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Tricia Joy E.

Galosa Understanding The Self March 20, 2023

BSCPE-1A/ 2022 – 00658

Test III – Essay

1. Assume that you are a teacher. Formulate one golden question that you would want
your student answer.
2. Assume that you are a student. Answer your golden question.

How do our experiences and interactions with others shape how we see

Our experiences and relationships with others have a variety of effects on

how we view ourselves. Our sense of self is influenced by a variety of factors, such as
comparisons to others, their criticism, the adoption of alternative identities or being
given one, as well as cultural and societal conventions. We receive feedback from
these encounters and exchanges, which we then utilize to build our self-concept,
which in turn shapes our actions, feelings, and thoughts.
It is also important to recognize that our own self-concept is not solely
determined by our own actions, but is also influenced by our social environment.
Therefore, we should strive to surround ourselves with positive social influences and
challenge any negative or limiting beliefs about ourselves that may have developed
as a result of past experiences. By being aware of the factors that go into our self-
concept, we can take action to create a more positive and healthier self-image.

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