Thesis Details - Sawaira Malik

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Project Title

All in one employee Management Apps & HR effectiveness

1. Proposed activity – aims, objectives, research question(s), and state how

it is novel

IT has empowered HR functions to become increasingly collaborative and adaptable to changing

environments as well as organizational effectiveness (Strohmeier, 2007). As a result of
companies' growing dependency on human capital, skill sets, and strengths to obtain core
competency, automation has altered the methodologies of HR processes. Digital transformation
is the process of involving technologies in the overall processes of business organizations.
Nowadays every business is experiencing digital transformation even in the processes and basic
steps of the activities (Alter, 2013). After the crisis of the pandemic of COVID-19, the concept
and ideology of digital transformation are well implemented in the scenario. HRM effectiveness
is achieved through strong working on the digital technologies. The wide spread e- solutions of
managing employees are helpful in achieving HR effectiveness.
Research Questions

 RQ1: How HR is transforming through Technology?

 RQ2: How Behavioral intentions can predict the ease & usefulness of e- HR solutions?
 RQ3: How integrated employee management app is helpful in achieving HR
Research Aims & Objectives
The research objectives of the study would be:

 To identify the concept of digital employee management app in large scale businesses
 To identify the associated challenges regarding implementation of e- HRM apps
 To identify the significance of e HRM transformation in terms of achieving HR
Research Significance
Successful flow of the business demand technological innovations. Revolutionized
technological innovations led massive transformations in the field of HR (Jöhnk et al. 2017).
Desk and non-desk employees have the prime requirement of influential HR practices. The
literature is contingent on Rigby et al. (2017) concerning multi-team perceived usefulness and
also ease of use of implementing the concepts of “e-HR solutions” (Dikert et al. 2016). This
research study will proceed on the extended literature on large scale agile transformation that
will use a profound understanding of the change management processes in an organization that
deliberately encourage effective HR practices.

2. Methodology – rationale, data selection and collection, recruitment,

participant demographics, analytical process

For a better understanding of research methodology, the researchers will use the support of
research onion Saunders et al, (2012) consists of research philosophy, research approach, choice
of research methods, time frame and data collection & analysis.
For the primary research, a questionnaire will be developed to collect the information. The
questionnaire is one of the most appropriate tools that is used by the researcher to gather
information. The structured questionnaires based on 5 points Likert scale to highlight the
considerable digitalization of the workplace and achieving HR effectiveness (Kothari, 2004).
For collecting data I will focus on to take an employee management app where it is implemented
in the businesses to follow the digital transformation pattern for confirming the effectiveness of
HR functions.
Research Data Management Plan

The research is conducted in order to identify or explore the impacts on businesses or

daily life. It allows to cover up the stated research problem along with the targeted audience i.e.,
what are the specific researches and what are their intended target market to provide the
solutions. There are different methods of conducting research in order to generalize the results on
population. The key objective of the research study is to identify the impact of digitalization on
stakeholder participation. Every type of research has its own limitations.
In order to answer the above-mentioned research questions, the researcher will employed the
empirical quantitative measures methods of research by conducting an in-depth analysis of e HR
solutions i.e., employee management app. The researcher will apply the explorative approach of
research concerning digital transformation for achieving HR effectiveness.

Alter, S. 2013. "Work System Theory: Overview of Core Concepts, Extensions, and Challenges
for the Future," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (14:2), pp. 72-121.
Dikert, K., Paasivaara, M., and Lassenius, C. 2016. "Challenges and Success Factors for Large-
Scale Agile Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review," The Journal of Systems and
Software (119), pp. 87-108.
Rigby, D. K., Sutherland, J., and Takeuchi, H. 2016. "Embracing Agile - How to Master the
Process that's Transforming Management," Harvard Business Review (94:5), pp. 41-50.

Project management

Date Description

1 Topic Selection

2 Research Refining

3 Literature Review

4 Research Methodology

5 Data Collection

6 Research Analysis

7 Research Closure

Planned outputs/publications/research datasets/impact/dissemination

Use Professional Code of Ethical Practice?

Primary or Secondary data?


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