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Before leaving for court-In escort duties for court hearing, the Superintendent shall provide at least two

(2) guards for every inmate. However, when two or more inmates are to be escorted, the number of
guards may be reduced proportionately without sacrificing security requirements. If an inmate is
notorious or has a previous record of escape, additional escort guards shall be assigned. The prisoners’
van must be thoroughly checked (BLOW BAGETS) and inspected for the presence of explosives;

b. The inmate/s must be searched or frisked at the cell gate for any weapon, key and other prohibited
items before he/she or they steps or step out his/her or their cell;

c. Before letting the inmate or inmates board the prisoners' van, proper identification of the inmate or
inmates must be conducted by both custodial and escort personnel to ensure that such inmate or
inmates is/are the same as the one or those whose name or names appears or appear in the list of
inmate or inmates to be escorted for the court hearing;

d. Otherwise notified in Open Court, names of inmates for the day’s scheduled hearing shall be
announced “only” in the morning to deter inmate’s plan to escape;

e. A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) must be practiced, Right-to Right or Left-to Left in placing
handcuff to inmate in pairs; and

f. Aside from the issued standard two-way radios, “NO” escort personnel including the official driver
shall use personal cellular phone while escorting en route to and from the court. Only the chief escort
shall have the privilege to use cellular phone while escorting but he or she limited to official
communication/s only.
Inside the court- a. In Courts where there is no holding area for inmates, the personnel should place the
inmate or inmates in the most secured area within the court house while waiting for the call of his/her
or their; b. While the inmate or inmates is/ are inside the court, civilians or his/her or their relatives be
restricted from giving him/her or them anything such as letters, toiletries, money, foods, clothes, etc; c.
Escort personnel shall not in any manner allow any civilian except his or her counsel to sit with inmates
during court hearing; d. As a general rule, inmate must be handcuffed at all-time unless the Judge orders
otherwise; and e. Do not allow relatives lengthy talks to an inmate or inmates shall not be allowed to
talk lengthily with his/her or their relatives before or after the hearing. (See ANNEX “D” para 14 OCA NO.

Viewing the remains- Authentic Court Order for the inmate to view the remains of his/her immediate
members of the family must be obtained; b. Wardens or their authorized representatives shall
coordinate with the court to ensure that the order allowing an inmate or inmates to view the remains of
his/her or their immediate members of the family must specify the date and that the purpose is purely
inmate's or inmates' viewing; c. The chief escort shall seek the approval of the warden on the planned
route and best possible time proposed to proceed for monitoring purposes and avoidance of deviation;
d. In cases where court order has been issued but the place is risky and there is a great possibility that
inmate might be rescued, or escorts’ life might be greatly imperiled, the warden shall make immediate
representation before the court and manifest the impossibility of bringing the inmate or inmates to the
destination so indicated in the order; e. At the wake, two (2) escorts shall accompany the inmate while
other escorts shall secure the place to prevent any untoward incident; f. Inmate must wear only yellow
t-shirt marked with BJMP Detainee and his handcuff shall not be removed while at the wake; and g. As
much as possible, communication between him and his relatives, friends or other civilians shall be brief
and limited.
Transport- The facility commander maintains safety and security for prisoners under his control. He is
also responsible for transportation requirements when prisoners are in his custody. Ensure that guard
and escort personnel are familiar with the use-of-force guidelines. Some of the tasks are as follows
Know the type of vehicle, the departure time, the number of prisoners and their status, the number of
assigned escorts, and the type of weapon and restraint (if applicable), and the release procedures at the
final destination.

Movement scheme- Prior to any movement of HR/HP inmates and VEO’, unit intel shall coordinate with
the intel community in his AOR and in the place where the inmates/s will be taken. The result of his
work shall be relayed immediately to the warden and escort team leader evaluation and concomitant
planning for counter intelligence operations, as the need be; b. The warden is duty bound to personally
coordinate with the local chiefs of police and other friendly forces for assistance and/or back up en
route to the destination. In his absence, the assistant warden shall do the task; c. Upon assurance of
assistance or back up from the PNP or other friendly forces, the warden shall initiate strategic planning,
tactical briefing or brainstorming with team for other possible options that will ensure safety of all
personnel and inmate/s; d. The team shall then without delay proceed, maintaining an open
communication with PNP counterparts or friendly forces as regards route security. However, the details
of any route to be taken shall solely rest under the discretion of the Escort Team Leader and members as
planned; e. Personnel aboard the main and back up vehicles shall maintain open communication while
in transit and shall treat other vehicles especially those vehicles without plate numbers or conduction
stickers as carrying would be rescuers or assassins of the HR/HF inmate and VEO’s. Personnel shall make
hand signal for other vehicles to go slow or to overtake the convoy; f. Deviation is not allowed. However,
to deviate from the shortest route when there is a clear and present danger shall be allowed swiftly with
prudent assessment of the team leader and/or members of the team to ensure everyone’s safety; g. As
much as possible, the route taken in going to the destination must be avoided during the return of the
team to the jail unit. Alternate routes should be pre-identified, and security threats assessed for
smoother travel with delay in returning to the jail unit avoided, and h. When engine malfunctioning is
experienced while on transit, pull over in a safe part of the way is recommended. The driver shall
immediately assess the cause of the engine's malfunctioning and solve the same. The team members
must be on high alert making sure that the safety of the inmate and all escort personnel is in place. If the
vehicle is totally broken, the other vehicle shall be used immediately and notice about the possible
delayed arrival should be provided the warden and the court concerned.

In times of attack or rescue attempt- The maxim “Kill when imperative than to be killed" should be
applied. However, the personnel concerned should always observe the salient provisions in the rules of
Engagement before resorting to such violent action. a. When fired upon, driver shall out run the
attackers if possible; b. If it is impossible to out run the attackers, pull over along the road or in an area
where there can be a barrier for cover is recommended; c. Personnel should observe and find out where
the fire power is coming from; d. As much as possible and unless the threat is such very serious as to
result in personnel-casualties or inmate-casualties, the personnel should not engage with the enemy; e.
Neutralize threat as necessity calls for it; f. When threat is far too strong, the personnel concerned
should immediately call for back up from other jail units and friendly forces in the area; and g. When
threats have been neutralized, the personnel concerned shall identify the attackers, secure those who
have survived, account personnel and inmates and call/request for the call the assistance of the nearest
PNP in the area.

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