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Louis Pasteur

Accomplishments Louis Pasteur’s most notable accomplishments

were creating vaccinations, pasteurization, and
proving that germs cause disease.
The First Vaccine

Louis Pasteur created the first vaccination. It

was a rabies vaccine administered to a nine-year
old boy named Joseph Meister in 1885. Pasteur
created this after he realized that you can
administer weak forms of viruses to people and
animals in order to build immunity to a stronger
form of the virus. Pasteur researched for four
years before administering the vaccine to
Meister. He administered vaccines to dogs and
rabbits during his trials.
Pasteurization Pasteur created the process of Pasteurization.
Pasteurization involves heating liquids at high
temperatures for short periods of time in order to
kill all pathogens in the food or drink without
affecting the quality of it.
Pasteur’s development of pasteurization could not

Threat to the have come at a better time for the French beer and
wine industry. The French alcohol industry had been

Alcohol Industry spiraling downhill for years due to so many

microorganisms in the drinks which were spoiling
them and making people incredibly sick. As a result,
people stopped buying alcoholic drinks which was
negatively affecting the French economy. Pasteur
Pasteurized the wine and beer by heating it to about
60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) which
killed all microorganisms within the drinks making it
safe to drink once again.
Proof the Bacteria causes
Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation when in
Another test he conducted was to put raw meat
1858, he took cotton and filtered the air with a gun-cotton
into sealed containers and unsealed containers to
filter and used a microscope to find microorganisms (ie
see if maggots formed through spontaneous
bacteria), on the cotton. generation and found that maggots only appeared
His nickname is “Father of Germ Theory” on the unsealed containers of meat meaning the
maggots had to move to the meat and therefor,
disproves spontaneous generation.
Threat to the Silk
A disease killing Silkworms (also called silk moths),
was threatening the French silk industry. Pasteur

Industry discovered there were microbes in the silk farms that

were causing nosema disease, which was killing the
silk moths. He discovered that the disease was both
hereditary and contagious so he created the Cellular
Egg Production Method which helped preserve healthy
silkworm eggs.
Early Life
Louis Pasteur was born on December 27th,
1822. He was born in Dole, France. He was
born into an impoverished family and didn’t
have much. He was said to have average
grades as a child and was not a prodigy. His
life turned towards science when he was a
teenager in grade school when he conducted
his first scientific experiment.
Personal Life and Legacy

While at the University of Strasbourg, he fell Pasteur started the Pasteur institute in 1887
in love with Marie Laurent, the daughter of which is now one of the leading institutes
the university’s rector. The couple married in worldwide in fighting infectious diseases. His
1849 and had five children together, two creations of the vaccine, pasteurization, and
survived. The other three died of typhoid germ theory have been instrumental in
fever which lead Pasteur to investigate and saving the lives of millions worldwide. He
find cures for diseases. died of a stroke in 1895 and is buried at the
Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France.
In conclusion, Louis Pasteur was instrumental in the
field of medicine and is responsible for saving the lives
of millions. He created the vaccine, pasteurization, and
germ theory. He saved the French silk and alcohol
industry. He is one of the most important entrepreneurs
in history.

The End

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