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One day My mom was carrying me in the house when I was 1 year old.

Then she suddenly drops me

because she slips. Bleeding started from my head. My mom and dad took me to the hospital, and
they put me in ICU but after some time I got better, and they let me go home with my parents. 11
years later, one day I felt something in my head suddenly. Then, I looked at a friend and I could see
what is going around his head. After that I saw what he doesn’t like about me, I saw his life history,
the things he never told me, And his personal information like all his password. I was shocked and
started panicking but I controlled myself. Then, I started thinking what is happening and why can I
see what is in anybody head. Next day I saw something in news that socked me. I saw that
somebody could see what is in anybody’s head and the reason he had that because he fell in the
ground when he was like 5 years old. After that I was thinking is that the same reason I have the
same power to cause I fell to when I was like 1 year old. But I decide to keep it a secret. I decide to
use it for bad thing like knowing all the test answer and when is a test coming up. I felt like I was the
king of the world. I was greedy as a thief. I could see when the next movie is coming up or when is
the next iPhone is coming up or how it looks. I didn’t need to wait for anything. I could just read
anybody’s mind. But then I felt guilty and only decide to use for when a movie or an iPhone or what
and I getting for my birthday. One day I saw that somebody in my school is going to kidnap my friend
because it was his birthday and surprise his. As a joke and they told me to join in to help setup
things, so I did. It went as it was planned, he we kidnaped his he was a little mad a first but then his
anger went down and we had a lot of fun in that party. Then one day it just stopped working and I
could not read minds anymore. But I was happy anyway because that meant I won’t do anything
bad. Now I was nothing but a normal person.

I chose the third option of the number b

In this world the character is a 12 years old kid who get a power of reading minds because his mom
dropped him when he was 1 year old. He was in a small society. The rules in that world was if you do
a crime you go to jail. You can’t cheat in a test in school. You must be fair. But he got a power that
nobody has other then one person in the world. First, he uses this power for bad but then he stops.
Now he uses it for his safety or what is going to be coming next year. This story is about a person
who has a special power that nobody has. And he uses it have fun without hurting anybody. When
he got this power, he was thinking that he is a king. And at the end he loses this power and lives his
life like a normal person. And nobody knew that he had that power of reading minds. If somebody
did his life would be in danger.



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