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Divine Life Institute of Cebu Inc.

Yati, Liloan, Cebu

S. Y. 2022 – 2023

Leaders in the Changing Normal: Leadership Strategies of Barangay Captains in

the Municipality of Consolacion

Submitted by:

Michelle Diaz

Hannah Dela Cerna

Charlotte Porillo

Nathaniel Timagos

Darren Sombreno

Submitted to:

Ms. Arthur Joyce Pacut



A community needs strong leadership. A leader is someone who initiates action and

inspires others to join in. Leaders set the pace for change, whether it be in society,

business or government.

Cunningham (2003) remarked that leaders of today cannot be successful without having

a broad understanding of the social, political and economic dynamics that influence and

are shaped by global competition. Leaders must be aware of the ideologies, political

pressures, a shifting economic and social conditions, if they are to provide effective


With this, according to Fleming & Millar,(2019) new normal leadership is characterized

by the zeal to share knowledge to recover and learn from crises. Studies show that

leaders who engage in transformational leadership behavior and who can elicit trust and

respect from subordinates seem to bounce back from crises better. In particular, it was

found that "new normal leadership is the ability to be adaptive while staying strong with

one's commitment" (Francisco & Nuqui, 2020, p. 1).; is about effectiveness in decision-

making; and is characterized by a vigilant leader, a good planner, and initiator

(Francisco & Nuqui, 2020).

In the Philippines, beginning with Presidential Decree no.86, issued December 31,1972,
the organization of local units of government took a new direction, as citizen assemblies

or barangays were created. They were to function as administrative agencies for

government action, and to constitute the base for citizen participation in community


A barangay is a small administrative division in the Philippines that is the third-level

administrative division of the country's administrative structure. It is roughly the

equivalent of a village or a small town. With this, a barangay captain is elected as the

leader of the barangay. The barangay captain is the executive and administrative head

of the barangay and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the barangay, such

as maintaining peace and order, collecting taxes, and providing basic services to the


Barangay Captains are responsible for providing guidance and direction to their

constituents, and should focus on developing strategies to ensure the health, safety,

and well-being of their community. This could include creating protocols for social

distancing, contact tracing, and other health and safety measures; providing information

and resources to residents; establishing partnerships with other Barangays, local

government, and private organizations to provide services; and advocating for additional

resources to meet the needs of the community.

As the Covid-19 epidemic has affected a variety of industries worldwide. Barangay

Captains also take hold of the new set of responsibilities that made them work on new

strategies to lead the way for a better society.

Futhermore, through good leadership strategies , a good governance community will be

implied. Good governance can foster public participation in policymaking and promote

inclusion in decision-making processes. A society that is well governed should provide

maximum opportunities for every individual to realize his full human potential. Thus by

practicing good governance in a basic political unit such as the barangay, it can be an

effective tool for the promotion of the general welfare of the people, thus would serve as

an assessment for the performance of the elective barangay officials (Sheena L.

Boysillo, 2017).

Moreover, good governance would not exist without a good leadership of a barangay

captain. Hence, the researchers will look upon the different leadership strategies that

the barangay captains have manage to applied in the community. Thus, this study aims

to focus and view on the Leadership Strategies of Barangay Captains in the

Municipality of Consolacion.

The purpose of this grounded theory study is to look into the different leadership

strategies of Barangay Captains in the Municipality of Consolacion in adjusting the


Sub questions:

1. What are the qualities of a Barangay Captain?

2. What are the difficulties in the way of adjusting the normal?

3. How do the Barangay Captains manage to lead the way in settling and adjusting the


4. What is your leadership style?

5. What are the most important skills for a Barangay Captain to have? 

6. How do you set priorities as a Barangay Captain?


This study evaluated the different leadership strategies of Barangay Captains of the

Municipality of Consolacion with the hope that findings would prove useful to the


The Barangay Officials may utilize the data to analyze the leadership styles of the

urban barangay captains and in making decisions essential in managing the affairs of

the barangay. This can be used as a basis for economic management, or for planning

programs that enhance the lives of barangay residents.

The Barangay Captains will find it useful to evaluate the leadership style they use

and how it translates to their performance. This will help them in realizing where they go

wrong and how they can improve themselves as leaders.

The Counsilors and Purok Presidents will also stand to benefit from this study for

it serves as guidelines to assess objectively the leadership style commonly expected of

all barangay captains. Thus through this, these councilors and purok presidents who

have the potential to be elected as barangay chairman will be aware of what may be

expected of them.

The Residents in general may find this study useful for understanding the rules and the

implementations that their respective barangay captains have implemented to keep them safe and
free from any harm. This study will enlighten the residents about the strategies of their barangay

captains in adjusting with the normal.

And lastly the future researchers may find this study useful and worthwhile. Hence,

the future researchers can elaborate more from this research together with the future

leaders in the community and may appreciates every leadership strategies from the old

one up until the new one.

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