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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Superior

Instituto Universitario Jesús Obrero.
Barquisimeto Estado Lara.
Evaluación de Inglés I
Carrera : Informática.
Nombre y Apellido del Estudiante. ______________________________
Sección: ______
Prof.: Zury Joyce Sanz de A.

Parte I. A continuación analice el siguiente texto y subraye al menos seis verbos en tiempo pasado simple. Valor
0.5pts c/

Before 1957 computers only worked on one task at a time. This is called batch processing. Of course, this was
quite ineffective.
With computers getting bigger and bigger they had to be stored in special cooled rooms. But then the
developers couldn't work directly on the computers anymore, specialists had to be called in to connect them.
The year 1957 marked a big change. A remote connection had to be installed so the developers could work
directly on the computers.

Parte II. Responda las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo al texto anterior. 1pt c/u.
1. What did computers do before 1957?

2 .How was this process?


3. Where did computers had to be stored?


4. Did the developers could work directly on the computers in 1957 ?


Parte III. Seleccion simple.

Selecciona la oración en pasado simple correcta. 1pt c/u.

__ Hardware performed tasks without software.
__ Devices exist for Braille input and output.
__ The Microsoft Windows operated system very well.
__ Arrow keys allow you to move around the screen.
__ The initials CPU stood for Central Processing Unit.
__ A hard copy was a copy on a hard disk.
__ Screen readers were people who read screens.

Parte IV. Escriba el verbo dado en tiempo pasado. 1pt c /u

1._ Write = __________
2._ Delete = _________
3._ Speak = __________
4._ Prepare = ________

Parte. V. Escriba cada oración de forma negativa. 1 pt c/ u.

1._ They worked in the computer industry.

2._ Business dedicated to the professional service of computing.

3._ I worked as an engineer in a computer company.


4._ You went to class before calling me.


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