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Divine Companions: Angels And Spirit


Even when you feel as though you are completely alone, there are divine

companions who are always with you. Before your incarnation they chose to

accompany you through your lifetime, from the moment of your first breath, until

your last. Spirit guides are highly evolved beings that have completed the cycle

of birth and death in the physical plane and are now serving as teachers and

guides to further elevate their vibrations. They are as “real” as you are, they are

just vibrating at another level and reside in another plane of existence.

They work to guide you by working through your dreams and intuition. That quiet

voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They may also

make themselves known to you through signs and symbols. For me, when I am

at a crossroads in my life or journeying through a personal or emotional

challenge, I find feathers everywhere. I also see feather tattoos, hawks, and hear

certain songs. It is a reminder for me to be still and listen to the guidance of my

own personal guides. The feathers are representative of the energy of my

guides, one being a powerful Shaman and the others are from the angelic realm.

Some individuals have one guide and others have multitudes, much of this

depends on the path and purpose of your life. For instance, a teacher/professor

may have several guides, one to guide them through the academic nature of their

profession and others to assist them with the great emotional requirements of

performing such an important task. Much of who your guides are is indicative of

your own personal journey through life.

Spirit guides are almost never a loved one who has passed away. Although our

loved ones stay with us in spirit and we can contact them, they do not serve the

same role as a “spirit guide”. Some individuals have archangels and angels as

spirit guides who are always with them. Yet, the presence of angels does not

always mean they are your spirit guides. Angels can be called in times of distress

to assist you for a short time. If you have an archangel or angel as a guide,

chances are your mission in life is a complex one. Through my experience with

being a psychic reader and spiritual teacher, I have found that individuals with a

challenging life path often have angels as spirit guides.

Your spirit guide is always with you, whether you acknowledge their presence or

not. You cannot call them to you or send them away, they are part of you and

your journey. However, you can choose to gain the knowledge of who they are

and what their role in your life is. You can interact with your spirit guides in a

more proactive way. If you want to know who your guides are, just ask. Get in a

quiet and meditative space and ask that they reveal themselves to you. Do not

get discouraged if you do not figure it out right away. Beings from the spiritual

realm often communicate through signs and symbols. Once you ask, you must

trust your own wisdom. Pay attention to the pictures that appear in your mind. If

you see a man in a suit, stay with that, it could be he is a philosopher or scientist.

You may see a Native American, a Buddhist monk or you may see nothing at all.

Keep your mind and intuition open. Pay attention to things that keep coming up

after you have asked that they reveal who they are. If you are having a challenge

discovering who they are you can also contact a professional psychic/intuitive to

assist you.

Working with your spirit guides can be an incredible tool for your own personal

and spiritual growth. Unlike beings who are in the physical, their wisdom and

advice is not influenced by the “world”. They dwell in a higher vibrational plane

and the mundane particulars of your situation are not relevant. For example, if

you seek guidance from your spirit guide regarding a relationship, they will lead

you to focus on what you are learning, what you need to learn, what you are

teaching your partner, and what is the true meaning of your relationship. The fact

that they leave the toilet seat up or are terrible at budgeting the household

finances will be irrelevant. The information that you will be provided with will be

actions that YOU can take to gain more understanding. You can also ask your

spirit guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask that as

you are sleeping, you receive healing.

You are never alone. Never. Take faith in knowing and understanding that there

is so much magic and mystery in this life. Just for a moment let the “world”

disappear. Raise your vibration and allow the beautiful gifts of spirit wash over

you. Life is so much more than what we see. Open your spiritual eyes and hearts

and you will discover a world of wisdom, beauty and peace that you never knew

existed. Of course, you can always choose to not believe. It is always your

choice. But, why not? Why not step into another level of existence? Why not

believe in magic? You do not have to announce it to the office, but you can

embrace the wonders of spirit in your own heart. It will envelope you in a light of

love and understanding, and will mysteriously transform you to a more connected

and loving being.

7 Steps To Connect With Your Angel


Angels are truly universal. The Pew Foundation reported that 72% of Americans

believe in angels. This is a much higher percentage than Americans who believe

in any world religion, because angels are fundamental to most of the world’s

major religions. We find them in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism,

Judaism, Mormonism and many other spiritual traditions.

St. Augustine, an authority on Angels, said, “Make friends with angels.” He

recommended that we make personal relationships with angels and that we let

our relationships with them deepen, much as we would with any important,

intimate relationship.

Asking an angel for help is one of our most powerful spiritual practices. We can

ask the angels for immediate help at any time and in any place. Here are some

techniques that will help you:

1) Ask for help – Angels offer us help 24/7. The more receptive we are, the more

help they can give us. If you diminish your receptivity you limit the angels ability

to help you. Create your own invocations, or prayers, that specifically call for the

help you need. Realize that when you call upon an angel, what really happens is

that you open yourself into greater receptivity to their assistance.

When asking for help, it’s important to realize yourself as fully worthy of angelic

assistance. Angels work with everyone regardless of personal histories and

beliefs. Angels are infinite and omnipresent, your request does not diminish them

in any way, nor does it affect their ability to help the rest of us at the same time.

They exist beyond our experience of time and space and respond to everyone

with complete unconditional love.

2) Connect with your inner divine child as you call upon the angels and ask for

help. Your inner divine child is whole, innocent and true and recognizes angels

as trustworthy gifts of the Creator. This will help create openness, receptivity,

excitement, eagerness and wonder as you prepare to receive the gift your angels

have prepared for you.

3) Hand everything over to the angels when you ask for their help: every issue,

problem, worry and fear as well as every good intention and positive outcome

you imagine as the result of your request. Release all expectations of how your

request will be answered.

4) Express Appreciation and Gratitude. Find and express genuine appreciation

and gratitude for things exactly as they are. If you are struggling with this, ask the

angels to help you to find the love that is present in whatever difficulty you are

facing. Have patience with this and let go of any expectation of how this love may

be revealed to you.

5) Know that it is done. Every request is answered and help is always given. If

you fear that your request will not be answered, then also ask for help in

understanding. Trust that you will see the love in every answered prayer. You are

known completely and loved unconditionally by the angels and nothing that will

serve you is ever withheld from you.

6) Act quickly on the guidance you receive. Accept the opportunity and act upon

it immediately. Angelic help is infinite and unlimited, you can not use it up or run

out of it. You cannot ask for “too much” and the angels are joyously happy to give

to you without limit. The faster you act, the faster you receive more assistance!

7) Celebrate yourself exactly as you are in the moment. Leave any critical

judgments or negative feelings about yourself, your life, or others in the hands of

the angels for healing. Even if it is just for a few moments, let go of everything

that is not of love for yourself and everything around you. In this moment of

surrender much more can be done for you by the angels than you can

accomplish on your own. Thank yourself and the angels for deepening the

relationship between you.

Hopefully this article gave you some helpful steps to connect more deeply with

your Angels for help and assistance. Remember, Angels will be at your side with

every step you take today. Angels are always with us and are eager to help.


Intro To Auras

Are there times when you feel uncomfortable in crowded places? Are there

moments when you feel as if your space is being invaded? Some people can

only come so close to you. This is a reaction triggered by your aura.

It's possible that someone else's aura is intruding upon yours.

At times, you feel uneasy in the presence of a certain person. When you enter a

room, you have this sense that something is wrong. The human aura is a strong

electro-magnetic field. We give off electrical energy and absorb magnetic one.

You can feel this energy force in a room full of people, where varying energies,

positive and negative, are being interchanged.

The aura is an extension of our energies, be it strong or weak, fair or otherwise,

light and bright or dull and dense. It is a band of energy that surrounds us, a life

energy that can be sensed around every living thing, plants, trees, animals, birds

and people.

There are seven layers of aura, but the most accessible to the human perception

are the first three layers surrounding the human body. Auras can be seen with

the eyes wide open or it can also be seen psychically with the eyes closed.

Aura Color Meanings

Colors are an important aspect of aura reading. Below is a description of the

meanings different colors hold. When reading auras be sure to always trust your



This is a confusing color. There is nothing wrong with black in one's aura. Black

generally means one is shielding oneself from outside energies. This can also

mean being unbalanced; one is hiding something or keeping secrets. A black ring

usually indicates some form of abuse, adults who have not dealt with early abuse

will carry this black ring till they are healed.


This comes in different shades. Gifted people have shades of blue in their aura.

Intuitive people will show pale blue coloration within the purple bursting out like

rays of sunshine, emanating from the heart outwards. A deeper blue can indicate

loneliness. A very deep blue shows devotion, honesty and good judgment

whereas muddier shades of blue indicates a domineering person or a tendency

towards depression.


This color can indicate growth in a person. Seen around the head and with other

colors emanating in combination, it indicates a person who is developing

mentally, intuitively and organizing within. Brown by itself can indicate lack of

energy, or one who has become “stagnant”.


Indicates lots of spiritual energy, in tune with oneself. Muddy gold means one has

not really come to terms with one's higher levels.


Usually seen around a thinker, an analytical person. Could indicate a “balanced”

person. Intelligent people show this color around their heads.


Sympathetic to others, dependable and has healing abilities. Muddier shade

could indicate jealousy- like “green with envy”.


Can indicate intuition and creativity. Silvery gray shows femininity while darker

gray can mean secretiveness or physical imbalance.


Bright orange means one is growing emotionally and paranormally. A dull shade

means a person is unsure how to accept this growth. Muddy orange shows in a

person with too much pride.


The color of love, and honesty. It also depicts the quieter side of an artistic and

creative person. Dark pink may indicate immaturity or changes with one's love

life. Dull pink, however, watch out; Someone is lying.


The color of intuition, a deeper purple hue shows a strong- willed and passionate

person. It can also reflect intense erotic imagination and being over-bearing.


A color of love or hate, strong emotions and a lot of energy. An intense red color,

however, may indicate a person ready to fly off the handle.

A Guide To Seeing Auras

Seeing the aura is a matter of taking your eyes slightly out of focus. If you've ever

been able to see those holographic picture-in-a-picture things then you shouldn't

have any trouble seeing auras as you do exactly the same thing with your eyes.

The first time I was at a seminar and this topic came up I had no luck whatsoever

with seeing the auras of the other folks in the seminar. That night I went over to

the bookstore and grabbed a bunch of the holograph picture books and sat there

til I could relax my eyes and see them. The next day when I went back for the

rest of the seminar I didn't have any trouble seeing the auras of the other


Have your training partner stand in front of a light-colored wall in a dimly lit room.

Have your partner hold one finger in front of their face, about 6 inches out from

their chin.

Now focus your eyes on their finger, not their face. Have them remove their

fingers but keep looking at the same spot. You'll have to relax your eyes a bit to

do this. Now, using that same relaxed vision, if you look at them you should be

able to see what looks like a little line that runs all around them a couple of

inches out from their body.

The next layer out is even more faint and may have colors associated with it.

The different meanings of the colors vary widely depending on who you're talking

to. My advice in this area is to open up your awareness and see for yourself

which colors seem to be associated most often with which types of people and

their behaviors.

Play with this a bit. Does their aura change when they think happy thoughts? Sad

thoughts? Angry thoughts?

Some people can see auras instantly and others have to work at it. Don't be too

put out if it takes a while. As you work with this you'll gradually become aware of

even more subtle layers of energy that surround people. You may also find that

you can actually feel another person's chakras and even discern which is their

dominant chakra, which tells you instantly how that person is likely to react to any

given stimuli.


9 Tips For Aromatherapy Newbies

I remember when I first discovered aromatherapy several years ago. I was

fascinated by essential oils and excited to try using them. Looking back, I realize

I should have done a bit more research before diving into aromatherapy. I offer

you the advice I wish I’d had when I was an aromatherapy novice:

1. Buy One or Two Aromatherapy Books

Choose just one or two books to start your aromatherapy library. Select books

that are general resources, which will give you some basic information and help

you discover the areas in which you have the most interest.

2. Join Aromatherapy Discussion Forums

Facebook Groups, Instagram pages and other forums are great resources for

aromatherapy newbies. Read past discussions, ask questions, and learn from


3. Choose Five or Ten Essential Oils to Start

Though you may be tempted to buy more, try to begin with just five or ten

different essential oils. Essential oils can be quite expensive, so you may want to

experiment with a few at first and then invest in more if you decide to pursue

aromatherapy further.

4. Make Sure to Buy 100%, Pure, Unadulterated Essential Oils

When you buy essential oils, choose a well-known and reputable manufacturer.

Synthetic, fragrance, and perfume oils are not essential oils; they contain man-

made chemicals and have no aromatherapeutic value.

5. Buy at Least One Carrier Oil

For nearly all topical aromatherapy applications, you will need to dilute essential

oils into a carrier oil. Good all-purpose carrier oils include sweet almond oil,

sunflower oil, and grapeseed oil. Buy cosmetic grade carrier oils, and use only a

few drops of essential oil(s) per ounce of carrier oil.

6. Store Your Oils Properly

Essential oils should be stored only in dark glass containers. Since essential oils

are volatile, keep the lids tightly closed. Essential oils and carrier oils should be

stored away from heat and light. Carrier oils will go rancid eventually, so it's best

to buy smaller quantities.

7. Learn How to Do a Patch Test

Essential oils can cause adverse reactions, due to allergy or due to sensitization

over time. A patch test helps to determine whether you might react to a particular

essential oil. Learn how to perform a skin patch test on yourself with each new oil

you want to use topically.

8. Don't Use Aromatherapy with Children or Pets

Until you are thoroughly familiar with essential oils and associated safety issues,

don't use them on children or pets, or while pregnant or breastfeeding. Cats, in

particular, may be adversely affected by essential oils. Make sure essential oils

are kept out of reach of children.

9. Don't Ingest Essential Oils

Though you will read conflicting information about taking essential oils internally,

you should avoid doing this. Some essential oils that are fairly safe to use

topically may be quite toxic if taken internally. In addition, some essential oils

may interact with prescription or over the counter drugs.

As you experiment with and learn more about aromatherapy, you will become

more confident using essential oils. There is so much to explore, so be safe and

have fun!

Aromatherapy For Travel: Essential Oils

For Your Journey

Going on a trip is usually thought of as a wonderful experience, one that you and

your family may have planned and looked forward to for some time. To have the

most fun, to get the most out of the experience, it’s important that you and your

loved ones have the means to overcome those little ailments and discomforts

that can make the experience range from mildly unpleasant to downright

unbearable. How can we include a little ‘trip insurance’ to our already overstuffed

luggage? Aromatherapy has an answer with some readily-available essential


Motion sickness, bug bites, digestive difficulties, and general travel weariness, to

name a few, are common discomforts experienced when venturing away from

home. A small collection of inexpensive essential oils can provide great relief

from these amusement-threatening ailments. Treatment with these oils is simple,

ranging from inhaling a little oil from a tissue, to adding to a bath, to drinking a

drop with a warm cup of water. And, thankfully, relief often comes quickly

because of the oils’ powerful properties and compatibility with our own bodies.

We’ll begin with ‘getting there’, any trip starts with traveling. By car, boat, plane,

or otherwise, motion sickness commonly affects many people, particularly

children. This can easily make the ‘traveling’ portion of your experience

absolutely no fun. Enter peppermint essential oil.

Peppermint has long been used to calm uneasy stomachs, and is easily used.

One drop (it is strong!) in a cup of warm water, sweetened if you like, can be

sipped before and during the voyage. For the fussy ones, a drop can be added to

a small amount of honey and taken from a spoon for the same effect.

Ginger essential oil is also known for its calming of upset stomachs, a little

inhaled from a tissue or diluted in a carrier oil and rubbed on the abdomen can

bring relief. One can also add a drop of ginger to warm water and drink it as a

strong tea, this may be effective for some food-related stomach issues as well,

particularly when combined with the abdomen massage method.

Peppermint can also be uplifting to the weary driver or passenger, a drop or two

placed on tissues in the car or near your seat will release the aroma into your

surroundings. Be careful with this oil however, as getting it on sensitive areas of

the skin (directly under the nose, and certainly near the eyes) can cause

irritation. Tissues with the oil on it should not touch these areas directly.

Lavender has been called ‘a medicine chest in a bottle’ due to its wide range of

effects. The aroma of lavender is uplifting and relaxing, useful for stress in

congested airports or crowded highways. Breathing this very safe essential oil is

effective for adults and children alike, inhaling drops from a tissue directly, or

from one’s placed in your surroundings can help you and your companions be at


Lavender essential oil is also an effective wound-healer because of its anti-

inflammatory, mild antibacterial, and skin-regenerative actions. It can be used

directly in case of burns, mixed 50:50 with tea tree and put on band aids to

prevent infection, or blended with thyme linalol and eucalyptus (2:4:2) and added

to a bowl of water for an effective disinfectant wash.

Lavender is very useful for treating bites and stings, just place a little ‘neat’

(undiluted) on the affected area. This versatile oil is also a component of an

insect repellent blend composed of equal parts of lavender, thyme linalol, and

peppermint, and a double-dose of lemongrass essential oil. A drop or more

placed on tissue or cloth about your room can keep the insects out of your space;

3 drops of this blend per teaspoon of carrier oil can be regularly applied to the

skin, or you may mix a similar amount into any lotion you may have.

Lavender can also be used in combination with geranium, chamomile,

peppermint and eucalyptus oils in relieving the effects of jet lag. Getting out of

this weary state as quickly as possible makes any trip more enjoyable. This

requires getting yourself and companions in-synch with local time, having good

rest at night and perhaps a gentle lift in the mornings and throughout the day.

To get yourself into the swing of local time, relax and be ready for bed with equal

parts of lavender and geranium essential oils, chamomile may also be used in

place of the geranium, and works especially well for soothing children (if they are

irritable for ANY reason). Add a few drops to a bath or use in a massage oil. For

a morning eye-opener, do the same using equal amounts of peppermint and

eucalyptus. You will find these useful at other times when you need a little clarity

and lightening-up.

Lemon also has some wonderfully diverse uses. It is effective as an antibacterial,

but not so strong as to be an irritant. Adding several drops per quart to your

drinking water will help purify it, and the water can act as a disinfectant to be

used in washing your fruits and vegetables. The need for this certainly depends

on your location, but it is not a bad idea whenever bacterial contamination may

be a possibility. Further, regularly drinking water with added lemon oil can gently

stimulate the lymphatic and digestive systems, helping alleviate that sluggish

feeling that often accompanies extended plane and car travel.

Eucalyptus, the narrow leaf variety is a favorite – has a great range of uses as

well. It can cool the body when too hot, and protect it when too cold. It is found in

almost all formulas used to relieve congestion, can support circulation, and bring

lightness to a travel-weary head.

Eucalyptus oil can be used like peppermint to uplift and invigorate during long

intervals in an automobile. It can be added to a cool bath or used on a cold

compress in cases of heat exhaustion and heat stroke (accompanied by, of

course, copious amounts of water and electrolytes!), and used in a similar

manner to reduce fever.

Eucalyptus oil may be blended with geranium as a massage oil (3 drops

eucalyptus and 2 drops geranium per teaspoon of carrier oil) to relieve heat

cramps. For congestion relief, to a drawn bath, add 1 drop eucalyptus, 3 drops

lemon, 2 drops thyme, and 2 drops tea tree, soak and breathe deeply, or simply

add a few drops to a steaming bowl of water and inhale.

These are just a few examples of ways to make your travel experiences more

enjoyable with aromatherapy. With a little effort, you can expand your knowledge

of these oils, discover further uses, and find other oils that work well for your

particular needs.

These essential oils are readily available, and fairly inexpensive, though caution

should be used when buying oils, as some can be adulterated, and others are

mass-produced with techniques that may limit their therapeutic benefits. The

more pleasant and ‘well rounded’ an oil’s aroma, generally the higher the quality.

Your nose will know! And as with any aromatherapy application, start slowly,

essential oils deserve a healthy respect.

Using Aromatherapy To Cure Insomnia

Aromatherapy provides a natural way to deal with insomnia, relaxation, anxiety,

and stress. The primary purpose of aromatherapy is to produce an odor that

induces an effect on the human body. The smells from aromatherapy work on a

subconscious level. Smell can affect the way that human beings react. Different

smells can stimulate the brain and evoke feelings that are then associated with

that smell. Aromatherapy is used for mental and emotional well being. The oils of

aromatherapy are often used to stimulate or relax the person as needed. Some

aromatherapy oils are chamomile, patchouli, sandalwood, neroli, ylang-ylang,

and marjoram.

There are a few different ways that you can enjoy the smells of aromatherapy

such as putting a few drops in your bath water, the oils can be used for massage,

or you can even sprinkle a few drops on your pillow at night. Chamomile is a bit

more versatile as you can drink it in the form of tea or use the oils in something

similar to an incense burner. If you look into aromatherapy for the sole purpose of

insomnia there will be actual recipes that you can make yourself that act very

well for insomnia. One in particular is a mixture of two drops of jasmine and four

drops of lavender. This can be used in a diffuser or you can place drops of it

surrounding your bed. Just make sure that it is in a place where you will be able

to smell it best. This mixture can also be used for a massage.

Aromatherapy candles are also available in the various scents that are

mentioned above, they are a great added touch but likely do not release enough

fumes to assist in combating something as tough as insomnia. In conjunction

with aromatherapy, meditation and yoga work excellently as a way to free the

negative energy from your body that is causing you to lose precious sleep.

Besides helping with just insomnia it will lead you into a more healthy life in


The most popular aromatherapy oil used today is lavender. Lavender is very

versatile and can ever be grown in your own backyard. It also works great for

digestive related issues and as a very effective antidepressant. Further, it calms

nerves, relaxes the body, and promotes sleep.

Sometimes the everyday stresses of life can build up and a combination of

aromatherapy oils can be literally magical in creating a harmonic balance, a

sense of well being and relaxation, and promoting sleep.

Aromatherapy For Healing

The art of aromatherapy had been practiced for thousands of years. Strong

evidence was found to link aromatherapy to many ancient traditions. Though

aromatic oils have been used to treat and cure various ailments and conditions

for centuries, the formal study on their properties only started in 1928.

In its simplest form, aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils for therapeutic

purposes. They are normally employed to relieve a person from stress and a

variety of stress-related conditions. They are also used for promoting an

individual’s general well being and in invigorating the body and the psyche.

Aromatherapy works by inducing the olfactory nerve cells with aromatic oils,

which then carries out the message to the limbic system in the brain. The limbic

system is the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling memory and


Aromatherapy is concerned in the workings of both the physical and emotional

aspects of the person under treatment. Physically, aromatherapy helps in

relieving specific conditions through the stimulation of the nervous, immune and

circulatory system. In emotions however, they may evoke pleasant memories

and uplifted moods.

Although the medical community is not in agreement over whether aromatherapy

in itself is instrumental to healing various medical conditions, the idea of recovery

through aromatherapy is widely accepted.

Essential oils are derived from the distillation of the elements of a plant like the

leaves, roots, flowers, stems and bark. They hold the true essence of the plants

from which they originally came in high concentration. Though termed as oil,

essential oils normally do not have the real properties of oil. Some essential oils

are yellow like that of the lemongrass and orange and many are clear.

These oils are used in a variety of methods: through inhalation, by adding them

in the bathwater and by the application of the diluted oil on the body.

The use of oil in aromatherapy is only restricted to those with unadulterated

qualities. The purest of the essential oils alone have the therapeutic values.

The following is a list of the most common essential oils used in aromatherapy.

Some of which are used as carrier oils (also known as vegetable oils or base


– Almond, Sweet

– Apricot Kernel

– Avocado

– Borage

– Cocoa Butter

– Evening Primrose

– Grapeseed

– Hazelnut

– Jojoba

– Kukui

– Macadamia Nut

– Olive

– Peanut

– Pecan

– Rose Hip

– Sesame

– Shea Butter

– Sunflower

Below are listed essential oils that are not advisable to use in aromatherapy,

especially if not supervised by a professional aromatherapy practitioner.

– Ajowan

– Almond, Bitter

– Arnica

– Birch, Sweet

– Boldo Leaf

– Broom, Spanish

– Calamus

– Camphor

– Deer Tongue

– Garlic

– Horseradish

– Jaborandi

– Melilotus

– Mugwort

– Mustard

– Onion

– Pennyroyal

– Rue

– Sassafras

– Thuja

– Wintergreen

– Wormseed

– Wormwood

Aromatherapists put into practice the workings of aromatherapy in a spectrum of

work environments including:

– private practice

– mobile visiting practice

– natural health clinics

– beauty therapy clinics

– health clubs

– hospitals

– hospices and

– nursing homes.

In spite of the lack of formal research on aromatherapy, therapists and European

physicians are often prescribing certain aromatic oils for a range of complaints

including colds and flu, insomnia, sinusitis, migraines, digestive problems and

muscle pains. It must be understood though that aromatic oils must never be

taken orally and should be first tested to determine the degree of skin’s sensitivity

to some oils.


An Introduction To Astrology

Astrology is a complex art and science which applies symbolic meaning to

astronomical information as it existed over two thousand years ago when the

practice of astrology was first documented in writing by ancient astronomers and


Western astrologers use the ancient positions of the constellations and Sidereal

(aka Vedic or Hindu) astrologers use current astronomical positions. The two

systems are very different, but work equally well.

Astrologers begin by erecting a natal chart, or horoscope, based on the date,

time, and place you were born. Today, most charts are done on a computer

which makes them very accurate. But, they are only as accurate as the

information you provide. Any reputable astrologer will advise you to obtain more

accurate birth information or to have your chart rectified if you only know that you

were born "around 5 p.m."

Astrologers interpret everything in your chart individually and then integrate it all

for you into a picture of you and your life. Interpretations come in many forms:

basic insight into your personality; examining specific trouble spots in your life;

comparing and contrasting your chart with that of a loved one, friend, co-worker,

etc.; looking at career options and financial indications; finding the best place to

live; forecasting future opportunities; selecting the best time for a wedding, to

start a business, etc.; spiritual growth; and, answering questions.

Most astrologers have a general practice which incorporates a variety of these

services, and they may also have some areas in which they specialize such as

relationships or careers.

The best way to use astrology is to learn to evaluate a problem on your own, to

examine the choices you have to make in order to fix the problem, and then to

consult your astrologer to see in which ways the possible solutions will work for

you and when the best time is to make changes, take risks, be patient and wait,

plan, etc. With all that information in hand, you will possess a powerful

knowledge with which to solve your problems, change your life, and be the

person you always wanted to be.

Astrology And Your Birth Chart

Astrology can be extremely accurate. But, it is only as accurate as your birth

time, which is used to calculate not only the planetary positions, but also your

Ascendant (Rising Sign), to the exact degree and minute. That calculation then

determines the degree on the Midheaven and all of the house cusps. The cusps

then determine in which house your planets will fall. Without an accurate birth

time, interpretations and forecasts are invariably incorrect. All of this information

is then used in interpreting your personality, determining your career choices,

comparing and contrasting your chart with those of other people you know, and

forecasting events in your life.

Before you schedule a consultation or order charts and reports, you should

obtain a copy of your birth certificate. If you do not have a birth certificate, if the

time is not stated on yours, if you suspect your birth certificate is in error, or if you

have only an estimated birth time, you can have your chart rectified (see next


But what about your birth certificate? How accurate is it? It may not be as

accurate as you think. It's not hard to get the date and the place correct, but birth

times are an entirely different story. Since doctors and nurses are not usually

astrologers, they give little attention to the exact time of birth. For example, they

may round off an 8:38 birth time to 8:40 or 8:35. A doctor may fill out the birth

certificate later on and use an estimated birth time that could be far earlier or

later than the true time of birth, or then the time recorded on the delivery room


Depending on where and when you were born, your birth certificate may not

even have a space for the time of birth. Some people have no written birth

certificates at all because they were born at home, or during times when birth

certificates were not considered necessary, or in countries where birth

certificates are or were not issued. Some parts of the United States have other

problems with birth certificate times. For example, during certain years in the

state of Illinois, War Time, the precursor to our modern Daylight Savings Time,

was in effect but was not observed by all hospitals, many of which continued to

operate on Standard Time. That means that if you happen to have been born in

Illinois during those times, your birth certificate could be off by an entire hour.

Without an exact birth time, astrology in general, and predictive astrology in

particular, are rarely accurate. There may be some general information and

interpretations that are correct, but the subtleties and events-oriented aspects will

be wrong.

The Elements And Astrology

The 12 signs of the Zodiac are separated into 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Air and

Water. By examining the different planets in these signs astrologers can draw an

in-depth profile analysis of a subject.

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. People with fire signs are explosive,volatile, and

energetic. They are leaders, inventors and adventurers. Their weaknesses are

the tendency of doing their work to their extremes and burning themselves out.

The Fire attributes are best to be counterbalanced by Earth signs.

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. People with Earth signs are practical, cautious

and reliable. If they are lacking (few Earth signs) they lack imagination and


Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Air signs are responsible for intellectual activity,

thought and philosophy. People who possess many planets in the Air signs are

good planners. Without Air signs, subjects may have difficulty in communication,

and be weak in artistic inclination. The excess of planets in Air signs are best to

be counterbalanced by planets in the Water signs.

Water: Cancer, Scorpio,Pisces. These are emotional signs. The planets in Water

sign moderate the practicality of Earth, the ideas of Air, the careless energy of


In astrological interpretation, the element analysis is the most traditional. For

example, many planets in the Fire sign of a chart is indicative of the subject being

very lively and enthusiastic. Though this interpretation is simplistic and direct,

astrologers must also consider the effect of the Qualities and Aspects of the

subject's birth chart to draw a complete personality profile.

Using Astrology And Intuition To Help

Guide Us

The term Intuition is used to refer to the ability to perceive things that are hidden

to ordinary senses through means of extra-sensory perception. While the term

astrology is defined as the study of the relationships between people and events

on earth, and the cycles, movements of the planets and how they influence the

lives of peoples. Intuition and astrology can help people to make decisions about

love or career, and can steadily point people in the right direction on their life’s


Nowadays many people use astrology and intuition for guidance on personal

matters as well as business. When you develop your intuition you start to tap into

the spirit that accompanies us through our everyday life. Our senses will pick up

smells and sounds, and we may even see things and we often put it down to

logical reasoning. It is easy to explain away these things. Being open minded and

listening to your natural intuition can help improve a person's life.

Becoming aware of your inner potential to connect with your highest self, and to

know that you are at one with all around you. You are a spiritual being having a

human experience; This is a natural part of life, be open and let astrology and

your intuition guide you!

Astrology: Elements, Modalities, And

Zodiac Sign

Astrology is defined as ‘the art or practice of determining the supposed

influences of the planets and their motions on human affairs and human

disposition’. From this practice a horoscope can be produced which is a diagram

(or chart) of the relative positions of planets and signs of the Zodiac at a specific

time, usually the time of birth.

Western Astrology originated around 500 BC, with a concept called the Zodiac.

This consisted of an imaginary sphere surrounding the earth, which followed the

path of the Sun through the constellations during the year. The Zodiac was split

into twelve sections, each named after the specific constellation noted in that


Many ancient philosophies used a set of classical elements to explain the way

nature behaved. Each sign was connected to one of the classical elements (fire,

earth, air, or water) and was also related to a region of focus; social, personal or


- Water signs are related to growth processes, identification and emotion. In

tandem with the other elements, water feels that fire will make it boil, air

will evaporate it, but earth will shape and channel it.

- Fire signs are related to action, passion, and energy. In tandem with the

other elements, fire feels that earth will smother it, water will drown it, but

air will fan and enliven it.

- Air signs are related to thought, perspective and communication. In

tandem with the other elements, air feels that water will obscure it, earth

will suffocate it, but fire will inspire and uplift it.

- Earth signs are related to sensation, stability, and practicality. In tandem

with the other elements, earth feels that air will dry it, fire will dry it, but

water will refresh and nourish it.

Each sign is connected to one of three modalities; cardinal (sometimes referred

to as movable), fixed, and mutable. There are four quadrants following the order

of the zodiac signs, with three signs in each. Each quadrant describes a season,

beginning with a cardinal sign, continuing to a fixed sign, and ending with a

mutable sign.

- Mutable signs are related to adaptability, resourcefulness and holism.

They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

- Fixed signs are related to determination, focus and individuality. They are

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

- Cardinal signs are related to creativity and initiation. They are Aries,

Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Finally, here is a quick summary of Zodiac Sign Characteristics:

- Aries (cardinal, fire, personal): defensive, energetic, head down, assertive,


- Taurus (fixed, earth, personal): patient, indulgent, resourceful, thorough,


- Gemini (mutable, air, personal): quick, logical, inquisitive.

- Cancer (cardinal, water, personal): clinging, protective, sensitive.

- Leo (fixed, fire, social): theatrical, generous, proud.

- Virgo (mutable, earth, social): critically, practical, efficient.

- Libra (cardinal, air, social): lazy, co-operative, fair.

- Scorpio (fixed, water, social): anxious, passionate, sensitive.

- Sagittarius (mutable, fire, universal): careless, free, straightforward.

- Capricorn (cardinal, earth, universal): suspicious, prudent, cautious.

- Aquarius (fixed, air, universal): detached, democratic, unconventional.

- Pisces (mutable, water, universal): distracted, imaginative, sensitive.

Ancient Astrology

Astrology is a type of divination based upon the idea that information about the

future or about a person's personality can be discovered through examining the

alignment of stars, planets, moons and comets. Astrology attempts to interpret

the influence of these celestial bodies on human affairs.

The practice of astrology has been prevalent since ancient times. Some well-

known ancient civilizations used this field extensively. Greek astronomer Ptolemy

was the first ever person to write a book on Astrology. He codified the sun sign

astrology that we know today. Ptolemy tried to predict the positions of celestial

bodies relative to each other and the earth through knowledge of their orbital

motions. During his time, astrology was a part of astronomy. Later, astronomy

became an exact science and Astrology remained a part of Theology.

Apart from being centers of medicine, Baghdad and Damascus were also known

as centers of astrology and astronomy. Arabs were pioneers in astronomy before

even the advent of Islam. The Babylonians were the first to name the days of the

week after the Sun, Moon, and planets. They were also the first to set out the

twelve houses of the horoscope.

Egypt was one of the most important places in the development of astrology. It is

thought that some of the astrological signs of the zodiac originated in Egypt.

Astrology was practiced even in the Vedic times in India. Astrology is one of the

six disciplines of vedanga. The Hindus believe that human fortune or misfortune

in life is due to karma, and karma is believed to be influenced by the movements

of the planets. In Modern India too, astrology is extensively used to determine the

future and improve life. It is used to make decisions about marriage, starting a

new business, or moving into a new house.

Chinese astrology emphasises the four elements: air, water, fire, and earth. Even

the zodiac signs used by Chinese Astrology are different from other forms of

astrology. China was isolated from the western civilizations for a long time. That

is why for hundreds of years Chinese astrology was unknown to the western


The Sun, The Moon, And The Planets

Influence On The Zodiac

When most of us think of astrology, we think about our natal signs and not much

else. Do you know what some of the major influences are, though, that define

these Zodiac signs?

First and foremost is the Sun. It is the center of all life and represents a person's

personality and spirit. The Moon, on the other hand, gives us our Soul. The Moon

is the ruling planet of the Zodiac sign Cancer. It is very much associated with the

mother and with maternal instincts. In Chinese astrology, the Moon represents

Yin, while the Sun represents Yang.

Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo. It is the planet of the mind and of

communication. In other words, it is the planet of the idea and the means to

communicate the idea. The planet Venus rules over Taurus and Libra. Venus is

associated with characteristics and principles of harmony and beauty. It is, of

course, concerned with love. It is also concerned with the pleasure we derive

from personal possessions.

Mars is the ruling planet for the dynamic Aries, and to some astrologers, Scorpio,

although modern astrologers now determine that Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio.

Mars is the planet that is concerned with the things you want, and how you go

about getting those things. Jupiter is associated with pleasure and enjoyment. It

is the ruler of Sagittarius and is also associated with principles of growth, religion

and higher education.

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and is associated with principles such as

reality and restrictions, boundaries and rules. Saturn was traditionally the ruler of

Aquarius until the discovery of the planet Uranus. Neptune is the ruling planet of

Pisces and is associated with deception, illusions, spirituality and psychic

phenomena. The planet Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and is associated

with the concept of transformation.


Intro To The Seven Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. These are a system of seven

energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra corresponds to an area of

the body, a set of behavioral characteristics and stages of spiritual growth.

Practicing yoga and focusing your energies during different postures can help

you to align your chakras and get all the wheels spinning in the same direction

and speed. Understanding how to fine tune and control your chakras through

yoga and meditation can help bring balance and peace to your mind, body and


There are seven chakras, each associated with a different part of the body along

the spine from the perineum to the crown of your head. Each chakra is

associated with a particular body location, a color, a central emotional/behavioral

issue, as well as many other personal aspects including identity, goals, rights,


The seven chakras are:

- Muladhara- base of the spine

- Svadhisthana- abdomen, genitals, lower back/hip

- Manipura- solar plexus

- Anahata- heart area

- Vishuddha- throat

- Ajna- brow

- Sahasrara- top of head, cerebral cortex.

Through the movements and postures of yoga, you can learn to focus your

concentration and energy to and from the various chakras in your body. This can

allow you to compensate for areas that may be out of sync with the rest of your

body or not active at all. By balancing the energy among all seven of the chakras,

balance can be achieved.

This spiritual energy is known as Kundalini energy. In its dormant state, it can be

visualized as a coiled up snake resting at the base of your spine, the Muladhara

chakra. Since the chakras act as valves or pumps regulating the flow of energy

through your system, controlled and purposeful movements such as yoga can be

extremely beneficial in realigning your chakras in a way that can cause great

benefits to you in your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Using Meditation To Clear Blockages

There are seven basic Chakras in our bodies. Each has a location, a function, an

influence, and color. They are the seven centers of energy in the human body.

The chakras symbolize the different stages we are to go through to attain the

ultimate nirvana. We start at the base center and work up. The ultimate is the

crown center, which is almost impossible to attain.

In meditation we focus on the base center, bring a bright light up through each

chakra to the crown center and back, taking deep breaths through your nose and

letting go through our mouth slowly while only focusing on the light and the


If there is a blockage you will feel it. This is why you need to understand chakra

meditation before you start. It's a wonderful way to cleanse your body of

blockages. If one of your chakras is blocked you will feel a strange sensation, or

different feelings, just relax and either stop or continue on by focusing on just that

chakra to find out what the problem is.

Any blockage can be worked out and healed. This is why people feel out of

balance. One or more of their chakras are usually blocked. When you do the

meditation you need to be in a peaceful and quiet place.Sit with your feet on the

ground and the palms of your hands facing up. Close your eyes and take a few

deep breaths before you start so you can relax. Then visualize a bright light and

begin your chakra meditation.

Chakra Healing

The art of chakra healing has been used for centuries to balance important

energy centers in our body called chakras. We can use a number of different

tools such as stones or meditation during chakra balancing. The end result will

be a physically healthier body and a happier, more peaceful you.

According to practitioners of chakra healing, we all have seven primary chakras

that correspond with vital areas of our bodies and emotional and spiritual aspects

of our lives. The seven chakras form a line from the base of your spine to the top

of your head. Chakras have their own color, vibrational frequency, and symbol.

For example, the first chakra is found at the base of the spine and is known as

the root chakra. This chakra governs the spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet,

rectum, and immune system. So, when this chakra is out of balance, it may lead

to lower back pain, varicose veins, leg cramps, rectal conditions, depression, as

well as immune related disorders. A lack of balance in the root chakra may be

caused by feelings of low self esteem, insecurity, or family concerns.

Other chakras include the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown

chakras. Each energy center must be vibrating at the proper frequency

independent of one another in order for the entire body to vibrate in harmony.

Therefore, each chakra is equally important to optimal functioning of the body

according to the chakra healing tradition.

Many powerful tools can affect the vibration of the chakra, and that's where

chakra balancing comes into play. Chakra stones, the human voice, music,

chants, mantras and chakra meditation bring the frequency of the chakras back

into proper vibrational alignment. For example, the root chakra is greatly affected

by the hematite, onyx, ruby or garnet gemstones. During chakra healing a

practitioner may use one or all of these chakra stones to cleanse your root

chakra and bring it into harmony.

Chakra meditation may also be used to open up your chakra centers and

improve the flow of positive psychic energy in your body. During meditation you

simply concentrate on each of the chakras starting with the first one and working

your way up to your crown chakra. By imagining the flow of energy from chakra

to chakra, you are helping to remove blockages in each energy center that might

be causing pain and disease.

Because the chakras govern every organ and system in your body, chakra

healing has far reaching health implications. Chakra balancing can lead to

improved heart, lung, brain, immune and digestive function and may also help

with depression, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances. Many believe that the

chakras have the power to transform your life both physically and spiritually. It is

only when our chakras are in sync that we can truly access higher levels of


If the powerful art of chakra healing sounds intriguing to you, visit an experienced

chakra healer. A good healer will ask you plenty of questions about your health in

order to pinpoint which of your chakras are the most blocked or unbalanced.

From there he or she may employ any number of tools to help lead your energy

centers into harmonious vibration.

Chakra Meditation To Recharge The


Chakra meditation helps to strengthen weak chakras and will benefit your health,

wisdom and happiness. If you need to recharge your body, mind and soul then using

chakra meditation is an excellent way to revitalize you from the inside out.

How to perform a chakra meditation:

The first few times you practice a chakra meditation, make sure that you have an expert

to guide you, face to face or using an online video. You need to make sure that your

chakras are left more in balance at the end of the meditation than they were when you


Start your meditation by sitting down, cross legged in a quiet, dimly lit room. Make sure

that your spine is straight, but not stiff. Close your eyes then take a deep breath and

start to relax. Now, go through each chakra in turn, starting with the root chakra: -

Imagine that you are drawing energy up from the earth, through the root chakra and that

this is building up in the base of your spine.

-Then the navel chakra: feel the concentration of energy building up around your navel

and visualize a flow of warm lava out of this chakra center.

-Moving on to the solar plexus chakra, let your stomach muscles relax deeply and

sense the movement of the energy through your diaphragm.

-Next is the heart chakra. Imagine your heart getting stronger with every breath. See

and feel a bright light radiating out from this area.

-Progressing on to the throat chakra, breath in with force. Then gradually relax your

tongue, shoulders and neck.

-For the brow chakra, keeping your eyes closed, focus on your “third eye” (the point

between your eyebrows). Endeavor to see this area even though your eyes are close

and observe what you are seeing.

-Finally, it’s the crown chakra. Visualize a beautiful lotus with a thousand petals

blossoming from the tip of your head. As you visualize, see the color change from a

deep violet through to a brilliant white light.

Done correctly, the chakra meditation can bring you into union with the Spirit. It is a very

powerful form of meditation and helps you to stabilize your body, bringing an inner

peace and harmony to you.


Four Crystals For Protection

There are times in all our lives when we need protection. This may be a time you

feel stuck in a toxic relationship, or it may be when you feel paralyzed and

anxious from the 24 hour news cycle’s endless stream of gloom and doom.

Perhaps you may just feel like you are being clouded by negative energy.

Regardless, there can be factors both, internal and external, that we may need

protection from. If you are dealing with self-negativity, self-sabotage, toxic

relationships, or negativity from others, protections using crystals may help.

Crystals can not only be used to protect you from outside sources and negative

energies, they may also be able to help you harness the strength to protect

yourself and the clarity to know when to walk away. Below is a list of 4 crystals to

help protect you. You can harness these crystals energies by holding them in

your hand during meditation or by wearing them on your person throughout the

day. Regardless, I hope you find this information helpful and can use the power

of crystals to find peace, love, and balance in your life.

1. Hematite: This crystal is very helpful when used during a transitional or

transformational period of life. It’s grounding and balancing energies can

be very helpful when it comes to cultivating a solid foundation during these

sorts of challenging times. Hematite is represented by the element Earth,

the zodiac signs of Aquarius and Leo and by the Root Chakra.

2. Black Onyx: This crystal can be used for manifesting strength and self-

confidence, two of the tools you will use to stand up and protect yourself.

With the energy of this powerful crystal you will be able to stand up to

whatever life throws at you. It is represented by the element of Earth, the

Zodiac signs Gemini and Scorpio, and the Root Chakra.

3. Malachite: This crystal is perfect for repelling negative energy. Whether

this energy is external or internal this crystal can work to ward off all

negativity. Malachite is represented by the element of water, the zodiac

signs Taurus and Scorpio, and the Heart Chakra.

4. Amethyst: Amethyst is one of the best crystals for psychic protection. It has

stabilizing and balancing properties and can be used to take care of both

your emotional and spiritual well being. Use this crystal to help clear

irrational, negative, or anxious thoughts. It resonates with both the Third

Eye and Crown Chakra. It can be especially powerful for those born under

the signs of Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Five Crystals For Anxiety

Anxiety is unfortunately extremely prevalent in the current day and age. Most

people will experience it at some point in their life. It may make it difficult to

concentrate or be present in the moment. It can paralyze people from going out

in the world and living their best life. Fortunately there are many ways to combat

anxiety. Meditation, yoga, and aromatherapy can all be super helpful tools in

treating anxiety. One other potentially powerful way to combat anxiety is through

the use of crystals.

Crystals have been used by civilization for centuries and harness powerful

vibrations and energy fields. They can work in different ways to comfort and

support those in need. Simply hold them in the palm of your hand during

meditation, wear them on your person throughout the day, infact, you can even

place a crystal on or under your pillow as you sleep at night.

Below is a list of five crystals that work wonderfully to relieve anxiety. I hope you

find this information useful and are able to use it to enhance your own life.

1. Amethyst is a wonderful crystal to use to fight off anxiety. It is especially

known for its peaceful, stabilizing, calming, balancing, and relaxing effects.

It is a powerful crystal for cleansing negative energy, including anxiety. It is

an especially psychic gemstone and can and works well for banishing the

irrational thought anxiety may cause.

2. Snowflake Obsidian is a crystal known for optimism, purity, balance,

insight, protection, and truth. Since it works well at lifting the spirit and

providing powerful doses of optimism it may help with anxiety as well. For

many of us, anxiety is most likely to kick in when we are already in a dark

and diminished mental state which makes Snowflake Obsidian a wonderful


3. Sodalite harnesses the power of harmony, truth, intuition, order, self-

esteem, and logic. It is wonderful at boosting intuition and strengthening

your resolve to live authentically. When we are at harmony and peace and

feel truly comfortable with ourselves we are in an empowered state to

combat anxiety. With less insecurity and doubt you will certainly

experience a decrease in anxiety as well.

4. Labradorite is a wonderful crystal to use for protection. It promotes

awareness, intuition, transformation, and support. It works to protect you

from negative energy and anxiety. It can also give you a helpful boost of

positive, healing energy.

5. Tiger’s Eye is another perfect crystal to use to combat anxiety. It can give

you a wonderful boost of confidence, courage, and strength. It’s other

qualities include a calming effect, strength to persevere and a sense of

resilience. These wonderful powers can work together to give you a much

needed boost of confidence that is sure to lessen your anxiety. This crystal

is especially helpful in combating social anxiety.

Types Of Crystal Gemstones

So you are ready to add some crystals to your home and rituals. There are four

types of crystals to choose from: raw or rough crystals, clusters and geodes,

slices, and points or wands.

Raw or rough crystals are the crystals that come straight from the earth. They are

rough and rocky and crystals such as rose quartz or amethyst are often found in

this form. When left in their natural state, some people believe you can connect

with them more deeply. They give off a gentle and diffused energy that can have

a positive effect on a space or even an emotional state.

Clusters and geodes are visually stunning stones. They usually feature a hollow

formation that is filled with crystals. These types of crystals have powerful

frequencies and can send out a wonderful calming and purifying energy in a

space. This is a popular choice for both its power and beauty.

Slices are when a gemstone is cut into a thin piece that is then polished. With

this type of crystal you can really enjoy the inner beauty of the crystal. These

types of crystals are perfect for decoration and adding a peaceful energy to the


Wands or points are often used as a healing tool. They are excellent energy

transmitters. Quartz is one of the crystals often found as a wand or point and is

known for its purifying and cleansing qualities.

There is no right of wrong choice when choosing which type of crystal to add to

your collection. More than anything, the most important thing is your connection

to the stone. If possible hold the crystal in your hand and close your eyes to tap

into intuitive feelings about the stone. If you are choosing the crystal online you

can always close your eyes and envision the stone in your mind’s eye and note

what feelings and sensations come to you. As long as you always trust your

intuition, the right crystal will find you.

How To Make A Gemstone Elixir

To make a crystal elixir, place the gemstone of choice in a glass jar of water and

leave it outside for at least twenty four hours to soak up the sun and moon’s

healing life force. If you do not have twenty four hours to soak the crystal it is

preferable to leave the elixir out in the sun for as long as you can. Unless the

moon is full, the sun tends to charge water faster.

The idea is that when we drink the elixir it will cause physical shifts in the body as

it heals our own molecular structure as it aligns it more closely with the energy of

the crystal.

When making a gemstone elixir always be sure to use purified or distilled water.

It is also important to only use a glass jar and plastic one because chemicals

from plastic clean leach out into your elixir.

Some other tips are to research the crystal you plan on using your elixir

beforehand and making sure it is an insoluble stone. Quartz are commonly used

in elixirs and many people describe feeling an almost immediate charge after

drinking a quartz elixir.

This can be a really healing and restorative ritual to add to your life. Feel free to

experiment and I wish you luck on your own healing crystal journey.

Four Unique Crystals Accessories

An alternative way to enjoy the beauty of a crystal while still benefiting from their

positive and healing energies, is by purchasing a crystal accessory. A common

type of accessory made from crystals is jewelry, but there are also more unique

ways crystals are being used these days. Below are descriptions on some of the

different ways you can incorporate crystals into your daily lifestyle.

Prayer bead Jewelry

This is a wonderful way to keep your crystal’s energy close to your heart. This is

a way to energetically inspire feelings of courage, peace, and hope into your

daily life. It is also a beautiful way to always carry your crystals with you. You do

not need to be affiliated with any traditional religion to use prayer beads. When

you have moments of anxiety or doubt, take a deep and simply rotate each

crystal stone through your fingers. As you hold each bead, repeat out loud or in

your mind a positive mantra such as ``everything is alright”, “just breathe”, or


Sex Toys

crystal sex toys can help you get in touch with your sexual energy, overcome

negative feelings, and, best of all, orgasm. There are many different types of sex

toys now made with crystals. Things to consider when choosing one are the size,

shape, and crystal properties. Most importantly you should go with whatever one

you are most drawn to and let your intuition decide. These crystal sex toys mix

their energies with your own sexual energies to harness wonderful amounts of

pleasure. These kinds of tools can be especially helpful for those who may feel

stuck in a sexual rut.


Crystal pipes are also a new unique way to interact with your crystal. Crystal

pipes can harness a powerful energy that enhances positive forces. This is a

wonderful option for people who use medical marijuana to manage health

conditions. It also works wonderfully for people who enjoy smoking other kinds of

herbs. They are beautiful and unique and can help to promote unconditional love,

forgiveness, compassion, and infinite peace.

Water Bottles

You can now find beautiful crystals in lux reusable water bottles. This is a perfect

option for people who enjoy gemstone elixirs. The thought behind this is that the

crystal will eminent their beautiful vibrations and energy into your water. If you

want, you can even fill the bottle with water and set it out to charge on the night

of the full moon either on a windowsill or in your backyard. This is a wonderful

way to periodically recharge your crystal.


Types Of Psychic Readings: Tarot,

Astrology, Numerology, Palm Reading,

Runes, Aura Reading

When you contact a psychic, you might be overwhelmed by the different types of

readings that they offer. Getting a general idea about the basics of each reading

will help make your session with a psychic much more enjoyable.

A tarot card reading is one of the most popular types of psychic readings. During

a tarot card reading, the psychic will ask you to focus your energy into the cards.

The cards that come out and the position that they fall in will both affect your

reading. The modern tarot cards that most psychics use are typically composed

of twenty-two major arcana cards and fifty-six minor arcana cards.

If you request an astrology reading, the psychic will use your date of birth to let

you know the direction that your life is headed in. This type of reading gains its

predictions from the placement of the planets and the stars. There are several

different types of astrology that an astrologer can use. These types include

Chinese astrology, Western astrology and Indian astrology.

Numerology is another type of psychic reading that utilizes birth dates. A psychic

will use the numbers related to your date of birth to come up with a number that

can be associated with your type of personality. For example, a person with the

number seven is controlled by Neptune and has an idealistic type of character.

A palm reading is another popular type of psychic reading. The psychic will be

able to look at a client's palms and tell a lot about their personality. They will use

the shape of the hands, the lines on the hands and the person's fingers to give

an accurate reading. The lines on the hand particularly show many aspects of the

person's personality and their future destiny. The life line tells the length of your

life, the head line provides insight into your type of personality and the heart line

can give clues about your love life. The other lines include the fate line, health

line, fame line, money line, marriage line, sex line, spirit line, travel line and luck

line. A palm reader can read the special markings on these lines as well as

garner meaning from the length and depth of the lines.

Rune readings are an additional service that a psychic may offer. Runes have

been around for thousands of years and have been shown to attain mystical

characteristics. A rune reading consists of twenty-four runes laid out in a spread.

There are different types of spreads including the traditional spread of three that

represents the past, present and future. The materials that the runes are made

out of affects the reading as well. Ceramic, stone, wood and gold runes are each

used to answer different life questions.

An aura reading can also be conducted when you visit a psychic. This type of

reading involves the interpretation of the aura that surrounds a person. An aura is

a color outline that emanates from the body and varies from person to person.

Auras can be different sizes, shapes and colors. A psychic that can read auras

can see or sense a person's aura and give their interpretation of it.

If you are looking for specific advice or insight, you may wish to visit a psychic

that only specializes in one or two areas. Some of the readings must be

conducted face to face, but most can be distant readings that are done virtually

or over the phone. Whichever type of psychic reading you choose, you will be

amazed at the insightful things that a psychic can tell you about your life.

Understanding The Types Of Psychic


In the swirl of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and general confusion

surrounding the fields of parapsychology and psychic activity, most people have

no idea how to make distinctions between different types of psychic abilities.

Wait a minute, you say, I didn’t even know there were different types! You’re in

the same boat as most everyone else who has a basic understanding of psychic

reading and activity. Little does the general public know, it’s not all tarot cards

and psychic phone reading, there are sharply defined distinctions between

everything from the obvious (tarot reading and telepathy) to the surprising

(clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance).

First, let’s discuss what defines psychic ability in the first place! Extra-sensory

perception (ESP), prophecies of the future, and a sixth sense could all be defined

under the blanket term psychic ability. But where does psychic ability come from?

Actually, no one really knows, not even psychic readers. People who claim to

have psychic abilities describe a sense of just having it without having any

conception of how it got there. Most say that it is part of their regular

consciousness, and that they simply know or feel things before, during, or after

they happen despite being unable to explain how. Though parapsychology has

been heavily criticized, scrutinized, and stigmatized, the truth is that as much

evidence points towards its veracity as against it.

So what are some of the different types of psychic abilities? To begin with, there

is the art of channeling, which is defined as the ability to receive and transmit

information from another external consciousness while in a decidedly altered

state of mind. Though each incident varies in intensity and resulting activity,

many share the same basic traits: a semi-trance-like state and the appearance of

an outer entity expressing itself through the channeler. Many people have been

able to obtain a psychic reading of another entity and consciously channel that

entity but professional parapsychologists don’t recommend trying it until you’ve

been well-trained and prepared.

Three more (related) types of psychic ability are clairaudience, clairsentience,

and clairvoyance. Clairaudience is generally defined as the ability to hear or

sense sounds that cannot be perceived by a non-psychic person. Clairsentience

is another type of extrasensory perception in that clairsentient people can sense

past, present, or future events through sensing them, though non-clairsentient

people cannot perceive them. Clairvoyance is a synonym for extrasensory

perception of any knowledge or consciousness of an event outside of seeing,

hearing, tasting, touching, or smelling it.

Divination is another often-misunderstood type of psychic ability. Divination is the

act of making prophecies or predictions through the practice of occult arts.

Contrary to popular belief, this is different from intuition which is defined as the

ability to perceive or act based on just knowing that it’s the right thing to do. Tarot

Cards and tarot reading is a form of divination. Although the mainstream ideas of

divination and intuition have been tweaked to seem like anyone can tap into this

psychic energy field, the truth is that only a few people take the time to hone and

develop their extrasensory perception skills.

What’s the difference between psychometry and psychokinesis? Well,

psychometry is defined as the ability to glean information about an object by

obtaining physical contact with the object. Good examples of this are seen in

countless movies. Envision it: The hero touches a book and, upon contact, is

filled with images of its previous user and the fate that befell him or her.

Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects through willing it or thinking it.

The Elements Necessary To Develop

Psychic Abilities

All people are born with the capacity for psychic powers but only a few become

psychic. There are two types of psychics: the natural born and those who are

through practice are able to grow the powers within them. The natural born

psychics are said to be the gifted as they have had a great amount of psychic

powers since birth. On the other hand, those who are born with lesser amounts

of psychic powers require heavy practice and understanding in order to grow. In

other cases, psychics' abilities can be suddenly awakened by strong emotions or

near-death experiences, which results in having great amounts of mental powers

in an instant.

Here are some of the elements that can help a person to develop their psychic

skills or abilities:

Understanding: Spiritual development requires time, patience and understanding.

In order to develop your psychic ability, you must first understand its importance

and purpose, having psychic powers also entails responsibilities; becoming a

psychic means that you allow your mind and body to grow spiritually, set your

goal into helping others, giving as precise information as possible and know that

having a psychic ability is never to be abused.

Patience: Whether you're a natural born with psychic powers or not, you will only

be able to develop your psychic ability with time, so don’t rush, the spirits will

guide you through your journey. It is best to find a psychic group in your

community or online to guide you.

Focus: Focusing first on one ability is good, choose which ability you would like

to develop. It is important that you believe in yourself while doing a reading.

Psychics have different types of reading and will choose the most appropriate

based on the client.

Choose your tool: Always have the proper tool(s) before conducting a reading.

- Tarot Cards are a divination tool that is used to gain insight and resolve

issues regarding heath, relationships, career, and spirituality.

- Numerology, from the word itself, uses numbers that correspond to each

letter of the alphabet. With a mathematical formula, psychics use

numerology to give past or future information on a person’s life path.

- Astrology uses the celestial bodies such as the moon, sun, and planets to

represent events that occur in a person’s life.

- A Crystal Ball can be used to aid in clairvoyance, Clairvoyance is a Greek

word that means ‘clear seeing’ and is a psychic ability that goes beyond

the five senses to receive or download information using only the mind.

- Some other ways a psychic may perform a reading is through palm

reading, cold reading, dream interpretation, among other methods

Practice: Becoming a skillful psychic requires a lot of practice, nobody becomes

a professional in any field in just a few days! When practicing your psychic ability

keep in mind that what you’re doing is good for someone, discard your doubts,

no matter what your mind sees during a psychic reading take full trust in your


Lastly, if you’ve just begun to learn how to develop your psychic powers, try

some psychic ability tests first to know the scope and limit of your psychic

powers. Psychic tests are available online and in a psychics’ community.

Learning And Harnessing Psychic

Abilities In Your Everyday Life

Everyone is psychic. What a person can or cannot do is not an indication of your

true abilities. However, intuition is interesting. The more you listen to it the more

feedback it will give you. Therefore, you really need to practice trusting your

intuition, paying attention to the way your unconscious mind tells you information.

For some it is a simple knowing in the quiet moments of meditation. For others it

may be a gut feeling or a body sensation. The unconscious mind can use any of

your senses to communicate; these include the five following senses:

- Vision that involves isolated images or symbols you see or it can be more

detailed images of clairvoyance or remote viewing.

- Hearing, also known as clairaudience, involves hearing words or sounds

in one ear and not the other. At first, this can be scary for those who are

not familiar with it.

- Touch is probably also considered clairsentience as it is a feeling intuition

as physical body sensations.

- Smell can also give psychic information whether simple or complex.

- Taste, although far less common than the other methods, has been known

for some psychics to get a taste in their mouths when interpreting psychic


There are many ways you can practice using your intuition. Some are listed


- Traffic: If you live in a city with frequent traffic reports try to guess which

roads are bad and why. This works even better if you have two routes to

get home, each with an equal chance of having delays. You can guess

which roads to use to get home faster, and then check Google Maps. (It is

not helpful if one road is always bad, because then logic takes over.)

- Shopping: Without checking the internet try to guess what you are going to

pay for something and where the best place to buy it is. Afterwards check

out the facts.

- Parking: Try to let your intuition guide you to the best parking space. This

is particularly useful during the holiday season.

- Telephone: See if you know it on the telephone before you look at the

caller ID.

- Sports: Without knowing anything about the game or the teams try to

guess who will win and what the scores will be. Then check out the results.

The trick is to find something you care about, or something you cannot know for

sure based on past knowledge and experience and you can get feedback on.

Then pay attention to the difference in feelings between that which proved to be

right and that which proved to be wrong. Take notice if you have ignored your

intuition and see if you later regret not acting upon it, be aware of how that

information came to you so that next time it happens, you do not ignore it.

Learn to listen to feedback from your body on the psychic hits you get. One of the

best psychic development techniques is learning to tell when you are getting

information that is right or wrong.

Work on issues you hear all the time that you rarely act upon. You have to work

on your psychological baggage; I cannot emphasize this enough! All information

is accessed and processed through the unconscious mind. If you have issues

and you do not want to look at them you will find that the psychic information you

receive will be distorted. Many people have found they are blocked by the spirit

realm because they are unwilling to tackle their own issues.

The more you trust your intuition, the more information you will receive. This

‘knowing’ will become more and more definite and you will want to pass this

information on. If you believe you have information for someone, be ethical.

There are stories of many psychics who have been said to lose their powers

because they abuse their gift. It is impossible to say how true this is, however, if

you do not lose your abilities, you certainly run the risk of other difficulties.

Always get a person's permission before you give out information as without their

permission you could place yourself in big trouble and in extreme cases criminal

prosecution. Be ethical, be considerate. Always ask for permission before you

give out information to someone. Never promise what you can not deliver,

whether it is a sure-fire investment or the spirit of someone's long lost

grandfather. Honesty is the best policy in this line of work. Remember, everyone

has days off and it is no different for psychics, you need to break away for a day

to recharge your energy levels.

Key points to remember:

If you find yourself wondering if you are crazy, it probably means you are sane.

People having an initial psychic opening often start their conversations with lines

like you are going to think I am crazy but or you are never going to believe me

but. The mere fact that you doubt your own sanity is a reassuring sign that you

are still in touch with reality, you are simply trying to figure it out.

The issue is not whether you are hearing voices, but what those voices are

saying. There is a rule, if the voices are helping you then it does not matter,

whether those voices are a part of your unconscious mind or spirits, it is alright to

have them around. However, if the comments are destructive, negative or hurting

you, then it is time to lose the source they are coming from.

The hard thing you need to learn is what not to say. You can receive a lot of

information that is better left unsaid. This is probably the most difficult thing to

learn, because it requires good judgment which sometimes only comes with time

and practice. Some psychics claim they say everything that comes to them. In

these cases I suspect their guides are trying to filter the information before it gets

to their mouths. However, for most of you it is wise to consider what might be

helpful (if you can word it right) and what would only be harmful, whether true or


It is important to live in the present. You may be vividly aware of past lives and

you may be able to slide mentally into the future. However, you are living in the

present and that is where you need to focus. Most people forget their past lives

for a reason; they have a past and that is where they belong. The future will take

care of itself if you remember to focus on the present without being pulled off

balance by the past.

When you first start receiving information or seeing spirit it is very hard to switch

it off, however, this is something you must do. It is common when you first start to

open up as a psychic, that you will see colors or images (especially faces) at

night. This is partly because of the normal shift in consciousness that occurs as

you fall to sleep or are waking as it increases the ability to sense things. To some

extent, this is normal.

As you begin to trust your intuition and the information you receive you will find it

hard to switch off. Turning off your psychic gift is something you have to do or

you will suffer from information overload.

Imagine your sensitivity to psychic information as a number on a control screen

in your mind. Then visualize that number going down, decreasing until you are no

longer aware of psychic information. In the morning you can always reverse the

process and return the number back to where it was before.


Self Growth Through Dream


Can dream interpretation be a valid method for self-growth?

My answer is Yes. But to answer the question of how it can be so...well, to be

frank, I have no straight answers. All I can say is that the guiding hand of the

Soul/Higher self/Source/Spirit works in mysterious ways. An understanding of our

dreams is the most direct way of tapping into this cosmic intelligence. This is one

of the easier methods when compared to other means such as clairvoyance

training and other psychic developments. The reason for this ease is because

most of us dream!

Interestingly, dream interpretation can also be applied in other areas too. It can

be and has been used successfully to interpret the symbols of our clairvoyant

vision while in meditation. Understanding the symbology can assist one in

bridging a transition onto higher and more abstract means of knowing.

There are certain skills that I feel are important for successful dream

interpretation. One of which is a developed intuition. Unfortunately, this faculty is

something that no dream interpretation book or website can have. It is something

that only we ourselves can nurture.

Intuition is what binds and creates recognisable connections to the seemingly

unrelated dream visions and symbols.This in turn structures the connections into

a cohesive and meaningful message.

Intuition is not mental reasoning. It is simply that inner knowing of feeling/sensing

that is beyond logic and reasoning. Intuition is in fact a real cognitive process.

Unfortunately our modern civilization is heavily ‘mental-rationalisation driven’ and

therefore is not in the capacity to validate a higher order process such as

intuition. In other words, we have been placing too much emphasis on logic,

proving and reasoning.

Intuition sometimes doesn’t tell you the outcomes of events. In many cases, it is

simply an inner knowing that explains and provides answers.

If the thoughts are those of how superior one really is and is smacked with elitism

and pride, then one better take a closer assessment, before getting too carried

away. These thoughts might not be intuitions. If they imply things like 'You will be

rich and famous if you do this’ or ‘she must be wrong as I am smarter’, double

check. That thought may be coming from the part of the ego/personality

associated with body-mind survival.

Dreams: FAQs

Every dreamer has asked questions about why we dream, and what those

dreams mean. While every dream is unique to the person who dreams it, the

world of dream interpretation is a rich, fascinating and exciting one. We have

included here some of the most commonly asked questions about dreams and

their analysis.

What is the significance of dreams?

Dreams have significance in the real world. Dreams are told in a symbolic

language, and the images in dreams tend to contain hidden meanings and

hidden messages. When analyzing and interpreting dreams, it is important to

understand that the stories told in dreams are symbolic and not meant to be

taken literally. The significance of dreams for each dreamer is a personal matter

related to each person's experience and emotions.

Why do recurring dreams happen?

Recurring dreams are among the most common types of dreams. Most often,

recurring dreams indicate that the dreamer has some issue that is not being

confronted in his or her waking life. Examining these recurring dreams, and

understanding what triggers them, can often allow the dreamer to resolve the

underlying issue and banish the recurring dream.

Do most people dream in color?

Most people do dream in color, but many may not notice the colors in the dream

world. Since color is such a natural part of our normal day to day experience,

color may be overlooked in the dream world. In addition, because dreams fade

so quickly, the sense of color may be the first thing to leave the conscious mind.

Do animals dream as well?

All mammals studied have exhibited the same brain activity that humans exhibit

during dream sleep. Many scientists see this as proof that animals do in fact

dream, although what they dream about is likely to remain a mystery.

How are dreams affected by our daily lives?

Any feelings or thoughts repressed during the day are likely to make an

appearance in your dreams during the night. For example, if you wanted to show

your anger to someone but were unable to do so, you may express anger to that

person or a similar figure in a dream. In addition, those who have experienced

traumatic events are often troubled by nightmares in which they relive that


Do men and women dream differently?

Men and women both experience the same brain wave activity during dream

sleep. The content of the dreams of men and women do differ, however. Studies

of dream content have shown that men tend to dream more about other men

than about women, while women tend to dream about men and women equally.

Why do I remember only bad dreams and never good ones?

One reason is that the most vivid dreams tend to be those that are remembered,

and nightmares are generally more vivid than good dreams. In addition, sleepers

are often awakened by a particularly vivid nightmare, and waking during dream

sleep means that the dream will most likely be remembered in its minutest


What does it mean to dream about dreaming?

Experiencing a dream within a dream may be a way to deal with items from the

subconscious mind. A dream within a dream may prevent the dreamer from

waking up prematurely, and they often are reflections of a critical issue that the

dreamer needs to confront and gain control of.

Will I really die if I hit the ground during a falling dream?

The many people who have described hitting the ground during a dream about

falling are proof positive that hitting the ground in a dream is not a terminal

experience. It is true, however, that dreams of falling often wake the dreamer,

and that is probably where that old legend got its start.

Interpretation Of Dreams And Using A

Dream Journal

There is a guiding principle to dream interpretation, and Edgar Cayce said it best

when he called for us to interpret the dreamer and not just the dream.

Dreams are a tool, like the proverbial finger pointing to the moon. Don't focus on

the finger or you will miss out on all the celestial magic. Dreams are the finger

and they are pointing to the dreamer. Interpreting your dreams is an exercise in

self-discovery and self-growth. They are almost always referring back to you and

every character, image and emotion is usually referring to various parts of your


The primary purpose of dreams is to attempt to balance the psyche. Keeping this

in mind will help you understand the meaning of your dreams and prevent you

from getting way off track in your interpretation.

Trying to understand one dream in isolation is like trying to understand a person

by spending one day with them. By recording all of your dreams in a dream

journal you will, over time, find it easier to understand individual dreams you have

in the future.

Dreams are like plays or movies that we create every night, and they have a

similar structure. It can be helpful to look for this structure when trying to

understand your dreams:

- Location: Where does the dream take place? How do you feel about that

place? What emotions arise within you as you think about it? Does it have

any relationship with a real place you know?

- Characters: Who are the characters? How are you presented? Who is the

antagonist? How do you feel about each of those people (including the

presentation of yourself), and how do they relate to parts of your own

personality or to people you know?

- Plot: How does the plot unfold? There is usually a beginning (where the

story is established and begins to build), a middle (where a crisis peaks),

and an end (where the crisis gets resolved though sometimes dreams

don't provide the solution and end in the middle of the story because it is

up to you to provide the resolution).

Sometimes (rarely) dreams can be very literal and they are easy to understand.

There is nothing wrong with asking whether the face value of the dream may

have meaning for you.

Most often, however, dreams are shrouded in symbolism that points beyond the

literal image. They can be trying to communicate a very specific message that

applies to your waking life, they may be merely trying to balance your emotional

life or they may just be hinting at some thoughts or emotions in progress without

any final resolution yet in mind.

Dreams are often messages from our subconscious mind that are resisted by our

conscious mind. For this reason, the subconscious often cloaks the message in

symbols so the dream isn't immediately rejected or simply avoided by the

conscious mind.

Unraveling these symbols can be very difficult, but also a lot of fun. It's the

ultimate mystery and the most elaborate puzzle, but the answer is always within


Sometimes the answers are as simple as consulting a dream dictionary for the

meaning of common symbols and archetypes. However, each person is different

and has their individual dream dictionary. To make things even more interesting,

your personal dream dictionary can change over time.

Interpreting your dreams can provide you with a life-long quest that goes way

beyond the puzzle solving of the Da Vinci Code, but can also be much more


Can A Dream Serve As A Premonition?

Being able to foresee an unfortunate fact of life like death, disasters, or illnesses

through a dream is very common. Anyone may dream of something good or bad

happening to someone else or even to themselves. Do dreams serve as a


Before we proceed in answering the question, let me first give you the definition

of premonition and dreams. Based on the dictionary meaning a premonition is ‘a

presentiment of the future; or a warning in advance’ while a dream is ‘a series of

images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind

during certain stages of sleep.’

Let’s first talk about dreams. We all know that dreams do play a role in our daily

lives. The majority of people pay little attention to dreams. Dreams can help us

find solutions to our daily problems and see things from a different perspective.

Whenever we are dreaming, we can be who or what we want to be, regardless of

the fact that in real life, sometimes it cannot be. Dreams have their own

interpretation. For example, when you dream about loose, rotten, or missing

teeth, it indicates that a family member or close friend is very sick or even near

death. You can learn the meaning of your dreams through referencing a Dream


Now, what about premonitions? As defined earlier, it may be a warning in

advance. Many people have had premonitions in different types of situations.

When we say premonition, it is conveyed through dreams. A certain foreboding

of what will happen in the near future, but in a vague sense. Many cases of

premonitions are documented before a disaster, such as when the Titanic sank in

1912. There were over fifty counts of recorded premonitions before the event. In

fact, some of the passengers who had a premonition cancelled their tickets

before riding the Titanic and were saved from the horrible disaster that ended up

taking place.

Do dreams serve as a premonition? Well, it actually depends on the dream itself.

If a person dreams about the whole scenario of an event, it can or may happen in

the future. Yet, in another view, it can be just a dream that she had but has a

different significant meaning. Unfortunately a dream can serve as a premonition

yet, at the same time, it also cannot be.

We could say that a dream served as a premonition when the dream itself

foretold something that could happen in real life. But, if your dream was

something out of a grandiose anticipation of what you have been thinking of, it

may be just from your subconscious mind. My answer to the question: Do

dreams serve as a premonition? Is ‘It depends’. Whether the dream you had has

something to do with what could happen or instead may be just the

subconscious mind revealed through a dream, can be hard to decipher. At the

end of the day, when you are interpreting your dreams, you must tap into your

intuition and listen closely to what it has to say.

Dreams And The Ancient World

The interpretation of dreams by dream experts may be almost as old as

dreaming itself. We know that all humans, and many animals, dream every night,

and humans have always been fascinated to learn what causes dreams and

what they mean.

The interpretation of dreams dates back at least as far as 3000-4000 B.C. We

know that because the interpretations of dreams were recorded in permanent

form on clay tablets. It is thought that many primitive peoples were unable to

initially distinguish between the real world and the dream world. In many cases,

these people looked upon the dream world as an extension of the physical world

around them, and in many cases they saw the dream world as more powerful

than the waking one.

Dream interpretation was such an important field to the ancient Greek and

Roman world that dream interpreters often accompanied generals and other

military leaders into battles. Dreams were taken extremely seriously, and the

Greeks and Romans in particular often viewed dreams as messages sent by

their Gods.

Dreams also had a religious context in ancient Egypt, and priests there doubled

as dream interpreters. Dreams were among the items recorded by the ancient

Egyptians in the form of hieroglyphics. Those whose dreams were especially

vivid or significant were thought to be blessed and were given special status in

these ancient societies. Likewise, people who were able to interpret dreams were

thought to receive these gifts directly from the gods, and they enjoyed a special

status in society as well.

There are over 700 mentions of dreams in the bible, and people in biblical times

saw dreams as very significant. Dreams and their interpretations are mentioned

in many of the most significant books of the bible and other holy scriptures.

In many cases, dreams were often seen as a form of prophecy. People often

interpreted their dreams as omens or warnings, and adjusted their activities

accordingly. Dreams were often thought of as omens from deities, as messages

from spirits, or as messages from departed souls. In some cases, dreams were

even seen as the work of demons, meant to confuse and trouble the dreamer.

Dreams were so important that they often dictated the actions of political and

military leaders, affecting everything from the prosecution of a battle to the

outcome of a political decision. Dreams were also thought to provide vital clues

to healers, and they were used in the diagnosis and treatment of all manners of


Dreaming was often looked upon by indigenous peoples as a way to commune

directly with Gods and Spirits, and dreams are still used in this way by cultures

around the world. Many people believed, and some still do, that during dream

sleep the soul leaves the body and communes with the spirit world.

The Chinese were one culture who believed that the soul left the body each night

during dream sleep. They believed that if the dreamer were suddenly awakened

the soul may not be able to return to the body. That is why some Chinese are still

leery about the use of alarm clocks. This is just one example of how ancient

legends can linger into the modern world.

Some Indigenous Mexican and Native American societies share this ancient view

of the importance of dreams, and share the belief in a separate dimension that is

visited during dream sleep. These people believed that their departed ancestors

lived in their dreams, and that they were able to take forms like animals and

plants. Thus dreams were seen as a way for them to commune with their recent

and ancient ancestors, and to gather wisdom and knowledge that would serve

them in their waking lives. Dreams were also seen as ways to gather information

about their purpose or mission in life.

The respect for dreams changed radically early in the 19th century, and dreams

in that era were often dismissed as reactions to anxiety, outside noises or even

bad food and indigestion. During this period of time, dreams were thought to

have no meaning at all, and interest in dream interpretation all but evaporated.

This all changed, however, with the arrival of Sigmund Freud later in the 19th

century. Sigmund Freud stunned the world of psychiatry by stressing the

importance of dreams, and he revived the once dead art of dream interpretation.


Make Success Your Destiny

From this moment on, choose not to let your past dictate your future. What is

gone is gone forever. Now is the time to move on, to do and become what you

want: to be the best in any area that you choose, so you may design your own


Here are a few helpful suggestions and simple tips that can quickly move you in

the direction of manifesting your destiny to accomplish many great things in your


To join ranks with the most successful people in the field of your choice, or

merely to achieve your dreams quietly, for yourself, you will need to take the

journey toward a better, more enlightened future; toward a more empowered and

motivated you, toward a life that you will design and achieve. You will live your

life as you want it. And you will become that person you have been dreaming of


Invest in life in your life. No more wavering dreams, staring out the window and

wishing and hoping. No more sleepless nights worrying about your future as you

only see where you are now.

This time it is for real. What you are dreaming of will happen, and in abundance.

From today, you will move forward in your life in a dramatic way. You will do what

is required of you to accomplish your daily goals, big and small, and you will

always expect to succeed at everything you do.

Embrace your unlimited power and build a life of excellence. Success is your one

and only option. Fill all of your days with accomplishments, no matter how small

you may think they are. It is important, at this point, to realise that most

successes stem from your ability to feel certain that you can set out to achieve

what it is that you desire. And for you to feel certain, you need to become


One of the principle prerequisites to achieving almost anything in life is

confidence. Confidence is an indispensable requirement to your success and

further development or betterment, be it for your personal or professional needs.

Confidence is the doorway to success and fulfilment. With confidence you will

have the courage, strength and motivation to tackle and overcome all life's

setbacks and challenges.

The great news is that confidence is a learned skill, and anyone can learn the

skills to have awesome and unstoppable confidence. As promised, here are just

a couple of confidence tips that I believe are easy to do and are extremely

effective. By repeating the simple tips daily, they will retrain your thinking and

become an automatic part of your new successful and confident habit. They will

become your new way of life.

Challenge your thoughts that have been holding you back and stretch your mind

to raise your limits to unlimited heights. At the end of each day, put yourself into a

confident and resourceful state of mind by jotting down in your diary or daily

journal, all of the day's achievements, no matter how small.

Benefit: The mere act of writing them down reinforces the idea of success and

confidence. It is extremely beneficial and motivating for you to feel the successes

from deep within so your mind acknowledges them as confident achievements.

Just before going to bed, conceive and initiate your ideal day. Once you have

gone through your diary and planned your next day, sit back and take a few

minutes to imagine and visualise the entire day, from beginning to end. See it

unfolding exactly how you would want it to be, in every situation. Feel the

confident emotions that come from success, with the feeling that you have

accomplished all that you wanted.

Benefit: When you go to sleep, your unconscious mind will work all night on ways

to bring about that which you have just visualised.

Truly make it your destiny to accomplish many great things in your lifetime by

adopting a vital ingredient to success, and that is confidence. With confidence

you discard worry, hesitation and fear. With confidence you rise above

challenges and failures. With confidence you have unlimited motivation and

unrelenting persistence. Do not underestimate the immense power of


I hope you find these tips and advice helpful. Go ahead, reap the rewards and

accomplish many great things in your lifetime.

Destiny Begins From Within

What is success? There are many definitions. One that I hear often is “to be able

to do what you want”. That is true, but I would complete the definition by adding

and underlining: “and knowing what you really want”. In fact, we are often pushed

to put our energy into achieving what we are “supposed” to want, and we may

not give enough attention to taking the time to truly understand what energizes

us. I say “supposed” to want because there are many external factors that

condition us and determine our beliefs around what is good and what is not, what

is a good goal and what is not, and so on.

The self-awareness about who we really are and what we really want is the

premise to achieving any real, long lasting success in our life. Without this, we

are likely to move along two ways: One is the walk around life aimless, without a

goal. The other is to pursue an aim that, on a deep level, we do not feel like is

really ours. In both these situations we find difficulties in expressing and

manifesting our full potential. Even if we keep on repeating to ourselves that we

have a certain goal, if we are not deeply convinced of it, it will be difficult for us to

really put in all the necessary energy and commitment. Our inner conflicts and

unclear intentions interfere with our actions.

Things turn around dramatically when we know what we really want. Not only will

we feel and use another level of energy, but also we will experience a feeling of

peace and trust. We are then ready to manifest what drives our soul and can

create the destiny we deserve. This will lead to a dramatic improvement in all the

key areas of our life.

All we need is already within us now, but we need to really find it, listen to it, and

translate it into our realities. When we dedicate time to deepening our self

knowledge, we spend our time well.


An Indepth Look Into The Four Elements

Empedocles, a Greek philosopher,scientist and healer who lived in Sicily in the

fifth century B.C.,believed that all matter comprises the four elements: earth, air,

fire and water. Fire and air are outwardly reaching elements, reaching up and

out, whereas earth and water turn inward and downward.

The Four Elements also describe the four unique personality types associated

with the zodiac signs.The elements exhibit profound influence on basic character

traits, behaviour, emotions, thinking and intuition. They are reflected in our

relationships, our ambitions or lack thereof, and the unexpected turns and twists

that add spice to our lives.

Astrology aims to help us to better focus our energies, gain a better

understanding of our positive traits, and deal with the negative ones. We can use

this knowledge to realize our full potential and live our best life. We all need air to

breathe, water to cleanse us and sustain our growth, fire to shelter us from the

cold and nourish us, earth to live on together with all the living things and to grow

our food. All the elements are equally important and below is a more in depth

description of each.


Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo

Tarot: Pentacles

Jung: Sensation

Feel the Earth under our feet, the soil that sustains all forms of life. Look at the

power and beauty of the mountains, a symbol of stability and solidity of the earth.

Everyday we experience the physical world, we walk on this earth, enjoy

the beauty and bounty of Mother Earth and feel the comfort of being on solid


Associated with the signs Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, Earth represents the

practical, realistic material side of our nature, it seeks to assert a stable, secure

and structured environment into which we can function. Feel the earth under your

feet, solid and steady as you walk slowly. Earth is patient and reliable. It is solid

and strong. To be on solid ground encourages one to seek the practical and most

logical answer to a problem.

Earth can be a stabilizing force in a relationship contributing structure and

organization to achieve balance and harmony. Earth sustains growth- watch

plant life grows, from an acorn grows an oak tree; so do humans grow from youth

to maturity, and realize the immense growth in every facet of life.

The overexpression of this element can be seen in a stubborn and rigid

personality, one that strives to remain in the comfort zone in life, afraid to take

risks. It can also be seen by a love of the material side of life, the comforts of

material well-being. Material worth can be overemphasized and this can

lead to a stressful worrisome situation.

Weakness: attachment, stinginess, materialism, resistant to change, too much

attention to detail and missing the big picture.


Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Tarot: Swords

Jung: Thinking

The element Air is associated with the signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. It

seeks to establish itself in the realm of the intellect. It is through the process of

thinking that we develop ideas. It is through the influence of this element that we

learn to communicate. Through air we gain and share knowledge.

Air contributes inventiveness, originality and versatility to the personality. It gives

that feeling of freedom, unattachment, it reaches out to the mental self. Enjoy

that refreshing gentle breeze, allow thoughts to flow freely, and nourish the

creative moment. Air expresses love of people, the ability to intellectualize, to

appreciate the differences in people, accept different perspectives without which,

there would be a lack of vision and human interaction.

Thoughts are a continual force in our lives. It is associated with meditation where

deep breathing is essential to reach that level of stillness, energy, and relaxation.

Air is used for transport, flying and sailing. Let your thoughts soar to

reach your intellectual pursuits.

An over expression of air’s influence can be seen as living in a dream world with

unrealistic goals and flights of fancy. Air should seek to maintain practicality and

develop consistency in dealing with the real world.

Weakness of this element: lack of emotion, depression, lack of connection with

the higher self, overactive mind that blocks inner peace and harmony.


Astrology: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries

Tarot: Wands

Jung: Intuition

The signs Leo,Sagittarius and Aries are associated with the element Fire. It

represents the life force glowing within us. This element projects self-expression,

creativity, courage and enthusiasm. Feel the comforting warmth of a fire, or heat

when you come in from the cold.

We need fire to meet the basic need of cooking our food. Fire provides a sense

of security, warmth and inspiration that is shared with those around. Fire

strengthens self-confidence to tackle problems without hesitation. Without fire,

there is no radiance, no conviction, no expression. A spark can light up new

ideas, serve as a beacon to light the way to achieve goals with conviction and


An over expression of fire can turn assertiveness into aggression, daring into

reckless behavior and so forth. When fires influence is out of control, it

seeks to consume all in it’s path.

Weakness: lack of interest, egotistic, excessive self-centeredness, self-



Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Tarot: Cups

Jung: Feelings/Emotion

The element Water is associated with the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

and influences the conscience and the subconscious forces that act on our lives.

The element water pours forth to others. It allows one to feel their pain and

suffering and offer sincere compassion.

Psychic awareness is also present in the water signs and shows itself from time

to time with uncanny accuracy. Water seeks to heal and nurture those around it.

Uncontrolled, this element can send emotions on a turbulent path resulting in

moodiness and unpredictable highs and lows, like the crest and trough of a


Water signs need serenity and calmness, like a gentle flowing river nurturing all

in its wake and at the same time leading to the discovery of new paths. When

overexpressed, one may tend to be overly emotional, deeply sensitive and

subjective. With too much emotion, depression may result.

Weakness can result from being too protective and possessive of their loved

ones; cold attitude and lack of drive may arise.

Creating Harmonious Relationships

Through A Balance Of The Elements

A combination of elements in a relationship can create a loving balance; thereby

resulting in a relationship that thrives on mutual growth and harmony. Two well

matched combinations are an Air-Fire relationship or and an Earth-Water


The element Air in a relationship provides ideas and dreams that Fire can act on

and forge into reality. The element Water provides sensitivity and nurturing to the

sometimes cold reserved Earthly approach to matters, thereby laying the

groundwork for future growth in the relationship.

At the same time remember in a Fire/Water relationship, balance can be

achieved by realizing that Water can inject needed sensitivity and patience into

the Fire sign. At the same time, Fire can add drive and the courage to act that

can be sometimes lacking in the Water signs.

When two elements of the same type combine, harmony can be achieved when

the needs and traits are the same for both. However, it hinders growth when both

individuals may become too comfortable to a point that the needed spark

for growth may be lacking.

In a Fire/Earth combination we find that fire’s initiative and drive can stimulate the

sometimes laid back and reserved nature of Earth. At the same time, Earth’s

practicality and discipline can be balanced to Fire’s sometimes quick to act ways.

Ideally we should strive for a balance of the elements Earth/Water and Air/Fire.

The other combinations can also work as long as both partners respect the

other's needs and unique traits that both bring to the relationship. And they must

utilize each other's strengths to balance.

Energy Healing

Types Of Energy Healing

Is All Energy Healing the Same?

Chakra or energy center is a term used in Pranic healing, an ancient Hindu

system of energy healing. Prana means life energy. Aura is another terminology

traced to Pranic healing. Aura is a non-physical body that consists of energy,

which exists along with our physical body. The aura that covers our body is said

to have seven layers pertaining to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual

aspects of an individual as manifested by energy.

Studying the color and thickness of auras gives ideas on the state of health of

individuals. Six colors are associated with aura and interpreted into six

personalities. These colors are all present in an individual but one or two are

more pronounced.

Green: Ambitious achiever

Blue: Spiritual peacemaker

White: Unconventional chameleon

Red: Activist

Orange: Creative communicator

Violet: Psychic

Although Tantra is popularly associated with the practice of sex and spirituality, it

is another method of energy healing. It comes from the word tan which means to

spread or expand. The concept of connectedness is a recurring theme in Tantric

writings on sex and spirituality. As a method of healing, spirituality and sex figure

prominently. It is presupposed that the union of two people can reach spiritual

levels during orgasm, which removes the body and mind from collected

impurities. These impurities, being negative energies, can in turn manifest as

physical illnesses.

Unlike Puranic and Tantric healings, which have Hindu origins, Reiki originated

from Japan. It is relatively younger than Pranic and Tantric healings having been

rediscovered in the early 1900s. Reiki stands for universal energy, an energy

brought forth by higher intelligence. Students of Reiki are taught how to tap this

energy to heal physical, emotional, and mental illnesses.

Although Pranic, Tantra, and Reiki are all systems of energy healing, they differ

in the type of energy tapped for healing: life energy, sexual energy, and universal

energy respectively. The concepts of the connectedness of mind, body, and

spirit; the connection of individuals to all living and nonliving things around them

and to the universe; and how energy impacts physical, emotional, and spiritual

well-being are some of the salient similarities of these three healing methods.

Why Do People Turn to Energy Healing?

Pranic, Tantric, and Reiki are considered alternative methods of healing. In spite

of the availability and relative accessibility of modern medicine, how come more

and more people are being drawn to them? Here are some possible reasons:

Energy healing worked where modern medicine failed.

For several reasons both explainable and unexplainable, modern medical

treatment can fail to heal ailments and conditions in some, if not many people.

People perceive modern medicine to be isolating.

Medical treatments are oftentimes focused on the disease and its causative

agent, which can make a patient feel isolated and treated like a mere host of the

disease. Although recent developments in hospital practice are gradually

promoting the holistic treatment of a patient, the perception still persists. Unlike in

energy healing, since energy and spirituality are intimately linked, the patient

feels that all aspects of his health are being attended to.

Energy healing is non-obtrusive and natural, thus it is safer.

Repeated surgical procedures are physically and emotionally traumatic for most

patients. It is but a logical and attractive option to both patients and families to

look for less stressful health interventions.

Energy healing is a good way of relieving stress.

Meditation is part and parcel of energy healing methods and this is an added

benefit for highly stressed people. Moreover, sophisticated equipment is not

required thus it becomes all the more convenient for students and future students

of energy healing.

Alternative healing and mainstream medicine both present benefits to their

approach. And in the final analysis, what matters is the restoration of good


Opening Your Mind To Energy Healing

Energy healing is something that many people could benefit from, yet so many

people dismiss it and think that it is nonsense. They believe that they are better

off seeking traditional care. While traditional medical attention has its place, there

is also a place for natural care. Many people find more relief from natural

treatments than they ever find in traditional medicine. So, if you are suffering

from an ailment and you find that traditional methods of care simply are not

working, why not try something a bit different? Sometimes allowing yourself to

open up and try something new is just what you need to change your life.

Are you new to energy healing and wondering exactly what it is all about? It is

actually quite simple. Seeking this sort of treatment can be very effective and an

obvious choice when you learn what it is all about. Simply put, this type of

treatment is based on the belief that there is energy running through the body.

Many people are better able to picture this when they compare the human body

to an electrical circuit. Just as electricity runs through an electrical circuit,

energetic currents run through the body. If there is a blockage, this causes

problems in the body as well as in the electrical circuit. When these blockages or

crossed wires occur, a whole host of problems can happen. If you just put a

band-aid on them, they will continue to get worse over time.

Energy healing works well because many of the techniques can identify the

underlying problems in the body, instead of just treating the symptoms as

traditional medication often does. When you are able to identify the underlying

problems, you are able to create a treatment plan and vigorously attack the

problems in a straightforward manner. The result is achieving health and

happiness through personalized treatment. What is wonderful about this type of

treatment is that most people can learn it quite easily and apply it to their lives in

very little time, meaning a more balanced life in the short term as well as long


Energy Blockages And How to Heal


Energy Healing literally changed my life. It raised my vibration and raised my

consciousness. It gave me the power to leave victim consciousness. It gave me

the strength in finding my own self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-

respect. It empowered me because it taught me to empower myself!

So how does energy healing actually do this? We ARE energetic beings and

everything IS energy. Scientists have proven this to be true and this article is not

about proving this fact. To keep this as simplistic as possible, we have an

invisible energy body surrounding our physical body. In this energy body are

layers. Each layer has different functions and each layer is associated with a

different chakra and each chakra and layer both have an effect on areas of the

physical body. The chakras and acupuncture points are openings for energy to

flow into and out of the aura (energy body). This energy is associated with a form

of consciousness, thus we experience the exchange of energy in the forms of

seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, intuiting or direct knowing. It is important to

open the chakras and increase our energy flow, because the more energy we let

flow, the healthier we are. Illness in the system is caused by an imbalance of

energy or a blocking of the flow of energy. In other words, a lack of flow in the

human energy system eventually leads to disease. It also distorts our

perceptions and dampens our feelings and therefore interferes with a happy

experience of living a joyful life.

So what causes an imbalance or block in the flow of energy? The majority of

people today have been conditioned to react to unpleasant experiences by

blocking our feelings and emotions which stops a great deal of our natural energy

flow. An example of this, a person is rejected many times when she tries to show

her love to another, she eventually stops showing her love by trying to stop the

inner feelings of love. In order to do this, she will have to stop the energy flow

through the heart chakra. When the energy flow is stopped or slowed down, the

development of the heart chakra is affected. Eventually, a physical problem will

very likely result if the energy does not start to flow smoothly again.

This same process works for all the chakras. Whenever a person blocks

whatever experiences she is having, she in turn blocks her chakras, which blocks

the flow of universal life force energy. Disrupted, weakened, blocked or

imbalances in the chakras can all be caused from many situations occurring in

our lives, such as:

- emotional or physical trauma

- injury

- negative self-talk

- toxicity

- nutritional depletion

- destructive lifestyle and relationships

- neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others

- from emotions that are not expressed in a healthy way

- childhood traumas

- cultural conditioning

- limited belief system

- bad habits

- or even just a lack of attention all contribute to blockage.

Difficulties abound in life, for each one of us, and we develop a coping strategy. If

these difficulties persist, these coping strategies become chronic patterns,

anchored in the body and psyche as defense structures. It is important to

recognize the blocks we carry, find and understand their source then heal them.

Energy healing is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and

spiritual issues. Long term practice of whole-body energy healing will restore the

general condition of the body. It will open the energy channels and this will allow

the body to deal properly and naturally with stress and the build-up of toxins

along with coping with anxiety and depression.

Some of the health benefits from receiving energy healing:

– Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension

– It accelerates the body's self-healing abilities

– Aids better sleep

– Reduces blood pressure

– Can help with acute injuries and chronic problems (asthma, eczema,

headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions

– Helps relieve pain

– Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system

bringing the body into balance and harmony

– Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins

– Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from

drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy

– Supports the immune system

– Increases vitality and postpones the aging process

– Raises the vibrational frequency of the body

– Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing

– And more!

Energy Healing works. It changes you from the inside out. The main thing to

remember is that body, mind and soul together with the energy body, are one

indivisible whole. These simple, non-invasive healing practices work with the

Higher Self of the receiver (person) to promote health and well being of the entire

physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. When it is combined with the

sincere and talented healer, a total healing can occur. A total NEW you will, in

time, emerge!

17 Ways To Raise Your Vibrations

The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affects our emotions, thoughts

and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health

all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy. The

following techniques and ways of life will aid us in building a freer and more

positive energy flow and raise your vibrations.

1. Proper Diet: Few of us realize the powerful effect of a proper diet not only on

our physical health, but also on our emotional, mental and spiritual states. A

clean diet can create greater health, more positive emotional states, clearer

mental functioning, and increased spiritual attunement.

2. Vitamins: If we suspect our emotional state may also be the result of a worn

down nervous system, we might benefit from a strong multivitamin and mineral

supplement for one month.

3. Fasting: We can dramatically improve how we feel with short one-day fasts, or

a “mono-diet” in which we eat only one type of food, such as apples, watermelon

or grapes. When fasting, some may experience an increase of symptoms if a

“healing crisis” is provoked. A beginner in this process should be assisted by an

experienced guide.

4. Herbs and Flower Essence: Some herbs can be very calming and/or

invigorating, offering an extra boost which may give us the needed optimism we

need to make internal changes.

5. Daily Physical Exercise: The body is a living machine, and like all machines, it

needs to move or it will begin to develop problems. Exercise is essential not only

for a healthy muscular, skeletal, and circulatory system, but also for a relaxed

nervous system and balanced endocrine system. This systemic harmony is

necessary for emotional and mental peace.

6. Breathing Techniques: These are essential for the abundant flow of vital

energy throughout the body and mind. Bio-energy is the basis of all physical and

mental functions. Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to

increase our energy level and keep it steady and harmonious so we will be less

susceptible to low emotional states or illness. We should, however, have the

guidance of a person experienced in breathing techniques before we begin.

7. Daily Deep Relaxation:This will calm the muscles, nerves and all other bodily

systems, and thus rejuvenate the body and the mind. Deep relaxation, in

conjunction with the above-mentioned techniques, contributes to the

development of a strong and healthy immune system as well as a form of self-

therapy from psychosomatic illnesses.

8. Creative Self Expression: This is much more important to our physical,

emotional and spiritual health and harmony than most people imagine. Humans

are creative beings. Our purpose on Earth is to create in some way. We might

create a painting, a piece of music, a dance, a family, a business,ect. Creative

self-expression is essential for our health, harmony and happiness.

9. Meaningful Activity: This is necessary for us to feel that our life is worth living.

If we do not see what we are doing as meaningful, useful or helpful in some way,

we lose our reason to exist, and our health and happiness gradually deteriorate.

10. Massage: Shiatsu massage, polarity massage, spiritual healing, Reiki and

other such energy-oriented types of massage can be especially effective in

relaxing the nervous system and reducing negativity.

11. Cleansing Techniques: One simple method is to increase the number of

showers or baths. Contact with water can be healing and calming.

12. Emotional Release: We might need to partake in a program of emotional

release under the guidance of an experienced professional, who can help us

release pent up emotions which undermine our health and energy level.

13. Social Harmonization: We need to discover and overcome any fears or

beliefs that prevent us from feeling comfortable with others.

14. Spiritual Orientation: Each of us has their own personal relationship with the

universe. Whether or not we adhere to any particular religion, it is important for

our inner balance that we feel and cultivate our relationship with the whole as

humanity, as nature, or as Spirit.

15. Self Knowledge: We need to understand our own inner mechanisms, needs,

desires, fears, expectations, beliefs and subconscious workings in order to free

ourselves from the negative emotions, mechanisms, which undermine our health,

happiness and relationships.

16. Enlightening The Subconscious: This aspect of self-improvement usually

requires an experienced professional who can help us reprogram the

subconscious with positive, more objective beliefs and perceptions of ourselves,

others, and the world.

17. Unconditional Love: Showing this towards ourselves and others is the

ultimate key to a high and harmonious energy flow.

Finding Purpose

Exercises To Clarify Your Purpose And

Vision In Your Business

Whether it’s the beginning of a new year or we’re half way through, you want it to

be your best year ever! I’d like to recommend you take some time to really clarify

your Purpose and Vision.

Clear purpose and vision are the keys to giving you a focus and direction.

Unfortunately, that’s something that is all too often lacking from small

businesses. What you need to do is quite simple, but may challenge you if you’ve

never taken the step before. Here are a few ideas to help you make this your

best year ever.

A clear purpose describes what you are out to accomplish with your business.

Have you lost track of your purpose? Do you remember what led you to start or

get into your business in the first place?

Three questions to ponder as you seek to re-ignite the purpose in your business:

What do you really want out of life?

What do you really not want in your life?

What would you be willing to give up in order to live the life you want?

Answer these questions honestly and build your business around the life you

want to live. Talk about a purpose that would set you on fire.

Here’s an idea for creating your vision. Think of the absolute greatest outcome

that you can possibly imagine with your business. What services would your

dream client come to you for? Build your vision around being ‘the resource’ that

works to deliver that.

Examine your values and principles and then determine what you want your

business to be in the future. Find your favorite way to relax quietly and let your

mind open to dwell in what’s possible.

Imagine yourself in a private movie theater watching a movie of your future self in

10 years. As the movie ends, you notice you’ve been joined by the star of the

show. Ask them any question you want about how they got to that place of great

success in the movie. What was your future self’s purpose and vision?

This may seem silly to you at first, but if you open your mind up to accept that the

visioning process will work, you’ll be amazed at the answers that will emerge.

A Simple Exercise To Explore Your

Life’s Purpose

Do you ever feel stuck? Perhaps you don’t have the job you want, or the

relationship, or the financial situation. You probably know what it is that you don’t

want, but have you ever taken the time to figure out what it is that you do want?

Rather than answer with generalities like a job that “pays more” or “is closer to

home” or “to find your soulmate” or “to be rich”, think about being as specific as

possible. What does your ideal life look like? What would you need in your life for

it to be more fulfilling and meaningful?

To put it in a slightly different light, if you win the lottery tomorrow and suddenly,

you’re a multimillionaire, what will you do with the rest of your life? Will you

continue working at your job? Will you spend more time with your family or travel

the world? Will you start your own business or spend more time with your


Take some time to dream about the possibilities. Then, take out a piece of paper

and write down your dream in vivid detail.

Now, take a few moments to write down a list of the things that are most

important to you in your life. What gets you out of bed in the morning? What

things are most important in your life? These are the things you are willing to

devote time and energy to each day. They can be things like:

- Family

- Friends

- Faith/ Spirituality

- Personal growth

- Having a Healthy Lifestyle

- Having your finances in order

- Work/life balance

- Maintaining a loving relationship with your significant other

- Being happy at work

- Being organized and using time wisely

- Participating in the hobbies you enjoy

- Making a difference in the world

Setting priorities is important because we often have so much going on in our

lives at once that we lose track of who we are and what we want out of life. We

end up putting out one fire only to be confronted with yet another that takes its

place. With so many things on our plate at once, it’s easy to neglect ourselves,

friends and family.

When you are finished writing your list, take a few moments to prioritize them on

a scale starting with “1” as the most important. Finally, take a few moments to

think about these questions:

- What am I most passionate about?

- What would inspire me to get out of bed at 5AM on a Saturday morning?

- What haven’t I experienced yet that I’ve always wanted to?

- What haven’t I given yet that I’ve always wanted to?

- What haven’t I learned yet that I’ve always wanted to?

- What part of me haven’t I healed yet that I still need to?

- Am I doing now what I really want to do?

- If not, do I even know what I’d really like to do?

- What can I do to serve others?

Write down the answers in your paper. These should be your honest answers –

not what you should do or that others expect you to do. Once you’ve done this

exercise, combine all your answers into a life’s purpose statement. Your purpose

statement will answer the question “Why am I here? What is my true calling in

life?” You get to define yours, so what do you want to do with your life?

Go back to your piece of paper and write “My purpose in life is…” Then, just

write. Spend some time reflecting on your dreams, priorities, and the questions

listed above.

Next, think of the ways you can use your passions and dreams to serve the

world. Write down the following statement, “I will make the world a better place

by…” and your answers.

Get all of your ideas down on paper. This will probably take you at least 10

minutes, though it could take hours. Write until you feel you have some clarity

about your life. Then, go back and read the content. Is it powerful for you? Is it a

wake up call? If not, keep writing until you find something that’s profound for you.

When you do define your life’s purpose, it will be an emotional experience. You

will look at what you wrote and have one of those mind blowing “why didn’t I think

of that before?” revelations. Even if your statements aren’t very impressive to

others, what matters is that you find them 100% accurate and relevant, and they

have emotional significance to you.

The Secret To Living A Life Of Purpose

Researchers believe that developing a sense of purpose can enhance a person’s

life immensely. The basis for their theory comes from various studies carried out

over decades that studied the effects of happiness and having a sense of

purpose on health outcomes. These studies found that those who had a sense of

purpose in addition to happiness displayed better physical and health outcomes

than people who experienced happiness alone.

So what is needed to develop a sense of purpose? There are many ways to

accomplish this and what works best for you may vary. But here are a few ways

you can develop a sense of purpose:

- Helping others in your community, within a family setting, through a job, or

on a wider basis.

- Being recognised and valued for your contribution. This also implies being

valued by yourself!

- Being respected by others.

- Having a sense of identity or finding your tribe.

- Recognising a sense of achievement from what you do.

Having a purpose helps to build confidence and self esteem. People who lack

purpose are often unhappy and lonely. An example of this could be the person

who has retired from a career that gave her life purpose. She may have lots of

time on her hands and be involved in a range of recreational activities but remain

unfulfilled as there is no sense of purpose anymore. Involvement in these

pursuits simply helps to fill her day.

How often have you thought about what you would buy or the problems that may

be solved by a lottery win? Yes, we have all dreamt about this and there is

nothing wrong with having dreams.They can open up our minds to possibilities

and sometimes lead us to pursuing goals and a course of action in their pursuit.

Yet, how often do we hear about people who have had this stroke of luck and

discover that their lives are not necessarily enhanced in any meaningful way by

this, or are even worse because of it. Headlines in the local press have told us

about the families who have broken up after winning money. People who have

quit their jobs and gone on shopping sprees and drinking binges. People who

long for the company of others who are not solely interested in them for what

they get. The world, in our eyes, may be their oyster but what they may find

diminished is a sense of challenge.

There is some truth in the saying that if you have to work hard for something you

will appreciate it more.Sometimes the achievement itself is not the most

rewarding aspect, but the process involved in its acquisition.

What provides someone with a sense of purpose will vary from person to person.

For some it may simply be taking care of another close to them. Others may

choose to travel, get involved in regular exercise, or in learning something new.

The options are limitless. Whichever you choose, your commitment to this will

also benefit you by keeping your mind active. When you do one of these

activities the chances are that you will also be more optimistic and hopeful as a

person. Having something important to aim for encourages people to be less

likely to give up when things go wrong and to look for any learning opportunity


Having a sense of purpose tends to make people more involved in taking care of

themselves. They will pay attention to their health. Involvement with other people

means that they are less lonely and that they also have other people around for

support. Peers can also be useful for giving you feedback and helping you see

things about yourself which may otherwise go unnoticed.

When You Follow Your Passions And

Purpose Will Follow

What's the purpose of life and how do I get there? Those are two of the most

asked questions. Have you ever asked yourself something similar to that?

The good news is you have something very unique in your life to accomplish. Of

course, the question that comes after that is, What is it then? But that is just

about as far as most people will ever go. You may ask yourself this question,

think about it for a few minutes, come up with no answers, and then just go on

with your daily routine. If you ever want to accomplish your purpose you have to

go beyond the What is it question. How do you do that?

You first have to realize that you won't have all the answers in the beginning. If

you are waiting for a bolt of lightning to hit you and reveal to you what it is you're

supposed to do in life, it will never happen that way.

The first thing you need to determine is what you are passionate about. What

gets you so excited that you can hardly contain yourself when you think about it?

Or what causes your blood to boil when you hear people talk about it? Most likely

this is the starting point of your greatness.

Why do I say the starting point? Because once you finally have an idea about

what you want to do you must then ask, in what direction do I go? And how do I

start? Believe it or not, those questions don't matter as much as you may think

they do.

The second thing you need to do is to simply begin pursuing your passion. Don't

let the question of What direction do I go or how do I start? stop you from actually

starting. Most likely, there is some type of organization, group, or online presence

that is doing something very similar to what you have a passion to do. Get

involved with these people. They have probably already laid much of the

groundwork in developing what you are passionate about. You can then jump

right in and start helping them.

By being around these people you will begin to develop and fine-tune exactly

what your purpose is. As a matter of fact, your initial purpose for getting involved

may change somewhat as you begin to develop your greatness.

That's why it is not so important to know everything about what you want to do

before you start doing it. It's kind of like this: Imagine you are in Los Angeles and

you want to drive to Florida. You are not really sure where you want to go in

Florida, but you know Florida is where you need to go. You have two options:

1. You can research, study, ask people, look at maps, and all kinds of things

to try and find out the best way to get to Florida. You are not going to leave

until you know exactly how to get there, the dangers involved, the speed

traps to watch out for, where the best rest stops are. The problem with this

is that you will never know everything about how to get to Florida.

2. You can just start driving. You may ask one or two people you meet along

the way which road to use and then just go. On your journey you will meet

people who will help you with the best routes, and they will even tell you of

places they went to and experiences they had on their way to Florida. By

the time you get there, you will have gained so much knowledge that you

now know exactly where you want to go in Florida.

The point is this, you can sit around and wait for the perfect opportunity to fulfill

your purpose or you can simply start out on your journey and, along the way, you

will discover and fulfill your purpose. My suggestion is: just start moving!

Higher Self

What Is The Higher Self?

Are we just a body with a personality? From my understanding, we are much

more than that. Each one of us has a higher aspect. This higher aspect has been

typically called the Higher Self. Others have also referred to it as the Oversoul or


Who and what is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is the intelligence and wisdom

aspect of our own self. Ironically, the Higher Self is impersonal and does not

have a ‘sense of self’ like the way our personality is. Nevertheless, it serves as a

guiding aspect for the personality or ego.

Can this elusive higher self be contacted? Yes, and typically it is done through

meditation or some other altered states of consciousness.

A little bit about me. Around ten years ago, I discovered that if I am thinking hard

about a subject that is of a spiritual inquiry, I will sometimes receive visions that

attempt to answer my queries. Mostly the visions are symbolic. Higher self will

communicate by impulsing symbols and visions that form messages into my


An example of such transmissions:

Some years ago, I was contemplating on the nature of the cycle of reincarnation.

Will lost souls be forever looped within the lower realm? (According to many

Eastern Beliefs, Beings who had not attained enlightenment will be caught in a

vicious circle of perpetual birth and rebirth.) Suddenly, out of nowhere, I received

a transmission from beyond my conscious mind. It came as a ‘download’ , a burst

of images, symbols and moods. Very fast, split second impressions. The

download seemed to be received by the right hemisphere of my brain. My brain

instinctively attempted to interpret the transmission before I lost it. How do I know

it wasn’t my imagination? Well, firstly I do not think in pictures. I think in

languages. Secondly, the transmitted images were performing a ‘dual-split’ to my

consciousness. That is, the images are simultaneously overlaying my visual

perception of the environment around me. Well, a ‘dual-split’ in consciousness is

definitely not the usual way my mind works!

The animated vision was set against a light blue background. There were rings or

bands of a lighter colour moving towards a centre point. Because the

transmission was so fast, I think I might have lost some vital information.

Anyway, here’s my interpretation. Please understand that it was my physical

brain that did this interpretation. As such I can never be to sure about the

accuracy of my interpretation:

“The transmission is attempting to correct errors or rather incompleteness within

my understanding of the scheme of things. The cycle of reincarnation is never

meant to last forever. Eventually all will return back to the Source or essence. ”

Well, that transmission was many years ago. My understanding on that matter

has been refined since then. However, the transmission was appropriate (to my

level of understanding) at that time.

Over the years, these vision transmissions from Higher Self, together with the

guidance of enlightened physical teachers, have helped me to understand the

dynamics of consciousness and the universe greatly.

Connecting With Your Higher Self

When you want to listen to a particular radio station, you tune your radio to that

station, tuning in to a particular frequency. Same when you want to watch a

particular show on TV. It is the frequency you tune into that determines what you

hear and what you see.

Our brains operate in very much the same way, except that we have only two

stations we can tune into, the Ego Station and the Higher-Self Station.

The Ego Station is the station that originates in the programmed mind, which

contains all our limiting beliefs that create our fears. The Ego Station is our

wounded self, our false self – the protected self we learned to be as we were

growing up and needed to find ways to have control over getting love, avoiding

pain, and feeling safe. Our ego wounded self is a closed circuit – it operates on

old information that we acquired as we were growing up, information that is no

longer relevant or even true. It is not open to new information. It is not open to


The Higher-Self Station is the station that taps into the unlimited information from

the universe – information that is beyond the programmed mind. The Higher-Self

Station taps into the Source of truth that is always here to guide us in our highest


How do you tune your frequency to your higher-self station?

We have all been given a “dial” that either tunes us to the low frequency of our

Ego Station, or to the high frequency of our Higher-Self Station. This dial is our


We have only two intents to choose from:

- The intent to get love and avoid pain with some form of controlling


- The intent to learn about loving ourselves and others.

The intent to have control over getting love and avoiding pain lowers our

frequency and keeps us stuck in our limited mind, our ego mind. When we

choose this intent/frequency, we are stuck thinking the thoughts, the lies, and

taking the unloving actions that create fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame,

stress, anger, jealousy, resentment, and so on. The ego frequency is the

frequency of being a victim. We choose this frequency when we choose the

intent to have control over getting love and avoiding pain.

At any moment, we can change our minds and choose the intent to learn – about

what is in our highest good and the highest of all. We can choose to learn about

our ego mind rather than stay stuck in it. The moment we choose the intent to

learn about love, we raise our frequency and are able to access the higher-self

station. This is like moving out of the limitations of our personal computer and

into the Internet, only better. While some of the information on the Internet is true

and some is not, all of the information we receive from the Higher-Self Station is

true, it comes from the Source of Truth.

The only thing that stops us from choosing the Higher-Self Station is our

addiction to control. The ego mind wants control over our feelings, over others’

feelings and actions, and over the outcome of things. When your desire for

control is greater than your desire to be loving to yourself and others, and greater

than your desire to live in truth, you will remain stuck in the Ego Station.

The Ego Station tells us that we can have control over things that we actually

have no control over, others and outcomes. While we can have some control

over our feelings with various addictions, this only leads to greater unhappiness.

Our feelings are an inner guidance system, letting us know when we are on track

or off track in our thinking and behavior, so suppressing them with addictions

only leads to more pain.

You will discover great joy when you choose the intent to learn about loving

yourself and others and access the incredible information that is yours when you

are tuned into your Higher-Self Station.

The Higher Self Is The Voice Of The Soul

As we look at the pain in the world around us, we see many things we deeply

desire to heal and change. Many of those things seem beyond our ability to

influence and change.

There is one thing we can change about ourselves. We can look deep within,

moving closer to the truth of who we are. In doing so, we move beyond the

limitations of our personality and the world around us begins to transform.

Radiant joy and love emerge and are contagious.

Getting to know your Higher Self is a loving and powerful way to move closer

toward healing and self-realization. The Higher Self knows everything about us

and sees the bigger picture. It knows all of our past lives, our dreams,

frustrations, relationships, our different personalities, the lessons we are learning,

all possible choices, the past and our potential future. The Higher Self can be a

wonderful guide. Just imagine the possibility of seeing everything more clearly,

feeling the joy and security of knowing that your choices are taking you toward

your highest good!

As we face challenges and move through difficulties, many times we feel lonely,

isolated or misunderstood by others. By getting your Higher Self involved in daily

life, you will be able to feel loved, nurtured, and deeply understood. Your Higher

Self is always there for you, in a way that another human being is not able to be.

It is always ready to give you all the attention you need, always loving, has your

highest good in mind guiding you ever closer to unlimited source.

As we grow and evolve we sometimes find that our personality is not enough to

support our expanded, abundant Self. We sense and know the possibility of true

prosperous living, but our old patterns of thinking and doing dont give us the

guidance we need to actualize our spiritual ideals and transform our lives. We

need a means of finding our way through the day to day reality of living, in a way

that supports our Soul’s expansive desires. The Higher Self is the voice of the

Soul. Creating a best friend relationship with your Higher Self can provide

immediate and insightful help for the challenges of everyday living.

With our Higher Self as navigator we can deepen relationships with others

through Soul to Soul communication. Previously unsolvable problems and

conflicted relationships can be healed and problems resolved. The love

connection between souls transcends all personality differences. The Higher Self

also sees all opportunities for growth, allowing you to utilize your experiences in

a more loving and joyful way.

This deep, expansive communion with the Self is one of the most powerful and

direct ways to access the Souls ability to help you with all of your choices. The

experience is also exquisitely beautiful and profoundly intimate. More intimate

than any human relationship. Who could possibly know you better and love you

more deeply than the being you came through to be on this earth?

This intimacy with the Higher Self is what so many are seeking in a Soul Mate.

The innate longing for completion, to be with your other half, the one that was

created for you at the beginning of time, the one you were meant to be with

forever. That one is your own Soul.

Imagine for a moment that you are now able to feel, taste, touch and know that

wondrous union right here, right now. At last, here is the endless love you have

been seeking which transcends this human existence. Look deeply into those

ancient eyes and see only the truth of love shining back at you and know that this

wise one has been with you always. Your heart opens as you feel the trust that

comes from true commitment. As your heart opens wider, allow yourself to be

embraced by this great being of love and bright light. Feel the strength, beauty,

power and love of this ancient one flow through you. Your own heart knows the

truth; you know who this is your Soul.

Feel your heart call to this one. Invite it to flow into your heart, embracing it. A

deep trust and recognition arises as your Souls energy fills your heart. You know

this connection is familiar, from the light, from the source. Secret memories are

now remembered. Listen with your heart, your Soul is now speaking. Words of

encouragement, hope, love, gentle soothing phrases drawing you closer. See

how delighted this wise being is to see you, radiating magnificent colors and

bright light. It has been waiting for you, waiting for this union, waiting to merge

with you at last.

How long have you been waiting for this moment? How many times have you

joined in this completion? The years of separateness drift away as you

experience the ecstasy of true love.

To experience your True Self in this way is an amazing gift and a great service to

our precious planet. Everyone can learn to turn within and commune with the

Self. The rewards can be astonishing. With practice, the heart continues to open,

the healing process quickens, life becomes more joyful and the world around us

begins to change. Intimacy with the True Self purifies the heart allowing you to

experience your own true abundant nature. Discovering pure joy and true

happiness need not be difficult. It takes only a willing heart and practice.

Inner Wisdom

How Inner Wisdom And Intuition Can

Strengthen You During Difficult

All of us were created with an innate inner wisdom which guides our lives, serves

as an inner “truth meter” and helps us to make important decisions at critical

turning points in our lives. Some call this natural gift intuition, spiritual guidance

or “gut feelings”.

Each of us connects to intuition in our own unique ways. Those with artistic or

musical gifts may call upon their muse to inspire them with creative ideas. Those

whose work involves great physical or mental endurance may connect with their

inner wisdom by challenging themselves deeply to break through the barriers that

usually stand between themselves and their inner gifts. Some of us may live very

busy lives with little time to tune into our inner guidance, but our dreams serve as

messengers to share with us the important information we may have tuned out in

the midst of a busy day.

Our intuition is a profound gift which connects our embodied physical self with

our divine spiritual essence. The soul can communicate with our embodied self

through this line of light, and we can develop this inner connection over time

through meditation, prayer, and the desire to know ourselves more deeply.

Our intuition can be of great benefit at all times in our lives, and especially during

times of great stress or difficulty. In situations where we are facing unanticipated

challenges such as the loss of a loved one or an illness, many intense emotions

arise from within us. Our habitual supports are removed or shaken, which can

cause us to feel unmoored, adrift, without anything to hold onto.

Our intuition can act as a guiding compass, pointing us instinctively towards the

support we need to get through the difficulties we are facing. When our minds fail

us because we feel overwhelmed, the voice of our inner wisdom speaks clearly

and will repeat itself as often as necessary.

If we are accustomed to being in control of our lives, and then suddenly are faced

with a situation we cannot manage, we may feel frightened and desperate

because our usual methods of coping no longer are working. Intuition however,

will always work, even in the direst of circumstances, because our embodied

human self in the physical world is always connected with our larger spiritual self.

In a time of challenge or crisis, our spiritual support systems are activated from

the spiritual realms. Our connection with intuition or guidance is strengthened,

and those loving beings in the spiritual realms that watch over us and guide our

lives provide extra assistance.

If we have become accustomed to discounting our inner wisdom, or have simply

shut down the intuitive parts of ourselves through years of neglect, it may feel as

though we cannot find the thread of light that would re-connect us to our source.

It is important to understand that no matter how disconnected we become from

our divine inner wisdom, it is always present and available to us. Even if we have

erected barriers to shut out our inner guidance for a time, these can be removed

by our diligent prayer, meditation, and intention.

If we have been disconnected from ourselves for a very long time, the process of

reconnecting will often bring up old emotions, thoughts and memories that we

may have hidden from ourselves that we were not ready to deal with. During this

re-balancing phase, it is helpful to participate in some kind of regular spiritual or

emotional support system that can help stabilize our inner connection with spirit.

One of the most challenging aspects of the healing process is remembering that

emotions and memories from the past are coming up in order to be healed and

released. A support system can help us to anchor in the strength of our inner

being, to allow the emotions and feelings to pass through us and to release from

our body, mind and spirit.

As this cleansing process happens, intuition and inner wisdom are naturally

strengthened, for there are fewer barriers between ourselves and our spirit. This

deeper inner connection can provide a source of wisdom, freedom,

empowerment and comfort during difficult times, and will sustain us throughout

life with greater love, joy and peace. Inner wisdom is a great gift, and is intended

not only to bless our individual lives, but to share with others to bless all of life by

our connection with the divine.

It’s Better To Trust Yourself And Be

Wrong Than To Not Trust Yourself At All

Have you ever struggled to make a decision or enter into a commitment because

you didn’t trust your ability to make the right choice? How many times have you

gotten a feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was not right? Did you

pay attention to your intuition or did you ignore it? Deep in our core, we know

what is best for us. So why don’t we trust that?

Some of us were taught as a child that we can’t trust ourselves. Maybe we

weren’t able to trust our loved ones or our loved ones were unable to trust us.

Sometimes life experiences shatter our trust in ourselves. Perhaps you can recall

an event in which you trusted yourself and the outcome was disastrous and

painful. The inability to trust yourself can stem from not knowing who we are and

what’s important to us. Other times, we know what is right for us but we fail to

honor that because of fear, external pressure, or a belief that we are not worthy.

Sometimes we do make decisions that don’t turn out as planned. Sometimes, the

red flags are there, and we ignore them. Other times, we truly make the best

decision we can. Ask any successful entrepreneur about her process of decision

making. She will probably tell you she weighed all the pros and cons and tried to

anticipate any problems. She might have looked to the experts for helpful insight.

In the end, she made the most informed decision she could. If you ask her if all

her decisions were the right ones, she will tell you no. Life changes; people

change. Just because something doesn’t work out the way you wanted does not

mean you cannot trust yourself in the future.

Trusting yourself is essential to loving yourself. You know yourself better than

anyone and no one is going to take care of you except you. Until you trust

yourself, you will not be able to fully trust anyone. When you don’t trust yourself,

you will seek guidance from everyone else. Your life will be outer-focused, and

people will make decisions about your life for you.

Make your personal decisions based on what’s most important to you and what

works best for you. You can ask other people’s opinions as long as you are

willing to pay most attention to your feelings. If you are unsure of yourself, take

the time to really listen to your gut. If you have a relationship with a Higher

Power, spend time in prayer or meditation and ask that the truth be revealed to


During my Spiritual Coaching training, we were taught to listen to our intuition. A

lot of us questioned how we know if we’re right? In other words, how can we

know for sure if we can trust ourselves? You don’t know for sure unless you test

it out. We were instructed as Spiritual Coaches to blurt out what our intuition was

telling us, and then wait to see how the client responds. The more we test our

intuition and discover that it’s telling the truth, the more we begin to trust


So try some experiments. The next time you feel confused about a decision, pay

attention to your gut-level reaction. Don’t rationalize or talk yourself out of your

feelings. Go with it and see how it turns out. You can even make a list of times

you trust your intuition and things go well. The more you practice trusting

yourself, the easier it will become. If you trust yourself and find out later it was a

mistake, learn from it and move on. It’s okay to be wrong. It’s better to trust

yourself and be wrong than to not trust yourself at all.


12 Time-Tested Methods For Getting In

Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities
The world today can be overwhelming! Each year, society seems to revolve more

and more around technology, screens, and stress. It is far too easy to get caught

up comparing ourselves to the perfectly curated lives we see on social media, or

feel overwhelmed by the never ending 24 hour news cycle. It’s no wonder we can

often find ourselves feeling caught in negative cycles of anxiety, fear, and stress.

Thankfully, we are all born with the ability to access a tool that can help us

overcome all of today's modern struggles. A tool that can help guide us through

life and stay on the right path. It is our one true superpower, an ancient wisdom

buried within each of us. What I’m talking about is your intuition!

The definition of intuition is, “the ability to understand something immediately,

without the need for conscious reasoning”. In other words, it's the bridging of

the gap between our conscious and unconscious minds. For example, have

you ever had an unexplainable feeling in your gut that instinctively told you

when something you were doing was right or wrong? That was your

intuition speaking. Now imagine what your life would be like if you were

able to access that inner guidance system whenever you needed it. That

sounds amazing, right? Who wouldn’t want more of that?

Listening and trusting that little voice is a marvelous thing on its own, but working

to develop that little voice can make it even more powerful. We all have the

sacred ability to grow and strengthen our intuition. The more we use it, the more

it can expand and evolve. Imagine your intuition as a muscle that needs exercise

and nourishment to flourish. Let’s take a look at the 11 best ways to get in tune

with and develop your amazing gift!

Meditate: Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 5 years, you

know that you should be meditating. We hear about it everywhere! We all know

that we should be meditating more. Let's take a look at mediation through the

lens of helping us tune into and grow our intuition.

For most people, intuition has a very soft voice. If our minds are busy with the

stresses of daily life, it can be very hard to hear that little voice. Meditation is a

great way to clear the mind, quiet the constant inner dialogue and make room for

our intuition to come through. Try this basic meditation to help you listen and tune

into your inner spirit!

-Set a timer for 10 minutes.

-Find a relaxing and comfortable place to sit.

-Close your eyes and stay quiet.

-Listen to and feel your breath (really pay attention to it) without trying to change


-Just observe the breath. Notice any sensations that arise. Just BE present.

-When your mind wanders, just bring your focus back to your breath.

When your timer goes off, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to write

down any important thoughts, messages, feelings, or insights you may have

received during your meditation.

Dreams: During our waking hours, our cognitive brain is in control. It uses logic

and reasoning to override our subconscious mind. However, during sleep that

conscious mind rests, allowing our inner subconscious to shine though. We can

learn alot about overcoming issues or problems by listening to this inner


Keep a dream journal. Keep a notebook and pen right next to your bed, and

immediately upon rising try to record everything you remember about your

dreams. Dreams begin to fade from memory immediately upon waking, so make

sure to grab your dream journal before you do anything else. Like most things,

this takes practice, you will get better over time at interpreting and recording

these dreams. You will be able to see patterns and occasions where your inner

consciousness is trying to help you solve problems or guide you in the right


Before going to bed, visualize yourself remembering your dreams. Picture

yourself waking up and recording these dreams in your journal. Try to keep this

thought in your head as you fall asleep. This will help imprint the practice in your

mind and make it easier the next morning.

More nature: Spending time in nature, away from technology, is one of the best

ways to quiet the mind. Nature is a great way for us to get in tune with our

ancestral self and our celestial intuition. This is where we come from, our

ancestors relied on their intuition for everything. For finding food, avoiding

predators, finding the right path, intuition was one of the most important aspects

of life. Anytime we immerse ourselves in nature's beauty, we have an opportunity

to dip our toe in another world, a world where intuition rules.

Get creative: Do something creative! Paint, draw, build, sketch, anything that

elevates your creative mind. When we are young, our inner voice is loud and not

hesitant to shine through. As we get older that inner voice is pushed down with

responsibilities and the stresses of life. Tapping into this creative part of our brain

can help re-ignite those pathways and amplify our intuitions.

Get in tune with all your senses: Your intuition can flow through any of your

five senses. It may come as a strange or loving sensation you feel physically

within your body, or as a thought that seems to appear out of nowhere. It may be

triggered by a certain scent, or even taste. Start noticing and paying attention to

all of your senses. When was the last time that you really concentrated on your

breathing, your sense of smell, your taste? We have all heard the phrase, “stop

and smell the roses”, but it really can help in developing your intuition. The more

you practice getting in tune with these senses, the more your “6th sense” can

flourish as well.

Follow your hunches: A surefire way to develop your intuition is to test out your

hunches. When you are going about your daily life, keep a journal and write

down every time you have a hunch. When that little voice chimes in, be sure to

write it down, so you can record and see how these hunches play out. It can be

as simple as seeing the weather reporting rain for tomorrow, but you have a

feeling it will be sunny. Maybe a friend's partner gives you bad vibes, write down

your feelings and see if it plays out. Follow your hunches and see what you can

learn about your intuition.

Switch up your daily routine: The conscious brain loves routine and order, but

the more regimented your life is, the further your inner voice is pushed down.

When the mind is busy it can be especially hard to hear that little voice. Switching

things up can throw your cognitive brain for a loop, and let your intuition shine

through. Escape the daily routine, slow down and do something different. Your

intuition will thank you.

Replay past events: Sit down and try to think back to a situation where things

didn't go as planned, or didn't go as you wanted. Visualize yourself back in that

situation, notice any feelings or moments where you felt as if something was

wrong. Was there an opportunity to go a different way? Did your inner voice

speak up for a moment, only to be overtaken by your cognitive mind? Try to

evaluate some of these occurrences and look for patterns, look for ways that you

could do things differently the next time. Look for ways your intuition was trying to

guide you and the things it was trying to tell you.

Breathework: Hands down, breathework is one of the best ways to quiet the

mind and get in tune with your inner voice. Try this 4-7-8 method to give your

intuition the opportunity to shine through and bring your consciousness to the


-Start by emptying your lungs of air.

-Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds.

-Hold that breath for 7 seconds.

-Exhale slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds.

-Repeat this process 4 times.

This 4-7-8 technique will not only help with intuition, it is a great way to mitigate

stress and lower anxiety. Basically, the whole world would be a much better

place if everyone would practice this simple technique once a day!

Think less, feel more: Our cognitive brain thinks, our intuition feels. Our minds

are always reasoning, questioning and thinking their way through the day. After

so many years of this, we don't even realize it's happening. If people could hear

all the questions, our cognitive brain is bouncing around all day, they would think

we are crazy!

Try to slow down and “feel” more. Feelings that are grounded in your body, are

also grounded in truth. These feelings will never lie. Learn to listen to them more.

Pay attention to those little signals that our body gives us. Heart beating faster,

that knot in the pit of your stomach, feeling hot, feeling cold or a tingling

sensation. You know the situation; you meet someone and immediately know

something is off about them, you can just feel it. Maybe they are lying to you or

treating someone poorly, your physical body can feel that and alert you. If you

pay more attention to these physical cues, you could avoid many uncomfortable,

painful or awkward situations. This is your intuition speaking and it's trying to

guide you in the right direction.

Practice “sensing” people before meeting them: This is a great way to test

and grow your intuition. Put yourself into a situation where you can sit and

observe someone before meeting them.

Imagine yourself in line at the coffee shop, try to imagine what the person behind

the counter will be like, before you speak to them or meet them. Take in

everything you can about them just by looking at them and trusting your feelings.

Try to create a mental picture of what they will be like, sound like, are they

friendly, are they sociable or not? You can use this in almost any situation to test

your intuition. This is a powerful and actionable way to help you get in tune with

your senses, your body and your innervoice.

Have Gratitude: In this day and age, it's easy to look at the negative aspects of

life and forget about all that we are blessed to have. We all do it! It can be so

easy to overlook our health, the love of our families, food and water, our home or

our community. Take time, every day, to recognize and give thanks for a few of

these amazing things that we are lucky enough to have in our lives. This simple

practice can open us up to a higher frequency and allow more of life's wonders to

find their way to us.

-Gratitude improves relationships.

-Gratitude improves sleep.

-Gratitude improves physical health.

-Gratitude improves self-esteem.

-Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.

-Gratitude improves psychological health.

The benefits of practicing gratitude have been scientifically researched and

proven to be powerful, real tools. Think about just how much a few of those

positive benefits could drastically change our daily lives. Gratitude can truly open

a plethora of doors to a better life, which in turn, will help our intuitions flourish!

5 Ways To Develop Your Intuition

Intuition is a tool that all of us have. Some people suggest that it’s a mystical

power. Others would suggest that it’s merely our subconscious trying to tell us

something. Regardless of the source, we all have that little voice that tries to tell

us things from time to time.

As we get older, we often learn to ignore that little voice. We turn to logic, and

focus on being practical. But we’ve experienced a lot over the years, and there is

some part of our brain that has accumulated a tremendous amount of wisdom.

Listening to that little voice can be a good thing.

Try these techniques to develop your intuition:

1. Meditate for a few minutes each day. One characteristic of intuition is that

it has a soft voice most of the time. It can be challenging to notice it if our minds

are busy with other things. Meditation is a great way to clear the mind and make

room for our intuition to come shining through.

• A simple technique to clear your mind is to simply count your breaths and

attempt to stay focused on your breathing. Avoid letting your mind wander.

2. Record your dreams. Our dreams can be full of useful information. Many

psychologists believe that we work out our challenges in our sleep. It’s difficult for

most of us to remember our dreams. Studies show that we average 5 dreams per

night, and most of us are lucky to even remember one.

• After you get in bed, tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams

in the morning. Keep thinking this to yourself until you fall asleep.

• Keep a notebook and pen near your bed. A voice recorder app on your

phone can work well, too. As soon as you wake up, start writing. Dreams tend to

fade from memory quickly.

• Review your dreams and see if there might be any information you can use

in your life.

3. Follow your intuition. The surest way to shut down your intuition is to never

follow it. Start using it in situations that have minor importance. It could be as

simple as taking a walk and asking yourself which way you should turn at each

intersection or fork in the road.

• Show your intuition that you’re listening and responding. You’ll be more

likely to hear from it in the future.

4. Busy your mind. Many people find that their best ideas come while their

mind is busy, but not too busy. Some examples commonly cited include, walking,

driving down the highway, taking a shower, and listening to the rain. Think about

the times you’ve had great ideas. Try to put yourself in similar situations more


5. Keep a journal. Take a few minutes each day to write in a journal.

Sometimes, putting things down on paper opens a floodgate of ideas and

inspiration. Study what you’ve written. You’re likely to find insights you haven’t


• Keep your journals in a safe place, so you’ll feel more comfortable with

being honest and thorough.

Being in touch with your intuition can help you identify and solve the challenges

in your life that are causing stress. It also releases your imagination and

creativity. Your intuition is a great resource, but it’s important to nurture it. Start

with smaller things. When your intuition has proven it’s reliable, use it to make

bigger decisions.

Intuition is a tether to the subconscious. It’s your ultimate source of wisdom and

creative energy. Make life easier and richer by utilizing all of your resources.

How to Trust Your Intuition

Developing intuition starts by realizing you have it already. If you’ve ever had a

hunch about something, that was intuition. Intuition is just your mind using more

than what you are consciously aware of. But can you trust your intuition? How do

you improve it?

Developing Intuition In Three Steps

1. Recognize it and encourage it.

2. Study it to make it more trustworthy.

3. Give it good information to work with.

Try to find areas in your own life where you naturally intuitively operate. What is

something that you are just naturally good at without studying? What is an area

where you trust your gut and it is almost always right? That is your intuition

speaking, continue to listen and nurture it.

Of course, intuition can also be a warning device. When you get the sense

“something isn’t right here” that is your intuition talking and you’d be smart to pay


Have you ever considered purchasing a car and then you start seeing them all

over? Looking for and recognizing a thing trains your mind to find more of it. The

same process will happen if you watch for your intuition – you’ll start to see more

of it.

Unfortunately, a strong hunch can be for irrelevant reasons too. If you were hit by

a yellow taxi as a child, you might have “intuitive” hunches not to get into yellow

taxis for the rest of your life. So even learning to recognize your intuition and

encourage it may leave you wondering when to trust it.

Study Your Intuition

Start questioning your hunches. Study your strong feelings about that taxi, and

you might say, “Oh, it’s just my fear of yellow taxis.” Get in the habit of paying

attention to and studying your intuitive feelings.

Where does your intuition work best? If you’re always right about your intuitive

stock picks, give a little credence to them. On the other hand, if your hunches

about people are usually wrong, don’t follow them. Just pay attention more, and

you’ll be developing intuition about your intuition.

Give Your Intuition Good Information

Your skill, knowledge, and experience determine the potential effectiveness of

your intuition. Learn enough about a subject, before expecting good hunches

about it, or before trusting the hunches. Work in the area you want more intuition

in. When enough information is in your mind, it will go to work for you with or

without your conscious participation, so feed it well.

Recognize your intuition and you’ll have hunches and ideas more often. Study it

and you’ll learn when to trust it. Give it good information and you’ll be repaid with

good hunches and ideas. This is the simple formula for developing intuition.

7 Keys To Unlocking Your Intuition

Have you had that experience when all of a sudden you just had this huge hunch

that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, that intuition was

eventually translated to reality?

When you feel strongly about something without a logical basis to it, that’s called

intuition. It comes in three impressions: clairvoyance or “the third eye”, sensing

clearly, and feeling through listening.

Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you

know what is happening somewhere.

Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as “hunch” or “gut feel.” This is the

time when you are overwhelmed with a feeling and you can’t explain it, and all

you can say is “I just know.”

On the other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to

“listen” between the lines. Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound,

whatever it is, be it a car’s honk or a bird’s tweeting, ushers in an intense feeling.

They say only a number of people are gifted with intuition. Astrologers even insist

that people born under the Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive; it

almost borders on E.S.P. But studies have been sprouting left and right that

proclaim that anyone can develop intuition.

Why the need to develop intuition, you ask? Why not let your emotional and

psychological state be as it is? First and foremost, intuition promotes good

communication. It makes you more sensitive to the people around you; it often

keeps you from hurting those you love because you are intuitive enough to

understand them. Intuition also makes you far more creative than ever. Intuition

means releasing more creative juices for any means of expression. Lastly,

intuition has a healing power. This healing power is not in the physical sense, but

in delving deep into your soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in it.

With that being said, are you ready to develop your intuition? Here are some

ways to unlock this gift:

1. Hypnosis

Oh yes, get yourself hypnotized. Hypnosis is not limited to watching a pendulum

move back and forth. Perform self-hypnosis or you can avail of hypnotic

programs that can strengthen your intuition.

2. Meditation

Meditating means finding peace in yourself. If your mind and heart are cluttered

with too much baggage and hurt, you wouldn’t be able to quiet down that part of

you that could eventually initiate intuition. There are so many ways to meditate:

take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing exercises.

3. Think positive!

A worry-free, fear-free state could do so much to improve your intuitive ability. By

staying positive, you attract good energy that could be able to easily recognize

imminent feelings and events.

4. Just let go.

What does this mean? If you are on the brink of making a huge decision, let go of

all the inhibitions and head to a quiet place where you could find out where letting

go has brought you. Sometimes you just have to listen to the voice within you,

and that voice won’t come out unless you let go.

5. Never expect it.

After letting go of the inhibitions and all those things that stop you from thinking

and feeling clearly, never expect an answer right away. Never expect that the

“hunch” would fall on your lap immediately. Give it a little time, then you’ll be

surprised that — wham! — now you have your answer.

6. Believe in your first impressions.

When you see someone for the first time and think that he is a bit too arrogant for

your taste, chances are that impression actually holds true. Most of the time, first

impressions are brought by intuition.

7. Stay happy!

See? All you need to be intuitive is to stay happy! Happiness attracts immense

power and such power includes intuition. In tapping your intuition, your motivation

must be happiness and contentment. Given that premise, intuition will fall to you


Intuition is helpful, because sometimes it leads you to something that cannot be

achieved otherwise. A lot of lives have been saved by intuition alone. Decisions

are easier done if armed by this gift. Develop intuition now and reap benefits you

could have never imagined.

Your Intuition Is Your Guide

Are you aware of your inner voice? Do you pay attention to it? (By the way, I'm

not talking about the one who puts you down!) I'm talking about the one that

softly whispers ideas and suggestions to you, the kind that the other voice might

try to shut down, crying “Are you mad”!? This requires stepping out of our comfort

zone, and that is to be avoided at all costs (even if the cost is living a life of

mediocrity instead of the one of your dreams).

Sadly, the latter voice is the one most of us are aware of and pay attention to.

The more gentle one, the one that is our intuition, is often ignored (if we can even

hear it at all). The great pity here is that it's our intuition that really has our best

interests at heart. Our shadow voice (the louder, more aggressive one) does

have our welfare at heart too, but in a protective way.

What's wrong with protecting us? I know you’re thinking that! Well, it limits us and

ultimately erodes our well being at a soul level. And believe it or not, that's not

good for our physical or emotional well being! If you're unfulfilled at a soul level,

slowly and imperceptibly you will develop a nagging feeling of general discontent

which can have a rippling effect on your mood, self esteem and ultimately your

physical and mental health. But that's for another article...

The gentle voice of your intuition will, if listened to, stretch you beyond your

comfort zone, but never more than you are capable of. It will challenge you, but

also support you. It always has your best interests at heart, at every level:

physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. It will not only gently nudge you in

scary directions which will yield huge and unimaginable rewards, but it will also

gently nudge you when it’s time to stop or turn around.

When you tune into your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by it you will be

surprised at how much easier formerly assumed challenges will become. And

how much good fortune lands in your lap (we call it synchronicity). And how good

it feels to be at ease with yourself and all your life experiences, even the ones

you wouldn't choose!

If you're not used to listening to your intuition, learning to tune into it will require

time and patience. At first, you may be unsure which voice is which (especially as

your shadow voice often sounds very reasonable), and using your intuition is

very much like using your physical muscles. You need to use it regularly in order

for it to be in the shape you want.

So how do you get to know your intuition better? First of all, start to watch out for

hunches, feelings, ideas that crop up. Pay attention to the voice that

accompanies it. Is it gentle, positive, supportive?

If it's aggressive, domineering, or using scare-mongering tactics it's more likely to

be your shadow voice. If you're getting a feeling of warning, is it a loud and

threatening one? (shadow). Or an insistent knowing one? (intuition).

The scary thing about trusting your intuition when it's new to you, is that it's not

based on logic and often what it suggests to you cannot be justified logically. But

with practice and trust, you'll learn that knowing that something is the right thing

to do, is in your best interests. It'll be easier to shrug off your own shadow voice

and that of others (who will fear for your best interests on your behalf).

The key to developing this essential trust in one’s intuition is to start small. Don't

make life-changing decisions based on your intuition if you're not familiar with it

(you might still be confusing your two inner voices). Do ask your intuition to guide

you with smaller decisions, and wait for the gentle knowing feeling to arrive. Don't

expect an instant answer, but watch out, for it will come and you'll know it when it


Over time, as you tune in more and more, you'll find you suffer less and less with

worry or anxiety. You'll trust all will work out well, and often you'll find it works out

better than you could ever have imagined!

Law of Attraction

How To Practice The Law Of Attraction


The Law of Attraction is all about aligning your thoughts and actions into what

you want to happen in your life. It practices the success principle of ‘what you

think about, you bring about’. This success strategy really gained prominence

thanks to the movie The Secret, which had its ‘world premiere’ in March 2006.

Since then, millions of people all over the globe have applied the universal Law

of Attraction into their daily lives and proclaim that their lives have been better

ever since. So, should you be practicing the Law of Attraction as well?

One of the great things about the universal Law of Attraction is that its tenets are

not hard to put into practice at all! In fact, many people say that the biggest

secret in the movie The Secret, is that its doctrines are not classified at all! The

underlying principles of the Law of Attraction have been with us, ready to be

practiced, all this time. So why then have we abandoned these steps to success?

Life happened and somehow, somewhere, people started believing that they do

not deserve happiness. As such, people wake up afraid to expect the best and

prepare for the worse. Do you see that this is still the Law of Attraction working?

By THINKING that the worst will happen, people are bringing about problems to

themselves. So kick the habit! Expect the best and the best will happen to you.

Here are some simple tips so you can start living the Law of Attraction and start

attracting success into every aspect of your life.

Practice the attitude of gratitude the minute you wake up. Nothing can be a better

caffeine kick than happiness so why not start your day with this Law of Attraction

exercise: remember all the wonderful things you are (or ought to be) grateful for.

Even on a subconscious level, a lot of people live as if they are ‘victims’ instead

of ‘drivers’ of life. Avoid this trap by starting each day with thoughts of how great

and beautiful your life is at the moment. This mental exercise will ‘set the stage’

of more beautiful things to come.

Pay it forward. The universe is not all about you. The Law of Attraction is based

on the universal law of cause and effect and nothing can be more positively

powerful than doing a good deed for someone. You don’t have to go out and

save lives, but simple things such as helping an elderly cross the street or

helping direct someone who’s lost can do wonders on two levels: First, you WILL

feel good about yourself and if you’re happy, the universe will smile back at you

in one form or another. Secondly, the person you assisted will think happy

thoughts of you too, further attracting positive vibes!

Align your outer world with your inner world. As mentioned in the movie The

Secret, you cannot cheat the universe. Even if you think or say you’re ready for

happiness and success, the way you live, dress and act is the true measure. So

synchronize your intentions and your actions. For instance, if you want that

better-paying job, don’t just wish for it; act on it! Prepare a knock-out resume,

network with other people, change your wardrobe and dress for success! Life

success is not handed out, it is the end based on your means.

End the day with ‘happy thoughts’! At the end of the day, do this simple Law of

Attraction exercise: imagine yourself living a certain ‘moment’. For example, in

the romance department, close your eyes and envision that romantic dinner with

your special someone (regardless if you already have a special someone or

not!). Is your goal to purchase a new home? Close your eyes and picture yourself

tending the garden at the back of your new home or sitting down and reading a

book in your new home’s living room. Remember, what you think about…you

bring about.

The Law of Attraction, as advocated in the movie The Secret, is one of the most

powerful doctrines we can be made aware of. So grab this remarkable

opportunity to make your life a success. Make each day count by living this

success system that never fails.

Using The Law Of Attraction To Reduce

Stress And Anxiety

It has already helped countless people the world over to ease stress and anxiety.

If you are one of the many people who is suffering from anxieties and stress you

can take heart. You are not alone. The number of sufferers is rising according to

some studies. It is of vital importance to get professional help by seeking out an

experienced therapist. Learning about the Law of Attraction can also enhance

and speed up recovery for the ailing person.

The Law of Attraction has helped countless people to deal with their anxieties

and stress. With the Law of Attraction we learn to sit in the driver's seat of our life

and drive along any road we desire and come to the destiny we choose. We are

not dependent on someone else when using the power of the Law of Attraction.

Best of all, we do not have to wait and merely hope things get better in the future.

We can start today to make our lives worth living. Here are 3 simple ways for you

to enhance your therapy:

1. Meditate at least 10-20 minutes everyday on a regular basis. This will help

you greatly to improve your condition. You still may need the help of a

professional therapist or doctor but your daily meditations are valuable. If

you have children or other family members that need your attention you

want to do this exercise when things are quiet so that you can truly be still

and relax. Make this your time out from a busy and stressful day.

2. When meditating you can do the following exercise: Close your eyes and

picture yourself sitting in a large room all by yourself in total darkness. Hold

this mental picture for about 20 seconds. After the 20 seconds are over

imagine yourself sitting in the same room with bright and warm lights

shining on you. After that, go back in your mind to the same room with all

the lights out. This exercise will enhance the understanding of your inner

self. Getting to know your inner person will help you to understand

yourself. It will also help you to listen to yourself and become more

intuitive. It may be difficult at first for you to meditate regularly especially if

you did not do meditations before. You still want to make it part of your

daily routine. Meditation is essential for good mental and physical health.

3. To help with your anxieties you can also think about some great

affirmations to help you along. Here are some suggestions of what you

could say when doing affirmations: I am living in a paradise and I have

peace all around. I am feeling great and I love my life. You need to say

these affirmations in the present tense. This may feel like a lie at first,

when you are feeling quite to the contrary. The Law of Attraction helps us

to understand that the universe, however, will only respond to your

feelings, not to the spoken language. Affirmations will help you to train your

subconscious mind to be in harmony with the way you want to feel. When

using the Law of Attraction to get rid of anxieties both meditation and

affirmations are important. This will be a great stepping stone into your

future free from stress and anxieties.

By applying these lessons in the right way, we can program ourselves to be what

we really want to be. We do not have to think that our conditions in life are meant

to be or that we have to depend on external forces and their mercy! It is your

right to enjoy peace and happiness and understanding the Law of Attraction can

help get you there.

You Must First BE What You Want

Many people try to use the Law of Attraction to build a life that is truly worthy of

them. They become frustrated at their lack of progress simply because they have

gotten the order of manifestation wrong. Don’t fall into the same trap. Learn that

you must first BE what you want, then DO what is necessary to achieve it, so that

you can HAVE your desire.

One of the biggest problems people find when they try to use the Law of

Attraction for the first time is resistance from the outside world. It seems that no

matter what they do the world pushes against them. It appears that the harder

they strive for their desires the more the world pushes back. They then fall into

the trap of blaming the world for their woes. This is a disastrous mindset to have

if you wish to successfully and consciously employ the Law of Attraction to your


Mahatma Gandhi, the great Indian leader who peacefully freed his country from

British rule, told his followers, “become the change you want to see in the world.”

These words are just as true today as they were when this wise man walked the

planet. In order to have what you want, you must be willing to do what is

necessary to achieve it, and this can only be achieved when you become the

very thing you want!

Let me explain this in a little more detail. The Law of Attraction can bring you

anything and everything you want. In fact, anything you can hold in mind can be

yours, if you follow the rules of this Universal Law.

Trying to change other people or change the world is the wrong approach to

achieving your dreams. You must change yourself. By holding in mind the things

you want, and believing that it is truly possible for you to have them, you will

immediately begin to attract them. However, if you wish to change the world or

other people, you are holding in mind the very things you do not want. You are

affirming to yourself that things are not OK the way they are. The Law of

Attraction immediately kicks in and you begin to attract more of those things.

By accepting the world and other people the way they are you will begin to

embrace the moment and unleash your true power to create. You cannot change

the world and you cannot change others, but you can change yourself. This is

where your true power lies. When you change yourself internally the world

around you begins to change as you start to attract people, circumstances,

situations and physical objects that reflect your changed beliefs, attitude,

thoughts and feelings.

This is why it is important to hold on to an attitude of gratitude for the things you

already have. You can even be grateful for where you are in life right now, no

matter how bad it is, because this is the launching platform for your new

improved life. Start from where you are. Wherever you are in life it is the right

place for you right now. Just be satisfied to begin from where you are and you

will soon get to where you want to go.

Once you have identified the things in life you wish to have, begin to think of

them often. Imagine that you are already in possession of them. This is you

becoming at one with your desire. Once you can hold your desire in mind and

see, feel and accept that you are in possession of it, you have become your

future vision. This is your desire. Look at children, they are excellent at this. It is a

natural state of mind and not as hard to achieve as you may imagine. Just allow

yourself to do it. Have fun and play with your internal vision. Enjoy it!

Be flexible enough to allow the Universe to deliver these things to you as it sees

fit. However, some action is required! Be prepared to take some steps towards

your goal. No matter how small or insignificant these steps are, take at least

some action everyday that will bring you closer to your desires.

You will soon find that as you take even small steps towards your desires and

stay true to your inner vision the Universe will rush to meet you. Coincidences

will occur and you will find opportunities are presented to you. As long as you are

generating positive emotions around your internal vision the action needed by

you will be pleasurable and feel natural.

So remember, BE what you desire, Then DO what you have to in order to bring

you closer to those desires and then you will HAVE everything you want!

The 3 Keys To Unlock Your Reality

The first key in the Law of Attraction is acceptance. First accept where you are at

the moment. You simply cannot attract new circumstances if you deny your

present condition and experiences. Where you presently are is filled with wealth

and beauty and great things. You must first love all of what you are and where

you are before you can move on. YES, this is extremely important to know.

You have heard someone, at some point, say something like this, after years of

being frustrated with my job, I finally decided to learn to love it, when suddenly,

someone offered me a new and better paying job. Or maybe you’ve heard a

remark like this, for years I hated my body, but I finally decided to love my pouch

then suddenly, I started to lose weight without doing anything! This is all part of

the first key, learn to accept things as they are.

The Second Key is to find the beauty in all things. Every single thing in life has

two sides, both good and bad, dark and light, beautiful and ugly. What you are

experiencing depends on which side you are looking at. Learn to see the most

beautiful part in whatever you are experiencing. If you are dealing with the ugliest

moment in your life, look at the beautiful lesson it is here to teach you.

Mystics know that out of the darkest moments comes the most light. Out of ugly

comes beauty, out of hardness comes softness. Love it all, observe it all because

it is all linked. One cannot exist without the other. In order to apply the Law of

Attraction with success you must realize this reality and know with confidence

that what is good will come out of what you presently see as hard or difficult, but

ONLY if you first choose to see the beauty inside of the hardship. The Law of

Attraction requires that you alter your focus to find what is beautiful and what is

beautiful is almost always found inside the darkest of circumstances.

The Third Key is the root of what you are trying to attract comes out of your

present conditions. You can successfully apply the Law of Attraction by realizing

that your past, present, and future are interlocked and are really one source of

the total you in all your many forms.

What you want could not have even existed or come to you had you not first

been where you are today. Where you are today is the foundation for where you

are going so you should honor your today moments in all their darkness and


Opening Up Your New Reality

The best thing you can do for yourself is to get out a notebook and begin to

journal your present experiences. You must take a hands on approach in

mastering yourself in order to have success with applying the Law of Attraction.

Write out each point and begin to examine yourself. Writing is healing and it will

absolutely change you at a deeper subconscious level.


Methods Of Karmic Pattern Clearing

What is karmic pattern clearing? Karmic pattern clearing is the cleansing of

ingrained habitual responses that dictate the way we react to certain situations.

This article is about my understanding of karmic pattern clearing. From what I

know of, there are many tools and methods of clearing. The one that I am

describing here is simply one of many.

The process of karmic pattern clearing often leads to the surfacing and

uncovering of tendencies and thought-patterns that are stored in our

subconscious mind. For that matter, meditation and an understanding of our

dreams are helpful skills in our management of the process.

Karmic energies are neither good nor bad. Energy is just the way it is. However,

beliefs and influences, possibly picked up when young or in some previous lives,

will make us regard certain ‘characteristics’ as either being positive or negative.

This tendency to judge is almost natural and instantaneous.

Energy (reaction) very often must run its full course for the ’cause’ to be

‘discovered’ and then ‘understood’. When the first reaction arises, a second

reaction will often analyze the first one and decide whether the former is good or

bad. If the former reaction is deemed as bad or undesirable, our personality will

try to ‘fix’ the situation by preventing (blocking) it from arising again. Well, what

we have now is more and more reactions, which can sometimes complicate the

entire situation.

A Method of Clearing

This is one method that I employ. What I will normally do is to define all these

reactions that come into my awareness. Basically, I am training myself to be

aware of my own tendencies. I do this in situations that I have a strong reaction

to. How to define these reactions? There are many ways to do that. Below are

some examples:

1. Saying ‘how I feel’. Express them.

2. Writing them down in a record book or journal.

What is the purpose of doing this? By defining these reactions, we are

recognizing them and thus they (the thought patterns) become known or

conscious to our conscious self. By expressing them, more and more of our

karmic tendencies will be uncovered (and eventually be understood). This will

continue until a time comes when the reactions lose their emotional charges.

When they lose their emotional charges we will be less interested in them. With

that, I consider this as having ‘cleared the karmic pattern’.

One more thing to add, the ‘external’ situation, basically is ‘designed’ to tell us

something about ourselves. Sometimes, we may need to apply the ‘mirroring’

principle. For example, when we encounter a person whom we do not like, check

to see deep within our unconscious or subconscious, do we have the same

pattern? This, to me, is the hardest part to swallow.

Is there a quick and painless way to clear these karmas? Well, not that I know of.

Additionally, dream interpretation can also support us in our karmic pattern

clearing effort. Dreams often reveal to us our unconscious and subconscious

personality aspects. As such, the ability to decipher dreams greatly assists in the

understanding of ourselves and our thought patterns.

The Connection Between Meditation And


Karma lives with us, Karma is part of our lives from the very moment of our birth

to the moment of our death. Every time that we do something and every time that

we stop doing something, that generates Karma, and you cannot avoid it in any


Of course, not all the Karma that we generate is the same, there is a kind of

Karma that ties us or chains us to this life, and another kind that liberates us of

the reincarnation cycle. The Karma that chains us, known as Vishayakarma, has

as fruits misery and lack of interior peace, while the Karma generated by good

actions or disinterested actions, know as the Sreyokarma allow us to reach

prosperity and happiness of the soul, that is much more than reaching simple

external happiness.

Everytime that we face an activity with the desire of obtaining a certain result, this

throws us into the arms of desire, greed and ego. While only the pure actions that

we do for love without taking into account the possible consequences of them,

are the kind of actions that drive us, little by little, toward illumination and

liberation. Those whose nature allows them to carry out these kinds of unselfish

activities, little by little, realize that Spirit provides them with all that they need

and inner peace. Another form of achieving inner peace is through meditation.

Perhaps you might ask yourself why? Why is meditation so necessary? Because

humans always act in two dimensions, the external dimension governed by the

physical senses, and the internal dimension governed by the inner knowing and

the mind. The internal conscience cannot move for itself, but instead, needs

intelligence and the mind, for they are the oxen that pulls the carriage. These

oxen are anxious to begin to walk, but to take us to the correct destination they

should be educated, they should study which is the route that takes us to the

place to which we want to arrive at the internal conscience. And these are the

roads of Truth, Rightness, Peace and Love.

To liberate us from Karma, it is necessary to teach the intelligence and mind’s

oxen the art of dragging the carriage of the internal conscience, and this is

achieved by means of the practices of meditation. And the conscience, to be able

to guide the oxen of intelligence and the mind, must calm and control the

conflicting desires that infest the mind, and this is achieved when we learn how to

point our mind to a single direction.

It is easy to understand the benefits of meditation. Anyone that undertakes a

task, knows that only when she concentrates her efforts toward a single point,

she can achieve the desired success. Even the most insignificant tasks require

concentration, and the power of an unshakable effort is so big, that even the

worst difficulties surrender to it.

When we practice meditation, the mind learns how to retire its attention from

material objects, and life acquires a new splendor when we become aware of the

Divine Essence that is inside us. How sweet is a fruit? There’s no way to explain

that appropriately, the only way of knowing that is to eat the fruit. How good is

meditation? There’s no way of knowing the taste of its fruits until we decide to

experience it.


A Short Background Of Magick

Many systems have been developed over the ages to help us control our

thoughts. A great amount of dogma has also been kicked around in an attempt to

make us into better people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a ‘k’) is one of

the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is the study and

application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system

of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and

the environment according to the will.

Most of the magick we see today comes to us from ancient Egypt and Chaldea.

The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magick.

Western magick was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years

and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe

that the alchemists and Cabalists rediscovered magickal knowledge. Only during

the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to

permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the

twentieth century has science shown much interest in it all.

A Guide To Creating Your Own Magick


Writing your own spells is what every practicing Witch aspires to. The ability to

craft your own spells gives you an advantage over “ready made” spells you can

find in other places. This is because you will be putting your own emotion and

energy into the spell. Through the process of its unique creation it will be special

and meaningful to you, and that is the secret of casting successful spells.

If you want to learn black magic, all of the following holds true. The ingredients

and tools that you use are purely dependent upon not only what traditional

magickal properties they might possess, but also what they mean to you as far

as symbology goes.

There are different ways to set up the wording of your spells. They can be as

simple as a two line charge to enforce your will, rhyming couplets (my personal

favorite, since it helps me to better remember the words without referring back to

written instructions), eloquent and lengthy prose to charge the spell to the energy

of your will, or simply the use of repeating or chanting a single word over and

over again.

Everything that you put into the spell, the ingredients, the words, the time of day,

etc come together with your desire, emotion, and belief to bring about your

desired outcome (sometimes within a day).

A quick word of warning: you should steer clear of casting spells to harm or

control other people in any way. Not only does this go against the Witchcraft

Ethics and Responsibilities, but trying to control someone else (or cause harm to

them), opens doors in the future that you may not want opened. I have seen

people lose everything because they practiced Magick in ways that go against

common morality. Always make sure your heart is in the right place, and that you

feel good about casting a spell.

Now, here are the things you will want to do while creating your spell. Make sure

to write down an outline for the spell on paper so you won't forget anything. Even

if your spell sounds silly as you write it, keep writing, as long as it is coming from

your heart, and is for an intense desire that you have. Unless it is an emergency

situation, plan out the best timing for when to cast the spell. You will need to take

into consideration planetary influences, moon phases, etc. When you have

finished your spell, write it down in your Book of Shadows. Record the results of

your spell, and any feelings you had while casting it in your Book of Shadows

Revise the spell as necessary, as you figure out what went right and what went


I hope you found this quick guide helpful! It really is not that complicated. The

most important part is that you create something that is authentic to you.

An Intro To Magick And Wicca

A Brief overview of Wicca:

When witchcraft is practiced as a religion, it is referred to by the Old English term

for witch, Wicca. This term is used to counter all the negative stereotypes that

society has given witchcraft. Wicca is primarily a religion that worships nature,

and sees all creation as sacred. In fact, all Wiccan holy days follow the cycles of

nature and the changes in the seasons. Wicca also worships both a male and

female deity, a female Goddess and a male God, who had together created the

world and everything in it. Witchcraft is neither black nor white. Witchcraft is a

religion that respects Mother Nature and She is neither completely positive or

completely negative. The same holds true for all witches and all people.

Spells are used by Wiccans, and are a series of rituals and prayers that are

conducted to ask for divine help in a certain aspect of life. All spells must adhere

to the witchcraft code of conduct, meaning that any spells used to harm another

person is forbidden. In witchcraft, spells may also be changed or adapted to suit

a Wiccans personality or specific wishes in casting the spell.

What exactly is witchcraft, spells, and magick?

Many years ago, I asked myself those same questions, and I'm still learning the

answers. My journey started at 15 years of age, with a very understanding

mother and a visit to a New Age Shop. I remember entering the shop with a

sense of awe, and instantly being put at ease by a wonderfully sweet aroma that

hung over the bookcases. Yet, out of all the potions, oils, and books that filled the

place, the one thing that stood out to me the most was the man behind the

counter. He looked more like George Clooney than something out of Halloween

Fairy Tales, and that was my first lesson. Witches look just like everyone else. Of

course, you may run into the occasional witch who looks more fiction than fact,

but other than those, most are just your average people. The majority tend to

choose to blend in as much as possible. Why? Not everyone is armed with

progresive and open ways of thinking, and in some cases, witches are put into

the same category as Satanists, heathens, or just bad people.

I eventually took more interest in magick. Witches refer to spells and divine help

as magick, not to be confused with magic, which we consider to be what you

would see at a show, a magician sawing a woman in half, card tricks, etc.

Magick, however, is sacred to all Wiccans.

Three Simple Spells For Protection,

Healing, And Wealth

Protection From Evil Spell:

This is a simple spell you can do to protect yourself and your energy from

negative outside sources and evil.

Prepare your altar and sacred space (by casting your circle).

Visualize a triple circle of purplish light around your body while chanting:

Thrice around the circle bound

Evil sink into the ground

If you feel especially threatened, you can do this spell every night for as long as

needed to strengthen the protective Magick around you.

Radiant Symbol Candle Money Spell:

People often turn to Magick for financial reasons. And it is usually not out of

greed, but need. The simple fact is, Money is a necessary evil in the world. We

need it to survive and financial hardship runs rampant through much of the world

(including sections of every prosperous nation).

You can turn to Magick for help, so that financial stability and wealth is attracted

into your life. Magick will not mysteriously deposit a million dollars in your bank

account (that is NOT the way it works), but it will create amazing opportunities if

you wish to see and believe in them.

This simple spell uses Candle Magick to release powerful energies to bring your

desires to you.

Prepare your altar and sacred space (by casting your circle). Make sure you first

have anointed a green candle for use in Magick.

Then, carve your name and identifying information (like your personal power

symbol, if you have one) onto the green candle.

Carve a symbol that represents money or wealth to you: prosperity rune, a dollar

sign, or whatever else resonates for you.

Hold the candle in your hand and focus on your desire. Dress and embellish the

candle with money-drawing oils and powders, then burn.

You don't need to wait for the whole candle to burn down obviously, but the

longer it burns the better. While it is burning you should sit quietly and meditate

on your money desires while focusing on different ways these desires can come

to you.

Knot Healing Spell:

Another important reason people turn to Magick and various forms of Witchcraft

is for healing and purification of the body, mind, or soul. Magick is capable of

healing any ailment (but of course the more serious the ailment, the more

powerful Magick is required). The gentle vibrations of Magick energy are used in

this spell to heal yourself, or somebody else.

Prepare your altar and sacred space (by casting your circle).

Tie seven knots in a string. Visualize the illness and suffering as you tie the initial

knots. You’re not wishing the illness-quite the opposite. You’re essentially

transferring the illness into the knot.

Make it into a bracelet for the person with the sickness by tying the ends


Place the bracelet on the person who is ailing.

Untie one knot each day.

On the last day, unravel the thread and throw everything into running living water,

flowing away from the patient's location.


How To Manifest Your Dreams And


What are your dreams?

Are you in a place in your life where part of it feels limiting or exhausting? If so, it

is the time for you to begin manifesting your dreams and desires. First of all, you

must remember that Miracles do happen and that it is time to reach for the top.

Not to put others down, but to ask for what it is that you really desire. Go for the

top. Go for the limitlessness. Show your fellow beings that through the process of

releasing limited thoughts your cup is filled with the opportunities that the

universe wants to bring to you. By daring to do this, you are teaching what you

know. You have taken the courage to release. Now you must take the even

greater courage to command and receive what you wish. You must stay in touch

with the fact that you are in actuality manifesting every moment of the day what

you desire.

Stretch your vision of yourself!

If you desire the bottom of the list, you are manifesting that as well. If you are

looking for the top, you will bring that in. You will receive what you ask for.

You are in the process of manifesting your dreams through visualization.

It would be as if you decided to go shopping at the clothing store. First, you

would pick the clothing store that is aligned with your style, not what is aligned

with your budget, but with your style.

You see, what you need to do here is stretch your perception of self. The way

you see yourself and the way others see you are two different things. When your

Higher Self is in action, you don't focus on a limited thought pattern. Open up to

the highest and ask for support. When you are wondering if something is the

highest for you, put out into the Universe and ask: Is this really the highest for

me? You may do this in mediation or quiet moments. You will be surprised at

how little you are asking for. You are asking very small questions. You need to


All is available to you, but you've gotta ask. This is sometimes a difficult process,

but it is the most important piece that you can do, because without asking, you

do not expand into the next level. Focus on places in your life where you know it

is time to grow; as you are tired of the place you are in. Take the time to write

them down and explore what your reality is and what your dreams are.

You can now go and just ask for the highest, and the highest good will come to

you when you let go of the form it will take and any attachment to the outcome. It

is important to practice expanding your visions. If you write your dreams down on

paper and think, I couldn't achieve that, at least you have put it down. Now there

is something to work with.

Look at the issues of conflict and resistance here. If it feels like a piece of your

dream isn't coming to you, it's because you're not allowing it to be received.

Allow yourself to receive the abundance of the Universe. Allow yourself to

receive the energy of unconditional love without fear. Allow yourself to receive

the energy and the true love and healing of who you are.

The Universe is bringing you all that you need now. All you need to do is ask.

Much like when you go to a restaurant and order from a menu, just order what

you wish, and it will be brought to you. But, just as you are ordering from a

restaurant, order what is delightful and peaceful to the palate, not what is the

essence of the budget. If you order bread and water, this is what will be brought

to you, so order from the highest categories, and you receive that.

The more you laugh, the lighter you dance.

Over and over in your life, you will see small ways in which this is performed and

brought to you, and you will laugh. You will laugh at the signs; you will laugh with

great humor at the ways these things fall into place. Laughter, as you know,

makes the heart so light.

Without asking, you do not expand into the next level of your consciousness.

Most of us ask far too little of the Universe. Dare to acknowledge your deepest

dreams and desires and dare to ask. Dare to ask big, and then open yourself to

receiving. Expect miracles and stay open to receiving all the Universe has to


1. Explore places in your life where you have not yet dared to ask for your


2. Affirm to the Universe, either through visualization, meditation, or in writing that

you are formally asking for and are open to receiving whatever it is that you most


3. Keep track of what you received and when.

Manifesting Your Divine Soul Purpose

The new times that are arriving on the Earth will require a new kind of human

being to navigate through the stormy waters of present day challenges and to

create new solutions based on the spiritual principles of harmony, balance, and

respect for life. At this time on the Earth, many souls are awakening spiritually,

and coming to more deeply understand and experience their own unique and

divine spiritual origins.

When a soul, embodied in human form, begins to awaken and realize their inner

connection with spirit, a new path is forged within the body, mind, emotions, and

consciousness. The awakening human being begins to experience a greater

depth of communion with spirit, and many new questions arise. One very

important question the soul asks is, “why am I here?”, and “for what purpose did

Spirit create me?

For some on the spiritual path, an inner understanding of divine soul purpose

emerges relatively early in the spiritual journey, guiding and supporting them in

the directions needed for optimal growth and manifestation of their life's work.

For others, knowledge of divine soul purpose eludes the human embodied self

for quite a long time, necessitating a period of “walking in the desert” with little

outward or even inward support that can be perceived. This period of seeking is

purposeful on the soul’s part, but may cause deep suffering to the embodied

human self that feels empty, meaningless, and worried that they may be going in

the wrong direction.

The manifestation of your divine soul purpose is as unique and precious as you

are. The best way to discover that which is the guiding essence of your life's

purpose is to look within what desires, dreams, aspirations, hopes and longings

you carry most closely in your heart.

Spirit created you so carefully, and uniquely for the sacred purpose you embody.

Think of the beauty of a newborn baby, the precious nature of their tiny fingers

and toes, and the sweet wisdom in their eyes. We can see the divine blueprint of

the soul clearly in the radiance of their simple and innocent being. In this same

way, you are created uniquely for your spiritual purpose, with every finger and

toe, every hair on your head known and accounted for by Spirit’s infinite wisdom

and grace.

Small children naturally begin to embody their soul purpose, even at a very

young age. They are attracted to certain people and situations, and they relate to

their environment in their own unique fashion. They may love animals, or spend

their time drawing and painting, or they will play with cars and trucks, heal the

neighborhood cats, or lead groups of children on the playground. They may enjoy

singing and dancing, or they may read voraciously, or tinker with their computer.

All the natural tendencies within, if allowed to flourish and expand, will lead a

child to manifesting their divine soul purpose.

And what of we adults, who may have grown up in less than optimal

circumstances where our natural tendencies were not supported? Perhaps we

have forgotten what we most loved to do as a child, or perhaps even thinking

about this brings up the pain of what we endured as children. How can we

discover our divine soul purpose?

It may comfort you to know that you have not lost anything, even if you no longer

feel in touch with your inner desires. The deep inner longing of your heart is

never extinguished, even in the most difficult of circumstances. This is a quality

of the soul that is eternal, that will lead you to manifesting your soul’s purpose.

If you are feeling uninspired, disconnected from your divine soul purpose, it is

possible to re-connect, by praying for this and creating a sacred intention to

reconnect with your inner being.

The prayer and intention activates a path of healing that will lead you towards

that which you desire. If you have been disconnected for a very long time, you

may find yourself experiencing deep emotions of grief or pain, as the re-

connection to yourself is restored. If you can breathe and be with these emotions,

without repressing them, but simply holding them in divine light, this will create a

healing and a freeing up of inner space.

The discovery of your divine soul purpose lies within your heart’s desire. What do

you most deeply long for? If you could do anything in the world what would that

be? The path to manifesting your unique gifts in the world begins here, and then

expands outward, as you begin to take actions based on your heart’s calling.

Your true life’s work is this, to listen, follow, share your gifts, and manifest all that

you are in the world of physical form. For this reason you came to the Earth at

this time, to share all that you are with all of life.

Using The Manifesting Mindset For Self


For years we have been exposed to self help and motivational instruction that

focuses heavily on the physical world. For some, this has been highly effective

while for others this hasn't always been the case. Why is that? I believe that

success comes to those who have the manifesting mindset. What is the

manifesting mindset? It's simply thinking in a way that is in harmony with the


I know that sounds spiritual and it is. The reason some people seem to get

everything they want and have abundant success is mainly due to their

Manifesting Mindset. If we have a subconscious belief that, for example: Wealth

is an achievable goal, then your mind will allow you to manifest that wealth.

However, if you have subconscious thoughts that are negative towards the

attainment of wealth, then you will vibrate an energy that will not attract wealth.

Have you or anyone you have known ever had a successful business or made a

lot of money, and then after a period of time, lost it all or in part? Or how about if

you have had some business success or other personal achievements and

caught yourself saying something like I'm so lucky or I can't believe I'm doing

this, and then had a turn around in your luck or your achievements? Those are

examples of subconscious thoughts that are sabotaging your chances of

maintaining your success.

Another example of the Manifesting Mindset at work is trying to solve problems.

Manifesting Mindset techniques teach you how to solve problems in your sleep.

It isn't a new concept that if you focus too much on a problem with your

conscious mind you will never find the best answer, but if you allow yourself to

sleep on it, it will often come to you as an epiphany!

Then there's daydreaming, how many great ideas have come to you when you

relax your mind and allow your thoughts to wander around the universe, and

suddenly you realize that you have just solved a problem that has been bugging

you for years? Now that's being in harmony with the universe!

Here's one of my favorite thoughts: It's about great inventions. Do people invent

things, or just understand the powers of energy in the universe? Thomas Edison

invented the light bulb, but it was always POSSIBLE to have a light bulb even

before Edison UNDERSTOOD how to make one! After he made one, it soon

became one of the most common items in the world! Now everyone uses the

light bulb. Imagine trying to explain a light bulb and convince someone that it

works before Edison made one. The same is true with the Manifesting Mindset;

we are only now beginning to understand and harness the energy that makes up

our universe, and while there is undoubtedly much more for us to learn, one thing

is for sure, knowledge is power and understanding the Manifesting Mindset will

allow you to achieve all that you truly deserve.


The Basics Of Meditation In 4 Steps

Meditation is one of the techniques often used for stress management. A person

who is riddled with problems often finds it hard to focus, which often leads to

more problems. Meditation techniques help a person achieve a calm state of

mind without having to resort to drugs or relaxation tools and implements. Every

step to meditation is done in the mind.

Remember that meditation is not a one shot deal. It is almost impossible to attain

a calm state of mind in just a matter of minutes, especially if it’s your first time. It

is essential that you keep on practicing meditation until you have conditioned

your mind to instantaneously achieve that calm state just by thinking about it.

Here are some steps for a beginner to start with meditation as their Stress

Management strategy.

1. Find A Quiet Corner To Start Your Meditation. Distraction is a hindrance to

those who are still starting out with meditation. When you close your eyes,

your sense of hearing will be twice as good, so almost any noise in your

surroundings will make it hard for you to concentrate. For beginners, it is

important to start out in a quiet place in your home where noise is non-

existent. Close your windows and lock your door. If possible, you can tell

everyone in your home to minimize their noise so that you won’t get


2. Ready Your Position. It is advisable for beginners to avoid lying down

when practicing meditation. The aim here is not to sleep, and it is likely that

you will fall asleep if your mind reaches a relaxed state. To stop this from

happening, you can start your meditation in a lotus position or you can find

a chair you can sit on. Make sure that your back is straight and your hands

are relaxed on the armrest or on your lap.

3. Begin Your Meditation With Proper Breathing. A good way to start

meditation is to do the proper breathing exercise. You inhale through your

nose and exhale through your mouth. This way, you can come up with a

rhythm that you can easily focus on. Also, the amount of oxygen in your

body will help to keep you relaxed. Keep practicing your breathing until you

can do it easily without having to think about it.

4. Focus On Your Mind. While you are concentrating on your breathing, you

will achieve a state wherein your mind will start throwing images at you.

These are mostly random- events of the day, future plans, problems and

worries, fears and so on. It will be hard to ignore these thoughts and you

are not supposed to ignore them. The gist here is to acknowledge these

thoughts when they enter your mind and then release them. This might

sound hard but here is a simple example to understand the concept. You

know that you have furniture at home- you can see it clearly with your

eyes, but you are not really concentrating on it. Focusing on the furniture

will usually make you think of its color, its material, how it looks in that part

of your home, and more. You need to be able to look at these random

thoughts in a detached state, seeing them clearly in your head but not

focusing your attention on it. There will come a time that these random

thoughts will stop and you will notice that you are already in a blank space

in your mind. This is the state you want to achieve during meditation. This

is the place where you can think about your problems and focus on it till

you can find a solution for it. With this, you have successfully mastered the

basics of meditation for your stress management program.

Obtaining A Spiritual Awakening And

Oneness Through Meditation

Aside from the calming effect that meditation can bring, it is often said to be a

path to awaken the spirit and start the journey towards spiritual awakening.

Meditation has different schools. Each school has its own thoughts about

meditation. There are also different techniques. There are meditative techniques

which focus on a field or a background perception, while there are others which

focus on a specific object.

Meditation is used to calm the mind and relax the body. Tension, stress and

anxiety can be relieved by performing simple techniques. Aside from the inner

peace that meditation brings, it can also improve the body's general health. It is

also a great way of improving your concentration. There are studies showing the

relationship between meditation and the performances of athletes and other


Health benefits of meditation include better circulation, deeper levels of

relaxation, increase in exercise tolerance among heart patients, regularizing

blood pressure, reduction of anxiety attacks and muscle tension, relieving

arthritis pain and among many other things.

With meditation, you get to listen to the inner self and separate from the

pressures of daily life. Understanding the inner self leads to understanding of the

higher self. This increases our knowledge and understanding of how the higher

self unites with the universe. In meditation, you get the chance to tap in and see

your life and problems from a different perspective. Getting in touch with the

inner self will provide guidance towards happiness and fulfilment.

There are religions which advocate the use of meditation to reach enlightenment.

As mentioned, there are different schools of thoughts and focus that each religion

adapts. But the method or the technique used is not as important as the

underlying concept behind meditation. Meditation is about listening to the inner

self and controlling your attention and focusing. There are so many distractions

that it is very hard for some to focus their attention on what is important and keep

their attention on fixed objects. When focused on a fixed object or field, oneness

could be experienced and could take a person to a completely different state.

This oneness is not easy to achieve though. There are some who would need to

meditate for years to achieve it.

When oneness is achieved, the person will experience bliss. Bliss is referred to

as a natural state of the soul which cannot be experienced easily in daily life.

During this meditative state, the mind expands its consciousness and

understanding of nature and the universe. Destructive thinking and behaviour

brought about by the materialistic and fast-paced world can be let go and

released. A deeper understanding and knowledge will be felt and the body will be

in one with the universe. This, is what they say, can link us to the Supreme

Being. Attaining this oneness could be compared to a spiritual awakening, where

the body and the mind can fully understand what cannot be seen or touched in

the material world.

Quick Meditation Tips For People On

The Move

Meditation is an ancient ritual that is perfect for individuals seeking a bit of peace,

quiet, and inner reflection in their daily lives. However, many individuals

erroneously believe they do not have the appropriate time to devote to

meditation. This practice does not require a special room and hours upon hours

of inner reflection to be done properly and receive the most results. In fact,

meditation can be done in any quiet corner, including your living room, office,

hotel room, or even on an airplane. In order to achieve the proper meditation in

some of these places, you may need to practice certain techniques or bring along

special devices that will block noise and ensure quiet for your designated

meditation time.

Consider joining a meditation group so that you can effectively learn the methods

of meditation before you attempt to meditate in unusual surroundings. The

techniques and methods you learn through an experienced meditation instructor

will help you accomplish your own personal goals of meditation and inner


Meditation does not have to be incredibly time consuming. Make it a point to

dedicate a few minutes each day to your meditation goals and spend some time

reflecting inward. Mornings are excellent times to begin meditation, since you are

at your most at ease during this time and your home is probably the quietest.

Consider waking up before the rest of your household to snag a few much

needed minutes alone in order to successfully complete your meditation process.

This is critical for people with children who find it hard to meditate amidst the

noises and demands of family life.

When you are on the go, do not leave your meditation practices at home!

Consider snapping up a pair of noise canceling headphones to block out noise as

you travel or commute. This will allow you the greatest sense of peace and quiet

so that you can continue with your meditation techniques. Bring along a special

meditation soundtrack of familiar tunes which you can also use to block out

unnecessary background noise.

Meditation can be an excellent way to unwind after a long day of traveling, so

consider taking time to practice your techniques once you reach your destination.

For individuals who are constantly calling hotel rooms home, it can be quite easy

to miss your personal meditation space. For this reason, carry a small token or a

few items with you on your travels to remind you of home. Consider bringing a

favorite blanket, pillow, or mat to aid you in your meditation practices. Use scents

to transport you to a more serene world. Aromatherapy has been used in

conjunction with meditation for thousands of years. For individuals on the go,

consider bringing along travel candles or a vial of essential oil that you can leave

open to pervade the atmosphere.

3 Easy Steps to Making Your Own

Meditation Room

Meditation rooms are not always rooms per se, oftentimes, they are just secluded

nooks in someone's home where one can go to to think, relax and meditate.

Having a private meditation room, however, is not something that has to be

exclusive to yoga practitioners. You too can have your very own meditation room

which you can use as a place just to sit back and get away from the fast-paced

and stressful daily life that most of us live. Your meditation room can be your own

hideaway, where you can breathe freely and gather your thoughts together. Here

are three simple steps to help you create your own sacred space.

1. Choose a Spot for Your Meditation Room: Quietness and isolation are the

primary qualities that a meditation room must have. No matter how small

your home is, it is possible to have a meditation room where you can have

a bit of peaceful respite. Just find a place to set it up that is a little out of

the way in your home. You can situate your meditation room in your own

bedroom if you want. In fact, any corner that can be made secluded will do.

All you need to do, if your meditation room is not a separate room in itself,

is to partition it creatively so you would not be bothered if you are inside

your nook.

2. Furnish the Meditation Room: A meditation room does not require much in

terms of furnishings. The most essential piece of furniture is a comfortable

chair that is wide enough for you to curl your legs in. And even with that, a

chair is not that necessary. If space is a problem, a cushion can serve in its

place instead. A bluetooth speaker or some other device to play music

may be necessary. It helps a lot to meditate while listening to soft,

instrumental music, or perhaps to record natural sounds like the singing of

birds or the sound of the waves or falling rain.

How your meditation room is lighted may affect how well you focus and

concentrate in clearing your mind here. The lighting you ought to install in

your meditation room is something soft and subtle. Stay away from the

harshly glowing fluorescent bulbs when you light your meditation room.

You do not have to decorate the walls. If you are going to paint the walls a

neutral color will work best. You do not need anything that can distract you

from your meditation. To set and enhance the mood, however, you can put

up shelves where you can place some scented candles or a vase of

flowers or perhaps some crystals. A potted plant can help set the mood,

too. These are all the decorations you can consider when setting up your

meditation room.

3. Maintain the Meditation Room: Your meditation room is ideally the one

place in your house, if not in the whole world, where you can get away to

relax and to clear your mind of anything that is bothering you. The one

thing that will defeat this purpose is if you leave clutter in your meditation

room.No matter how busy you may be with your daily life, always find the

time to keep your meditation room clean and free from clutter. Cleaning

your meditation room may be seen as a form of meditation in itself. After

all, the reason you have a meditation room is to keep your mind clear and


Why Meditation Can Help Reduce Stress

People encounter stress everyday, some do at work or school, others at home.

While people are usually able to cope with stress, sometimes the burden simply

becomes too much that people break down because of it.

The Science of Stress

In the General Adaptation Syndrome model designed by Hans Selye, there are

three stages that people undergo when stressed. During the first stage, the body

goes on a state of alarm at the realization of a threat. In this stage, cortisol is

released by the body. The second stage is where the body becomes unable to

cope with the strain until its resources are depleted. Finally, the body breaks

down, which includes the exhaustion of the immune system. Because of this, the

body is unable to fight off sicknesses which then expose the person to illnesses.

How Meditation Helps Reduce Stress

Meditation is one method which can help reduce the stress levels of a person. By

calming the mind and giving the person a sense of control over things, the things

that are considered threats (the things which cause stress) become easier to

manage. But the reduction of stress isn't the end of the exercise. Since stress

can make people prone to illnesses, reducing stress can help in keeping the

person healthy. The practice of meditation, therefore, can result in improved

health and resistance to illnesses.

So the next time you feel stressed out, try to calm yourself down by practicing

meditation. While your problems won't exactly go away, you at least become

mentally prepared to face them.

Step By Step Guides To Different Forms

Of Meditation

Meditation takes many forms in today's society. All have one thing in common.

They use concentration techniques to still the mind and stop thought. Various

practices exist such as chanting (Mantra), focusing on energy centres in the body

(Chakra Meditation), breathing, mindfulness (Mahamudra), loving kindness,

formal sitting (Vipassana), expressive practices (Siddha Yoga), and walking to

name some of the styles. Try each style and see what works for you or you may

want to alternate between the techniques from time to time. For the purposes of

this article, I will discuss Mahamudra and walking meditation.

Practical Steps To Begin Meditating

1. Find a place where there are few external distractions. A place where you

feel emotionally comfortable, safe, removed from pressure and stress is

the optimal location.

2. Wear clothing that is loose and sit or lie in a comfortable position.

3. Plan to meditate in an area that is warm and comfortable. You might want

to have a blanket or light covering as some people experience a feeling of

coldness when they aren't moving around for a period of time.

4. Candles can be used to focus attention on the task at hand. If you use

them, remember to be cautious and extinguish them before leaving the


5. Relaxation is a key component of meditation. Take a few moments to

bring about a state of relaxation by taking a deep breath through your

nose, expanding your lungs and diaphragm. Hold the breath for a few

seconds and slowly exhale through your mouth. Do this several times until

you feel relaxed.

6. Calm, soothing music can be helpful for inducing a state of tranquillity and


7. If you are hungry, have a little something to eat, as it is not necessary to

meditate on a completely empty stomach.

8. Put your expectations aside and don't worry about doing it right.


Mahamudra is the form of meditation that is a way of going about one's daily

activities in a state of mindfulness. It is meditation integrated into all aspects of

our lives. This following exercise is one you can do anywhere to create a feeling

of inner peace. It is particularly helpful for those times you are stuck in traffic,

waiting in line at the grocery store or bank, at the office when days are hectic, or

when you are picking up the kids from school or extra-curricular activities. What I

do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it, wrote Hugh

Mulligan. Meditation helps us remember to stop and smell the roses.

Begin by taking a deep breath. Breathe deeply and as you do expand your lungs

and your diaphragm. Hold the breath for a few seconds and slowly exhale

through the mouth. Focus on your breath and clear your mind. Do this several

times until you feel the slowing of your breath and a deep sense of peace fill your

body. Consciously feel the peace permeate your body. Drop your shoulders and

connect through the top of your head to Universal Energy. Repeat. If you wish,

send peace to those around you by connecting to their hearts with light and love.

Walking Meditation

A walking meditation is simply an exercise in awareness. There are four


1. Become aware of your breathing

2. Notice your surroundings

3. Be attentive to your body's movement

4. Take some time to reflect on your experience when you return home.

To practice walking brings awareness to walking wherever you find yourself.

Take notice of your breathing. Are you taking short, shallow breaths without even

knowing it? If so, take several deep breaths and center yourself in your body and

in the present moment. Appreciate the wonderful body you have and the blessing

of being able to walk.

Notice your surroundings. What season is it? Take a few minutes to listen to the

noises around you. Feel the wind, sun, fog, rain or snow on your face. Look at

the people, animals, birds, sky, trees, and buildings around you. Breathe in and

out and realise that you are an integral part of the environment.

Pay attention to your body. Are you holding tension in your shoulders, neck, solar

plexus, lower back, or legs? Breath into any areas where you are feeling tension

and let it drain into the Earth. Next, pay attention to your posture. Are you

standing straight and tall or slouching? Walk in a way that is comfortable for you

with your body loose and uplifted. Walk with dignity and confidence, one foot in

front of the other and pay attention to the experience of movement.

You can walk mindfully anywhere, along a sidewalk, walking your dog, in the

mall, along the hallways at work. You simply remind yourself to be in this

moment, taking each step as it comes. Some people find it helpful to repeat a

mantra (mantras are sacred words repeated in order to bring focus to your mind).

You can also use a variation on the walking mantra by counting your breaths.

Walk more slowly than you usually do and count how many steps it takes for your

intake of breath and how many steps for your exhale. In this type of meditation,

your attention is focused on both your steps and your breathing bringing together

a wonderful balance of peacefulness and awareness.

Take some time to reflect on your experience when you return home. Five or ten

minutes brings closure to your walk and provides an opportunity to make the

transition from this place of peace to ordinary day-to-day activities.

Moon Cycles

Aligning With The Moon Cycle

For thousands of years, humans have looked to the moon and its cycles for

guidance. There are four main moon phases in every cycle and you can

use these cycles to help guide you and use this understanding as a

means to practice self-care.

The beginning of the lunar month is what is referred to as the New Moon.

This is the time of new beginnings. Use this phase to set new goals and

intentions. This is a wonderful time to begin a new project.

The second phase is known as the Waning Phase. This is the period of

growth during the moon cycle. This is where you can start to harness

some momentum in your actions.

Next comes the Waning Phase. This phase can be a restorative time to

start integrating the new lessons you’ve learned and the experiences

you’ve had into your psyche.

Finally comes the Dark Moon phase. In the days before the New Moon,

this cycle takes place. It is a time for rest and reflection as you prepare

for the New Moon ahead.

I hope you find this simple explanation of the moon’s cycles helpful. When

it comes down to it, we are all a part of the universe and we are all

interconnected. When we can acknowledge this fact and work to align

ourselves with the Universe’s natural cycles we can achieve higher

vibrations and levels of awareness in ourselves and others.


An Intro Into Numerology

Numerology is the use of numbers and number combinations in divination.

Numerology is often used as part of psychic readings. Each number corresponds

to a meaning. They also correspond to the letters of the alphabet. It is through

these meanings and correspondences that numerology is interpreted and charts

are made for divination.

The numbers used are zero through 10. Any number larger than 10 is broken

down by adding the two digits of the number together to get a single digit

number. The following explains the generally accepted meanings of the number

zero through ten:

0- everything and nothing all at once

1- singular, individual

2- balance, pair

3- communication

4- creation

5- action

6- responsibility

7- the mind, thought

8- power

9- the end

10- begin again

The meanings of the numbers vary often according to each numerologist.

However, in general the above meanings are a good representation of the

number meanings that are most often used. Sometimes the numbers 11 and 22

are assigned special meanings as prime numbers that represent the most

important and meaningful numbers in numerology.

The numbers also are related to the letters of the alphabet. For this, numbers 1

through 26 are used. Usually in numerology reports a person's name is written

out then labeled with a number for each letter. The numbers are then added

together and brought down to a digit between one and ten. For example:

Sue becomes the number 18/20/5

18 becomes 9

20 becomes 2

5 stays as 5

Then it is added: 9+2+5=16

The answer, 16, is reduced to a single digit of 7

This is the basis of translated words into numerology. It is an important part of

the process though, and something every numerologist needs to know.

Numerology charts are often done for one person or can be made to compare

two people, such as in a relationship. Numerology reports often tell about the

inner workings of a person or relationship.

A numerologist has to be able to make the connection between letters and

numbers, as well as be able to add and interpret the meanings behind the results

of their work. Numerology reports are often long and take quite a bit of time to

finish. Reports are often based upon the name and date of birth of a person. The

name and date of birth are broken down into various equations that each mean

something different.

A numerologist should only need the basic information, name and date of birth, to

complete a natal numerology chart. For more complex charts they may need

additional information. Relationship charts require the names of both individuals

and their birth dates and may require the date of the anniversary, depending on

the reading to be done.

Numerology requires a lot of skill to remember all the corresponding details of

numbers and letters. A numerologist also has to learn the different meanings of

the numbers and the different formulas for coming up with the results of a

reading. It can take some time to learn numerology, but it is not as difficult as it

may seem. A good numerologist will be able to explain the process to their

clients and be able to answer any questions they may have.

Numerology is a form of divination and can be used on a smaller scale with other

forms of divination like tarot readings or rune casting. Numbers have always held

special meanings and they can add depth to a tarot reading or rune casting.

Many psychic readers associate numbers with their readings, as sometimes they

may receive messages in the form of numbers.

Numerology To Determine Common


Stress affects our mind, and our mind affects our body. Extreme stress leads to

changes in our body chemistry and alters our mental and physical energy levels.

The result is psychosomatic illnesses. Using numerology we can calculate our

stress numbers. If we know this stress number we will be able to avoid major

obstacles and illnesses. Stress number gives us a clue to the part of our body

subjected to disease. It also prevents us from making repeated mistakes. Stress

numbers delay our progress and drain our energy.

If the stress numbers appear constantly in our lives, it is a sign of upcoming

disturbances or perhaps is indicative of something we are already going through.

If we live in a house whose address is equal to our stress number we will not be

able to experience peace of mind. Let's say your address is 1342, we add all the

digits together till we derive at a single digit. 1+3+4+2=10 and again we add 1+0=

1. The final digit of our house unit number is 1. If 1 is your stress number

(calculations shown below) you will experience mental stress in the home.

Calculation of stress number:

There are 4 steps involved in this calculation. An example of a birth number is:

November 19 1966. We make all the digits into a single digit by adding it, till it

becomes a singular digit. The month November is 11 thus 1+1=2. The date 19

will become 1+9=10 adding again it becomes 1+0=1, the year 1966 becomes

1+9+6+6=22 adding it again it is 2+2=4.

Thus we have 3 sets of single digits from your birthdate. They are 2, 1 and 4.

Write the digits in order of month, date and year. Now, subtract the month from

the date, using the above example so 2-1= 1. We will call this calculation ‘A’.

Next, subtract the date from the year (1-4 = 3) and write it down. We will call this

‘B’. Then Subtract A (1) from B(3), that is 1-3 = 2, We will call this next number

‘C’. Finally subtract the month and the year, and write it below C. So 2 – 4 =2 and

call it D.

Below is an example:


1(A) 3(B)



C is the Major stress number, the others are minor stress numbers.

Pay more attention to `C` as it plays an important part throughout our lives. Once

the lessons are learned we will be able to neutralize the negative effects of the

stress numbers.

Meaning of Stress Numbers:

Stress Number 1- Stress of the individual’s self respect. Need to develop strong

will power, strengthen character and courage. Bossed around or held down by


Possible Physical Ailments- Headache, Heart, and Upper Abdomen, Sinus

issues, Weak Eyes, Circulatory Problems, Sun Stroke

Stress Number 2- Stress of the individual's personal sensitivity. Need to develop

confidence. Very sensitive and easily hurt. Must learn to forgive and forget.

Possible Physical Ailments- Diabetes, Urinary Tract Infections, Fevers, Throat

Problems, Foot Problems, Poor Blood Circulation, Hair Loss, Liver Spots,

Sleeplessness, Mental Worries, Asthmatic Troubles

Stress Number 3- Stress of the individual's communication skills, imagination

focusing power. Avoid scattering of talents, learn to concentrate. Learn to

express your feelings. Avoid speaking unnecessarily or indulge in too much


Possible Physical Ailments- Addictions, Mental Health Issues, Throat Issues,

Gas Pains, Paralysis, High/Low Blood Pressure, Lung Disorders, Migraine,

Sudden Fever, Shoulder Pain

Stress Number 4- Stress of the individual's attention to traditions, organizational

skills and being practical. Learn to be systematic, orderly and punctual.

Inclination to laziness and stubbornness. Avoid procrastination.

Possible Physical Ailments- Cataracts, Hypoglycemia, Shoulder Problems,

Jaundice, Dental Issues, Blood Problems, Weakened Respiratory System, Cysts,

Knee Issues, Gas Pains

Stress Number 5- Stress to the individual's understanding of freedom,

responsibility and sexual impulse. Avoid being impulsive. Learn to change with

wisdom, not to satisfy your senses. Accept responsibilities.

Possible Physical Ailments- Temper Tantrums, Brain Tumor, Ulcers, Drug

Addiction, Nervousness, Kidney Problems, Neck Pain, Stomach Disorders

Stress Number 6- Stress of an individual's understanding of responsibility in

relationships. Avoid being domineering and meddlesome. Avoid quarreling with

anyone who disagrees with your rules. Learn to respect others' opinions.

Possible Physical Disorders-Drug Addiction, Tumors, Gum Problems, Sinus

Issues, Hip Problems, Asthma, Hypertension, Heart Palpitation, Menstrual

Issues, Neck Problems, Stomach Ulcers

Stress Number 7- Stress of an individual's ability to have faith in herself and to

accept mundane activities. Avoid being rebellious. This can be a difficult

challenge to bear, and brings a lot of tests and repression. Learn to attract faith

instead of fear.

Possible Physical Disorders- Alcohol Addiction, Menstrual Problems, Allergies,

Varicose Vein, Depression, Skin Problems, Stroke, Tumors

Stress Number 8- Stress due to understanding the real value and purpose of

money and power. Avoid personal freedom based on material possessions. You

could attract fear and loss. Learning to see wealth is limitless and belongs to


Possible Physical Disorders- Indigestion, Asthma, Numbness, Cancer, Strokes,

Eye Problems, Loneliness, Herpes, Fainting, Tendency to Receive Wrong


Stress Number 9- Stress due to individuals' understanding of humanity, feelings

of love, compassion and emotions. You are an old soul, carrying with you all your

experiences from past lives. Learn to use your knowledge and talents within you

through meditation to solve all your obstacles in life.

Possible Physical Disorders- Back Problems, Lung Problem, Eye Problems,

Pneumonia, Gout, Warts, Heart Failures, Accident Prone

The stress numbers can be overcome once the lessons are learned. If your date

of birth adds up to your stress number, pay more attention and learn the lessons.

If your name or signature adds up to your stress number then the chances of you

getting the ailments are more likely. Take this information as general guidance,

not as law. You have the ability to take charge of your fate and health. May you

be blessed with a stress free life.

Name Numerology Vibrations

Numerology helps us to establish a relationship between various elements that

make up our lives and numbers. These numbers range from one to nine. A long

time ago, numerology was considered a part of mathematics, but that is no

longer the case. Numerology can play an important role in our lives.

The names given to us by our parents or our grandparents find an important

place in the field of numerology. These names are not merely a way to address

or distinguish us from the other people that are present around us, but to a great

extent, are a deciding factor of our personality and our future developments in


Any name, be it a word or a title has a particular kind of vibration attached to it.

The reason being that every letter in our name has a certain number associated

with it. These numbers in turn carry some particular vibrations with them. Thus,

adding all the numbers that are associated with the letters of our names, gives

various vibrating modules, which in turn are added up to give a final vibration


For instance, the name Hadi has four distinct letters. Each of these letters are

associated with a number. Read H as eight, A as one, D as five and I as nine.

Now by adding all these numbers we get a total of 22. So there must be some

particular wavelength of vibration that is being attached to this number 22.

Therefore this 22 number and the vibrations associated with it is the deciding

factor of the overall personality of Hadi.

Parents while keeping a name for their new born child, ponder on all the options

available to them. And once the name gets decided, the child is addressed by it.

As the vibrations of the names start to reach the ears of the child very frequently,

she tries to encode the meanings behind the vibrations and accordingly tries to

understand the environment around her.

Every vibration has some particular behavioral trends and patterns associated

with it. And once your name has been decided, these vibrations start having an

effect on you and guide you towards a particular path. Therefore, name

numerology considerably helps us to know a person’s personality and

development in the future. These future developments can be things like their

studies, their health, their career growth and their life in general.


Hand And Finger Combinations In


Before reading the palm, look at the fingers to see if they are short or long. This

isn't always easy to gauge when you're just beginning, but a little practice will

enable you to assess the finger length at a glance. The fingers are considered

long if they can fold back and touch a spot at least seven-eights of the way along

the palm. Unfortunately, there are exceptions, as some people have extremely

flexible hands while others are very stiff. Also, someone with an extremely oblong

palm may have long fingers that only reach halfway down the palm, as the palm

itself is very long. With experience, you'll be able to look at someone's palm and

instantly know if the fingers are long or short. The problems usually come when

you're first learning and find a hand with fingers that seem to be neither long nor

short. Fortunately, we can cover that situation as well.

Long Fingers- If the fingers are long, the person pays attention to detail and you

can say: You enjoy complex work. You are patient and enjoy the details in things.

Your work must be very consuming and gratifying. If it's too simple you lose

interest very quickly.

Short Fingers- Someone with short fingers is almost the opposite. They'll be

more interested in the broad strokes rather than the details and won't have much

patience. You could say: You're always busy. Sometimes you may start

something new before you've finished the last task. You often have several

things going on at the same time. You tend to want everything right now, so

patience is not your strong suit. Your impulsiveness has gotten you into trouble in

the past. In some ways you are a jack-of-all-trades.

Medium Length Fingers- Naturally, someone with fingers that are neither long nor

short will fall into a middle category. You might say: At times you can be very

patient. However, at other times you're inclined to jump first and think later. If

something really interests you, you want to get right down to the bottom of it and

work it all out. If it's only a passing interest, you're more inclined to skim over it

and not learn it in much detail.

We now have four possibilities to look at:

1. Square hands with short fingers (Earth Hand)

2. Square hands with long fingers (Air Hand)

3. Oblong hands with short fingers (Fire Hand)

4. Oblong hands with long fingers (Water Hand)

This is the classification used in Chinese palmistry. It comes from Fred Gettings

monumental book, The Book of the Hand. The four types are named after the

four elements of the ancients: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. These relate very well

to the descriptions of the Fire, Earth, Air and Water signs of astrology, but it does

not necessarily mean that a Sagittarian (a Fire sign), would have a Fire hand.

You'll find people with all four types of hands in every sign of the Zodiac.

The four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water

Fire Hands- Fire is hot, energizing and constantly moving. It can provide gentle

heat, but can also burn. Consequently it needs careful handling. A Fire hand is

oblong with short fingers. Someone with a hand like this is likely to be emotional,

enthusiastic and creative. The short fingers mean a dislike for detail. The long

palm adds intuition. For someone with a hand like this you might say:

You have a great mind, full of wonderful ideas. These ideas excite you. Your

enthusiasm may not last for long, but it's extremely important to you at the time.

Your emotions can be a bit hard to handle at times, but they enable you to

experience life to the fullest. Details are not your strong point and you tend to

prefer the overall picture to the fiddly bits. You are likely to be creative and need

to be busy to be happy.

Earth Hands- Earth is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens

on earth is subject to the natural rhythms of germination, growth, death and

decay. Earth is timeless and expresses stability. However, below its surface all

sorts of changes are constantly occurring. This can lead to earthquakes and

other upheavals. The Earth hand is very like the practical hand. It consists of a

square palm and short fingers. People with this type of hand are reliable, down-

to-earth and practical. They enjoy repetitive work and are good with their hands.

They enjoy rhythm. They are conservative, reserved, and possessive.

However, like earth itself, they can also react violently if they deem it necessary.

You might say to someone with Earth hands: You're a hard worker. You enjoy

physical challenges and your hands can think for themselves. You can be

stubborn at times, and you don't easily change your mind. You enjoy rhythm and

movement. You're not usually good with details, unless you're making something.

You probably prefer working outdoors, doing something practical. You're reliable,

honest and somewhat reserved.

Air Hands- Air is essential for life. We take it for granted and seldom notice it,

except on windy days. Air is also essential for communications, as it carries

sound waves. Creatures of the air, such as birds and flying insects, are fast

moving and active. The Air hand consists of a square palm and long fingers.

These people tend to use logic more than intuition. They're quick-witted and

express themselves clearly. They enjoy communicating and often have careers

that utilize their skills. Their strong emphasis on logic means these people tend to

distrust emotions, both their own and other peoples. We could say something

along these lines to someone with Air hands: You're intelligent, clear-thinking and

discriminating. Relationships are important to you, but you sometimes find logic

getting in the way of your feelings. You're reliable and like to do things

completely. You're a stimulating companion and life is never dull when you're


Water Hands- Finally, water. If you think about it, water is essentially still. Other

forces have to act upon it to make it change. It's also shapeless as it simply

moves to fill up whatever space is available. The Moon has a strong influence on

water, creating the tides in our oceans. The saying, still waters run deep, is very

pertinent to the Water Hand. The Water Hand consists of an oblong palm with

long fingers. It's sometimes called the intuitive hand, as these people are

extremely aware and receptive. People with this type of hand are changeable,

impressionable and emotional. They're idealistic and highly imaginative.

To someone with water hands, you could say: You have an extremely rich inner

life. Your imagination is keen and you fantasize about just about everything. You

can be influenced by others, so you're flexible with your ideas. Your intuition is

strong. You're emotional. If you're interested in someone, you love spending time

with them. You also need time by yourself to reflect on your own life. You are

happiest inside the right relationship with someone to depend and rely upon.

An Overview Of Palmistry

The American Heritage Dictionary defines Palmistry as the practice of telling

fortunes from the lines, marks, and patterns on the palms of the hands. Palmistry

is also called chiromancy, palm-reading, chirology, or hand-analysis. Palmistry

originated in ancient India. It was said to be practiced by the Brahmins of Ancient

India. Palmistry can also be regarded as a part of Astrology. Records of practice

of Palmistry are also seen in countries such as China, Tibet, Persia,

Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Ancient Greece.

Cheiro was the most famous practitioner of palmistry in modern times. He was

born in Ireland and had predicted many incidents of his time. For example, he

correctly foretold the Boer War, death of Queen Victoria, assassination of King

Umberto of Italy, a year or so before each of these incidents occurred. He also

had predicted the infamous Great Depression all over the world. He correctly

predicted the outbreak and end of World War 1 before it happened. Cheiro wrote

a number of valuable books on Palmistry.

Palmistry is based on reading the lines on the hand. Palmists say that by reading

the lines of a person's hand, it is quite possible to tell about the person's past,

present and future. They say that positioning of the lines in the hand is the key to

determining the subject’s past, present, and future. The basics of Palmistry are

said to be quite simple as opposed to the popular belief that it is something

mysterious. The fleshy part of the hand and the structure of the fingers reveal a

lot about the subject. Palmists claim that predictions through Palmistry have

scientific basis, even though the scientists worldwide have their own opinion

regarding this topic. Scientists claim that Palmistry does not have any scientific

basis. According to the Palmists, the dominant hand of a person reveals the

current and future trends. On the other hand, the passive hand reveals the

person's childhood. Palmists see a definite pattern in the lines on the palm.

These lines have been classified into the heart line, head line, life line, fate line

etc. Each of these lines will interpret different aspects of one's life.

In this age of cutthroat competition, people seem to have become more and

more dependent on things beyond their normal powers. Palmistry is gaining

popularity even among the western public. This is because human beings have

become more concerned about their future than ever before.

Palmistry is quite popular in India. It is a part of everyday life for many Indians.

They will consult the Palmist for almost every activity of their lives. For special

occasions like marriage, setting up of a new business, birth of a child, starting a

new profession etc, a visit to a Palmist has become a must. A palmist will

examine the hand carefully and advise the clients about their next activity. The

palmists say that there is a relation between the lines in one's palm, the planetary

motions, and one's life.


Daily Mood-Boosting Rituals

When people think of their mood, they often think of just being in a good mood or

a bad mood. But the truth is, there is a lot in between these two extremes. Things

like stress, daily habits, physical stress, and so many other factors go into how

you feel.

Your mood is not just good or bad, but can include being stressed, anxious,

fearful, relaxed and calm, tense and agitated.

If you feel like you don’t have balanced moods, or you are constantly one

extreme or another, it might be time to take a look at your habits, daily routines,

and how you spend your time. Your behaviors have such a large impact on your

moods and how you feel.

What Causes Shifts in Your Mood?

One of the most surprising things about mood fluctuations is how many things in

your everyday life, many of which you don’t always have control of, can change

your mood. The more you understand about mood changes, the more you can

decide what lifestyle changes will help the best with your mood-boosting rituals.

Some causes of shifts to your mood include:

Stress – Probably one of the most common causes is stress. This can be severe

stress where you expect your mood to change, but also very mild forms of

emotional stress that you didn’t realize had such a big impact on how you feel

and behave overall.

Mental health – Many mental health disorders can lead to changes in your mood,

including anxiety and depression. If you struggle with your mental health, you

might already be aware of how drastically your mood can shift.

Sleep habits – Yes, how much and how well you sleep is going to affect your

mood! We aren’t just talking about having a crappy night’s sleep and not feeling

your best the next morning. This also includes just poor sleep hygiene habits that

affect your mood the next day.

Diet – What you will see throughout this content is that what you eat can greatly

impact how you feel. What you choose to eat the majority of the time does make

a big difference in your mood.

Medical causes – Not only can hormone fluctuations affect your mood, but other

medical causes like thyroid disorders, stroke, vitamin deficiency, and Parkinson’s

might all be the cause of your mood changes.

1. Morning Journaling Routine

Let’s talk a little bit about morning routines. This is one of those trending topics

that people think are just popular right now and will be gone before we know it,

but that isn’t true at all.

You have a morning routine now, whether you consciously realize it or not. You

probably have certain tasks you like to get done shortly after waking up, such as

brushing your teeth, taking a shower, walking your dogs, making your kids

breakfast, or stumbling out of bed and rushing out the door to get to work.

We are not trying to invent the wheel with your morning routine, but instead just

add a few activities in your morning that will improve your day and your mood.

One of the best activities you can do during your morning routine is to write in a

journal. There are many ways this can help you, but one of our personal favorites

is with a brain dump.

What is a brain dump?

This simply means you write whatever is on your mind, and keep writing until you

feel like you have gotten through all those nagging thoughts. Your mood

fluctuations might be from stress or just feeling overwhelmed. Your thoughts can

do that without you even realizing it.

By doing this type of brain dump in the morning, you get those thoughts out on

paper to help release some of the tension, but also gain a little more clarity.

2. Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

The next most important thing you can do each day when you want to boost your

mood naturally is to get better sleep. And we aren’t just talking about how many

hours you sleep, though that is definitely important.

You want to focus on proper sleep hygiene, which is simply the nighttime routine

you have before you go to sleep.

Here are some things you can add to your sleep routine that will help you get

more restful sleep, and balance your mood at the same time:

-Start getting ready for bed 1-2 hours before you intend to fall asleep.

-Don’t use any electronics or keep the TV on when you are getting ready for


-Try to avoid stimulants like caffeine or alcohol shortly before sleep.

-Set up your bedroom to provide a restful night’s sleep, including a cool and quiet


-Get blackout curtains to keep it as dark as possible in your bedroom.

-Participate in quiet and calm activities before bed, such as reading or writing in

your journal.

With these few changes, you will notice that you tend to fall asleep a little easier,

and you don’t wake up exhausted and cranky.

3. Pay Attention to What You Eat

This might not be what you want to hear, but what you eat does make a

difference in how you feel, including mentally. Some foods, like high amounts of

sugar and refined carbohydrates, give you energy and make you feel better in

the short-term, but cause an energy crash, after which you might notice a worse


When it comes to eating right, you want to focus on balance and proper nutrients.

Not being on a restrictive diet, but just trying to get in more complex carbs, whole

grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean protein.

4. Move Your Body Every Day

In addition to eating right, try to also get some regular exercise in. Again, we

aren’t talking about completing a difficult fitness challenge or pushing yourself to

do some extreme form of activity you don’t enjoy.

Instead, find some workouts that get you moving, you are motivated and excited

to try, and that you actually enjoy. These can help you become mentally healthier

and improve your mood exponentially, with the added benefit of being good for

your physical health as well.

Some exercises you might want to try include are:

-Walking or going on a hike


-Taking a local fitness class

-Yoga or Pilates

-Weight lifting

-Family workouts with your kids

5. Practice Gratitude

When you appreciate the blessings in your life, instead of focusing on what you

don’t have, your mood will change practically overnight. No matter how difficult

or challenging things might feel right now, there are always things to be grateful

for. It might be people in your life who are always loving and supportive, a decent

job, a roof over your head, your pets or family, or just your cup of coffee every

morning when you have 5 minutes of peace and quiet.

To improve your mood every day, start writing 5-10 things you are grateful for in

your journal. Turn this into a daily ritual that you do every morning or evening,

and you will notice the changes very quickly.

6. Make Self-Care a Priority

Self-care is so much more than people realize, and often misunderstood. To put

it simply, your self-care routine should be something you do for yourself and only

you. At least once a day, you choose some type of activity that you enjoy, relaxes

you, and makes you happy.

While it can be absolutely anything, here are a few ideas if you’re not sure where

to start:

-Get a manicure and pedicure

-Do a face mask

-Watch your favorite show

-Read a book

-Work on an art project

-Take an afternoon nap

-Soak in a bubble bath

-Meet a friend for coffee

It can be something you do alone or with friends. There are no rules about self-

care, as long as it makes you feel better and is something you truly enjoy.

7. Declutter and Organize Your Space

Yes, working on your space and getting it organized helps with mood

stabilization! Have you ever woken up in a clean and orderly room, and just felt

better? Just having a decluttered and clean home makes all the difference. You

feel happier, healthier, and more productive.

Spend just a few minutes a day picking up your home and tidying it as much as

you can, even if you have a busy schedule.

8. Unplug at Least Once a Day

Give yourself at least one time of the day when you are completely unplugged.

This means no computer or laptop, no tablet, and no cell phone. It is up to you if

you choose to include television in unplugging, but definitely no phones! You

need some time to relax without social media, phone updates, and text

messages. This allows you to sit in the quiet and just enjoy your home and

family, without all that extra noise.

9. Set Healthy Boundaries

This is probably one of the more surprising ways you can boost your mood

naturally. Sometimes, you have so many expectations and so many people

needing things from you, that you don’t realize your responsibilities are what is

negatively affecting your mood.

It is okay to say no. It is okay to turn down an invitation. It is okay to not always

be the one person people can count on for whatever they need. Set some

healthy boundaries and let people know when and if you are available to them. If

they love you, they will understand your need for boundaries, just like you

respect their boundaries.

10. Get Outside for Fresh Air

Lastly, try to spend more time outside if you can. Fresh air and vitamin D will both

greatly benefit your mood and energy levels. Many people don’t get enough

vitamin D in their diet, and aren’t outside enough during the day to get it naturally

from the sun’s UV rays. The simplest thing is to figure out how you can spend a

little more time outside.

Ancient Rituals Of Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a goal that everyone seems to be looking for. Ever since

the prehistoric period, people have been on the quest for a divine union and

enlightenment. There are different ancient rituals performed by different groups

of people worldwide. Indigenous cultures that still exist now, show us a glimpse

of ancient people’s quest to have a deeper understanding of the earth and the


Unfortunately, rituals are often considered to be of the old-world and not

accepted in our current times. It is brushed off as an irrational, superstitious and

primitive act. Organized religion has totally rejected these rituals, quoting them as

pagan acts. Through these rituals, people get to understand and journey towards

spiritual awakening.

In the ancient times there were mystery schools dedicated to discovering and

exploring the mysteries of life and therefore, touching some aspects of

spirituality. These schools flourished in Egypt, Tibet and Persia.

Ancient Egyptians performed rituals at sacred locations using special chants and

sounds. These chants and sounds were believed to stimulate a part of the brain

that would then open up the mind to be a gateway for universal energy and

electrical stimulation. This was thought to unleash or release psychic gifts and

abilities. Once this gateway was opened, more psychic and spiritual gifts would

be experienced by the person. Gifts would include intuition, creativity, clairvoyant

abilities, and empathic abilities.

Aside from these enlightening rituals, ancient Egyptians also recognized the end

of the year as the time of reckoning, reflection and engendering towards spiritual

enlightenment. During the end of the year, Usher Rekhat or Mother Worship

would perform meditation rituals which would strengthen the understanding and

devotion of the followers. Meditation would also draw wisdom and health to those

who shared in the ritual.

Homa is an Indian ancient fire ritual which is done with the intention of helping

you to have good relationships, find a partner, have children and even remove

bad karma or negative aspects in a horoscope.

In Buddhist and Hindu traditions, tantra is used to express and advance

spirituality. Tantra is not really a tradition, but a ritual that maintains the spiritual

core. Tantra, the word itself, means web and enlightenment. This has been used

in ancient India to attain spiritual enlightenment and advancement. Today, Tantra

has evolved into a sexual/spiritual phenomenon.

Ancient Iran also has a unique way of looking at spiritual awakening and

enlightenment. To achieve awakening, it is important to attain spiritual perfection

and later on immortality of the soul. Spiritual strength is also important in realizing

higher powers.

In Tibet, interestingly, the making of the thangkas paintings is supposed to lead

to developing attitudes like peacefulness, patience, perseverance, concentration,

self-development and spiritual enlightenment. Thangkas paintings are similar to

the art of pata chitra, which has been documented in India as early as the 1st

century. These ancient practices are still being used until today.

Whether these rituals are credible and applicable, many people are still practicing

and believing them today. Spiritual awakening is not only achievable by

undergoing different rituals among different regions, this inner and self-

communication should start from the person looking for spiritual awakening.


Quick Intro About Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also

promotes healing. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing

and self-improvement that everyone can use. The word Reiki comes from the

Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means

“Energy”. Reiki practitioners channel energy in a particular pattern to heal and


Reiki energy has several basic effects: it brings about deep relaxation, destroys

energy blockages, detoxifies the system, provides new vitality in the form of

healing universal life energy, and increases the vibrational frequency of the body.

Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-invasive form of hands-on healing. Reiki healers claim

to channel Ki (energy) into “diseased” individuals for rebalancing. Reiki healers

differ from acupuncturists in that they do not try to unblock a person’s Ki, but to

channel the Ki of the universe so that the person heals. Reiki is very popular

among Modern Mystics and New Age spiritualists, who are very fond of

“attunements,” “harmonies,” and “balances.

The key is to understand that Reiki will enrich your life and give you happiness

and health on all levels. Reiki is Universal life force energy, that which sustains

life and promotes healing in all living things. Reiki practitioners believe it is

important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others.

Since the word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy, it (strictly speaking)

refers to the energy and not the specific techniques taught by Reiki Masters. The

limits to Reiki seem to be in the recipient's willingness to cast off old habits and

patterns, to accept change and to accept healing. The other meaning for healing,

used in the practice of Reiki as well as other related areas, is the return to

greater wholeness. Over time, the healing of the world's ills will be accomplished

and, with Reiki in the hands of everyone, that day will come much more quickly.

(Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it

should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.)

If you are interested in Reiki It is likely you have been guided on your healing

journey, your journey of spiritual purpose to many places and many experiences

in the past and now find yourself here, at this place, as you continue to further

explore the possibilities for deep healing and inner discovery. Reiki is a simple,

natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone

can use. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing,

recommends that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and

harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures. So give Reiki a try, and

you may be surprised at the ways it may improve your life.

Reiki As An Alternative Healing Process

Maybe you are not familiar with Reiki, don’t worry, you are not alone.

To start with, Reiki is associated with natural holistic healing or a healing where

pharmaceutical drugs and medical surgeries are just an alternative in case the

system of holistic healing fails.

Reiki is an early form of energy healing in which a participant serves as a

channel for Universal Life Force. The Reiki participant opens himself/herself as a

channel for an energy that comes from a higher source to aid in healing or

correcting a person’s aura. This is believed to be beneficial for the body, mind,

and soul or the Indian system known as Chakras.

Reiki got its principle from the thought that the universe has an energy that gives

form, structure, and health. This force is also called Chi by the Chinese martial

artists. It is said to be capable of healing anything because its energy comes

from the basic fundamental levels of reality.

It also teaches that the energy flows are affected by the thoughts of a Reiki

practitioner. For instance, if he/she thinks of negative things, this will manifest

diseases and unfortunate events. If he/she thinks the other way around, good

health and fortune will come. These are facilitated to help the patients believe

whatever positive thoughts they have in their minds.

To have an idea of how the healing process is conducted, here is an example:

Usually, the healer performs some hand rituals and eventually places it over a

sick person. Then she will perform some massage from mid-air, and she will

make some scooping actions like she is smoothing a bedspread. This movement

is intended to correct the person’s aura. There are other Reiki masters that just

place their hands directly to the patient and keep it there as long as necessary.

They are also capable of healing from a distance, also known as Reiki remote

healing. The healer will ask for an object that will represent the ill person and

they will treat that said object just like she is treating the person. They are also

capable of healing and blessing objects such as cars, homes or even laptops.

Reiki is definitely a different healing process compared with others. It is up to you

if you will believe in their methods.

Self Healing Through Reiki

Learning the Program of Self-Healing

For you to be able to acquire the depth of the knowledge on Reiki’s self-healing

process, you must devote time to practice. If you have your spirit, mind, and

heart in Reiki, you will surely succeed.

The Allotted Time for Self-Healing

The Reiki system of self-healing is best done by regularly allotting at least 30

minutes to yourself. You may use either the scanning or hand positions as your

technique. Your focus should be on those regions that require healing the most.

As the session begins, allow yourself to be carefully guided by your intuition as to

where your hands should go and which body parts you should touch. You have

to feel everything that you are doing. Let the energy flow and feel it vibrating.

While the session is going on, let your mind wander on your daily activities and

where your life is heading. It is by thinking over life will your quest for self-healing

produce a great impact. This is a kind of technique that promotes the

development of a healthy attitude. More so, this time of self-reflection, will give

your mind room for creative ideas and solutions to your problems.

Self-Healing in Groups

Reiki treatment can be administered to yourself or to others. Hence, you may

form a special group with other self-healers whom you know and do the session

all together. This practice is effective because you don’t only get to heal yourself

but the rest of your group mates as well. A daily practice can do wonders. You

will heal each other faster. Complete healing is sure to materialize. The secret to

it is the sharing of energy and support as the group continues their sessions.

Being in a group will give you the opportunity to discuss among yourselves the

things that you want to get healed with. A once a week meeting will generate a

more serious focus and a deeper purpose in each and every one of you. Let the

prayers guide you through as you convene in the Reiki healing practice.

Reiki For Stress Management

Stress is overwhelmingly affecting people in our society today. Busy with work,

home, family, and many other daily tasks, stress piles on without us realizing it.

That’s why so many people are turning to the stress-reducing techniques used in

Reiki, a spiritual energy used with healing, meditation and spiritual growth.

Introduction to Reiki

When a person is introduced to Reiki, an initiation takes place called “Reiki

Attunement.” This brings the person into a relationship with Reiki energy, and is

usually activated by a trained Reiki master-teacher. During a Reiki Attunement,

the person’s dense energy is cleared and released, and etheric and chakras

fields are strengthened so the person will be able to receive and transmit high

frequency healing light.

Learning to Relax

Stress usually takes over when a person is fearful, doubtful, or full of worry about

things that are happening around them. The person often lives in a constant

tense state without realizing what is happening. The body naturally reacts with

fatigue, moodiness and sometimes, disease. To relieve stress, one must learn to

relax and overcome the fears and worries of everyday life.

Reiki helps a person to relieve the emotional and physical strain of stress and to

restore balance to the body, soul and mind. The person can return to a relaxed,

peaceful state of being by clearing energy bodies and unblocking meridians,

chakras, and nadis.

Methods of Stress Reduction and Elimination

There are several methods used in Reiki to reduce and eliminate stress. One

method is crystal healing, where crystals or crystal bowls are used to create

sounds of healing and relaxation. The crystalline sounds carry Reiki energy deep

into the body to enhance the relaxation process. Tension is released and the

body begins to relax and respond to the Reiki energy. The crystal sounds

promote deep tension release in the very cells of the body to create stress

reduction from within. Crystal bowls are available in different sizes and can be

tuned to any note desired – flats, sharps, or pure tones.

Another method of Reiki stress management is through healing drumming.

Healing drumming introduces Reiki energy to a person’s body by the use of a

drum beat. The drumming helps to create a deep, relaxing state as stress is


There is a deep connection between the physical body, spiritual being, and the

mind. Stress affects all three in a negative way. Using Reiki techniques for stress

management is one way a person can lead a more relaxed, peaceful life.

Self Care

5 Simple Self-Care Practices You Can

Implement Now

Between work, home, and social responsibilities, do you often feel that all your

time is spent taking care of others? Neglecting self-care is easy in a busy world,

but the consequences can be serious. Adding self-care practices to your daily

routine can greatly strengthen your health and well-being. Plus, experts share

that the happiest and most successful people regularly focus on self-care!

Try these simple self-care strategies today:

1. Block out time for self-care in your schedule. It’s not enough to

occasionally stop your busy lifestyle and take a walk or indulge in a hot bath.

Self-care is an ongoing process. Just as you reserve time in your schedule for

other appointments, set aside time to take care of yourself, too. It’s important

to adopt self-care habits that you can enjoy on a regular basis. They’ll help

you avoid burnout, increase your productivity, and allow you to enjoy life.

2. Enjoy your favorite hobby. Whether you love to experiment with new

recipes in the kitchen or paint pictures of sunsets, your favorite hobbies can

be part of self-care. Hobbies and activities that you already enjoy are easy to

select and put into practice. You just have to find room in your schedule to do

them. This is an important step and shows your commitment to self-care.

3. Make note of the compliments you receive. You can enjoy this self-care

practice even as you work or run errands! Start taking notes of the

compliments you receive. You can keep them in a journal, diary, or online

folder. Your compliment folder can also include emails, notes, thank you

cards, and other things that make you smile. This self-care practice can help

you fight negative thoughts. Compliments can serve as reminders that you

matter, your existence is important, and someone appreciates you.

4. Remove clutter. Whether you decide to declutter your closet or clean out

the fridge, removing clutter will uplift you. Clutter can drain you physically and

mentally. It can also make you unhappy as you try to move through your day.

Eliminate the things that no longer serve you. For example, if you’re keeping

clothes in your closet that you hate each time you open the door, replace

them with clothes that you love.

5. Do one selfish act. Living selfishly all day isn’t recommended, but doing

one selfish act that makes you happy can do wonders. You can enjoy just that

one thing without feeling guilty about it! If you struggle with self-care, it’s often

because you spend all of your energy and time taking care of others. There’s

nothing left in your well for yourself. By taking the time to do one selfish act,

such as reading your favorite book or ignoring a boring phone call, you’ll be

restoring your own importance.

Self-care often takes a backseat to work, family, and other obligations. However,

without stopping to take care of your mind and body, you’re at risk of burning out

and suffering from serious health issues. Start making time for your self-care

practices today!

Shadow Work

What Is The Shadow Side?

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no

one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To

become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspect of the personality as

present and real. This act is an essential condition for self-knowledge, and it is

often met with considerable resistance. These shadows are repressed elements

of the personality which we choose not to be identified with.

Shadows lurk in the deep recesses of the psyche.It is buried in the heart, in the

mind; it is part of us. It follows us, it frightens us, and they come to us in different

ways, but they always appear somewhere. The shadow is not a mere concept or

a matter of perception.It is very real.

Just as there is light, there is also darkness. It is not possible to deny the shadow

element. It is usually the worst side of a person. The courageous person may

have a cowardly shadow. The kind, gentle and caring person may have a cruel

side hiding behind all that softness. Even among the most benevolent, the most

respected personalities and leaders in every field or endeavor, part of their

shadow element peeks through their eloquence and their elegance. Do they

really know themselves, or have they denied their shadow element? They may

find their views, their words and their actions in conflict. This is not intentional

and the internal shadow conflicts they fail to deal with come to surface at the

worst moments.

Is it possible to ignore or avoid the shadow? When we are at the lowest point in

our lives, shadows haunt us. It is that part of ourselves that we leave in the closet

as we face the public and put our best foot forward. Hide them, deny them,

suppress them, they will not vanish. Our actions may end up attracting these

shadows into our lives in other ways.

Do shadows impact our lives? Do they mean anything? Shadows come in many

forms. They can come as temptations, obsessions, addictions, co-dependency

and other forms of indulgence. Shadows appear in the darkness cloaked in fear;

shake us at our core. Shadows can also be shown as projections. It can be a

dislike of certain traits in people, unjustified and unexplainable. We don't like

what we see; perhaps it mirrors parts of us that we choose to ignore or may not

even be aware of.

Are you comfortable with your friends? If not, ask yourself, why do you hang out

with them? Do you judge them harshly? If so, why do you share your precious

time with them? Do you tend to make a compromise that you can not meet?

What about when you get angry at the slightest provocation, at times, by the

same person. There are times we look for our shadows in the face of other

people. We even attract them into our lives. Buried deep, these shadows may

drive us to places we dare not go.

Pundits would say it is not wise to deny the shadow element. They believe the

only way is to confront it, deal with it and work through the conflicts it creates.

Each person has their personal demons to deal with and to face, otherwise, it

follows us in less conscious ways. There are lessons from the shadow element.

To become aware of it, we need to go deeper into ourselves. We can take the

good. Work with the bad, see the light, face the darkness without fear.Go deep

within; let the fears and insecurities be buried deep within the surface. Confront

the anger seething under the skin.

We are not perfect. No matter how many dark clouds hover above us, no matter

how long the dark night is, light will surely come. These dark nights offer a

chance to enrich and nourish our spirit, our soul and our lives. It helps us to align

ourselves with our highest purpose. By striving for greater balance, endurance

and perspective, we generate more personal power and strength.

Using The Power Of The Sun To Release

Our Shadows

The sun is the source of power in astrology and in life. Without the sun there is

no life whatsoever. If the sun exploded or stopped shining, everything would die

very quickly. With all of our modern sophistication, it's amazing how most people

do not remember this simple fact.

As such, it is the qualities of the sun in our birth chart that shows how to access

our personal strength and power. Through the prism of the ego, the infinite light

of the sun gets filtered, leaving parts of our psyche in darkness. Once we begin

living a more examined life, our inner sun begins to illuminate the dark corners of

our soul. Once illuminated, these darker parts of ourselves become resurrected.

There's a classical yoga story that illustrates this point. It is the story of the snake

and the rope. In darkness a coiled rope may have the appearance of a snake. If

we encounter this coiled rope we may react as if we have seen a snake: by

fearfully jumping out of the way, with our heartbeat racing. For all intents and

purposes, at that moment the rope IS a snake. Yet, if we produce a flashlight and

shine it upon the coiled rope, all of our symptoms disappear and the truth is

revealed. Nothing more needs to be done. The appearance of light removes

darkness and magically our imagined symptoms disappear. Additionally, once we

see the truth we don't forget. After we realize that the coiled rope is not a snake,

we don't then forget this and react in fear again after we turn the flashlight off. We

remember and if we are smart, that experience changes us and gives us insight

into the nature of our illusory perceptions.

This is the nature of the sun, to separate us from the darker parts of our being.

The sun refers to the greatest possibility we have, the possibility of

enlightenment. Yet it requires enormous sacrifice, in fact, the ultimate sacrifice.

What is that sacrifice? It requires us to sacrifice those familiar shadows of self

that we hang onto, those shadows of the ego that gives us a sense of worldly


Living in full power and full clarity is a scary prospect, because it demands we

grow up and become responsible for who we are now and where we're going,

rather than hang onto the disempowering blame given to the perpetrators in our

past. As long as we are still a victim, living in the past, we are doomed to repeat

the same mistakes, marching lockstep in accordance with our negative

programming. Of all the planets, the sun refers to all we are becoming and our

true desire to be self actualized. That self actualization begins with reclaiming the

reins of personal strength, power, and integrity.

Spiritual Alignment

Alignment And Authenticity

Have you ever felt as if you are beating your head against a wall? You repeatedly

try to reach a goal but you never seem to achieve it. Instead you are struggling

rather than moving forward and achieving your goals with grace and ease.

You are not alone. The struggle to move from what we don’t want to what we do

want is, unfortunately, a fundamental struggle for many individuals. Believe it or

not, it is very common for people to struggle against what they want and to

actively limit their good.

In order to have what you want, you must be willing to end the struggle and move

into action. Your success is dependent on your ability to reach your goals and


The easiest way to move from “stuck” into action without struggle is to be

authentic and to be in alignment with your authenticity. Authenticity means that

you are connected to your core and that your desires are a true reflection of your

inner self and soul.

Alignment means that your entire being is in agreement with the goal you want to

achieve. For example, you come home from work one evening and you are very

tired. But this evening is your workout night. You sit on the couch and actually

have to talk yourself into getting into your gym clothes and heading off to the

gym. What you did in convincing part of yourself to go to the gym when it really

wanted to rest on the couch is called alignment. You got yourself into alignment

with the idea and intention of going to the gym no matter how tired a part of you


To end struggle and successfully achieve goals, all parts of you must work

together for manifestation. That means all bodies- mental, physical, emotional

and spiritual, must be in agreement concerning a goal. There can be no doubts,

limiting beliefs or attachments. The following describes a process you can use to

do an authenticity check concerning your goals and bring yourself into alignment

with your goals.

Step One: Sit quietly. Create a peaceful, serene and nurturing space for yourself.

It must be a space where you feel comfortable and secure. Spend several

minutes in quiet and inner reflection upon your goal. Have paper and pen handy.

Step Two: The authenticity check. Ask within if this goal is the appropriate goal

for you to achieve at this time. If the answer is yes, skip to the next step. If the

answer is no, ask what a more appropriate goal would be for you right now.

By asking this question, you move from being ruled by the needs of the mind

(survival issues) and begin to access the soul within. You leave behind the petty

desires of the ego and move into realizing the desires of the soul. As a result,

your goals become truer and more authentic.

Write down the response you receive. If you need additional clarity concerning

the response, ask for it. Keep asking within until you feel complete.

Step Three: Alignment. Once you have a defined and authentic goal, it is time to

create alignment. Remain in your space of quiet and comfort; ask to speak to

your mental body. (You will repeat step three with each of the bodies) Ask your

mental body if it is willing to be in alignment with your goal. The purpose of this

question is to uncover any blocks or limitations that reside in the mental body

concerning the goal. If the answer is yes, proceed to the next body: physical,

spiritual and emotional.

If the answer is no, simply begin a conversation with this part of you. Some

questions to begin with are: Why are you not willing to be in alignment with this

goal? What would it take for you to be in alignment with this goal?

When a part is not willing to be in alignment with an authentic goal, the cause

may be fear or insecurity. Usually the situation is remedied by helping the party

understand that it is taken care of, that it is safe and that it has nothing to fear.

Simply, have a conversation with the part and inform it of the truth.

Once you receive the willingness of all the bodies, remember to thank them for

supporting the manifestation of this authentic goal. Affirm your alignment with this

goal and your intention to manifest it.

By completing this process, you have created an authentic goal and brought

yourself into full alignment with this goal. You can now move forward without

struggle because all blocks have been removed. Success shall be yours.

Spiritual Alignment And The New


At times it seems as though our lives are a bit challenging, perhaps frustrating,

and, in our darkest times, fearful. You may ask yourself, how do I live a more

balanced life? When we have set our goals for truth, and living the life of

unconditional love, we must remember that it will always take us to the next steps

of our spiritual journey.

This must be done without fear of change or resistance to growth. Others who

watch you gradually shift and change need to understand that you embrace

unconditional love as your choice in life, and whatever lessons this brings to you;

you need for your growth.

It is important for you to understand that, in your life, you have what you truly

need to take the next steps into alignment. You are being guided by your intuition

to go exactly where you need to go.

There is no need to fear the unknown and when you release the fear and

develop trust you will take your next step in spiritual growth. Your inner soul

searching is powerful and takes you where you need to be in your life. It doesn’t

support you to skip over your lessons, or go around them. It’s the next rung on

the ladder on your spiritual path. Support each other through these times; hold

each other’s hands and embrace each other’s hearts emotionally because this

isn’t an easy exercise for any of us. The joy comes in knowing that you are

clearly provided for, taken care of and never alone. This is how you will make the

next shift in your consciousness and in making some shifts you’ll feel more joyful

and light than in others.

This particular shift into alignment has a different quality of a deeper, inward, soul

search–deeper than you’ve gone ever before. But that’s the beauty in the depth

of which you are searching. It takes you into a new place in your life. You are not

ever without support and you must hold tightly to your truth. In essence, you must

understand that very few people on this earth live in this particular way and walk

in two worlds. What you are doing here is walking with a foot in two different

worlds, gathering strength from both dimensions. It’s a very supportive place, and

you will feel the self-empowerment in walking in both worlds. As you learn how to

do this, you’ll teach others how to do this because, as the consciousness shifts,

others will ask you, “How do you live in this fearful world without falling apart?

Your world is shifting very quickly, and what is not aligned with you, cannot


The alignment of consciousness is the most important thing for us to focus on at

this time. It is not what you do; it is how you feel when you do it. It’s not whom

you connect with; it’s how you feel when you connect with them. The alignment in

the very core of your soul needs to be shifted and tuned until you can feel the

balance of alignment. This next piece is to feel aligned on all levels that you

share, whether it is how you work, how you relate to others, or how you live. This

is how you help yourself and others shift into this new time.

You will notice the earth also shifting and changing. What is not aligned is being

released. Let go. Those of you that walk the earth that are not aligned with the

consciousness at this time are also being released with these changes. But the

beauty is, when you do release and let go and open, the newness will be brought

to you in a new level of comfort. Hold tight to both worlds. There are no gaps

between the two. They overlap. Choose joy and alignment in your life. Joy is your


Spiritual Guidance

The Importance Of Inner Spiritual


As the world becomes rapidly more connected through technology, it is also

becoming easier to become disconnected from our own selves. The necessary

quiet time that develops our natural, inborn connection with intuition and spiritual

guidance is no longer easily found in our daily lives, and this can cause feelings

of overwhelm, meaninglessness, and an inner sense of disharmony and


In today’s world, as we face unprecedented challenges both individually and

collectively, there is also a very high level of daily stress that is constantly

affecting our bodies, minds and emotions. Our daily lives are filled with intensity

as we witness widespread social, political, and climate change, uncertainty about

the future, and fear of the unknown.

If these weren’t enough, there is also the effect of greater spiritual light

expanding on the Earth, which is helping us to awaken spiritually. But it is also

creating a major cleansing process for us on all levels: spiritually, emotionally

and physically. The pain of the past that we may have buried from our

consciousness begins to surface into our awareness, bringing old feelings or

physical symptoms to light.

We are all developing ways to cope with the increased levels of stress in our

lives today. There are many spiritual tools and transformational supports that can

assist you in reclaiming your inner connection with yourself. Once you create an

intention to reconnect with your inner being, you will begin to draw to yourself the

people, situations, and supports you need.

One of the most useful and simple ways to navigate through these very intense

times is to develop a deeper connection with your natural intuitive spiritual

guidance. Inner guidance is a gift from our soul to our embodied, human self

which we all have access to. Some of us are more attuned to this part of

ourselves, especially those who are artists, musicians, athletes, or whose work

involves healing. Some of us may have learned to “turn off” this inner gift,

because of childhood pressure to conform to social standards.

No matter how connected or disconnected you may feel from your inner spiritual

guidance, everyone has the capacity to nurture, develop and strengthen this

important part of ourselves. Living with an active and awake inner spiritual

guidance offers us the opportunity to perceive and experience a whole new

creative dimension of life. The universe of spiritual reality is vast and when

intuition is activated, new experiences begin to open and create vaster and more

meaningful possibilities.

In addition to expanding our daily experience of life, developing intuition and

spiritual guidance serves to create a depth of connection to inner truth. If you’ve

ever witnessed the simple and profound clarity of truth that comes from small

children who have not yet learned to censor their inner guidance, you’ll have

some idea of what is possible for yourself.

In today’s world where there are many sources of information that may or may

not be accurate or truthful, your spiritual guidance and intuition can offer a clarity

of direction in situations where it may not otherwise be possible to know what is

real. As your intuition becomes more highly developed, you will be able to sense

the presence of or the lack of love, light and warmth in people. You will be able to

more easily discern what feels true or false to you, beyond the words that people

say or the appearances that are presented.

In today’s world there is much at stake, and many choices are presented to us

each day about who to listen to, and where to place our attention, time, and trust.

If we are disconnected from ourselves and the center of our own being, then it is

easier for us to be swayed in directions that depart from love and truth, that we

may later regret. Developing our inner spiritual guidance offers the precious gift

of discernment, allowing us to see clearly what is true and what is not, and to

navigate more easily in the great complexities and challenges that we face in

today’s world.

Spiritual Consciousness

All of life is welcoming you into a new reality, which is unfolding and emerging

right before your eyes. You may not see this new reality with your physical

senses yet, but your body, your consciousness, your intuition and your dreams

are already actively involved in this new spiritual consciousness that is emerging.

For some, the whisperings of Spirit are subtle and create gentle openings of the

heart. For others, the call of Spirit resounds more loudly and may emerge from a

challenge or crisis situation, which opens the awareness to new possibilities that

would otherwise not be considered.

The voice of spirit speaks uniquely in each soul. It may be creative inspiration

that emerges, or an opening of the heart that creates a desire to share and give

more to others. It may come through a healing relationship which transforms life

totally and unexpectedly. Inner wisdom and intuition can flower in the most

unusual of circumstances, as Spirit is always speaking to us through both our

inner and our outer lives.

The voice of Spirit may act as a wake up call, to illuminate aspects of ourselves

that are out of balance. Like a shining beacon of light, it can reveal and transform

the hidden corners of ourselves that have carried large burdens for a long time.

God’s light can act as a catalyst to undo past mistakes and past choices, to and

create a renewed sense of healing and harmony.

You may have noticed changes in your consciousness, your awareness, and the

ways that you look at life. There is a process of spiritual awakening that is

happening on the Earth right now, which is still rather invisible to outer eyes, but

which many are beginning to feel in their hearts. Our priorities are shifting, and

life is asking us to love more, to let go of old grudges and pain, and to move

forward in life with consideration and awareness of the Earth and the others in

our lives.

No longer are we focused solely on ourselves and our own gratification. It is clear

that in order to move into the future on this planet, we need to develop and

nurture a respect for life, for the Earth, and for the other souls that share this

planet with us. For each of us, this involves changes in the ways we live our

lives, and in the ways we relate to others.

One day, this new spiritual consciousness will no longer be invisible, and the

world as we know it will be transformed. Spiritual consciousness will not be

separate from physical life, but an integral part of life. Spiritual consciousness will

be shared among all living beings, and will be understood as the foundation upon

which we build our lives on the Earth. This process has begun and is now

catapulting us forward into one of the most significant times in the history of


Your soul chose to be present at this time, to participate in this awakening of

spiritual consciousness. Your presence on the Earth is purposeful and is an

integral part of the larger process. How will you move forward in the coming days

and weeks? Your gift of choice allows you to partner with Spirit and the spiritual

realms each day, to join with other like minded, like hearted souls to co-create

the New Earth that is arriving. We bless you and give great thanks for your work.

10 Ways To Raise Your Frequency And

Find Spiritual Guidance

For the last 35 years, I have been working with individuals, couples and families,

as well as business relationships. I have 8 published books on relationships and

healing, some of them best-sellers. In the first half of my career, I worked as a

traditional psychotherapist, and was not happy with the results. In the last 18

years I have worked with a process called Inner Bonding, which is a powerful six

step psychological and spiritual healing process. I discovered that there is no real

healing without a personal connection with a source of spiritual guidance.

Everyone in recovery, whether from alcohol, drugs, food, spending, gambling,

sex, TV, codependency, or any other addiction, knows that they cannot heal

without a connection with their Higher Power, yet for many, this connection is

illusive. It is a common experience for me to work with people who have been in

Twelve Steps for years yet still don’t have a direct, personal experience of their

Higher Power. All of us want a direct line to our Spiritual Guidance. We need this

help in maintaining abstinence and taking responsibility for ourselves. We want to

know what is in our highest good, what is the right decision in different situations,

how to set appropriate boundaries, and how to manifest what we want.

It is the birthright of each of us to have a direct line to a Higher Power, whatever

that is for you. Yet, few of us have learned how to do this at will on a daily basis.

Surprisingly however, it is not hard to do. The spiritual realm exists at a higher

frequency than we do here on the physical plane of planet Earth. In order to

access the spiritual realm, we need to know how to raise our “frequency”.

One way to understand “frequency” is to imagine a room filled with people who

are sharing love and joy with each other. This room has a feeling of lightness, a

high frequency, whereas a room filled with angry, tense people has a feeling of

heaviness, a low frequency.So, how do we raise our frequency? There are

numerous things you can do to help yourself raise your frequency, but none of

them will work unless you have the intent to learn with Spirit about loving yourself

and others.

Our intention is the most powerful tool we have for raising our frequency. There

are only two possible intentions in any given moment: to learn with God/Spirit

about loving yourself and others, or to protect against your pain and avoid

responsibility for your feelings. When our intent is to protect and avoid, we seek

to control, through our various addictions, our feelings, others’ feelings and

behavior, and the outcome of things. When our intent is to learn, we seek to take

responsibility for our own feelings and behavior by discovering what we may be

thinking or doing that is unloving to ourselves and others, and what would be


You can try many methods of raising your frequency, from prayer to meditation to

chanting, but if your intention is to protect instead of learn, none of these will do

any good at all. The reason is that when the intention is to protect against pain,

we close our heart so as not to feel whatever we are feeling. Spirit cannot come

through a closed heart.

We are each given free will when we come to this planet. This means that we get

to choose our intention, to be open or closed, loving or unloving, protected

against pain or taking responsibility for our feelings. While the love that is

God/Spirit is all-powerful, it cannot come into a closed heart. Just as the air you

breathe cannot come into your lungs until you take a breath, the love, power and

wisdom that is Spirit cannot enter your being until you choose the intent to learn

about loving.

When you have a true, pure intention to learn, your frequency automatically rises.

None of the actions I suggest below will raise your frequency without this

intention. However, once you have this intention the following actions can help to

further raise your frequency.

1. Move into your imagination. Your imagination is a gift from Spirit. When

you move into your imagination, you raise your frequency and tap into the

source of your creativity and inspiration. Our willingness to move into and

trust our imagination is essential to being able to connect with our personal

Spiritual Guidance. When you first begin to utilize your imagination to

increase your frequency and connect with Spirit, you might feel as if you

are just using your imagination to make things up. However, as you take

the risk of trusting what you think you are “making up,” you will discover

that it really is coming through you from Spirit rather than from you.

2. Keep your body clear. Your body is an energy system. If your body’s

energy is clogged with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, heavy

foods, lots of food or foods contaminated with pesticides, preservatives,

artificial sweeteners or any of the thousands of chemicals that are added to

foods, your frequency is lowered.

3. Pray. Sincere prayers of gratitude and asking Spirit for help in healing all

blocks to loving can raise your frequency.

4. Chant. Repetitive prayers, chants and mantras can open you to higher

frequencies, as can singing in general.

5. Dance. Rapid repetitive movement, such as Native American drumming

dances, may open you to higher frequencies.

6. Spend time in nature. The frequency of a city is far lower than the

frequency of nature. Being among trees and flowers, near a river, creek or

lake, at the ocean, in the desert, or on a mountain can all raise your


7. Listen to classical or spiritual music.

8. Do creative, artistic activities. Moving into your creative imagination raises

the frequency.

9. Use incense or do “smudging.” Incense has been used for centuries to

raise the frequency and invite spiritual connection. “Smudging” is using the

smoke from various dried plants such as sage, pine, cedar and lavender to

clear the energies in a room and raise the frequency. Smudging has been

used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples throughout the world.

10. Lighting candles. Candlelight, too, has been used for thousands of

years to clear the air and raise the frequency.

If you get into the habit of asking yourself throughout the day, “What is my

intention? Am I trying to control something, or is my deepest desire in the

moment to learn about loving myself and others?”, you will begin to understand

intention. This will eventually lead you into hearing, feeling, and seeing your

personal spiritual Guidance.

Channeling Your Spirit Guides

Spiritual channeling is a process whereby an individual becomes the channel and

the spirit speaks for them. Instead of contacting departed loved ones the entities

that normally come through are Spirit Guides. Many channelers encounter the

same entity or entities repeatedly. The entities that are being channeled, often

discuss a particular subject that is normally spiritual and they pass on their

knowledge and their wisdom.

Channeling is a skill that anyone can develop. All you need is the desire to grow

spiritually and the determination to reach upwards. Channeling does not take

years of special training, but what it does require is the ability to make one's mind

calm and free of thoughts. You also need the ability to trust.

If you go back over the years, Priestesses and Priests of the temples, Psychics,

Seers, and Shamans were channeling energy from the unconscious to natural

spirits and their own Spirit Guides. All civilizations and cultures have had Mystics

or trace channelers, who provided a service with their abilities. They tap into a

different dimension and bring through knowledge, which is not obtainable to the

masses. The Shamans and Priests have kept this art form alive until our present

day and when used with the right attitude it becomes available to almost anyone.

Channeling is for those of you that wish to enrich and develop the wisdom of your

Higher Self. This is not a way of solving your daily and emotional problems.

Sometimes miracles can happen, however, your Spirit Guide will guide and help

you find the solutions to what you need to know. Your Spirit Guide does this by

helping you to see a variety of options that you have in your decision making


It is important to understand that channeling must not be confused with someone

whose soul intention is to contact the dead and seek their assistance. When a

Medium uses spiritual channeling, they are leaving their ordinary waking

consciousness and becoming a conduit for a source of energy not normally in

their awareness.

They may have a sense of reaching their Higher Self (the highest vibrational part

of the self), a Spirit Guide, or other light being, or they may feel a beautiful, loving

energy flowing through their body for the healing of themselves and in that of

others. Thoughts or images that are not their own may enter their mind, or they

may find they are self-speaking in a way that differs from their ordinary thought


Channeling is one of the many gifts of Spirit as it helps you to unfold spiritual

growth. Channeling is not practiced as an end in itself, but as a part of the

channeler's deep desire to be close to the great Spirit and to serve as an

instrument for the expression of the higher planes of consciousness. The spiritual

channeler does not seek glory; moreover, they feel deeply privileged to be part of

the personal and planetary healing process.

Having clarity in channeling comes from your ability to reach a higher vibrational

source and maintain a clear contact with it. As you enter a deep state of

relaxation or meditation, it brings the highest energies present for the session. If

you are taking alcohol, medication, are stressed or have fatigue, or other forms of

illness, these will not give you a clear contact. Try to work when you are feeling in

excellent condition.

The spirit guides who will work with you have a single purpose and that is to

teach you to see yourself as they see you. A being of love, light and creative

potential, who is one with oneself. As you begin to accept these truths about your

essence, past traumas dissolve and your daily reality begins to come into

alignment with the desires of your higher self. A growing sense of peace and joy

shows you that you are on the right path. You can achieve the best results by

working with a group whose main goal is to grow spiritually and to become

conduits of the energy of love and healing that they receive.

All channelers filter the information that comes through them. It is in the purest

form, when sent. The message will be of pure energy and a unit of total

awareness and understanding can be seen as a light entering in the channeler's

aura. As the channeler's physical body, mind and vocal chords are expressing

the message it will then take on an earthly form, so that it can be understood on

the earth plane. In the process of translating energy into words, the message is

inevitably altered.

If you want somebody else to channel for you, let your instincts be your guide.

Choose a positive person and make sure that their presence makes you feel

comfortable and accepted. Most people are apprehensive about the first time

they have a channeled reading. So try to separate this anxiety from the sense

you have of the channeler. However, if you feel acute discomfort or physical pain,

you may want to work with someone else.

Feel free to ask questions before the sessions begin. You may want to know

what is the focus of the session, whether you can ask questions and what results

other people have received. Ask permission to tape the session. If a tape is

provided, you will hear many new things when you later replay your tape.

Attempt to suspend your judgmental self during the session and enjoy the flow of

the session. You need not accept any statement that does not ring true to you;

ask for more information or simply put it aside and you can consider it later. If you

are pushing away positive statements about yourself, that can be a clue that you

need to work on self-love. However, if you get no sense of inner confirmation

about a statement, let it go.

Remember that channeling often serves its best purpose by spotlighting things

you already knew about yourself but were avoiding or denying. Spiritual

channeling helps you deal with your fears, understand your options, and move

forward more confidently. By pointing out your spiritual gift and confirming your

intuitions, it can give you the support you need to be your true self.

Preparing for the Channel

I myself found that practicing channeling with others was easier than for me

alone. However, taking time for solitude and meditation is also important as this

helps strengthen your connection with your Spirit Guides. Whether alone or with

someone else, take some time to sit quietly. Create a sacred space for yourself

by lighting a candle, you can also burn some incense. Visualize and feel the

white light from the heart flow into you. Breathe deeply and focus on the breath to

give your brain a job (sometimes the busy brain needs a job). You can tell your

mind to focus on your breathing, as this helps to quieten the mind.

How to connect with your Spirit Guides

When you are relaxed, comfortable, and your mind is clear, start to telepathically

call out to your Guides (you might like to call to your Angel instead of your Guide

the choice is yours) ask them to come into your sacred space.

In your mind's eye you begin to see them coming towards you. When you feel

their presence, imagine that a beam of light begins to radiate from your Spirit

Guide and open your heart, so that the light passes through the feeling of love.

Feel the energy flowing both ways from their heart to your heart and back to

them. Once that energy is flowing strongly, imagine a second beam of light

radiating from their third eye to yours. Open all your psychic senses and feel the

flow of energy between your third eye and their third eye. I have found that

connecting on both of these levels helps strengthen the telepathic

communication link.

If you are comfortable, invite your Guide to come and blend with you. There is

nothing to fear. Feel the loving energy coming from your Guide. There is

absolutely no harm that can come to you in allowing your Guide to come close.

There are no ulterior motives in the spirit realm, they simply want to love and help

you. I let my Guide come right up to me and blend with me. It is as if we share

the same space for a while.

Once you are in this state, open to the bliss of oneness. Your Guides are of the

highest light, and always come in with a tremendous loving energy. You should

start to feel comfortable, soothed and uplifted.

If you feel any fear or you find you are uncomfortable, go back to the start and

focus on bringing in more white light. Before you start, again ask yourself why

you are afraid. Try to let go of the fear and understand that you have complete

control over what you allow into your energy field.

Working with your Guides

Your Spirit Guides can offer you a loving, healing energy, as well as valuable

insight from their unique perspective. Accessing these higher dimensions and the

feeling of being connected to your Guide or Angel can strengthen your soul and

help you flow with life.

To strengthen your connection with your Guide, you can simply acknowledge

their presence in your life. Talk to them telepathically and trust that they hear

you. They will respond to you and it just takes openness on your part to hear

them. They may communicate by a vision, sometimes by words or a feeling of

knowingness. The way they communicate is dependent upon the amount of

practice you have done. (It will always start slowly. Do not give up. Keep going,

as practice always makes perfect).

Keep a journal, notebook and pen handy. Therefore, if you receive a message

that you feel is important you can write it down. This allows you to work with the

message until it feels integrated. It also allows you the opportunity to share the

message with others, which is a way to validate your experiences.

By practicing this exercise, you can come to know your guide in a deep and

profound way. In these chaotic times, taking a moment to connect with your Spirit

Guide can give you the reassurance you need. Even if you do not have a specific

question, connect with your healing Guide to send you healing energy to balance

and energize you. An important point to remember is, that if your voice changes

in tone slightly or your writing changes, do not be alarmed as this is quite normal

when practicing channeling. Be sure to open your heart and let in their love. This

can be quite profound and can help you to understand how your Guide can help

you through your life. Remember trust is important on both sides.

Using The Physical Body To Connect

With Guides And Spirit

Communication from Spirit Guides is somewhat of a mystery to most of us, but

yet, there are those who say they can openly communicate with other-worldly

beings they call Guides and spirits. There are a variety of ways in which a Guide

or a departed spirit can communicate with a medium or psychic. Often these

communications are through what is called the “clair senses.”

Clair senses is a collective word, meaning that the Guide’s communication can

utilize any of the following types of psychic sensitivity which co-mingles the

physical body’s normal five senses. The five sense and the clair sense involved


1. Clairaudience: Clairaudience perceive sounds (or words) that a person can

actually hear when, in fact, no one is speaking and nothing physical is

causing the sounds. The sounds are thought to be impressions that

register themselves on the spirillae of the ear’s pineal gland. It is believed

that clairaudience sounds go through the same process that normal

hearing does, passing through the Third Eye chakra of the head.

2. Clairsavorance: Clairsavorance is translated as clear tasting. The person

experiences tastes in the mouth without putting anything physical actually

in the mouth.

3. Clairscient: Clairscient means to smell a fragrance or odor of a substance

which is not physical in nature. For example, you might smell cigarette

smoke when you are in a place where it is certain no one is smoking or

has smoked.

4. Clairsentience. Clairsentience allows a psychic to perceive information as

a feeling within the whole body without any other stimuli related to this

feeling or information, which comes from within the body, down the

kundalini to the stomach area or solar plexus. The stomach area is one of

the strongest communication centers that Guides frequently use to


5. Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance means to see into an ethereal dimension

without using physical eyes. Some describe it as reaching into another

vibration frequency and visually perceive “within the head” something like

moving pictures. The third eye area of the forehead is one of the other

strongest communication centers that Guides frequently use to


Since this article is focused on the “belly energies” and psychic abilities, we will

narrow our focus to the area of the clairsentience. In his historic writings of

“Psychic Science,” Sir Oliver Lodge spoke about what he called “clairvoyance or

lucidity” and raised the older concepts that were coined as “reading with the pit of

the stomach.” According to Lodge, using the stomach or belly area as the

channel for psychic communications was an established practice.

That is an interesting observation when you look more globally at the ancient

beliefs about the belly. The Chinese called this belly chakra the “chi point,” while

the Japanese termed it the “hara” or “ki point.” As the body’s balancing chakra,

this area is located one and a half inches below the navel and one and a half

inches inward toward the spine. It is the “energy” that the body generates, some

call it a power-center.

In writing this article, I spoke with world renowned psychic and author Jane

Doherty because as a psychic she experiences a physical phenomena that

relates to Sir Oliver Lodge’s concept of “reading with the pit of the stomach.”

Whenever there are ghosts around Jane Doherty, she has an amazing physical

reaction to them. The reaction Jane has is that her stomach area actually

enlarges by as much as six inches around within seconds. And, Jane tells us that

it is extremely painful to her when this happens. If you watch Jane while her

stomach expansion is happening, you are going to hear her moaning and see her

wincing and trust me, it is not dramatic. Jane is in definite pain.

With regards to her expanding tummy, Jane says, It feels like a contraction when

a woman is in labor, but it doesn’t ever release me until the spirit leaves. Instead,

the stomach expands as if I was nine months pregnant. Jane actually describes it

as very intense muscle cramps, where her stomach is physically gripped by the

ghost, and if you watch, the belly will actually lift up. Jane continues, Often I can

tell by the grip whether it is a female, male or child spirit. It first happened to me

in 1990, when I investigated my first haunted house with a researcher.

Psychic Jane Doherty has this psychic belly experience as she applies her

clairsentience skills, but interestingly enough the phenomena only happens when

a ghost is present and not when a Guide is present. You can learn more about

Jane Doherty’s psychic abilities in her book “Awakening the Mystic Gift: The

Surprising Truth About What It Means to Be Psychic,” which chronicles Jane’s

own psychic awakening and what it truly means to be psychic.

Doreen Virtue, author of “Clairaudience: Hearing Your Angels’ Messages,” says

that clairsentients get divine guidance through bodily sensations, such as a

tightening of the jaw, fists, stomach or sex organs, and that they intuitively know

the specific meaning of these tightening reactions. She further adds that

clairsentients receive angelic guidance through an etheric sense of smell, taste,

and touch. Renowned medium John Holland says pointedly that the hot spot for

clairsentients is the stomach.

Clearly the “belly energies” and “psychic abilities” are intrinsically related as a

compliment that helps allow mediums to communicate with Guides, spirits and

other-worldly beings. The stomach area is indeed one of the strongest

communication centers frequently used to communicate with that which has no

physical form.


Intuition And Tarot Reading

You don't have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in

tune with your intuition. Our intuitions are our natural ability to instinctively sense

things in the world around us. Intuition has nothing to do with our cognitive

abilities. It is a gut feeling we get regardless of the logistics of a particular

situation. Intuition lets us know when something is wrong when all appears right.

For example, there are times when we may meet someone who appears

wonderful to everyone but we still may feel something is not right with that

person. We may not be able to put our finger on it but we know something isn't

quite as it should be. That is our intuition warning us. What happens in a case

like this is that although we will act friendly outwardly inwardly we are guarded

because of the feeling we have on a gut level.

Being psychic now is a little different. Psychic ability is one in which one's senses

go beyond the normal range of perception. It is considered a gift of sorts.

Different people who are considered “psychic” may actually have a specific type

of gift. Some of the ways this gift of being psychic can manifest is in being able to

see things beyond the normal vision. Some can hear beyond normal hearing and

some can channel into the spiritual realm. These are not the only ways to be

psychic, these are simply some of the more obvious forms it takes. However, just

like intuition, a person who is psychic can innately use their gift without having to

think about it consciously.

To be an effective reader one does not have to be psychic per say but should be

attuned to their intuition. The more we use our intuition in regards to interpreting

the tarot the stronger it becomes. It's like anything else. The more you do

something, like using your intuition in this case, the better you become. Tarot

cards are tools with which to focus our intuitive senses on. We also use our

intuition to focus on the person being read to get an accurate picture of what is

going on in that person's life.

Some people are naturally intuitive and even psychic while others have to work a

little harder to get the same sense of what's going on. When you buy a box of

tarot cards they are not “magic” in and of themselves. It's the reader's energy that

is imparted into the cards that makes them effective for the reader. The person's

connection to the symbolism on the cards is what creates the magic. It is the

symbolism that opens the person's intuition in relation to the card. This is

because each picture creates a feeling in the person that is in turn interpreted

based on the person's feeling and applied to a reading.

The Importance Of Clearing A Tarot


When you bring home a new deck of tarot cards you will want to clear them.

Clearing is a process of spiritually cleaning the cards to remove any negative

energy or blocks that they may have accumulated. When you clear a deck of

tarot cards for the first time you are also putting your own energy into the deck.

There are many ways one can clear a deck. It's a matter of preference for the


It is suggested that when one gets a new deck of tarot cards that they are

spiritually prepared and cleansed. This is so you can read more accurately.

Negative energy and blocks can impede the clarity of a reading. When you clear

a tarot deck you are preparing them for use. In addition to clearing the tarot

cards, many readers also cleanse the space and objects they use in conducting

readings. The room you read in, the table you use, and any other things related

to the reader and the cards can be cleansed prior to a reading.

The idea is that spiritually clean cards and space give a clear reading free of the

negative or blocking debris that collects naturally. This includes energy from

other people and things like unwanted energy. Clean energy portends positivity.

And you want positivity when you are doing a reading.

In addition to initial clearings, many readers do little cleanings in between their

readings to keep their cards clean. This ensures that any negativity that was

picked up in a consultation is dismissed and removed before the next reading.

Some readers clean themselves and their cards after every reading and others

choose to do it periodically. They may do it on a specific day and time on a

regular basis. It doesn't matter how you clear your cards, all that matters is that

you are calling good energy to assist you and removing any negative energy.

All types of divination require some sort of energy in order to conduct the

reading. Clearing the cards and space eliminates the spiritual residue that the

energy builds. This helps reduce the possibility of inaccurate and false readings

clouded by that debris. This is especially true for those readers who let their

clients touch the cards. When someone touches a reader's cards; their cards are

then picking up other people's energy, physically and psychically. In that case,

you don't want the next reading to have the last person's energy attached to it.

Clearing your tarot deck and space is like giving them fresh air to breathe. You

have to breathe fresh air yourself and so do the cards and your space to help you

to give you the best reading you can give.

How Often Should You Get A Tarot


One of my FAQs is, “How often should I have a Tarot Card reading?” There is no

right answer to this. It depends on your purpose– what type of reading you are

having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about

what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a reading every

six months or so, or perhaps every year.

This kind of reading tends to involve a bigger “spread” or “layout” as Tarot

Readers call it, with more cards in it. This allows a broader view of trends that

may be coming into play around you. It usually tells a reader whether you are in a

time of change or of relative stability– whether new stuff is going to happen or if

things will remain very similar to how they are now. You don’t need this kind of

reading very frequently. It’s “big picture” stuff and tends to change slowly.

If you are looking at one issue at a time, such as if you are going to get a new job

soon, you can ask that question with a smaller spread. A few cards or a Celtic

Cross will be fine and will tell you what the possibilities are in that situation. The

reading might tell you if you need to add to your skills and head off in a new

career direction or search more thoroughly for a job than you are currently doing.

If you asked about moving to a new house it might say that moving would be

disruptive at this time. The Tarot is always more than just “Yes” or “No”. Usually it

gives you some advice or insight as well.

With a reading based on one specific topic, you can ask whenever you like as

long as the topics are different. It’s no good asking the same thing many times

because the answers just become confusing and often merely reflect how you

are feeling that day. I always try to discourage people from becoming dependent

on divination. Asking the same question again and again, trying to nag the cards

into telling you what you want to hear is not healthy. Sometimes life doesn’t give

us what we want and we have to accept that and get on with things as best we


It’s better not to ask trivial questions. I have found that the Tarot works best when

you’ve thought out your question carefully and put it in a sensible manner. When

you have an answer to a question, then it’s a good idea to go away and reflect on

it and see how that answer can help you with your problem. That is one of the

strengths of the Tarot – guidance. It can help us to see solutions for ourselves.

By using Tarot wisely, it becomes like talking to a good friend. The answers often

open up new ways of looking at our lives that can help us bring out the best for

ourselves in the future. Like all good friends it responds best if you take notice of

the answers it gives.

Psychic Tarot Reading

Tarot cards can be used as a tool for psychics to link in with spirits and guides, to

offer guidance that may relate to past, present and occasionally, the future.

Tarot cards can be laid out in various ways and include any number of cards

drawn. Some psychics may even use a combination of 2-3 tarot decks.

Ultimately, the messages and guidance offered will be of meaning and truth, and

essentially, is a message that needs to be given to the querent.

All tarot cards come with meanings and some people may only use this way of

giving readings. Some psychics however, will throw away the books

accompanying the tarot cards, and use only links with spirit to give messages.

The duration of tarot psychic readings given will vary. However long or short the

readings may be, the messages given will be honest and give meaning and

validation to the recipient.

Most authentic psychics will not elaborate or exaggerate any information to

lengthen readings. When tools such as tarot are used, they are read using

mediumistic and spiritual direction (intuition). This means that cards will be read

on an individual basis for each person. For example, a person may choose three

cards from the deck. E.g. Three of Swords, The Tower, The Priestess. The

psychic/medium will then give their messages and guidance to this person. A

second person can shuffle this same deck of tarot cards, and pull out these same

three cards. The messages given to this person will be different and have

different validations.

There are many objects (tools) used by a medium of psychic to enable their

connections to manifest in the same way as tarot. Some of these include

crystals, crystal balls, colour, rune stones, angel cards, palmistry, psychometry.

To define your best method is to sit in a development circle or participate in a few

specified workshops to find your niche and develop such skills with a reputable

teaching medium.

How To Do A Simple Three Card Spread

There are so many tarot card spreads available to use for reading Tarot cards. In

order to read the cards effectively you have to be familiar with their meanings

and how you relate to them when they are in a spread. Once you get

accustomed to each card on its own, you are ready to start learning how to read

them in a spread. Most Tarot Card readers are familiar with the Celtic Cross

Spread, but a three card basic spread is a good way to learn how to read cards

for beginners.

Even before you start to use a three card spread; there is a good exercise you

can do daily. Its purpose is to familiarize yourself with the cards and the idea of

reading them. It is easy to do and will strengthen your abilities when it comes to

reading cards in general.

What you do is you shuffle your cards and pull one a day to see what your day

will be like. Based on the card you pull you give yourself a reading with that card.

Analyze what that card will mean to you that day. This is an excellent way to get

familiar with the cards and their meanings. It also helps you develop your sense

of intuition which is also very important for reading the Tarot Deck.

Now that you know that, let's move on to the Three Card Spread.

Here are the Steps to conduct a Three Card Reading:

1. Focus on Your Question

2. Shuffle Your Cards

3. Pick one of the Cards and put it in the center of the table. This card represents

the “present situation” in relation to the question you asked.

4. You will then pick another card and lay it to the left of the first card. This is the

past in relation to the question you asked. Keep in mind the past could be the

day before or even the night before. It doesn't mean years ago necessarily based

on what you asked. This card connects you to the present situation or middle


5. Next Pick your third card and lay it to the right of the middle card. This is the

future or outcome position to the question. Keep in mind that the future could

mean later that day. It doesn't necessarily mean a year from now.

And there you have it! You just did a reading. Simple and to the point. When you

get to the point that this is easy for you, you can begin to explore more complex

types of spreads.


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