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Grade 1

Unit 8 Fun and Games

I. Vocabulary
1. Action figure = miniatur pahlawan super
2. Plane = pesawat
3. Ball = bola
4. Bike = sepeda
5. Blocks = balok – balok
6. Cars = mobil – mobilan
7. Stuffed animals = boneka binatang
8. Doll = boneka
9. Game = permainan
10. Puppet = boneka tangan
11. Train = kereta api
12. Skates = sepatu roda
13. Kite = layang – layang
14. Marbles = kelereng
15. Puzzle = puzzle
16. Teddy bear = boneka beruang
17. Robot = robot
18. Cards = kartu – kartu
19. Yo yo = yoyo
20. Drum = drum

II. Preposition
1. In = di dalam
2. On = di atas
3. Under = di bawah
4. Behind = di belakang
5. In front of = di depan
6. Next to = di samping
7. Between = di antara
8. Above = di atas (tidak menempel pada permukaan)
9. Near = di dekat

III. Others
1. Shelf = rak
2. Every day = setiap hari
3. Couch = sofa
4. Washing machine = mesin cuci
5. Yell = berteriak
6. Quick = cepat
7. Fox = rubah
8. Ox = lembu (sapi jantan)
9. Let’s share = ayo berbagi!
10. Toy box = kotak mainan
11. Lamp = lampu
12. Drawer = laci
13. Rug = permadani
14. Picture = gambar
15. Window = jendela

IV. Grammar

Where = dimana

1. Where’s the ball?

It’s in the toy box.

It’s on the shelf.

It’s under the table.

2. Where are the skates?

They’re under the desk.

They’re on the couch.

Demonstrative Pronouns =

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