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DNV Marine Operations’ Rules

for Subsea Lifting

New Simplified Method for Prediction of Hydrodynamic Forces

Tormod Bøe
DNV Marine Operations
27th November 2007


 Brief overview of relevant DNV


 DNV Rules for Marine Operations, 1996,

Lifting – Capacity Checks

 New Simplified Method for calculation of

hydrodynamic forces

 CFD Analyses – Test Cases

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 2

Relevant DNV Publications

Lifting- and subsea operations :

DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of
Marine Operations – 1996 Standard for 
Diving Systems
’Special planned, non-routine operations of January 2004
limited durations, at sea. Marine operations are
normally related to temporary phases as e.g.
load transfer, transportation and installation.’ DNV Rules for Certification
of Lifting Appliances – 2007
(reprint of 1994 issue)

DNV Standard for Certification

No. 2.7-1 Offshore
Containers – April 2006

Special planned non-routine operations Routine operations

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 3

Relevant DNV Publications - Other 

 DNV-RP-C205 Environmental Conditions

and Environmental Loads April 2007
(replacing Classification Notes No 30.5)

 DNV-RP-H101 Risk Management in Marine

and Subsea Operations, January 2003

 DNV-RP-H102 Marine Operations during

Removal of Offshore Installations, April

 Standard for Certification No. 2.7-3

Portable Offshore Units, June 2006
(a new revision is planned issued in 2008 which will
include subsea units)

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 4

Relevant DNV Publications - Purchase

DNV publications can be purchased at:

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 5


 Brief overview of relevant DNV


 DNV Rules for Marine Operations, 1996,

Lifting – Capacity Checks

 New Simplified Method for calculation of

hydrodynamic forces

 CFD Analyses – Test Cases

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 6

Capacity Checks - DNV 1996 Rules

Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations, 1996

Part 1 - General Part 2 - Operation Specific Requirements

Pt.1 Ch.1 - Warranty Surveys Pt.2 Ch.1 - Load Transfer Operations

Pt.1 Ch.2 - Planning of Pt.2 Ch.2 - Towing
Operations Pt.2 Ch.3 - Special Sea Transports
Pt.1 Ch.3 - Design Loads Pt.2 Ch.4 - Offshore Installation
Pt.1 Ch.4 - Structural Design Pt.2 Ch.5 - Lifting 
Pt.2 Ch.6 - Sub Sea Operations
Pt.2 Ch.7 - Transit and Positi oning
of Mobile Offshore Units

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 7

Capacity Checks - DNV 1996 Rules

Part 2 Chapter 5

 Dynamic loads, lift in air 

 Crane capacity
 Rigging capacity,
(slings, shackles, etc.)
 Structural steel capacity
(lifted object, lifting points,
spreader bars, etc.)

Part 2 Chapter 6
 Dynamic loads, subsea lifts
(capacity checks as in Chapter 5 applying dynamic loads from Chapter 6)

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Capacity Checks – DAF for Lift in Air 

 Dynamic loads are accounted for by

using a Dynamic Amplification Factor

 DAF in air may be caused by e.g.

variation in hoisting speeds or motions
of crane vessel and lifted object.

 The given table is applicable for

offshore lift in air in minor sea states,
typically Hs < 2-2.5m.

 DAF must be estimated separately for

lifts in air at higher seastates and for
subsea lifts !

Table 2.1 Pt.2 Ch.5 Sec.

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Capacity Checks - Crane Capacity

The dynamic hook load, DHL, is

given by:

DHL = DAF*(W+Wrig) + F(SPL)

ref. Pt.2 Ch.5 Sec.

 W is the weight of the structure,

including a weight inaccuracy factor 

 The DHL should be checked against

available crane capacity

 The crane capacity decrease when

the lifting radius increase.

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Capacity Checks - Sling Loads

Example :
The maximum dynamic sling load, Fsling,
can be calculated by:

F sling  = DHL·SKL·k CoG ·DW   / sin φ

ref. Pt.2 Ch.5 Sec. 


 SKL = Skew load factor   → extra loading

caused by equipment and fabrication tolerances.

 k CoG  = CoG factor   → inaccuracies in estimated

 position of centre of gravity.

 DW  = vertical weight distribution  → e.g.

DWA = (8/15)·(7/13) in sling A.

   φ = sling angle from the horizontal plane.

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Capacity Checks - Slings and Shackles

The sling capacity ”Minimum breaking load”,
MBL, is checked by:

F sling 
γ sf 

The safety factor is minimum   sf   ≥  3.0 .

(Pt.2 Ch.5 Sec.3.1.2)

”Safe working load”, SWL, and ” MBL, of the

shackle are checked by :

a) F sling  < SWL· DAF 

and b) F sling  < MBL / 3.3

Both criteria shall be fulfilled (Pt.2 Ch.5 Sec.

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Capacity Checks – Structural Steel

Lifting points: Other lifting equipment:

The load factor γ f = 1.3, is increased by a  A consequence factor of γ C  = 1.3
should be applied on lifting yokes,
consequence factor, C  = 1.3, so that total
spreader bars, plateshackles, etc.
design faktor, γ design , becomes:

  design = c ·  f  = 1.3 · 1.3 = 1.7  Structural strength of Lifted Object:

The following consequence factors
The design load acting on the lift point becomes: should be applied :

F design = design· F sling = 1.7· F sling 

 A lateral load of
minimum 3% of the
design load shall be
included. This load
acts in the shackle
bow !
(ref. Pt.2.Ch.5 Sec.
Table 4.1 Pt.2 Ch.5 Sec.4.1.2 
DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 13


 Brief overview of relevant DNV


 DNV Rules for Marine Operations, 1996,

Lifting – Capacity Checks

 New Simplified Method for calculation of

hydrodynamic forces

 CFD Analyses – Test Cases

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 14

 New Simplified Method - DNV-RP-H103

  A new Recommended Practice; ”DNV-RP- 

H103 Modelling and Analysis of Marine
Operations” will be issued.

  A new Simplified Method for calculating

hydrodynamic forces on objects lifted
through wave zone is included.

 This new Simplified Method will supersede

the calculation guidelines in DNV Rules for
Marine Operations, 1996, Pt.2 Ch.6.

 The DNV 1996 Rules will be replaced by a

set of New Offshore Standards on Marine

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 New Simplified Method - Assumptions

The Simplified Method is based upon the

following main assumptions:

 the horizontal extent of the lifted object is

small compared to the wave length

 the vertical motion of the object is equal the

vertical crane tip motion

 vertical motion of object and water dominates

→ other motions can be disregarded

The intention of the Simplified Method is to

give simple conservative estimates of the
forces acting on the object.

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 New Simplified Method – Crane Tip Motions

 The Simplified Method is unapplicable if the crane tip

oscillation period or the wave period is close to the  M  +  A33
resonance period, Tn , of the hoisting system T n =  2π 

 Heave, pitch and roll RAOs for

the vessel should be combined
with crane tip position to find
the vertical motion of the crane tip

 If operation reference period is

with in 30 minutes, the most
probable largest responses may
be taken as 1.80 times the
significant respons es

 If the vessel heading is not fixed,

vessel response should be
analysed for wave directions at
least ±15° off the applied vessel

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 New Simplified Method – Wave Periods

There are two alternative approaches:

 Alt-1) Wave periods are included:

 Analyses should cover the following zero-
crossing wave period range:

 H s
8 .9 ⋅    ≤ T z ≤ 13

 A lower limit of Hmax=1.8·Hs= λ /7 with

wavelength  λ=g·T z  /2 π  is here used.

 Alt-2) Wave periods are disregarded:

Operation procedures should in this case reflect that the calculations are only valid for
waves longer than:

 H S   A lower limit of Hmax=1.8·Hs= λ /10  with wavelength

T  z ≥   .6 ⋅
10 2 
 λ=g·T z   /2 π  is here used.

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 New Simplified Method – Wave Kinematics

 Alt-1) Wave periods are included:

The wave amplitude, wave particle
velocity and acceleration can be taken as:

ζ  a = 0  .9 ⋅ H S 

4π  2 d 

⎛  2π  ⎞ T  z2 g
⎜ T  ⎟ ⋅ e
v w = ζ a ⋅ ⎜

⎝   z  ⎠
4π  2 d 
2 −
⎛  2π  ⎞ 2
T  z g

a w = ζ a ⋅ ⎜
⎜ T  ⎟
⎟ ⋅e
⎝   z  ⎠  d  : distance from water plane to CoG of
submerged part of object

0 .35 d 

 Alt-2) Wave periods are disregarded:  H s
 vw = 0 .532  g  H s ⋅ e
The wave particle velocity and acceleration can 0.35d 
be taken as: −
 H s
   g ⋅e
aw = 0.314

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 New Simplified Method – Hydrodynamic Forces

Slamming impact force
Slamming forces are short-term impulse
forces that acts when the structure hits the
water surface.
v s = vc +
    v +v
2 2
ct  w
 AS is the relevant slamming area on the
exposed structure part. Cs is slamming coeff.  v c  = lowering speed 
 v ct  = vertical crane tip velocity 
The slamming velocity, v s, is :  v w  = vertical water particle velocity 
at water surface

Varying buoyancy force F  ρ  =  ρ    ⋅ δ V  ⋅ g

Varying buoyancy , Fρ , is the change in
buoyancy due to the water surface elevation. ~
F  ρ  =  ρ    ⋅ δ V  ⋅ g
δ V  =  Aw  ⋅   ζ a 2 + η ct 2
δ V is the change in volume of displaced
water from still water surface to wave    ζ a = wave amplitude
crest or wave trough.    ηct = crane tip motion amplitude

  Ãw  = mean water line area in the

wave surface zone

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 New Simplified Method – Hydrodynamic Forces

Drag force
Drag forces are flow resistance on
submerged part of the structure. The drag
forces are related to relative velocity between
object and water particles. v r  = vc +    vct 2 + v w2
The drag coefficient, C D, in oscillatory flow for
complex subsea structures may typically be  v c  = lowering/hoisting speed 
 v  ct  = vertical crane tip velocity 
C D ≥ 2.5.  v  w  = vertical water particle velocity 
at water depth , d 
Relative velocity are found by :   A p = horizontal projected area

Mass force
“Mass force” is here a combination of inertia  M  =
F  [( M + A33  )⋅ a  ct   ]2  + [(ρ  V + A33)⋅ aw]2
force, Froude-Kriloff force and diffraction
force.  M  = mass of object in air 
  A33 = heave added mass of object

Crane tip acceleration and water particle  act  = vertical crane tip acceleration

 V = volume of displaced water relative to

acceleration are assumed statistically
the still water level
independent.  aw  = vertical water particle acceleration
at water depth, d 
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 New Simplified Method  – Hydrodynamic Force

The hydrodynamic force is a time dependent function of slamming impact
force, varying buoyancy, hydrodynamic mass forces and drag forces. In the
Simplified Method the forces may be combined as follows:

F hyd  = ( F slam +   F  D ) 2 + F  2 2

  ρ  + F  M 

 The structure may be divided into

main items and surfaces contributing
to the hydrodynamic force
 Water particle velocity and
acceleration are related to the
vertical centre of gravity for each
main item. Mass and drag forces
contributions are then summarized :

F  M  =  
∑ F  M i ∑
F  D =  
F  Di

F Mi  and F Di  are the individual

force contributions from each
main item

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 New Simplified Method – Load Cases Example

The static and hydrodynamic force should be calculated for different stages. Relevant
load cases for deployment of a protection structure could be:

Load Case 1

Still water level beneath top of ventilated buckets

 Slamming impact force, F slam, acts on top of


 Varying buoyancy force, F  ρ , drag force, F D

and mass force, F M  are negligible.

Load Case 2

Still water level above top of buckets

 Slamming impact force, F slam, is zero

 Varying buoyancy, F  ρ , drag force, F D and

mass force, F M, are calculated. Velocity and
acceleration are related to CoG of submerged
part of structure.

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 New Simplified Method – Load Cases Example

Load Case 3
Still water level beneath roof cover.
 Slamming impact force, F slam, acts on the roof
 Varying buoyancy, F  ρ , drag force, F D and mass
force, F M  are calculated on the rest of the
structure. Drag- and mass forces acts mainly on
the buckets and is related to a depth, d, down to
CoG of submerged part of the structure.

Load Case 4

Still water level above roof cover.

 Slamming impact force, F slam, and varying

buoyancy, F  ρ, is zero.

 Drag force, F D and mass force, F M  are calculated

individually. The total mass and drag force is the
sum of the individual load components, e.g. :
F D= F Droof + F Dlegs+ F Dbuckets applying correct CoGs
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 New Simplified Method – Load Cases Example

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 New Simplified Method – Static Weight

 In addition, the weight inaccuracy factor should be applied

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 New Simplified Method - DAF

Capacity Checks
The capacities of crane, lifting equipment and
lifted object are checked as for lift in air. The
following relation should be applied:

  F total
 DAF  =

 F static-max  is the maximum static

Mg  : weight of object in air [N] weight of the submerged object
F total  : is the characteristic total force on the including flooding and weight
(partly or fully) submerged object. Taken as the inaccuracy factor 
largest of;
 F hyd  is the hydrodynamic force
F total = F static-max + F hyd  or
 F snap is the snap load (normally
F total = F static-max + F snap to be avoided)

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 New Simplified Method – Slack Slings

The Slack Sling Criterion.

 Snap forces shall as far as possible

be avoided. Weather crietria should
be adjusted to ensure this.

 The following criterion should be

fulfilled in order to ensure that snap
loads are avoided:

F hyd  ≤ 0  .9 ⋅ F static − min

 F static-min = weight before flooding,

including a weight reduction implied
by the weight inaccuracy factor.

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 New Simplified Method – Added Mass

Hydrodynamic added mass for flat plates - DNV-RP-C205

Flat plate where
length, b, above
breadth, a, is
b/a = 2.0 :

  ⋅ ⋅ a2 ⋅ b
 A33 =  ρ ⋅ 0.76 

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 New Simplified Method – Added Mass

 Added Mass Increase due to Body Height
 Add ed Mas s Increase due to Body Heig ht

The following simplified approximation of the 1.7
added mass in heave for a three-dimensional 1.6
body with vertical sides may be applied :       3 1.5
      A 1.4
      3 1.3
      A 1+SQRT((1-lambda^2)/(2*(1+lambda^2)))
⎡ 2 ⎤  A p 1.1
1 − λ 
 A33 ≈ ⎢1 +     ⎥⋅A and λ  = 1
⎢ 2 ⎥ 33o h +  A p
⎢⎣ 2( 1 + λ  )⎥
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

⎦ ln [ 1+ (h/sqrt(A)) ]


  A33o = added mass for a flat plate with a

shape equal to the horizontal projected
area of the object

 h = height of the object

  Ap = horizontal projected area of the object
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 New Simplified Method – Added Mass

 Added Mass from Partly Enclosed Volume

 A volume of water partly

enlosed within large plated
surfaces will also contribute
to the added mass, e.g.:

 The volume of water

inside suction anchors
or foundation buckets.

 The volume of water

between large plated
mudmat surfaces and
roof structures.

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 New Simplified Method – Added Mass

 Added Mass Reduction due to Perforation Effect of perforation on added mass

This subject is still under discussion. 0.7

The present draft suggest:       S

     A 0.5

     A 0.4

 No reduction in added mass when 0.1


perforation is small .0 10 20 30 40 50
Perforation rate [%]

  A certain drop in the added mass for

larger perforation rates.

  An upper limit on the perforation rate

where the reduction factor is applicable

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 New Simplified Method – Example Case

Example: Submerged Foundation Bucket
2 4
Flat plate : A33o =  ρ  ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ π  ⋅ 2.0 3 = 21867  kg
π  3
  Added mass for a circular disc:
π  ⋅ 2.0 2
Height factor : λ  = = 0.78
2 4
 A33o =  ρ  ⋅     ⋅   ⋅ π  ⋅ 2.0 3 = 21867  kg
1 + π  ⋅ 2.0

π  3 ⎡
1 − 0.78 2

'  ⎢ ⎥ ⋅  A
Height increase :   A33 s = 1+ = 29496  kg

2 ⋅ 1 + 0.78 2 ) ⎥ 33o

  Added mass increase due to body height: Incl. inside volume :   A33s = 29496  + π  ⋅ 1.75 2 ⋅ 3.25 ⋅ ρ  = 61546  kg

π  ⋅ 0.4 2
2 ⎡ 2 ⎤ Perforation :  P = 100 ⋅
π  ⋅ 2.0 2
= 4 < 8 ⇒  No reduction of   A33s
π ⋅ 2.0 '  ⎢ 1 − 0.78 ⎥ ⋅ A = 29496 kg
λ = = 0.78 ⇒  A33s = 1 +
1 + π ⋅ 2.0
2 ⎢
⎢⎣ 2 ⋅ 1 + 0.782 (   ) ⎥ 33o

  Added mass including partly enclosed volume:

 A33 s = 29496  + π  ⋅ 1  .75 2 ⋅ 3.25 ⋅ ρ  = 61546  kg
Bucket Dimensions:
 Height = 3.5m
  Added mass reduction due to perforation:  Diameter = 4.0m

 Plate thickness = 0.25m

π  ⋅ 0.4 2
P = 100 ⋅ = 4 ≈ SMALL ⇒  No reduction of   A33s  Ventilation hole diameter = 0.8m
π  ⋅ 2.0

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 New Simplified Method – Example Case

Example: Submerged Foundation Bucket 1.0m

 Water particle velocity and acceleration:

4π  ⋅( 1+1.25)
⎛ 2π  ⎞ − 2 ⎛ 2π  ⎞ CoG
vw = 1.75⋅ ⎜  ⎟ ⋅ e 5.5 ⋅9.81 = 1.48 m/s   and   aw = ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ vw = 1.69 m/s2
⎝ 5.5 ⎠ ⎝ 5.5 ⎠

 Drag force:
2 2 2 5
 D ⋅ AP ⋅ vr   = 0.5 ⋅ ρ ⋅ 2. 0  ⋅ 0.96 π 2.0 ⋅ (0.25+ 1.48) = 0.37 ⋅ 10  N
 D = 0.5 ⋅ ρ ⋅ C 

Regular Wave Data:

 Mass force:  Wave Height, Hmax = 3.5m
 Wave Period, Tz = 5.5s
 M  =
F  [( M + A33  )⋅ act ]2  + [(ρ V  + A33)⋅  a  w]2   = (13031+ 61546 )⋅ 1.69 = 1.26 ⋅ 105 N
Other Data
 Hydrodynamic force:
 Buoyancy,  ρV = 13031kg
F hyd  =
2 2
( F slam +  F  D ) + F ρ  + F  M 
=  (0.37  ⋅ 10 )  + (1.26  ⋅ 10 )
5 2 5 2
= 1.3 ⋅ 10 5 N  Negligible crane tip motions

 Lowering speed = 0.25m/s

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 34


 Brief overview of relevant DNV


 DNV Rules for Marine Operations, 1996,

Lifting – Capacity Checks

 New Simplified Method for calculation of

hydrodynamic forces

 CFD Analyses – Test Cases

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 35

CFD Analyses – Test Cases

 Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) is a numerical method for Structure
computing fluid flows based on
the Navier Stokes equations.
 The CFD-program COMFLOW is
able to study complex free
surface problems applying the
Volume of Fluid method.
 The fluid domain consists of a
cartesian grid where the fluid
cells are defined either as
boundary cells, empty cells,
surface cells or fluid cells.
 Pressure forces are calculated Fluid
as the integral of the pressure
along the boundary of an object. Inflow boundary, domain
 Airy or Stokes beach at
 Motion responses are not
included, but the object can be 5th wave aft end
given a prescribed motion.

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CFD Analyses – Protection Structure

CFD analysis:
Regular Stokes 5th
wave: H=3.5m T=5.5s
Domain 95x30x37m
4.4 million fluid cells
Minimum grid size
0.18m near object,
stretched elsewhere
8.5x8.5m solid roof
and 10x10xØ1.0m top
Ø1.0m legs, height 8m
and hollow
3.5xØ4.0m buckets at
ventilation holes
Wall thickness 0.25m
half model
60s simulation time
computer time 6weeks

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CFD Analyses – Protection Structure

Fhyd ≈ 1.1·105N Highest upwards

hydrodynamic force
when bucket is fully
submerged occurs
at time t=21s where
the object is located
in a wave trough.

ρV ≈ 1.3·105N

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CFD Analyses – Protection Structure

Half wave length

is ~23.5m and
the distance
between buckets
are 17m.
Hence, there is a
large phase
between the
forces on forward
and aft bucket.

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CFD Analyses – Protection Structure

ComFlow results
show very high
Slamming load slamming loads
on roof structure
on bucket top
and the solid roof
These values are
most likely too
Slamming load high as
on aft bucket compressibility,
formation and
collapse of air
cushions are not
included in the

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CFD Analyses – Spool Piece

CFD analysis:
Regular Stokes 5th
wave: H=3.5m
The wave length is
~equal spool length
130x30x31m 2.2
million fluid cells
Minimum grid size
0.25m near object,
stretched elsewhere
50m long closed
pipe with diameter
Two simulations;
1) half submerged
2) 2m below surface
22s simulation time
computer time 13-

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CFD Analyses – Spool Piece Half Submerged 

The wave length is equal

the spool piece length

Half of the spool piece is

always out of the water.

The total force on each

half vary between zero
and buoyancy+Fhyd

Total forces on aft half at time t=5s :

2 2 ⎛  2π  ⎞   3.5 2
F m = ( ρ V  + madd  ) ⋅ aw ≈ − 2.0 ⋅ ρ  ⋅ π  ⋅ 1.0 ⋅ 25 ⋅ ⋅ ⎜  F total =  ρ Vg + F m =  ρ  ⋅ π   ⋅ 1.0 ⋅ 25 ⋅ 9.81 − 0.6 ⋅ 10 5 = 1.4 ⋅ 10 5 N
⎟ ⋅
π  ⎝ 5.5 ⎠
= − 0.6 ⋅  10
   N ⇒
4 2 4

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CFD Analyses – Spool Piece 2m Submerged 

Total vertical force

Dynamic force amplitude (mainly mass forces)

≈ 0.55·105 kN
Vertical force,
fwd half 

Vertical force,
aft half 

  2 ⎛  2π  ⎞ 3.5
F m = ( ρ V  + madd  ) ⋅ a w ≈ 2.0 ⋅ 1025 ⋅ π  ⋅  1 .0 ⋅ 25 ⋅ 0.77 ⋅ ⎜
Brief approximation of mass force: ⎟ ⋅ = 0.45 ⋅ 10 5  N
4 π  ⎝ 5.5 ⎠ 2

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 43

And then – One Final Comment:

When planning
Marine Operations,
remember to take
into account ....

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 44

Easy Handling ..

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 45

.. and Survey Access !!

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 46

DNV Marine Operations' Rules for Subsea Lifting 27 November 2007 Slide 47

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