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Khanya Tlhola 2020076002

Sicelo Khumalo 2020423865

4. Identify all communication message types that have been addressed in the Barloworld
case study. Consider all communication, specialised and non-specialised, including that of
communication professionals and all ‘part-time’ or ‘non-professional’ communicators. (10)

Barloworld took the initiative of professional communication by developing new

organisational priorities, such as generating more profitable ways to reduce the amount of
costs and promoting new entity communication strategies. These are developments that all
require adequate organisational communication, which could be identified as group
communication and internal communication. This results to characteristics of organisational
Barloworld used VBM, also know as 'Value Based Management' and it has ways which are
innovative and creative alongside making sure the is no decreasing value of the
stakeholders. Barloworld used it to promote worker of the organisation to develop modern,
unique and improved ways of working things out and reaching the set objectives. It also
promotes management systems to ensure correspondence with the interests of the
stakeholders. VBM is a practical and theoretical application of a perfect illustration of
professional communication skills.
In order to to reach the objectives of corporate brand leadership, a planned communication
strategy is aligned and cantered on Barloworld's corporate branding and identity was
developed. In an environment where brand messages are derived from all sources, both
unplanned and planned, and where brand messages are distinct and confusing, it was
decided to create a separate independent corporate identity. All planned and unplanned
brand communicators were to create an image that reflected the business's complicated
and multifaceted nature, as well as its strength.

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