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• Identify all the types of information present in the company

- Data available in most companies are as follow:

- Stock

- Accounting

- Database (Ex: Patient Files, Medical Files, Head Office Branches Management….)

- Archiving

- Payroll

• For each type, indicate where and how they are collected

- Stock Ex: Pharmacy, Supermarket or any other business that requires stocking appliances such
as drug items or food and other

- Accounting , All companies need accounting to be able to define the profit and loss…

- Database: Ex: all Patient medical files are defined are stord as database to be able to query
these data ass needed

• How is this information useful to the SME?

- ????? defined above

• How is it stored?

- All data are stored in physical servers using special software applications to be able to query and
use the databases

• What is the distribution of the data across different information systems?

- All Databases are linked together to give at the end the needed data (Ex: Stock price and
percentage of gain…. Archiving to be able to get to old database for pricing per or medical old files…)

• What data is used for strategy and decision?

- Profit and Loss

• What computer equipment does the company have? (hardware and software)

- Servers

- Personnel Computers

- Network equipments (switches, cables….)

• What equipment is used for data management?

- Servers with special appliccations

• What equipment is used for communication (internal & external)?

- Switches are used for internal communication to enable PCs to connect with each other and
with servers

- Routers and modems are used to connect head office with branches.

• What software is used? how?

- Lots of Software are available for database management Ex: Microsoft SQL …

• How does the company use the Internet? employee access? servers on premises? core usage (the
company's business is based on the internet)?

- Internet has become the biggest asset for all companies, Ex: Email is the most common tool to
communicate and send letters offers and even offers acceptance between companies and clients…

- Employees must have access to the internet only to the part that helps the business, Email…
applications set on cloud….shared files on cloud…

• How is the company connected to the Internet? (Be as precise as possible, ISP, speed/bandwidth,

- There is several ways to connect a company to then internet EX:

o Each company will have to decide first with which ISP to use (Ogero, Cyberia, Terranet….)

o Each company will decide the speed needed for its connection based on the kind of business

o The price of internet will vary with the package selected (DSL Connection, HDSL Connection,
Satellite, fiber or cable….)

• How does the company protect itself from “cyber threats”?

- Protection against Cyber Attacks will be done using UTP firewalls (Unified Threat Protection) and
Antivirus Software

• What presence does the company have on the Web?

- Nowadays Web Sites and Social Media are the strongest tools to promote the Company Services

• What are the “touch points” of the company on the Web? (How can we find the company on the

- Search Aps on the internet are the tools for a company to be known, for that when a company is
between the first on the search result the more it has to evolve

• Does the company use the web for its business activities?

- Of course

• What data comes from the web presence?

- Promotion of selling items

• Is web presence data used to measure performance?

- Couters can be added and used to measure several Data Ex: number of browsers, items sold on
the website, revenue from this site…

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