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‘TRINIDAD AND TOEAGO. reparation Cane] TINS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is mde oe ia the Yeu of Our Lord Two Thos sed Sete between : of 335 Lane Pal Heights Digo Marin in the Ward of Dice Narn nthe Ian of Tiida herein ailad “the Vendo of the One Past me of Mon Jewel San San nthe Ward oF St. Anns in the i and of Tid Greiner ale "te Purchaser) ofthe Orbe Pa, (WHEREBY ITS HEREBY AGREED x flows~ 1 The Vendoeis cbt and poss of the feel press sae a 33 Lane Pal Heights Digo Mari i tbe Ward of Diego Main frei more pay described in the Soheale othe Deed reper as No. 1168 of 1997 and a des in the Sehesle ert (teint reflared to as "ihe Proper. 2. The Vendo wil 10 the Puchase andthe Pachaser wil puhsse ALL AND SINGULAR the Propet femal excuiranss, 5. The prctae pie ar th Proper shal be the sum of ONE MILLION THREE. [HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (1,300,000 of wich he sum of ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (513000000) (berétater ela 10 a5 “he Deposit way of dept is aw pido the Vendor by the Purchaser (he ip where be ‘Vendor bere strona) and the tance or sun of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED [AND SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (S1,170000.00) (Bernard 0 2 de Baie ofthe Frcs rice") salle pi nthe dt sinaer ied fr conlaton 4 Sbjct tothe Vendor perforin er oligos heeds, th ception of the ‘sid purse and payment of he Balance of the Prcse Pe aie al ak lice om ‘before 90 days from the date hereof (heriate tfeed to a “he Cling Dae") a the feof the Parser Annee st La inthe Ciyof Pon af Sia nthe sid sa of Toad (berated “he Purchases Auorey a Lin?) wherepon the Vendor sal exe, the expense inal espe othe Purchaser x roperasurace ofthe ‘ropeny in favour of the Purchaser © hee nomine an the Purchiser sal se ino vent pono teeeh 5. These is sajet othe Vendar ing he flowing condos aod proving the lowing othe Purchase othe Prctae's ory a Law tot seven) ay eto the Going Die {the Propery Sle sol ee foal encuntrances Hen charge ates ad ae an witha god mare tie 4k ind WASA Clewance Caiene ete ame of he Vo al up 19 Ne hing De; ‘cin uptodate WASA bland sce in th mame of tb Ven paid up to he Ching Dt: |. copy ofthe Caticate of Assesment om the lear iar Reve Ofise string he Vendor a the sud outer ofthe Property a tl nd and baling aes hve een pid upto the yer 208; ‘the Vendor salieri the Parla or rope tee ete year 2016 and ‘the proportionate par ofthe yeu 2017 the Closing Date Mi capy ofthe Town and County Pain approval forte stvison of he Propet confining hat he Pope can ese fr resdesalpurons, ‘Compton Croom the slevat Reon Corportion meses of the lig sends om be Pope and i coy ofa TRTEC bil and ecg cme o the Cosing Date 5.) On the exeoion of thin Azeenem the Vendor sil args 10 ve the Purses itr cadorsedon the Vendo’ py ofasuaneon be Proper (©) Stuld he Vendor's inser refs to conse 10 sch edarencat or shoul 9 iy ofinuraes eit he Prcaser sleet nae is imei the Property by seante psy in wich ve she shal nti the Vendor of sch eparteisurance coverage and provide tea wit al roy es, (2 the Popeny is damaged or destroyed before the Closing Date by any sk ine he Purchaser may itr (© compete his Agreement ad ake the Proper is togetr wth any insurance roceds pyle by vine of such oso mage (G)escin ts Agreement and be fided the Des. 17 tte te Propeny sone ob detec ander ithe Vener iby any reason ble to complete onthe Closing Dae the Purchase sal be ete tay tine ‘herbie by note ia wiking tothe Veaorfteith Yo cancel end resin tis ‘Awoctct leis th Dei Sal win seve (7) days Ue refine 2 ‘he Pirchsr in fll sete of cis de ti rene. |. Should tbe Pe foray rst ot he responsi ofthe Vendor lo a ‘he Bale of he Purcas Price he Closing Date or any extension tere! he Vento shal ‘be eit oro ht Agent whom the Vendor sl ei oi the Dept ‘ogee wth al nr accrued threo G any he date frre sisted damages andthe Vendor sal acept the Depos ope with iatrestin land fn setemext fa ans une this Agreement 9. Any nse required to be srved on ay party ero hl be i wring and sal ‘deemed to ve ben diy srved on the party to whom be sue is esd if devered by Ind ato seb registered post to the aes of such pry as sted erin or sch ther ees 2s my have been nosed in wing by sch party ala not given regia post stl be deemed have ben sre seven (7 day ate dt of posing 10, This Aareenent may be modi’ or akered only by sn sarees in wing ‘wen the pris hee ad no acto nisin of any employe or agen of ier pry ony woke ify sl ake change or modify any ofthe provisos of his Agree. 11 tas Avene uns the conten ernie requis word isthe mascuine sat inde te feminine and neste genders adwords athe sng sl iid the ph 12. This Agroenet stl be gover by nd consol soorane wth th ws the Repu of ad an Tobago and al tenes inthis Aree f“Dsla” shal to ‘Thad and Tobago caren {IN WITWESS WHEREOF the Vertis cut ster in they of 2007 ad the Pes bs herent set her hand the ay of 2017 ‘THE SCIEDULE ABOVE REFFRRED TO [ALL AND SINGULAR tht cri piece or paral of lind suse inthe Ward together with he bing sanding thereon andthe apprennces arto Belng Sioned bythe wincamet > inthe presen oe b ‘Sine byte witin-ames > Be present )

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