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night OV Toplumlari olusturan, en kiiciik yapi tas ailedir, Toptumun inanglarini, gelenek ve géreneklerini, deger yargilarini, kisaca kiiltiiriindi barindirir, korur ve gelecek nesle aktarir. Esler arasiSaygi, aile biltiinlugiin korumak ve ollamak ise bircok bilesenin bir araya gelmesi ileaglanmaktadrr. Giftlerin evlendikten sonra uzun yillar boyunca evliliklerini devam ettirebilmelerinde, cinsel yagam énemli bir rol oynar. Cinsellik fiziksel, biyolojik ve toplumsal olarak aile birliginde etkilidir. Cinselligi sadece psikolojik bir boyutla degerlendirmek ise yanlis olacaktir insanlar dogasi geregi hormontara sahiptir ve bu hormonlar cinsel istegi tetikler. Bu yzden ailede huzurun ve mutlulugun ortaya cikabilm- esi ve devam edebilmesi icin cinselligin dogru gekilde anlasilmasi ve aile icinde bir noktaya oturtulmas: gerekir. insanlarin sahip oldugu hormonlar, vitaminler, minareller, saglikli yaglar ve bunun gibi yap taslari bir zaman sonra azalmaktadir. Ihtiyag duyulan yap taslari doganin bize sundugu bilesenler ile disaridan takviye edilebilmektedir Bu yap! taslar! cinsel hayat dahil tiim viicudu- muzun ding ve stabil kalmasinda énemli rol oynamaktadir. Cinsel hayatin da gerektigi gibi yasanabilmesi adina dogada bulunan baz! yapi taslarindan iiriin igerigimizde bulunan; OMEGA 3 Doymamis yag asidi olup viicut mutlak disaridan alinmalidir. Genital bélge damarlar icin énemlidir. Dopamin hormon salgisinin artmasini destekleyerek cinsel atesi tetikler. It is an unsaturated fatty acid and must be taken externally for the body. It is important for genital area veins. Dopa- mine triggers sexual fever by increasing hormone secretion L-ARGININ OREVER The smallest constituent that forms societies is the family, It contains, protects and trans- mits the beliefs, traditions and customs of society, value judgments, in short, culture to the next generation. Respect between husband and wife, protecting and looking after the family integrity is provided by the combination of many components. Sexual life plays an important role for couples to continue their marriage for many years. Sexuality is physically, biologically and socially effective in family unity. It would be wrong to evaluate sexuality only in a psychological dimension. People have hormones by nature, and these hormones trigger sexual desire, For this reason, in order for peace and happiness in the family to emerge and continue, sexuality must be properly understood and placed at a point in the family. Hormones, vitamins, minarets, healthy fats and such constituents that people have decrease after a while, The necessary constituents can be reinforced from the outside with the components that nature offers us. These constituents play an important role in keeping our entire body vigorous and stable, including sex life. In order for sex life to be lived as needed, some of the constituents found in nature are found in our product. It contains; igin Viicudun iretemedigi yari esansiyel amino asittir. Nitrik oksidin temel maddesidir .Damar genislemesine yardimci olur. It is a semi-essential amino acid that the body cannot produce. It is the basic substance of nitric oxide Provides vascular expansion Tic aM oll aMelCtanl Mod melt lalce Lan Cinsel hormon aktivasyonunda rol oynar Teena nea) NaC m a Ta system . Plays a role in sexual hormone activation GINGER Kuvwvetli anti oksidan ve nti inflamatuar Clennam enn oecn tity Celta aaa acl de MoU Ls Itis a plant with strong an ERMC mncicnl tk oxidant and nico esc blood circulation. TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE ALIAS RED CLOVER Kirmizi Yonca olaraktan bilinir Fitodstrojenik dzelligi vardir. Libido artisina katkida bulunur. It's known as red clover . It has phytoestrogenic properties that contribute toincreased libido. GINSENG Kuwetli anti oksidandir kan akimini revize etmeye yardimcidir. Hiicre yenilemeye katki saglar . ADAPTOJEN 6zelligi yiiksektir. It is a strong anti-oxidant that regulates blood flow, contributes to cell regenera- tion . Adaptogen property is high. DIOSCOREA BULBIFERA Uzak dogu bitkisidir. Hormonal duzenle- meye katki sunar .FSH ve OSTRADIOL seviyesine katki saglar. Uzak doguda infertilite icin ek takviye olarak kullanilir. Its's a plant originated from far East. It contributes to Hormonal regulation .|t contributes to the level of FSH and estradiol. In the Far East it is used as a supplement for infertility. LADY PEROX Cam kabugu 62ii, L-arginin, L-sitrulin, Rosvita yani kus burnu 6ziitleri vardir. Ureme organlarina OKSIYEN bakimindan zengin kan akimini saglamaya yardim- cidir ve cinsel islevde iyilesimi destekler. Lady perox includes pine bark extract, L arginine, L citrulin, Rosvita which contains rosehip. It provides Oxy-rich blood flow to the reproductive organs and promotes improvement in sexual function. 18 yas tizer’ kullanim icin uygundar. Sadece viicuda direkt olarak uygulayrn. Géz ve viicudun hassas noktalan ile temastan kaginin ‘Onceden temizlenmis kuru ve tysiiz cit dzerine uygulanmaliair. i/USAGE Z_ Yank ve yaralt yere uygulamayin. Sand: paketinden caren. © Hamitelik durumunda dikkatl kullanun Saydam filmi bandin tizerinden sikarti. 5 Sadece dig kullanim icindir zZ Ense kékii veya kasik bélgesine yapistirin. 24 saatlik kullanim sonrast bandi cikartin. Wi irr F itis suitable for use above 18 years of age. u. g Just apply it directly to the body. S_ Must be applied on previously cleaned, dry Ee Avoid contact with sensitive points of body Zz and hairless skin andthe eyes

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