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Modals Auxiliarly

Kata kata moderator :

Our group will present material regarding modals auxiliary verbs, before introducing my name is
Destyar Gizza Wulamdari as moderator, and my friend ..... (my name is Nurul 'ilmi as presenter one).
Presenter one will present the first material, presenter two will present the next material

Artinya :

kelompok kami akan mempresentasikan materi mengenai modals auxiliary verb, sebelumnya
perkenalkan nama saya Destyar Gizza Wulamdari sebagai moderator, dn teman saya ..... (my name is
Nurul 'ilmi sebagai presenter satu). Untuk materi yang pertama akan disampaikan presenter satu,
materi selanjutnya akan disampaikan presenter dua

A. Definition (nailah)

Modal Auxiliary verbs are words that are placed before the main verb to modify the meaning of the
main verb. Its function is to express willingness or ability, necessity and possibility. Kata kerja bantu
ini antara lain: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, dan ought to (phrasal modal

1. CAN

There are several functions of the auxiliary modal "can" such as:

a Used to express the ability to do or do something (ability). For example:

I can speak English fluently.

She can write 10 novels in a year.

He can answer the math test in 30 minutes.

b. Used to ask for permission informally (request) can be used for people we already know. For

Can I borrow your pen?

Can I call you later?

Can I use your motorbike?

c. Used to give permission to others (permission). For example:

You can use my laptop as long you need it.

He can stay at my house for a day.

The students can borrow books in the library.

d. Used to express possibility (possibility). Contohnya:

You can pass the exam, if you study hard.

He can work in that company if he qualified enough.

e.It is used to express an opportunity.

We can know the meaning of word when we look at dictionary.


Could is the past form of can. There are several functions of the auxiliary modal "could", such as: a. It
is used to express past abilities. For example:

I could play all day long when I was child.

We could swim at the river twenty years ago.

He could run very fast before he got an accident.

b. Used to declare a request (polite permission/ request)

Could I go to the toilet?

Could you please bring me some water?

C, Cused to express permission in the past (past permission). For example:

He could go home earlier because he was sick.

You could borrow my pen.

d. Used to express the possibility in the past (past possibility)

You could pass the exam if you studied hard.

3. MAY & MIGHT (Nurul)

There are several functions of may and might, including:

a Used to ask for permission which is more polite and usually used in formal situations. For example:

May I see you in the office now?

May I get the information about your lesson?

May I ask you some questions?

b. Used to express possibility (possibility). For example:

He may come late to the course today.

She might be jealous because of you.


There are several functions of the auxiliary capital "will" as follows:

a Used to express a desire (willingness). For example:

I will come to the party tonight.

Will you come to my birthday party?

We will go to Singapore next month.

b. Used to express intention/ purpose (especially for the first person singular). Example: I will do my
task later.

c. Used to express a prediction (prediction). For example:

The rain will come soon.

5. WOULD (tyaa)

As for some of the uses of would:

A, Can be used to express permission and subtle offer (polite request and offer).Contohnya:

Would you like bring me a cup of tea?

Would you try some cake?

B, Used to express habits in the past. For example:

Every weekend we would go to beach to see sunset.

C, Used to express wishes. For example:

I would love live in this city

d. Used to express hope. For example:

I wish she would feel the same filling as me.


How many uses does the auxiliary verb "must" among others:

A, a is used to express necessity. For example:

You must complete this task today.

The students must follow the rule.

b. Used to express something possibility. For example:

You must be kidding me.

He must be a smart person.


The uses of the auxiliary verb "Ought to" include:

a Used to give a more binding suggestion to be carried out by the other person. For example:

You ought to respect your teacher.

You ought to practice hard in order to win the competition

8. SHALL (rizky)

There are several uses of the auxiliary verb between other:

A, a Used to express suggestions (suggestions). For example:

Shall we start the meeting now?

b. Used for what to do.For example:

Shall I answer the question?


There are several functions of the auxiliary verb "should" among others:

A, Used to express suggestions or opinions. For example:

You should go to the doctor. You should tidy up your bed.

b. Used to express possibility. For example:

He should be here soon.

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