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RF Board Designs

Common Guidelines
do don't

Power planes Power planes

Distributed power planes Running power planes to the
between 2 ground planes edge of the card will create
decouples supply and ground parasitic radiation. Instead,
& is a low impedance path at surround power plane with
radio frequencies ground trace

Sensitive RF traces Sensitive RF traces

Multi-layer boards allows for a Do not route return current
continuous grounding strategy to paths under sensitive RF traces.
isolate and minimize noise on Instead, use common low-
sensitive traces impedance ground planes under
sensitive RF traces.

Transmission lines Transmission lines

Where possible, employ For 2-layer PCBs thickness
microstrip and stripline should not exceed 30mils.
transmission lines. 4-layer PCBs Otherwise, the required width of
make these types of transmission the transmission line trace will
lines easier to implement. become rather large

Current loops Current loops

Add decoupling caps to Avoid captive coupling.
ground as close to the pin as Instead, ensure each port or
possible to minimize current pin has its own decoupling to
loops. ground through a dedicated
ground via.

PCB parasitics PCB parasitics

It is important to understand the Vias in a typical thickness PCB can
RF characteristics of the PCB have parasitic capacitances of
material used. Long traces look 0.5pF and parasitic inductance of
like inductors and pads over 1.2nH. Ensuring that via spacing
ground look like capacitors. is of the order of λ/30.

Thermal relief Thermal relief

The thermal relief pad should be Avoid uneven thermal dissipation
connected to a component side and parasitic inductance by
ground connection which in turn placing several parallel vias in
is connected to the main ground the thermal relief pads of
plane layer by multiple vias. components.

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