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Registration Nos 22232MTH6059 Paper Code: A Course Code:MTH403 Course Title: MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATION FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE Time Allowed: 01:30hrs. Max Marks: 30 Read the folowing instructions caretully before attempting the quostion paper 1. Match the Paper Cade shaded on tho OMR Sheot with the Paper cod mentioned on tho question paper and ensure that both are the samo. 2, This question paper contains 30 questions of 1 mark each, wrong answer. 3. All questions are compulsory 4. Do not wnte or mark anything on the question paper and/or on rough sheet(s) which could be helpful fo any student in copying, except your registration number onthe designatod spaco. 3. Submit the question paper and the rough sheet(s) along with the OMR sheet to the inviglator before leaving the examination hall 0.25 marks will be deducted for each Q(1) Let P: 1am in Patiala.; Q: | love cricket: then Q—+ P is ? 4) Iflove cricket then | am in Patiala b) If am in Patiala then I ove cricket ©) Lam not in Patiala 0) love cricket co1t2 Q(2) Which of the flowing propositions i a tautology? Aloval—q Bevie~p) £7 vo~4) 0. Beth (b) &(c) .2(3) Which of the folowing statements is the negation of tho statement 4 is odd or -9 is positive? 2) 4 is evan er iis not nogative b)4 is odd or 9s not negative €)4is even and -9is nogative 4)4is odd and 9 isnot negative (4) What isthe inverse ofthe conditional statement “if you make your notes, it will be ‘onvenisntin exams." 8) you make notes, then it willbe canveniont in exams.” ) if you do not maka notes, than wil nol be conveniont in exams 8)" wil not be convaniant in axams, then you did not make your potes.* ) ft wil be conveniont in axams, then you mako your notes co1.l2 (6) ‘Ifthe proposition 'No men are honest’ taken to be false which of the following Proposition/propositions can be claimed certainly to be tuePropositions: (A) All men are honest (B) Some men are honest (C) Some men are not honest (0) No honest person is man con Page 1 of § Scanned with CamScanner Registration No.,___ (6) o PY qis logically equivalent to: ay op ba>p "p> Opa a7) Wx € A)P(X) is logical! ois > aye) cori ly equivalent to Gx € A)-p@) @x € 5A)p(s) (x © wA)pe) (Wx € A)ap(x) conte PONG) > po nisa A. Contingency BL Contradiction Tautology D. Alltheabove are true aia) (o> co1t2 4) A(p > 1) is logically equivalent to: alp>(qar) bp >tavn opaqval S)pviaar coqLe Q(10) What is the inverse of the conditional statement " A positive integer is a composite only if it has divisors other than 1 and itself.” a) “A positive integer is a composite if it has divisors other than 1 and itself." b)"ita giita Positive integer has no divisors other than 1 and itself, then it is not composite." Positive integer is not composite, then it has no divisors other than 1 and itself." 4) None of the mentioned ait) Let A and B be nvo non-empty relations 8) A and B are transitive = AB is tran co1l2 on a set §, Which ofthe following statements is false? sitive »)A and B are symmetric = AUB is symmetric ©)A and B are transitive = AUB is not transitive DA and B are reflexive > AWB is reflexive (12) cone How many binary relations are there on a set S with L0 distinct elements! a) 2 by 2100 c) 281 42 Page 20f 5 Scanned with CamScanner Registration Nos C0112 Q(13) Arelation Ris defined on ordered pars of integers a8 1010s: (x.y) a(u,u) tx < wand > v Then Ris: 2) Neither a Partial Order nor an Equivatence Relation ©) ATotal Order b)AParial Order but rot a Total Order 9) An Equivalence Relation core | (14) LetasetS = (2, 4,8, 16, 32) and <= be the partial order d ‘Number of edges in the Hasse diagram of is” a6 bs 08 a4 fined by S <=R ifa divides b conlz Q(15) ‘The less-than relation, <,on a set of real numbers is? 2) 201 partial ordering because tis wt asymmetric and ieleive equals antisymmetric )& partial ondering sine itis asymmetric and reflexive ‘8 partial ordenng since its antisymmetric and reflenive Doct pirtal ordering because isnot antsymmetne aad reflexive . cont2 aci6) The inclusion of _setsintoR = ((1,2},(1,2,3), 5) is necessary aad sufficient to make Ra complete defined by set containment ) 0), 2,4) a) 2,3) 90) QD. (1,33, 1,2,3,4), (1,2, 3,5) £1,3.59, 1,2,4), 1,2,3,4, iatice unde the pasta! order contz Q(17)—_Thernaxinal lemeats ofthe POSET whose Huse diagram ie ) "1,20 23 2 % i22028 c01,L2 Page 3 of 5 . Scanned with CamScanner Registration No: acta) Telewest tewag oats? ‘ 7 "] 1 L \e Dos Y Boa 2 fy ® the Q(19) “ a o 5 7 Were Late 2 aoa b) ga ) -D abe coz Q(20) . 4A=(2356.10,1590.45}and aR bi ablubof 28 Sis__ a) 10 b)6 ¢)30 4) All of the above ~ c01,L2 Q(21) Freee sarglene Af not permed. How many thee: digit numbers canbe formed from te ix digits 235,67 antl? ¥ (@) 120 (©) 140 (6) 180 (4) 200 ~ CO3,L1 Q(22) Ppa the musnber of ways that a paty of seven persons can arrange themselves: ina row of seven chairs 1 ©) 201 Or (a) 151 (b) 171 (e) 201 eae (23) cee ttarimbe ef distinct permutations dat cat be fred fou all he fetes of exc word: RADAR veo coats (a)30 (o)40 (€)50 Page 4 of 5 Scanned with CamScanner Registration Nos Q\24) Find nit po) {ayo (b)8 (7 (as - CO3,L1 Q\25) 1m how auany ways a find examinations be scheduled in a week so tat no two ‘examinations are scheduled on the same day considering Sunday asa holidays? (ats (b) 12 (10 (a6 C03,L1 Q(26) I the permutations ofthe letters of the word SACHIN be arranged in the dictionary then the serial no. at which "SACHIN" added in dictiarary is a) 600 b) 601 c) 602 d) None of these 7 CO3,L1 Q(27) How many comuiittees of five with a given chairperson ean be selected from 12 persons? (a) 3960 () 3800 (e) 4000 (6) 7000 coat 28) The number of ways in which a team of eleven players can be selected from 22 players including 2 of them and excluding 4 of them is 8) 16 Cs b)16c, 9 16¢, 8200, cost Q(29) The minimum number n of integers to be selected from $ = {1,2, 9} so that the sum of two of the n integers is even is... (a)3 4 (5 @s cout Q(30) Find the numberof combinations of objets, A,B,C, D, taken 3ata time (24 ws @r2 (6 co3.u1 ~End of Question paper-- Page 5 of 5 Scanned with CamScanner

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