Rizal 1-Saligumba, Marineth C.

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Activity 2 in Rizal 1

Name: Saligumba, Marineth C.

Course & Year & Schedule: BSA 1 – Sched 4

Interview one tertiary student who is in favor and one who is against RA 1425. It can be your
classmate or in the higher year. Record their answers and compare their views considering the
context of the 1950s. Would similar arguments still have force today?

When I interviewed the higher year students in Garcia College of Technology through
text message if they are in favor and against RA 1425. There are in favor and there are against.
They are in favor of RA 1425 because in this law, we deserved to know and to learn about our
lives as a Filipino during the 19th century. Also, they said that by the help of Dr. Jose Rizal, we
fulfilled the freedom in our country from being colonized by the Spaniards. This is the reason
why Dr. Jose Rizal was appointed as a National Hero in our country.

For those who are against RA 1425, they said that the Rizal subject in college is just a
minor subject. Instead of studying their lessons in major subjects, their time goes on Rizal’s
subject. Also, Rizal’s subject was already taught in High School so the units in Rizal's subject
should be credited to help students who have a full load schedule units be reduced when they
come to college.

So when considering the arguments in favor of the Rizal Law, within the context of the
1950s, one first understands the 1950s, particularly as it applies to the arguments in favor or
against the Rizal Law. But above all else, the arguments for and against the Rizal Law probably
still have relevance today, especially when considered within the context of the 1950s.

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