Intellectual Property Rights Violations and Safety Measures - Odt

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Intellectual property rights violations and safety measures

The term “intellectual property” encompasses various aspects of human creativity, including any
results of human intellectual activity. Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over
the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her
creation for a certain period of time .
It is important in order to protect their own unique and incomparable creations and ideas from
unfair competition.

What are some ways in which intellectual property can be violated?

Violating intellectual property may happen accidentally or purposefully for some specific gain.
Some of the most common violations are:
• Infringement of patent, trademark or copyright rights
• Counterfeiting of copyrights or trademarks
• Misappropriating trade secrets

How it is done?
• By using a name, logo or product that has already been patented in order to profit by
making others believe their product, name or logo is the same as the original one
• By making copies of musical recordings or other media without authorization and
distributing them for profit
• By manufacturing items according to what is spelled out in a patent without having a license
from the owner to do so
• By engaging in corporate espionage to find out competitor’s or others’ secrets.
• By producing a good or service in the belief that these have been patented when in fact
they have not been and they are actually copies of someone else’s patent

Now I will say about some ways to protect  Intellectual Property

1. Register copyrights, trademarks, and patents → These are three of the most common types
of IP protection. These grant you the exclusive rights to your creations, especially when it comes to
the commercial gains of its use.
Now I will talk more about these ways:
When you register Copywright  it will be easier to validate your ownership, especially in a legal
dispute, if you take your time to register your work.

If you've invented a unique product, the machine or equipment, or chemical composition, you can
also protect this IP by filing for a patent . Patents carry legal protection that excludes others from
making and distributing your invention unless you have given them the license
You also may register your trademark online with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 
Register business, product or domain names
If you're planning to start a business with your IP, you can further protect your interest and identity
by registering the business, product or domain name associated with it. It will also help to secure
these names even if you're just in the planning stages of forming your business before others could
come up with a similar idea and cause some confusion.
You can Create confidentiality, non-disclosure or licensing contracts for employees and

Implement security measures

These may include:
• setting up password protection for all computer networks
• encrypting data, especially since files are shared within the company’s IT system
• using virtual private network access (VPN)
• establishing Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
Avoid joint ownership
With that said, every owning party may copy, recreate, or distribute whatever they want to do with
the IP without consulting the other owners. This, businesses run the risk of exploiting their IP rights
in joint ownership.

Pytanie : What remedies can be included in an intellectual property dispute?

• Confiscation of property that was used to create infringing products
• Cease and desist orders in cases of unauthorized use of trademarks
• Monetary damages to compensate for losse

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