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Test of Interest: Flirting styles And Relationship Success Among Gen Z

A Research Study
Presented to the Faculty of the
BS Psychology Program
University of Mindanao
Davao City

In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

PSY 221/L Field Methods in Psychology Course

Luma ,Stephanie

March 2023


Title page i


General Objectives
Specific Objectives
Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework


Research Design
Research Locale
Research Instrument
Data Collection Procedure
Statistical Analysis of Data
Ethical Consideration

Chapter 1


You can flirt with your eyes, your words, your texts, and even your body
language. But not everyone is flirting sexually because they’re looking for love. Some
people flirt for personal gain or amusement, while others are natural flirts who do it
just for fun. Flirting style is playful or more traditional says a lot about your
personality and could even help snag a date or get through a tough patch in a
relationship. There are several ways to entice someone while flirting, including
physical flirtation, polite flirting, flirting that is real and humorous, and classic flirting
(Hall et al, 2018).For intace, when you act or behave as though you are attracted to
someone sexually, without regard to time or location, people communicate with one
another by using language to express and share their ideas, feelings, desires,
thoughts, and experiences. Generation z is a collaborate, the way they
communicate, and create social context inside communities are wide. In this study,
the researchers aim to identify the success of flirting style towards the generation Z.
The researchers interested in learning the subtitle of flirting styles and how the flirting
technique is subtitled and translated well for this generation.This study is to learn
more about the methods and Gen Z's quality of flirting, with a focus on the subtitling
techniques used for flirting.In fact ,(Hedger, 2018) claims that flirting is a way to
make someone else feel good.So, this generation is concerned with varied ways of
showing love interest, courting rather than quasi-courtship is appropriate.

For instance , research has found that people tend to prefer in a mate good
character, good looks, intelligence, capacity to generate resources, control of wealth
and willingness to commit to a relationship ( Buss & Schmitt, 2019; Thomas et al.,
2019; Walter et al., 2020). Furthermore, people tend to prefer as mates individuals
who are similar to them in hobbies, interests, social standing etc. According to the
statement above, this study will promote a decent degree of flirting style on how they
connect with their partner to help them succeed. They can experience their own
attraction and how they like each other.

General Objectives

This study aimed to determine the level of flirting styles that factor the
relationship succes among Gen z.

Specific Objectives

● To identify the level of flirting styles that most effcient way towards
the interest among Gen z.
● To determine the level of successin relationship of Gen z in terms of
executing different flirting styles.

● To stablish the degree and direction of association between flirting

styles and relationship succes among Gen z.

The purpose of the study is to determine the amount of flirting that leads to
successful relationships among Generation Z. We can also learn the level of
relationship they are at through this. In this study, the researcher would like to
evaluate flirtation tactics.

Conceptual Framework


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

This illustration above shows the connection of the independent
variable and dependent variable of the study.

Theoretical Framework

The study is to evaluate the quality of the flirting style's translation and
subtitling strategy for this generation. With a focus on flirting style of this subtitling
tactic toward flirting styles, the objectives of this study are to identify effective
techniques and the quality of flirting style in Gen Z.

Jeffrey Hall help us all understand each other and ourselves on a much
deeper level. According to Hall ,men and women, love in a way how we express
ourselves through their interest level leads success in relationship (Hall et al,
2018). . The five main styles of flirting theory, more successful dating is associated
with flirtation that is physical, real, and fun. Additionally, great physical chemistry and
a strong emotional bond are associated with relationships that quickly escalate when
the physical and honest methods are used. A typical flirting approach, on the other
hand, is linked to a challenge in finding new love partners as well as a somewhat
slow pace of relationship growth after a partner has been identified. Similar to this,
the courteous manner is linked to less interest in possible mates and a lower level of
flirtatiousness. The researcher might utilize such theories as a foundation to
recognize issues that arise during translation and to provide solutions .

According to Alber bandura social learning theory explain self-efficacy refers to an

individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce
specific performance attainments .The researcher believe that self-efficacy reflects

confidence in one's capacity to exert control over one's own motivation, behavior, and
social environment.For instance , flirting is a style of communication in which a person
shows interest in another person by using their own feelings and behavior to attract that
person.Bandura, A. (2002), Interest have an impact on many aspects of human
experience, including the objectives for which people strive, the amount of energy
invested in others, and the possibility of achieving specific behavioral performance

Chapter 2


Presented in this paper are the discussion on research design,research

locale,population and sample,research instrument,data collection,statistical tools and
ethical consideration.

Research design

This research will employ quantitative non-experimental design utilizing

correlational technique of research to gather data ideas, fact and information related
to the study, the researcher. Quantitative research as described by (Bhandari, 2020)
is a research strategy that focus on quantifying the collection and analysis of data.
Accordingly ,quantify is formed from a deductive approach where emphasis is placed
on testing theory,shaped by empiricist and positivist philosophies, while, non
experimental research is a research that lacks the manipulation of an independent
variable, resercher conducting non experimental research simply measures variable
as they naturally occur in real world. Further, Through the use of a correlational

research design, relationships between variables are examined without any of the
variables being under the researcher's direct control (Bhandari, 2021).

Meanwhile ,descriptive -correlational research according to Myers and

Well (2013) examines how the independent variable influence the dependent
variables and stablises cause and effect relationship between variables.In this study
the resercher was able to looked into the test interest between Flirting styles And
Relationship Success Among Gen Z .In connection ,the study focused on the
rellationship among variables for the purpose of determining significancce on the
relationship flirting success. In this study the descriptive correlational was
appropriate because the researcher only focus on the behavioral aspects on the
respondents and the researcher was unable to perform an experiment in controlle


At least 30 participants will be sampled for this study. Only members of

Generation Z with ages ranging from (18-26) years old will be eligible to respond to
the study. To make sure the sample is representative of the target population, a
stratified random Sampling will be used using birth year as the stratum. Stratified
random sampling described by is the method of sampling that involves the division of
a population into smaller sub-groups known as strata.stratified random sampling is a
common method that is used by researcher because it enables them to obtain a
sample population that best represents the entire population being studied,making
sure that each Sub-group of interest is presented (Murphy, 2020).
Moreover ,stratified random sampling is appropriate in this study because there is
heterogeneity in a population that can be classified with ancillary information. A
minimum of 30 participants will be drawn from the general public. Before the findings
are published, participants will have the option to remove their data at any moment
and without incurring any repercussions.

Research Instrument

A Research Instrument is a tool used to collect, measure, and analyze
data related to your research interests.The Research instrument that will be utilized
in conducting the study is expected to aid the researchers in understanding the
depts of the flirting style experience of Generation Z. The flirting style inventory
survey questionnaire by The University of Kansas in 2015 is an online survey
questionnaire that used the five main styles of flirting theory. The flirting style
inventory survey questionnaire is all about the five styles of communicating romantic
interest in others: traditional, physical, sincere, playful, and polite. Predictive validity
was demonstrated by correlating styles to courtship initiation behaviors and past
relationship experiences. The physical, sincere, and playful styles correlated with
more dating success. The physical and sincere styles correlated with rapid relational
escalation of important relationships with more emotional connection and greater
physical chemistry.

Data collection

Steps will be undergone in conducting the study after the validation of the
research questionaire.

Initially,the researcher will secure the permission to conduct the study .after the
permission to conduct will be released,the researcher will be considered the prtocols
on the distribution of the research instrument. We are going to used survey
questionnaire. After the participants done answering the survey questionnaire, the
system will rate your flirting style by physical style, traditional style, polite style,
sincere style, and playful style demographic. For all of these responses, you are
compared against other people your age and sex. The flirting style with the highest
score tells them the most about their dating life.

Statistical Tools

This section contains the statical tools that will be utilized to attain the objectives of
the study.

Mean and standard Deviation. This was used to know the test interest level of
flirting and relationship success among Gen z.

Person Product Moment Deviation. This was used to determine the relationship
success on the self interest among flirting style level.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations in research are a set of principles that guide your

research designs and practices. These principles include voluntary participation,
informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, potential for harm, and results
communication.Informed consent shall be obtained from the respondents. The
respondents shall be made aware of their rights and the purpose of the research.
Further, the confidentiality of the participant's data as well as their privacy must be
upheld. Before the research findings are released, respondents are free to withdraw
their information at any time and without incurring any penalties.


It indicates a case where a researcher is aware of the identity of a research

subject but takes steps to keep that information private. Researchers shouldn't
divulge personal information about respondents to third parties unless the
respondents have given their consent or it is actually necessary in order to respect
their privacy and wishes.


The subject is allowed to make their own decisions regarding what to do and
what to agree with. The researcher must give respondents the freedom to make
decisions and the adaptability to act in accordance with their own values and


Each individual is free to make their own decisions on what to do and what to
agree with. The researcher must give respondents the freedom to make decisions
and the adaptability to act in accordance with Each individual is free to make their
own decisions on what to do and what to agree with. The researcher must allow
respondents the discretion to act in a way that is consistent with their own values
and interests their own values and interests. Justice. - impartiality in choosing study
participants. The researchers and respondents must conduct themselves honestly
and consider how the study will affect people's rights. Balance and fairness are


Bandura, A. (2002). Self efficacy in changing societies : [papers based on the
proceedings of the third annual conference, held Nov. 4-6, 1993, at the
Johann Jacobs Foundation Communication Center, Marbach Castle,
Germany]. University Press.

Bhandari, P. (2021, July 7). An introduction to correlational research.

Spearman’s Rank Correlation: The Definitive Guide To Understand | Simplilearn.


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