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Russia - actor in


● Federal space corporation created in 2015

● The main goal: to reform the rocket and space industry in Russia
● Functions:
○ Ensures the implementation of state policy in the field of space activities and its legal
○ Places orders for the development, production and supply of space technology and space
infrastructure objects.
○ Development of international cooperation in the space sector and the creation of
conditions for the use of the results of space activities in the socio-economic development
of Russia.
Federal Space Program 2016-2025
Two stages:

1. 2016 - 2020 - creation of a network of satellites and other spacecrafts (required

minimum) for socio-economic and scientific purposes.

2. 2020 - 2025 - maintenance of launched objects and their substitution with more
contemporary models, where possible.
Main fields
Communication and broadcasting

Increase the number of spacecrafts (from 32 to 41)

Remote probing of the Earth

Increase the number of spacecrafts (from 8 to 23)

Space exploration
● the international project for the exploration of Mars "ExoMars",
● the implementation of scientific programs for research of astrophysical objects (SC
"Spektr-RG", "Spektr-UF") and the implementation of the first stage of the lunar
program; launch of 5 automatic SC ("Luna-Glob", "Luna -Resurs ", " Luna-Grunt ").
Manned missions

● Missions to ISS
● Missions to the Moon

Technology development

Development of the technological ‘base’ as well as perspective technologies.


‘Angara’ `Proton-M` `Soyuz-2`

`Soyuz-2.1v` `Rokot` `Soyuz-5`
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