Evaluation Aint Nothing Chaged

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Our production was following the style of a Hip/hop rap music video. Looking at my
research i covered in LO1 and discovering other music videos in this genre i believe
that our music video has followed the same structure as these other videos. for
example, throughout the music video we used as old camcorder style camera edit
which appeared to wash out a lot of the colour in clips which gave it an older more
retro feel to the music video. This style of using old camcorders was seen to be used
in many of the music videos i researched though Lo3 from the likes of loyle carner in
a lot of his music video.

The successes of my production

In my production matching the audio clips to hit perfectly into the actor voicing it over went
very well with every clip was matched up perfectly and matched what the actor was saying.
Doing this via premier pro was a very difficult task as it was a rap song trying to match the
speed of how loyle carner is rapping to the blank clip of the actor mouthing the words.
In this production I believe we created the same feel as the other rap video was watched in
terms of the style. For example, editing the clips to make It look like it’s been recorded on a
camcorder I felt looked okay in the end. Creating the border around the clip as well to give it
the square look made it look more as if it has been on an older bit of equipment as it looks
like its set to fit an older square tv.

The weaknesses of my production

In my production I feel I could have done more with the editing and not keeping it the same
camcorder style throughout the entire production. This was because have all these edits of
the clips every time I would try change a little thing about the production or just it
something out I would have to render in all the edits and this after a while became very time
consuming and costed me a lot of time in which I could have been getting new editing done.
Also, in our production we didn’t really follow a narrative throughout the production or it
doesn’t really seem very clearly when watching the full production. I felt this was because
we spent a lot of time playing what shots we would do with the lip syncing and that took
over most of the planning time to where we didn’t really think about what the story would
be following throughout the production. In the end there is a narrative is there but isn’t very
clear for the viewers watching it. Next time when it comes to the fmp I will take more time
into my planning to have a clear picture of how I want my production to look even before
we have started filming so when filming begins I means I won be lost or stressed in ideas
throughout that week.

The theme, colour, font and images choices in your promotional

The main theme which has been show throughout the websites and music video is the look
through a camcorder and vhs style. This was shown throughout the website being shown
through a tour poster which has the backdrop of an old video camera screen.

These below are shots of my tour dates and merch list and also the backdrop of the

On my merch list to give the same theme as the production we showed that we would be
realising limited edition cassette tapes and vinyls which I thought stuck to the theme.

How professional does your promotional materials look

I don’t believe our promotional materials match up fully to the ones I looked at during L01
but this was looking at websites at the likes of drake were to find products you we have to
explore this house of his in which every room as different product

Look at this website shows how its such a great but very clever idea. As this style of website
hasn’t really been seen at all with music artists it gives his fans a chance to explore this
house showing the products but also showing how they would look in different areas of a
house maybe getting more people to buy them as they have seen how it looks in a house
setting and they want to match how drakes house is designed.

I did feel as if the trailer for the music video promoted the video very well as having a look
at other artists music video promos what’s often the case is that they would show a short
clip of the music video and then just followed by the day of realising and I feel what did the
same format or that whilst still keeping our vhs style.

What do I need to improve for my final project

For my final FMP I feel I need to plan out how I would like my production to look before
filming it but also, I need to spend more time understanding how each clip will create that
story on top of it being a music video. I also need to give myself more time for editing as
now I have understood having to many edits over a clip and trying to edit around it can
cause a lot of problems in terms of my time management. And finally, I think I need to
spend a lot more time on my final evaluation and not wait till the last minute to complete it
as I want get the best out of my work when I rush to complete all my written work.

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