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MODULE 5: o Earliest system of writing were in


 Cuneiform (Mesopotamia)
 Hieroglyphics (Ancient Egypt)
 Came from the Greek word:  Logograms (Ancient China &
o Historia Greece)
 “finding out”  Calligraphy (China)
 “inquiry”  Ancient Egypt
 “narrative” o Written history around the middle
 “knowledge acquired by of the third millennium.
investigation” o Listed the names of the kinds and
 American Historical Association the rules of Egypt.
o “the never-ending process whereby o Able to create a logical system that
people seek to understand the past allowed them to establish cycles or
and its meaning” years.
 Will and Ariel Durant presented how  Ancient Mesopotamia
history could be an industry, art, and o Listed history by providing a list of
philosophy. kings and also wrote narrations
o As an industry which weaved to historical
 Ferrets out facts accounts.
 Primary sources o Sumerian stele or the standing
 Does not rely on hearsay or stone slabs.
unsubstainted questions  Stele of the Vultures –
o As an art contained inscriptions of wars
 Establishes meaning order in with the bordering regions and
the chaos of materials. depictions of battle.
o As a philosophy  Ancient China
 Seeks perspective and o History was used to propagate
enlightenment Chinese moral philosophy (linked to
 Must provide critical their political and social lives)
interpretation of historical o Confucius – compiled and studied
facts. Chinese history in the books:
 Chunqui (Spring and Autumn
 Shujing (Classic of History)
 Prehistoric period
o Sima Quian – more detailed and
o Refers to the time when a system of
longer historical study:
writing was not yet invented to
 Shiji – covered the 2,500-year
record history, which passed down
period of Chinese history.
through oral tradition.
 “Father of Chinese History” or
o Record events by inscribing them in
“Grand Historian”
stones, bones, tablets, and bronze.
 Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament  Islamic conception of history
o Important historical writing in the o Relies on the Qur’an
Western civilization.  Traces humanity’s history from
o Provides a creation story and a list Adam to Muhammad (the
of kings. (through genealogy) prophet and the founder)
o Incorporates moral interpretation o Relies on the Hadith
to historical accounts.  The traditions and saying that
 Laws & commandments were said to have come
o Recounts how Hebrews struggled directly from Muhammad.
and endured to live in the promise  Renaissance
land. o Adhered more to the scientific
 Ancient Greece Galileo rather than the philosopher
o Logographers Plato.
 Logos (story) o Philology – the study of the original
 Grapho (to write) dorm of texts became popular in
 Considered to be the first order to augment these obscurities.
historians o More inquisitive and scientific
o Wrote the origins of people, places, revisiting of the past.
and towns in prose style.
 Added factual data to these
stories like geographic and  Herodotus
cultural information. o “Father of History”
 Roman Historiography o The Histories – narration of events
o Polybius which took place in the Greco-
 Made analysis on the rise and Persian War.
fall of Alexander the Great in o Presented accounts by providing
comparison to Rome’s geographic and ethnographic
achievement in conquering information.
most of the known world  Thucydides
without collapsing its political
o “Father of Scientific History”
system and institutions. (using
o History of the Peloponnesian War –
comparative analysis)
recounted events based on
 Wrote about geopolitical and
evidence and analysis.
foreign relations.
o Narrated facts without becoming
 Early Christian concept of history
fictional. (w/o using gods & deities)
o World will end with the Second
 Ban Gu
Coming of Jesus.
o Book of Han – contained the history
o Simply the incarnation, death,
of Han dynasty.
resurrection, and the second
o His approach was the dynastic
coming of Christ.
 Leopold von Ranke
o Founder of modern study of history THE FIELDS OF HISTORY
o Historical seminar – elaborated on  Cultural History
the methods and techniques in o Focuses on the study of belief
studying history. systems, customs, social forms,
o Strict empirical approach and political systems, material traits,
adherence to primary sources in and economic activities or a group
conducting historical research or community usually for the
o Work on different historical period purpose of cross comparison with
in an objective manner without others.
forming generalized conclusions.  Social History
 Karl Marx o Study of particular kinds of
o “Father of Communism” phenomena such as family and
o The German Ideology – his theory marriage, adolescence and mass
on the materialist conception of media, and many more.
history.  Intellectual History
o Materialist conception of history – o Looks into the history of ideas and
the material conditions or resources theories.
determines a group’s social o Historiography
structure and social order.  The origin of thought
 Jacob Burkhardt  The development of school
o “Father of Cultural History” and approaches are
o The Civilization of the Renaissance documented.
in Italy – depicted the  Uses content analysis to
interconnectedness between art provide critical evaluation of
and its effects on society and social historical views.
o Regarded art as an important KEY CONCEPTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY
aspect in history.  Significance
 Arnold J. Toynbee o Process of determining which part
o A Study of History of a historical event has more value
 12-volume work to be included in a narrative.
 Narrated the history of 26 o Entails critical thinking and
civilizations, describing how selectivity of the historian.
they overcame challenges with o Lord Hartington six-part criteria:
the guidance and leadership of 1. The people thought that the
an elite group of leaders event was important during
o Challenges and response – placing that time.
stages in their histories wherein 2. The event affected a lot of
each stage is either a failure to people.
respond or a triumph against 3. It led to other important
challenges. events.
4. It still affects attitudes and event or figure. Historical evidence may
beliefs today. be valid by external criticism but may
5. It affected people for a long be invalid internally.
6. It affected people deeply. CURRENT APPLICATIONS OF HISTORY
 Continuity and Change  Museum Studies– a.k.a. museology,
o Examining the shifts and studies how museums developed
transition of institutions, actors, through time and their current role in
and landscapes over time. the society as a depository of evidence
o Through chronological method. of world history.
 Cause and Effect  Historical Preservation – preservation
o Historians inquire on the factors of artifacts and fossils for the use of
that led to the events in history. future generations is one of the
 Perspective concerns of applied historians who
o The reconstruction of events utilize historical knowledge and
require historians to adapt methodologies in providing context to
analytical lenses or perspective. social issues for their resolution


 Oral Tradition – can be used to
reconstruct the past and to provide
context to the present.
1. Oral tradition could be documented
and used as a basic historical data
for a group of people.
2. Oral tradition could be used to aid
in the reconstruction of history by
providing supporting perspective
and contextual clues to the
interpretation of artifacts and
 External Criticism – method wherein
the historian checks the validity and
originality of the evidence for the use of
reconstruction of historical event or
 Internal Criticism – method where the
historians checks the validity of the
content of a historical document or
artifacts by comparing it with existing
historical evidence related to the same

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