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[Total No. of Questions: 09] [Total No.

of Pages: 02]
Uni. Roll No. …………….

Program: B. Tech. 14-01-2022(M)

Semester: 3
Name of Subject: Object Oriented Programming
Subject Code: PCCS-101
Paper ID: 16010
Time Allowed: 02 Hours Max. Marks: 60


1) Each question is of 10 marks.

2) Attempt any six questions out of nine
3) Any missing data may be assumed appropriately

Q1. Design a C++ program for or the following function on an array of 10 integer numbers,
according to the choice of user:
a) Find the largest number. (2)
b) Find the smallest number. (2)
c) Find the frequency of given number. (2)
d) Find the sun of all numbers. (2)
e) Find all even numbers. (2)

ate a class named Matrix and write a program to construct a matrix where row and
Q2. Create
column are given as input by user.

Q3. Discuss
uss command line arguments
arguments. Write a command line program to copy the contents of
one file into another file.

Q4. Distinguish between early and late binding. Implement the concept of early and late binding
on arithmetic operators (+ and *) on the giv
en integers through various functions. (4, 6)

Q5. Design a program to enter an employee

employee’ss data and display it using pointer to class objects.

Q6. Define copy constructor. List the rules that are to be followed for declaring a copy
constructor as member function in C++. Write a progr
am to generate Fibonacci series using copy
constructor. The range of series should be user defined. (2,2,6)

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Q7. Explain operator overloading. Which operators cannot be overloaded and why? Discuss
rules of overloading an operator. Write a program to overload delete( ) operator. (2,2,2,4)

Q8. Define this pointer. Discuss the benefit of using this pointer, illustrate with the help of

Q9. a) Explain the difference between a variable, reference variable, constant variable, pointer
variable and a static variable with the help of suitable examples. (5)
b) Define Inheritance. Discuss its forms with syntax of each. Implement single inheritance for
protected members using a C++ program. (2,4,4)


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