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Esential 1CSE Chemistr tor Class s

causing the milkiness. large portion or the ravs are

retiec d back. So
without the warmth prov1ded
b the CO.
Ca(HCO): CaCO;, H.0- CO. the atmosphere. the earth wvo
1.ave been
much colder during the nights
Carbon Dioxide and the Environment
A gas that traps heat in the
In low concentrations in the air, CO. is and keeps the surroundings war
essential for life but in high concentrations, it Snown
as a greenhouse gas and the w'ho
ect as the
Is a cause ot
great concern. Let us see
how Sreenhouse ettect. Thus, CO. is
gas and other such gases in
1. Photosynthesis our e's ironment
are mainly methane (emitted by
itle dung)
We know that green and tlurocarbons (used as
plants use CO, tor
and air conditioners).
coolant in tridges
photosynthesis and manufacture their tood
glusose in the process.
Global warming

What will
happen it the concentration ot COP:
increases in our environment?

If this happens
Thus, life have originated
seems to the
on this average temperature ot the earth
planet from CO, and moisture. will increase

2. The the polar

greenhouse effect ice
caps and the glaciers will
A melt,
greenhouse is
actually a
glasshouse inside
which we can grow plants. the sea level will be raised
the sunrays enter the
During the
day, submerging
glasshouse and keep the several islands and coastal cities, and
plants warm. But the glass traps a
part of the there will be drastic climatic
heat of the sunrays and
keeps on
radiating it changes.
back even during the All this will
night, keeping the plants happen due to a rise in earth
average temperature, i.e., due to global
Aftorestation can bring down the
of global warming by using up the
CO, in increas
photosynthesis. But the
activity, i.e., detorestation is on the
due to increased increa
Fig. 9.17 A glasshouse With
The carbon dioxide
increasing deforestation as well
present in the earth's industrialisation, the proportion of CO, in out
atmosphere plays the same role as the
glass environment has increased lot. And we
in a
greenhouse. The
CO, traps the heat of already facing the dangers of global warm
sunrays and
keeps radiating it back so The world
that the warmth of the
earth is
community is making al
retained. The eftorts to bring the proportion of CO, down o
sunrays heat the earth directly also, but a permissible levels.
3. Action on natural water

Natural water is slightly acidic to shghtly

alkaline (pH 6.5-8.5). ptl is a measure of the
the , 5TSdy
acidic or alkaline nature of a dilute solution
O 0 i l n l fo moke n plays,
It is measured with the help of a ptt-meter or
anet s
apH paper.

P'ure water is neutral, 1.e., nethe andi

has pH 7.0. Acidic soluions
noralkaline and
havepH<7 and alkaline solutions5, pH >7 piuung
You know that, on dissolvingg in water
CO, forms the weak acid H,CO,. So, the
gas tends to bring down the pH of water
that is open to the atmosphere. For drinking
acidic water is better than
purposes, slightly
6.5) is soft
alkaline water. AcidiC water (pH
and palatable but alkaline water (pH 8) is

hard and unpalatable. Also, the pH our

digestive system is acidic.

Fig. 9.18 A fire extinguisher
On the other hand, marine organisms

thrive better in alkaline water than in Common fire extinguishers produce

that the acid
Water. And it has been found carbon dioxide by the action ot sulphuric
of dissolved C0, 1s
solution of sodium carbonate or sodium
ncreasing proportion on a

water. This is a
lowering the pH of sea posin8 hydrogencarbonate.
threat to marine life. Na,CO,+H,SO, N a , SO, + H , O + C O ,

Uses of CO 2NaHCO,+ H,SO, Na,50, * 2H,0*2O

u s h e s nut

for the
CO, used in
is the industry A Solution of SOdium carbonate or

manufacture of sodium hydrogencarbonate is placed in

0) metal carbonates and hydrogen- sealed bottle containing

fire extinguisher. A
there. In case
carbonates, e.g., soda
ash (Na,CO,),
sulphuric acid is also placed
(Na,CO,. 10H,O), is broken by striking
Washing soda of fire, the acid bottle
surtace. The acid
potassium carbonate (K,CO;) the plunger against
a hard
sodium carbonate or sodium
soda, i.e., reacts with the
and baking carbon dioxide
nydrogencarbonate (NaHCO,;); and

A mixture of water and carbon

(1) urea, CONH:); and is towards
which is directed
dioxide gushes out,
i) ethanol, C.H,OH. object.
Larbon dioxide, being
the burning
surrounds the burning object
tis used in fire heavier than air,
extinghuishers. and cuts oft the supPIy of air. As a result, the
t is for making
tensively used fire is put out.
water and
fizzy drinkS.
Carbon Monoxide eflects are evn Ieeyrrily f tie
depenl m the a n n t if f n lhe blod
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a common product
of the combustion of carbon-baed fuels. Being Inhalingair witlh hig tgel may even
a poisonous gas, it pollutes air. But, at he be tatalAperit hh 1 in an
Same time, the gas is used tor many industria environment of O , not sleep
PuposCs too

Iable 9, Fects tul f f i s y

So, we will look into both these aspects of

the gas here.
o (ppm)

Poisonous Nature of CO
Let us see how the gas atects us and how We
can get rid of its etfects. HOO

Concentration of CO Curing CO poisoning

The concentration of a substance, expected Carboxyhaemoglobin slowly loses CO on

to be present in very small quantities ina being exposed to an exCess ot 0xYgen, and
mixture, is often expressed in parts per million oxyhacmoglobin is again formed. 50, à person
Ppm). This tells us he number of parts of suffering from CO
poisoning should be kept
a substance present in I million (1,000,000) on till he she
oxygen or
parts of the mixture

The concentration of CO in air is also

Industrial Uses of CO
in ppm. For example, CO level Carbon monoxide is an industrial gas. Some
of 100 ppn in a congested city indicates that

important uses of this gas are

given below.
J00 litres of CO is present in I million litres of
ar in that city.
Itisused asa reducing agent in metallurgy
t abstract the oxygen from
TheCOevel in citics generally varies from metal oxides and set the metal
5 to TO0
Ppm. MO +

How does cO affect us? For

example, the mineral bauxite
As you know, blood transporls oxygen in our contains Fe,0,) is reduced by CO in d
body. When we inhake air, the oxygen of the blast furnace to
give iron.
air combines with haemogkobin of the blood to
Fe,O, CO 2FeO CO
form oxyhaemoglobin. Oxyhaemoglobin runs iron() xide iront)OxIde
through blood vessels and gives up its oxygen
to cells, which use it for respiration. But CO FeO + CO -
Fe +
displaces oxygen trom oxyhaemoglobin to
form carboxyhaemoglobin. The affinity of CO 2. Carbon monoxide is also used
Jor hwmoglobin is 325 times greater than that metallurSy tor the refining of nickel.
of 0xygen. So, the displacement takes place 3. It is used
easily. The formation of carboxyhaemoglobin
on a
large scale in the industria
cuts off oxygen supply to cells, and adverse preparation
such as
of severalorganic compound
That the calorific value of LPG is much
higher than that of the traditional fuels can be
acetic acid
realised by doing the following activity wit
hydrocarbons, and the help of an adult.
phosgene(COCl, used in the synthesis
of some polymers) Activity Take the same volume of water in two similar
essels.Feat one of them on an LPG stve and the other
On burming cow-dung cakes You will find that the water
Fuels bols on the LPG stove much s0oner than that on the

(YOu could use thermometer

Duming cOw-dung cakes
We know that heat (usually accompanied by
to observe the rate at which the temperature o water

light) is evolved when a substance bums. the

ncreases in the two vessels) Thus attaining
cooking temperature on an LPG stove will be faster
Asuhstance that is burnt with aview to obtaining
than on a conventional fire as that of cow-dung cakes.
heat or light trom it is called a

Thus, wood, cow-dung cakes, coal, petrol,

diesel, kerosene,CNG and LPG are fuels
Hydrogen is also a good fuel, but it is difficult

to handle due to its explosive nature. These

fuels(except hydrogen) contain carbon. LPG stove Cow-dung cakes

Calorific Value of a Fuel
Of the C-based fuels, CNG is mainly
out by fuel
Ihe amount of heat given
methane (CH) and LPG, mainly butane
air is
oroxygen known as the calorihe

(CHo). Methane and butane contain only

the fuel. It is expressed in k]/g
hydrogen and carbon, so they belong to a
class of compounds known as hydrocarbons.
The calorific value of hydrogen is the
much Hydrocarbons burn to give CO, and H,O.
highest and those of common fuels, Petrol, kerosene and diesel are also mixtures
lower (Table 9.3).
of hydrocarbons containing higher numbers
table 9.3 The calorific values of some fuels
(7 and above) of carbon atoms. Sufficient

oxygen for complete combustion of the fuel

uel Calorific value (k}/g)
may not be available trom the surroundings
and so some CO and soot are also formed.
Hydrogen 150
CNG Besides, some oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
are also formed on the burning ot the impurities
LPG the air.
in them. These gases and soot pollute
A good-quality coal contains about 90%
Kerosene and a poor-quality one, about 55% carbon.
Dleoel Coal is used as a fuel butproducts of

Col 25-33 combustion (CO, Co, NO, SO, SO, and

Wond soot) are undesirable.

cake is burnt,
Codung cake When wood or dung we get
Esoential CSE Chemistry for Class8

CO, H,O and some CO along with a small cleaner fuels than those mentioned
amount of the oxides of nitrogen.
because, on complete burning8 they form
and H,O only. CO,
Coal and petroleum are known as
fuels as they are tormed by biochemical These
process called fossilisation
days CNG is fast replacing petrol
and diesel in motor vehices, especlaly the
Natural gas is commercial ones.
decay product of marine
organisms and collects over petroleum in
LPG is highly recommended for use as a
petroleum wells. Petroleum gas is obtained
fuel in the kitchen. In fact, it is
by the cracking (i.e, the breaking of bigger not possible
molecules into smaller ones) ot for extremely poor people to aftord it. On
petroleum. the other hand, a large number of prumature
Promoting Cleaner Fuels deaths occur every year on account of the
Use of
conventional fuels. So, in
The of fuels like wood,
Government of India launched
2016 the
and coal tor
cow-dung cake a welfare
cooking and of petrol and diesel scheme to reach out to the BPL
in motor vehicles is families. (i.e,
emission of pollutants like
by the those who are below the poverty line) with
free LPG connection. The scheme is known as
carbon monoxide, the Pradhan Mantri
Ujjwala Yojana. It aims
oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, and at giving
free LPG connections to 50 million
women from BPL
remote rural
families most living in
areas. This will also
CNG and LPG are considered to be much our environment clean.
help keep

Points to Remember

Solids which have definite

geometrical torms are called
crystalline true solids. or
Solids which do not
have definite geometrical forms are called
amorphous solids or pseudosolids
phenomenon of some elements existing in different forms is called
The different forms ot the element are known as
Diamond. graphite, the fullerenes and carbon nanotubes are the
Diamond is giant molecule
crystalline forms of carbon.
containing carbon atoms, each
carbon atoms. It the hardest substance
known. tetrahedrally bonded to four other
Graphite consists of layers of hexagonal rings of carbon atoms. Each
rings carbon atom is shared by three

Graphite is a good lubricant tor machines working at high

Lampblack, coke, gas carbon and the charcoals are the temperatures.
forms of carbon, in fact, amorphous
commonly call the forms of carbon. What we
amorphous consist of
graphite. So, more
accurately, they should be called extremely small crystals of
microcrystaline forms of the element.
The amorphous form of a substance is generally more active
than the
In destructive distillation, pyrolysis, a substance is
crystalline form.
heated in the absence of air
with a view to

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