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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

I. Objectives:
a. define argumentative text;
b. illustrate through a chart the pros and cons of a given problem; and
c. develop logical reasoning.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Argumentative Text
b. Reference: A Journey Through Anglo- American Literature
c. Materials: Paper strip , chart , picture

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Everybody class stand for a prayer.
Maxwell kindly lead the prayer. Maxwell: ( Lead the prayer )

2. Greetings
Good afternoon class! All: Good Afternoon sir!

3. Checking of Attendance
Who are absent from this row? Row 1: None sir.
How about in this row? Row 2: None sir.
4. Key Behavioural Indicator
What will you do if the teacher is talking in front? Ronalyn: If the teacher is talking in front I will listen
Yes , Ronalyn. attentively .
Very Good!
How about if you want to answer a question? Mark: If we are going to answer a question we must
Yes, Mark. raise our hand and answer it in a complete sentences.
Very Good!
Are you ready for today’s topic ? All: Yes, sir.
a. Review:
What have you learned about the topic yesterday The student answer.
b. Motivation
Class, Who can name this picture?
Yes, John . John: a cell phone sir.
Very Good!
It’s a cell phone . Who among you here have his/
her cell phone ? The student raise their hand.

How important in your daily activities or school the

use of cell phone or technologies?
Yes, May. May: It makes work easier.
Very good!
Try to imagine class, there are no cell phones or
technologies nowadays , what will you feel? Boring and sad

What do you think might happen to us and to our

daily activities ? The student answer.

If you were to choose a machine that you want to

compare yourself , what would that be ? why? The student answer the question.

Very Good!
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
So class before we discuss our topic for today let’s
read first a text entitled the Telephone By: Edward
Field ,but before that you are going to unlock some
unfamiliar words present from the text so that you will
understand clearly what the text is all about.
All: Yes, sir
Are you ready class?
Great ! So bring ¼ sheet of paper because this will be
an activity that will be recorded . Each item will be
equivalent to 5 points.
c. Unlocking of Difficulties
Direction :Arrange the jumble letter
1. To become twisted together into a jumbled mass, or
make something become twisted a jumbled.
2. Conversation about the personal detail of the other TANGLE
people’s lives, whether rumor or fact , especially
when malicious .
3.To die by being underwater too long and unable to
breath. DROWNING
4. Full of shades and shadows, not clearly seen or
understood. SHADOWY
5.To walk slowly in a free and relax way.
d. Reading Phase
Model the reading of the poem “ The Telephone “
by Edward Field then after that ask the students to read
the poem for the second time.

Task 1. Group the class into five to discuss the

message of the poem . Have each group discuss the
given part of the poem prompted by the guided

My happiness depends or an elastic appliance

And I do mind giving it so much credit.

Guided Question:
What is the predominant feeling of the speaker in The speaker is happy because he had those machines
these lines? Why does he feel that way? that can satisfy his needs in life.

When life in the city being what it is

Each person separated friends
By a tangle of subways and buses

Guided Question:
Why are friends disconnected? Friends are being disconnected because they are very
busy in all their activities living in the city.
Yes my phone is my joy
It tells me that I am in the world and wanted
It rings and I am alerted to, love or gossip
I go comb my hair which begins to sparkle

Guided Question:
How does the speaker justify his joy of having a With the use of telephones the speaker is alerted and
telephone? connected to chatters.

Without it I was like a bear in a cave

Drowsing through a shadowy winter
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
It rings and spring has come

Guided Question:
A. To what did the speaker compare man’s
situation before the advent of the telephone? He compare man’s situation to a bear in a cave.

B. What value do people give to the telephone when People value telephones as their device in linking to
he has the access to it? the world.

I stretch and amble out into the sunshine

Hungry again as I pick up the receiver
For the human voice and good news of friends .

Guided Question:
What does the speaker huger for ? Was he able to He is hunger for human voice and the good news of
connect to the world? friends. Yes he was able to connect to the world with
the use of his phone.

Is it clear class?
B. Developmental of the Lesson
e. Presentation
Class, do you like arguing with your seatmates, Yes ,sir
classmates, brothers and sisters.
When it comes to technologies or machines? Answer may vary
So , anyone from the group who can guess what is our
lesson for today? Maxwell: Argumentative text sir .
Yes, Maxwell.

f. Discussion
What is argumentative text? Argumentative text are intended to persuade and
convince the audience in terms of communicative

It is intended to persuade and convince the audience
and in argumentative text we have ? Pros and Cons

Pros are an argument or consideration in favour of

something . Take note of the word “Favor”
Cons are argument or consideration in favour
something . Remember the word Against .
( The teacher will give a examples the student will do
the activity)

Task 1. From the hidden paper strips under your

chairs paste it if they belong to pros and cons.
Given Problem: use of technology in school works
It is favorable and advantageous in an argument.
Pros sir
How about the unfavourable , against and opposing
opinion or views?
Excellent ! Cons sir
Who can give a example of pros and cons class?
The student answer
g. Application
I have here class a chart all you need to do is to pick The student do the activity.
the statement and post it on the chart whether it is cons
or pros .
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
g. Generalization
What is argumentative text again class? Argumentative text are intended to persuade and
convince the audience in terms of communicative

It is the favorable and advantages in an argument ? Pros sir

How about the unfavorable , against and opposing
opinions or views? Cons sir

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write P if the statement pros or
favorable and C if the statement is cons or against .

____1.Communication has become easy.

____2. It leads to health problem..
____3. A generation of laziness .
____4. Easy access of information.
____5. It saves time.

V. Assignment
In a one whole sheet of paper list five disadvantage
and advantages of following communication
technology .

Prepared by: Joren R. Cabreros

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