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Project by -
Mohammed Zaid Chowdhary
Areen Shibu

Sl. No. Topic Page

1 Acknowledgement 1

2 Project Aim 2

3 Introduction 3

4 Theory 7

5 Materials required 9

6 Procedure 10

7 Observations 13

8 Inference 14

9 Conclusion 18

10 Project Result 20

11 Bibliography 21
We would like to express our gratitude and
appreciation to our chemistry teacher Binju
ma’am, Soujanya ma’am, and most
importantly, NPS Yelahanka for providing us
with a great environment to complete our
investigatory project. 

We are really thankful for Binju ma’am’s

suggestions and encouragement, which
helped in making the process of completing
this project much easier. 

I would like to thank the school for providing

us with the needed equipment and
requirements, and for also providing ample
time to complete the project comfortably. I
extend my gratitude towards the school staff
and aunties, who were always available to
provide help with equipment throughout the

To determine the amount
of acetic acid in different
types of vinegar using
titration with a coloured
pH indicator to determine
the endpoint


Vinegar is a sour liquid that is made by the

fermentation of any of numerous dilute alcoholic
liquids into a liquid containing acetic acid. Vinegar
may be produced from a variety of materials:
apples or grapes (wine or cider vinegar); malted
barley or oats (malt vinegar); and industrial alcohol
(distilled white vinegar). There are also vinegars
made from beer, sugars, rice, and other substances 

Vinegar can be made from any liquid that is

capable of being converted into alcohol in a two-
step process. The fruit juice or other liquid contains
sugar, which is converted into alcohol and carbon
dioxide gas by the actions of yeast enzymes. The
alcohol thus formed combines with atmospheric
oxygen by the action of Acetobacter bacteria,
forming acetic acid and water. Organic acids and
esters derived from the fruit or other source material
are also present and are responsible for the avour
and aroma variations of vinegar.



Vinegar’s principal uses are the avouring of foods

and the preservation, or pickling, of meat products,
sh, fruit, and vegetables.

For use as a condiment, vinegar is often avoured

with garlic, onions, tarragon, or other herbs and
spices. Mixed with oil and seasonings it becomes a
classic cold sauce—vinaigrette—used as a dressing
on vegetable salads and served as a sauce with
cold cooked vegetables, meats, and sh.

Vinegar is also a common ingredient in marinades

and is widely used in the pickling of cucumbers and
other vegetables.

There are several types of vinegars available.

Specialty vinegars may have added herbs like basil,
clove, or cinnamon, or are sweetened with fruit



The following are the types that we have used for our project:

White Distilled: Made by fermentation

of a distilled alcohol, which often
originates from fermented grains. The
role of grains is only indirect in their
use to make alcohol, which is then
distilled to produce a water solution of
nearly pure ethyl alcohol, followed by
fermentation into a solution of nearly
pure acetic acid (in water).

Malt:  Malt vinegar is a vinegar made

from malted grains of barley. It has a
tart avor and can help to enhance the
avors of other foods it is paired with. It
is best known for topping sh and
chips. Malt vinegar is made through a
double fermentation process in which
grains of barley are malted and
brewed into ale. Because malt vinegar
is made by malting barley, there are
also minimal traces of grain in the
ingredient list.


The following are the types that we have used for our project:

Apple Cider: Apple cider vinegar is a vinegar made from

fermented apple juice, used in salad dressings, marinades,
food preservatives, and chutneys. It is made by crushing
apples, then squeezing out the juice. Bacteria and yeast are
added to the liquid to start the alcoholic fermentation process,
which converts the sugars to alcohol. In a second fermentation
step, the alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-
forming bacteria (Acetobacter species). Acetic acid and malic
acid combine to give vinegar its sour taste.

In this project, we’ve taken samples of the 3 mentioned

vinegars, and we’ve determined their acetic acid content by
titrating samples of each vinegar thrice, in order to obtain an
accurate result. 

In this project, we will determine the amount of acid in
different vinegars using titration, a common technique in
chemistry. Titration is a way to measure the unknown
amount of a chemical in a solution (the titrant) by adding a
measured amount of a chemical with a known concentration
(the titrating solution). The titrating solution reacts with the
titrant, and the endpoint of the reaction is monitored in some

The concentration of the titrant can now be calculated from

the amount of titrating solution added, and the ratio of two
chemicals in the chemical equation for the reaction. To
measure the acidity of a vinegar solution, we can add
enough hydroxyl ions to balance out the added hydrogen
ions from the acid. 

The hydroxyl ions will react with the hydrogen ions to

produce water. In order for a titration to work, we need
three things:
1. A titration solution (contains hydroxyl ions with a
precisely known concentration), 
2. A method for delivering a precisely measured volume of
the titrating solution, and 
3. A means of indicating when the endpoint has been

For the titrating solution, we’ll use a dilute solution of
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Sodium Hydroxide is a strong
base, which means that it dissociates completely in water.
So for every NaOH molecule that we add to the solution,
we can expect to produce a hydroxyl ion. To dispense an
accurately measured volume of the titrating solution, we will
use a burette. A burette is a long tube with a valve at the
bottom and graduated markings on the outside to measure
the volume contained in the burette. 

The burette is mounted on a ring stand, directly above the

titrant solution. Solutions in the burette tend to creep up the
sides of the glass at the surface of the liquid. This is due to
the surface tension of water. The surface of the liquid thus
forms a curve, called a meniscus. To measure the volume of
the liquid in the burette, always read from the bottom of the
meniscus. In this experiment, we will use an indicator
solution called phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein is
colourless when the solution is acidic or neutral. 

When the solution becomes slightly basic, Phenolphthalein

turns pinkish, and then light purple as the solution becomes
more basic. So when the vinegar solution starts to turn pink,
we know that the titration is complete.

To do this experiment, the following materials and
equipment were required:

1.Malt Vinegar
2.Apple Cider Vinegar
3.White Distilled Vinegar
4.Distilled water
5.Small funnel
6.0.5% Phenolphthalein solution in alcohol (pH
indicator solution)
7.Sodium Hydroxide pellets
8.250 mL measuring ask
9.125 mL Conical ask
10.50 mL burette
11.10 mL graduated cylinder
12.Ring stand
13.Burette clamp
14.Weight box
15.Chemical balance
16.Watch glass
17.Glass rod
18.Wash bottle



Preparation of 0.1 M NaOH solution

1. A clean, dry watch glass was taken and 1

gram of Sodium Hydroxide pellet was weighed
accurately on the watch glass

2. The Sodium Hydroxide pellets was gently and

carefully transferred from the watch glass into a
clean and dry measuring ask using a funnel

3. The funnel was washed several times with

distilled water to transfer the sticking particles
into the measuring ask.

4. The measuring ask was swirled till solid

Sodium Hydroxide pellets dissolved

5. Enough distilled water was added to the

measuring ask upto just below the etched mark
on it




Performing the titration -
1.1.5 ml of vinegar was taken in the graduated

2.Distilled water was added to dissolve the

vinegar and volume of solution became 20 mL

3.The solution was transferred to the conical ask

4.3 drops of 0.5% Phenolphthalein solution was


5.Burette clamp was used to attach the burette to

the ring stand. The opening of the burette was
kept just above the height of the conical ask
containing solution of vinegar and
phenolphthalein solution

6. A funnel was used to ll the burette with the

previously prepared 0.1 M solution of Sodium



Performing the titration -
7.The starting level of Sodium Hydroxide solution in
the burette was noted. The vinegar solution to be
titrated was kept under the burette

8.The solution of Sodium Hydroxide was slowly

dripped into the vinegar solution. The ask was
swirled gently to mix the solution.

9.Pink color was observed in the vinegar solution

when Sodium Hydroxide is added. The color quickly
disappeared when the solution was mixed. At this
point, addition of Sodium Hydroxide was slowed to
drop-by-drop addition.

10.The solution turned pink which remained even after

swirling. The burette tap was closed at this point

11.The bottom meniscus reading of the Sodium

Hydroxide solution in the burette was noted down.

12.The above steps were repeated for all three

vinegars, three times each 


Molarity of NaOH solution : 0.1M
Observation table for White Distilled Vinegar -
Sl. No. Initial reading nal reading of Volume of Concordant
of burette (ml) burette (ml) NaOH value (ml)
rundown (ml)
1 0 8.9 8.9 9.1
2 0 9.1 9.1
3 0 9.1 9.1

Observation table for Apple Cider Vinegar -

Sl. No. Initial reading nal reading of Volume of Concordant
of burette (ml) burette (ml) NaOH value (ml)
rundown (ml)
1 0 11.4 11.4 11.4
2 0 11.4 11.4
3 0 11.5 11.5

Observation table for Malt Vinegar -

Sl. No. Initial reading nal reading of Volume of Concordant
of burette (ml) burette (ml) NaOH value (ml)
rundown (ml)
1 0 10.1 10.1 10.1
2 0 9.9 9.9
3 0 10.1 10.1


Based on our observations and

obtained values, we can guess
that the ascending order of
acetic acid concentration will
be -

Distilled White < Malt < Apple Cider

We will now mathematically

calculate the concentrations of
each of the 3 acids, to con rm
this inference.



Apple Cider:
V1= Volume of apple cider solution
M1= Molarity of apple cider solution
V2= Volume of NaOH
M2= Molarity of NaOH

M1 x V1 = 1
M2 x V2

M1 x 20 =1
0.1 x 11.4

M1 = 0.057 M


0.057 x 20 = Mx 1.5


Strength of distilled white = molarity x molar mass

Strength = 60 x 0.76 = 45.6 g/L

Distilled White:
V1= Volume of distilled white solution
M1= Molarity of distilled white solution
V2= Volume of NaOH
M2= Molarity of NaOH

M1 x V1 = 1
M2 x V2

M1 x 20 =1
0.1 x 9.1

M1 = 0.0455 M


0.0455 x 20 = Mx 1.5


Strength of distilled white = molarity x molar mass

Strength = 60 x 0.0607 = 36.4 g/L

V1= Volume of Malt solution
M1= Molarity of Malt solution
V2= Volume of NaOH
M2= Molarity of NaOH

M1 x V1 = 1
M2 x V2

M1 x 20 =1
0.1 x 10.1

M1 = 0.0505 M


0.0505 x 20 = Mx 1.5


Strength of distilled white = molarity x molar mass

Strength = 60 x 0.67 = 40.4 g/L


Precautions -

‣ Transference of measured vinegar into a

measuring ask should be done very
‣ Measuring must be performed carefully.
‣ Look at the meniscus of solutions at eye
level to avoid parallax.
‣ Look at the lower meniscus in the light
coloured solution and upper meniscus in
the dark coloured solution because of
‣ Do not forget to add distilled water to the




Sources of error -

‣ Imperfections in the graduated cylinder

‣ Incorrect calibration of weight box
‣ Bubbles in the burette. Dissolved gasses
in your titrant can produce bubbles in the
burette that throw out your titration
volume if not noticed.
‣ Misinterpretation of end point color
‣ Impure solute can cause difference in
concentration of solution
‣ Estimation of measurements


The amount of acetic acid in the 3
chosen vinegars has been

Distilled White Vinegar : 36.4 g/L

Apple Cider Vinegar : 45.6 g/L

Malt Vinegar: 40.4g/L


Our sources of information -

‣ Britannica.com
‣ Seminarsonly.com
‣ Hsph.harvard.edu
‣ NCERT Chemistry- XII
‣ Comprehensive Practical
Chemistry- XII
‣ Masterclass.com


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