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Phrasal Verbs Test 02

6. When a fire ______ at least ten priceless paintings

1. Lucille is ______ a difficult period at work right now. were completely destroyed.

A) going into A) broke out

B) going over B) broke off
C) going out of C) broke down
D) going through D) broke through

2. I know you’ve got it - so come on, ______! 7. The three prisoners who ______ jail last weekend have
finally been recaptured.
A) hand it on
B) hand it out A) broke away from
C) hand it over B) broke out in
D) hand it in C) broke out of
D) broke up into

3. Could you hold ______ a minute? I’ll be right back.

8. I took the doctor’s prescription to the chemist’s to be
A) on ______.
B) in
A) made out
C) up
B) made up
D) on to
C) made over
D) made into

4. I’ll have to ______ now, I’m afraid; there is someone at

the door.
9. My boss has ______ playing golf three afternoons a
A) hang on week.
B) hang up
A) taken over
C) hang out
B) taken to
D) hang back
C) taken for
D) taken out

5. Now, James, are you quite sure that I’m not putting
you ______ (putting you to any trouble)?
10. Children usually ______ after an illness much more
A) after quickly than adults.
B) by
A) pick up
C) out
B) pick over
D) over
C) pick on
D) pick out

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Phrasal Verbs Test 02

11. The police are still looking for the three prisoners who
______ (escaped from) jail at the weekend.

A) broke out of 15. Would you ______ a minute please, I’ll try to connect
B) set off
C) take up A) keep on
D) cross out B) stay on
C) hold on
D) stop on

12. I’m not surprised that Tom and Julie have ______. They
were never really suited.

A) broken down 16. It’s really windy today, so ______ your hat!
B) broken off
A) hold on to
C) broken up
B) hold down to
D) broken away
C) hold by
D) hold for

13. By the way, Sally, I’m ______ one or two friends ______
on Saturday and I was wondering if you and Peter
would like to come too? 17. I hope help comes soon, Julie. I don’t think we can
______ much longer.
A) having / in
A) hold back
B) having / on
B) hold over
C) having / round
C) hold in
D) having / up
D) hold out

14. Are you sure you aren’t holding your stomach ______,
Charles? Your waist was two inches more than this 18. I’m sorry I’m late. I was ______ in the traffic.
the last time I measured it.
A) held back
A) away B) held down
B) for C) held over
C) in D) held up
D) off

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Phrasal Verbs Test 02

19. John won’t be arriving until later, I’m afraid. His 20. In some parks visitors are requested to keep ______
train’s been ______. the grass.

A) held up A) off
B) held off B) aside
C) held back C) out
D) held in D) away

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Phrasal Verbs Test 02

Answer Key:

1: D 11: A
2: C 12: C
3: A 13: C
4: B 14: C
5: C 15: C
6: A 16: A
7: C 17: D
8: B 18: D
9: B 19: A
10: A 20: A

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