Practical 2

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Observation: We have observe that soil can be acidic or basic.

AIM: Investigate the decomposition of eggshells in different soil environments and assess the impact the
addition of an easily metabolizable carbon source have on it.

Hypothesis: The eggshell will be decompose more in acid environment than the one with addition of
organic metabolize source.


1. Three containers’
2. Soil
3. 2 Teabags
4. Sugar
5. Spoon
6. Permanent marker
7. Eggshell

Result and discussion

DAY 4/21


 The whole soil was unique from the first day we started because the top of the soil was covered
with ( white algae ( research))
 Soil was this most
 No obersed information on the eggshells


 The topsoil was partially covered by the ( white mist or algae )

 Soil look little bit dryer
 No obersed information on the eggshells


 The top of the soil was not covered and it just the same we started.
 No obersed information on the eggshells
 Soil look still moist.

DAY 8/21


 The soil was covered with white fungi /algae but at ethis time around was more concentrated
that the last day the experinment was examined.
 The soil was still moist and really losing it aggregate hard.
 Found out that it producing a really strong odour it like a lemon like .It might be the gas produce
by the eggshell. (Carbon dioxide)
 The was some water in lining of the cointainer with water droplet maybe might be the water
produced by the eggshell.


The had no white algae covered to it this time it returns as it was like last time

The soil was well aggregate and moist

 The was some water in lining of the cointainer with water droplet maybe might be the water
produced by the eggshell.
 It was odourless


The had no white algae covered to it this time it returns as it was like last time

The soil was well aggregate and moist

It was odourless

No water was found in the lining surface of the container.

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