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Hospitality Marketing


GD 5- Activity 5.4 (p.177)

Name (Korean & English) & Student ID # Date: ___________

1.________________________________________________ (Team Captain-TC)
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________

Unit 5 Section 2- Know the marketing mix (the 4-Ps) of a travel and tourism
organization- Marketing Mix
NOTE: Please summarize the group’s answers to the questions or add bulletin point notes
discussed or write a summary of what you discussed as a group. The GD sheet must be submitted
in MS Word or PDF (Times New Roman 12-point font). Please, DO NOT submit Hangul WP
files because I can’t open them. Grading will be based 100% on participation (Pass/Fail).
Please turn in this assignment but change the file name as follows: GD5-(student ID #)
example: GD5-12184838.

Discuss how some of the travel and tourism companies in your local area (travel agencies, tourist
attractions, tourist information centers, coach companies, hoteliers, etc.) put together their marketing
mix. Discuss and identify how their activities fall into each of the four components of the marketing mix
(product, place, price, promotion).




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