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From: Glennel Marie Nillas, Company Industrial Psychologist

Roger Ediza Alejo, Company Psychometrician

To: Human Resource Office of Vinland Company
Date: February 23, 2023
Subject: Feasibility Study for Psychological Test Questionnaires

Purpose of the Report

Finding the ideal company to supply us with a set of psychological test questionnaires
for our firm is the goal of this study report. We will select the firm that can offer us
affordable yet high-quality and reliable surveys after evaluating the viability of these
numerous companies.

Problem Encountered
According to the memorandum by the President, the company will administer
psychological tests for the employees, however, We have noticed that the company
needs new psychological test questionnaires for the following:

● Newly hired employees and new applicants

● Old employees of 10 years whose psychological test results are outdated
● There are new types of psychological test questionnaires suited for the status of
the firm.

Vendor Contacts
Our vendor contacts for the psychological test questionnaires are as follows:

Chron Inc PAR iConnect MAYN Co.

Mark Broaden Szasha May Glyda Liberty

Criteria for Vendors

To identify which partner company is ideal for the needs of the company, the following
factors were taken into account:

1. Cost- The corporation has granted a PHP 180,000 budget.

2. Quality- Test questionnaire quality should either be standard or higher. It should
be legible and printed on paper that holds 90 gsm or more to ensure durability.
3. Availability- The company should offer test questionnaires, particularly
Employee Personality Profile (EPP), motivational assessments (CSAP), cognitive
ability exams (MMAT), and the SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire.
Shipping of the test materials should also be quick
4. Credibility and Reliability- The test questionnaire should be made by registered
psychometricians and approved by the APA Council of Representatives,
Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation

Needs Assessment

The company’s psychological assessments are not only lacking in number but are also
outdated. Several new psychological findings are more credible than previous
psychological assessments or tests that are used by the company

Vendor Evaluation

Chron Inc - Chron Inc. is the oldest psychological test provider in southeast Asia for 20
years. Highly credible and provides a wide variety of choices for test questionnaires
from clinical to industrial setting questionnaires. Test questionnaires are of low quality,
however, and can provide a 10% discount to the company. Shipping of test
questionnaires is 18 days approximately. They all have the test questionnaires needed.

PAR iConnect - A Korean-based psychology institution. Sells a limited number of test

questionnaires per company, however, they produce the highest quality psychological
tests in terms of durability. Shipping will only take approximately 1 week.

MAYN Co - A relatively new psychological testing company thus credibility and reliability
are low. Can sell test questionnaires at a 30 % discount. Low-quality paper materials but
is relatively cheaper. Shipping will take approximately 13 days. Every test is available

Cost Analysis

Test questionnaires- Test questionnaires, particularly Employee Personality Profile

(EPP), motivational assessments (CSAP), cognitive ability exams (MMAT), and the SHL
Occupational Personality Questionnaire will all cost PHP 1300 maximum for every
questionnaire. Thus with a budget of PHP 180000, the company can afford
approximately 130 test questionnaires, discounts not included.
Shipping fee- The shipping fee will only cost PHP 2000 approximately. And the
shipping duration won't matter as we have a month before the administration of the test

The following compares the three companies we researched compares them by scaling
from 1-3, with 3 as the highest. The target total is at least 8.

CRITERIA Chron Inc PAR iConnect MAYN Co

COST 2 2 3




TOTAL 9 10 9

Summary of Findings

We've discovered that we can afford test questionnaires and satisfy all requirements.
Discounts affect the price, and we also need to take into account every conceivable
factor, particularly quality.
All three businesses have fulfilled the requirements, although Chron Inc. and MAYN Co.
are tied. Both businesses are overpriced for their quality since their costs are high
relative to their low quality. For a reasonable price, PAR iConnect creates excellent
exam questionnaires.

Recommended Action

Given the combination of findings, PAR iConnect is our preferred option in terms of cost,
quality, availability, credibility, and reliability.

We recommend the following alternative way for psychological test questionnaires:

acquire a 6 psychological test questionnaire instead of 10 for newly hired employees,
applicants and old employees to renew their psychological test results.

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