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Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

Good Evening ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome To “ : WEBINAR PETROPHYSIC” of Society of Petroleum Engineer Balongan Oil

and Gas Academy Student Chapter.

My name is Muhamad Fathurrahman, I am honored to be the Master Of Ceremony for this event.

First of all, let us pray and praise to Allah Swt., because of his bless and mercy, we are able to
come together without any obstacle and with healthy condition in this Event. Second, let us greet
and pray to our beloved prophet Muhammad Saw., who had brought us to the path of light and
left the darkness in life.

The honorable Mr. Arief Rachman, M.T., as Advisor of Society of Petroleum Engineers
Balongan Oil and Gas Academy Student Chapter.

The Honorable to Mr. Miftahul Firdaus M.T

The Honorable to Mrs. Isnani S.Si., M.Sc

The Honorable To Mr budir

The Honorable to Mr Masdik

The Honorable to Mrs Desi

The Honorable Mr. Aditya Krisnadi as a president of SPE AKB SC batch 15 also all of SPE
AKB SC batch 17

The honorable Mr. Sugiarto As Project Manager for this Event.

And the honorable all the participans.

Ladies and gentlemen, in this nice occasion, let us deliver the structure of the event tonight, as
First : Opening

Second : The speech from Project Manager

Third : The speech from Advisor of SPE AKB SC

Fourth : The speech from President of SPE AKB SC batch 13

Fifth : The Speech from Mrs Isnani Agriandita, S.Si., M.Sc

Sixth : The Speech from Mr Miftahul Firdaus M.T

Seventh : The Speech from President SPE of AKB SC batch 16

Eigth : Presentation from President SPE AKB SC batch 17

Ninth : Show Break

Tenth : Introduction of SPE AKB SC staff batch 17-18

Eleventh : Introduction of SPE AKB SC staff batch 13-16

Twelfth : alumni sharing by SPE staff batch 13-16

Thirteenth : messages for the current period (alumni memberikan wejangan untuk periode

Fourteenth : Closing

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s start this event by saying basmalah together, (bismillah…).

The First speech will be delivered by Project Manager, to Mr. Sugiarto time and place its yours
Thank you to Mr Sugiarto. for the speech and opening.

The next speech from Advisor of SPE AKB SC to Mr. Arief Rahman time and place its
Thank you to Mr. Arief Rahman for the speech.

Next speech from President of SPE AKB SC batch 17 to Mr. Aditya Krisnadi time and
place its yours
Thank you to Mr. Ade Azhar for the speech

For the Next speech would be delivered from Mrs Isnani Agriandita, to Mrs Isnani time
and place its yours

Thank you to Mr. Zaenal Abidin for the speech.

Next speech from President of SPE AKB SC batch 15 to Mr. Luthfi or the representatif
time and place its yours

Thank you to Mr. Luthfi for the speech.

Next speech from President of SPE AKB SC batch 16 to Mr. Guntur Hanif or the
representatif time and place its yours

Thank you to Mr. Gutur Hanif for the speech.

Next, the presentation of SPE AKB SC by the President of SPE AKB SC batch 17, mr. Aditya
Krisnadi, time and place it yours

Thank you to Mr. Aditya Krisnadi For the presentation

For the Next is take a break to pray untill 20.00 P. M and also we close the opening session of
this gathering online.
Next at 20.05 P. M we start Introduce and sharing session with bahasa

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