearing, pure consolidated layer bending upwards and downwards, pulling free the
consolidated layer upwards from the keel, consolidated layer horizontal crushing, consolidated layer
shearing horizontally on top of the keel, combined consolidated layer bending and keel compac-
tion/shearing. Both ridge keel and consolidated layer characteristics and full-scale strength data was ob-
tained. In addition to this Finnish researchers attended Norströmsgrund data analysis, and to the re-
analysis work of the majority of available full-scale data, Kärnä, 2010. This allowed to unify the ice
load design both for arctic and sub-arctic regions in the ISO 19906 Arctic offshore structures code.

Figure 7. Ridge keel punch shear test and combined consolidated layer bending and keel shear test

8. Numerical modelling
Ice forecasts are comparable to weather forecasts and need, in addition to ice dynamics models, data-
bases on both past and present ice climate, ads well as actual weather prognosis as driving element.
Numerical computer models then predict ice concentration, thickness, movement direction, and velocity
even for two days ahead. The ships navigating in ice have access to fresh prognosis in internet,
FIMRwww, Fig. 8, for near term route planning and scheduling.

Figure 8. Ice map Jan. 25 and predicted Gulf of Bothnia ice movement Jan. 27.2010 at 07 UTC.

Ice-structure interaction numerical modelling started in 1980’s. Pulkkinen, 1983 and 1988, and Sjölind,
1984, developed finite element models to simulate steady state ice crushing and buckling. Pulkkinen
included 3D material damage evolution into his crushing model and could predict numerically the in
nature measured ice load dependence on ice velocity. However, more than twenty years ago, the com-
puter processing and graphics capacities, as well as the too little known 3D ice strain and strain rate de-
pendent material properties restricted the applicability of his numerical mode

Two extensive numerical ice action numerical simulation models are under development in Finland.
Both utilize in-field full-scale measurement data from EU funded projects - LOLEIFwww and
STRICEwww - for their rubble and/or consolidated layer material mechanical properties parameters. TKK
group is developing a combined FEM-DEM model to predict solid ice disintegration, ice rubble behav-
iour, and resulting ice load histories. An individual floe is modelled by finite elements (FEM) and floe
interactions by discrete elements (DEM). Solid ice or floe disintegration, dynamic effects, and buoyancy
are all included in the model. The graphic output depicts in live the ice failure and rubble behaviour.

Figure 9. Numerical simulation on pressure ridge action against a structure, Heinonen 2010
The VTT group is combining two FEM models in order to solve the simultaneous pressure ridge and
consolidated layer action against an offshore structure. The solid ice failure starts with 3-D material
damage evolution allowing crack formation to the direction depending on the state of stress and strain.
The rubble is modelled as continuum with averaged material mechanical properties and their evolution
with strain, based on full-scale data. The effects of dynamics and pore-pressure effects are also included.
The both ice action simulation models are versatile and can be applied to real geometries that are met
e.g. in structures and ships in ice. On computer screen the ice failure propagation and rubble behaviour
combined with load build-up and reduction in front of the structure can be monitored with much better
insight than what is possible in reality, Fig 9. Some results of these two research projects are published
in this IAHR Symposium on Ice 2010, Polojärvi,, and Paavilainen, Heinonen, Kolari

The ice research and engineering in Finland has survived the frost in 1990’s. A new generation of re-
searchers is growing up. The earlier research knowledge has been carried through in EU and nationally
funded projects. The versatile and powerful computer simulations pave way towards virtual reality that
gives a holistic view - both external and internal - during ice and structure interaction process. The vali-
dation of such numerical models is dependent on the existence of carefully documented full-scale data.
Naturally the scale-model tests are one fix in the validation process. The 3D ice material constitutive
and evolution laws need new test and measurement set-ups. The increasing energy price, global warm-
ing, the existence of natural resources in the arctic, and arctic navigation warrant ice related research
and engineering to revive in the future..

Brown, T, and Määttänen M., 2009. Comparison of Kemi-I and Confederation Bridge cone ice load measurement
results. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2009. Vol. 55, n:o 1, 3-13.

Heinonen J., Kolari K., and Kurkela J., 2010. Numerical simulation of ice loads to Azipod propulsion. Proc.
IAHR Symposium on Ice 2010, pp. xxx-xyy. University of Helsinki, Finland.

Holttinen H., 2008. Tuulivoiman tuotantotilastot. Vuosiraportti 2007 (Wind energy statistics of Finland. Yearly
Report 2007): VTT Working Papers 106.  

Kolari K., 2007. Damage Mechanics Model for Brittle Failure of Transversally Isotropic Solids. Finite Element
Implementation. VTT Publications 628, Espoo, Finland.

Kolari, K., Kuutti, J., & Kurkela J., 2009. FE-simulation of continuous ice failure based on model update tech-
nique. Proc. POAC '09.June 9-12, 2009, Luleå, Sweden.

Kärnä, T. and Løset S., 2010. Global actions due to ice crushing. Sent to CRST to be published.
Lehtovaara, A., 1989. Kinetic friction between ski and snow. Acta Polytech. Scand. Mech. Eng. Ser. 93

Leppäranta M., Makkonen L., Palosuo E., and Kuusisto E., 2001. Geophysics of Snow and Ice in Finland during
the 1900s. Geophysica (2001), 37(1–2), 261–285

Määttänen M., 1987. Ten Years of Ice-Induced Vibration Isolation in Lighthouses. Proc. OMAE, Houston Texas,
March 1-6, 1987, Vol. 4, pp. 261-266. ASME, New York.
Määttänen M., 1987. Advance in Ice Mechanics in Finland. Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol 40, no 9, Septem-
ber 1987, pp.1200-1207. (Also in: Advances in Ice Mechanics - 1987, ASME Book I00218, pp. 7-14, The
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York.)

Määttänen M., 1999. Numerical Model for Ice-Induced Vibration Load Lock-In and Synchronization. Proc.
IAHR Symposium on Ice 1998, Vol. 2, pp. 923-930. Balkema, Rotterdam 1999.

Niini M., 2009. New Arctic Frontiers – Last year’s achievements and challenges ahead. 4th Aker Arctic Passion
Seminar. March 5, 2009. Helsinki Finland.

Oksanen, P., 1983. Friction and adhesion of ice. Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Publications, No.

Paavilainen J. and Tuhkuri J., 2010. 2D Simulations of Ice Failure Process Against an Inclined Structure. Proc.
IAHR Symposium on Ice 2010, pp. xxx-xyy. University of Helsinki, Finland.

Polojärvi A., and Tuhkuri J., 2010. Discrete Element Simulation of Ridge Keels with Freeze Bonds. Proc. IAHR
Symposium on Ice 2010, pp. xxx-xyy. University of Helsinki, Finland.

Pulkkinen E. 1988. Numerical Modelling of Ice Behaviour. Acta Universitas Ouluensis, Series C, Technica 46.

Tam G., Määttänen M., Hoikkanen J., Nortala-Hoikkanen A., Mäkinen E., and Kivelä J., 1995: Ice Force Measu-
rement Analysis for the Kemi-I Cone - A Joint Industry Project. Volume I and II. 127 p + ~280 p Ap-
pendices + Video + Slides + Computer Program. Kvaerner-Masa Inc, Vancouver.

Shi Z., Qu Y., Yue Q. and Xu N., 2007. A New Ice Resist Oil Platform in Bohai Bay. Proc. POAC 2007, pp. 90-
100, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.

Projects www-pages:
AHRAVUO (AHtojää-RAkenne VUOrovaikutus, Ridge Structure interaction)

ARCDEV (ARCtic Demonstration and Exploaratory Voyage)

ARCOP (ARCtic Operational Platform)

LOLEIF (LOw LEvel Ice Forces)

STRICE (STRuctures in ICE)

STRUTSI (Ridge-Structure Interaction Simulation)

FIMR (Finish Institute of Marine Research)  

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