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Phil- Am War- the most demanding war ever in our


The Spanish American War is just a Story of the past

There are three (3) countries remain under the Colony of
Spain Rule, we have Cuba and Puerto Rico and
Cuba was under control of Spain for 10 years already.
Cuba wants Independence from Spain.
These are the following questions that we need to know.
1. What are the causes of the Spanish American War?
a. U.S Support of Cuba’s Independence
b. To protect U.S business interests in Cuba
c. Yellow Journalism
d. Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
- Below are the causes (Code: UPAY) of the Spanish-
American War?
Slide No. 8
USS Maine Explosions – USS Maine was a united states
navy ships that sank on Harvana Harbor, Maine - On
February 15, 1898, that battleship sunk by an explosion
that killed 260 men.
The said ship had been sent to Cuba to defend the
American people and property from the radical chaos.
The fall of the USS Maine created an outcry against
Spain, particularly by the more issues and propaganda
that kept the Spanish government accountable.
The incident started the Spanish-American war on April
The main reason why USA help Cuban people.
Protect American Business interest in Cuba - The united
states are trading with Cuba and so when Cuba wants
independence and be free under the control of Spain,
America promises to support Cuba's independence in
order to protect their investments and business.
However, the on-going civil war in Cuba was costing
American business delay. So, many U.S business
interests (Banks, sugar cones or plantations, hotels) in
Cuba were disrupted by war.
Slide No. 12
Treaty of Paris signed on December 10, 1898
• Spain gave up Guam, Puerto Rico, its possessions
in the West Indies, and the Philippines in
exchange for a U.S. payment of $20 million.

American Sympathy towards Cuban Fight for Freedom

against Spanish Rule - Cuban Patriot's demand for
sovereignty from Spanish rule made U.S interference in
Cuba from the 1870s to 1898 a major problem in ties
between the United States and Spain.
Valeriano Weyler – the governor general of cuba and
Philippines forced 300,000 Cuban rebels into
concentration camps which lead those rebels to die from
the disease, starvation, and exposure that gives rise to
many American Sympathizers.
Slide No. 13
Yellow Journalism (Media Coverage); Propaganda of
Spanish American War).
(Fake News) opportunity to sell newspapers; it is also a
style of news paper reporting that help to push the
United States and Spain into War in Cuba - The pro-
rebels feelings were inflamed by the U.S "yellow press,
which distorted and slanted the news from Cuba. U.S
newspapers ran exaggerated stories of the events in Cuba
to increase circulations – of informations. Many stories
sensationalized the event but Americans believed them to
be true and so the public opinions becomes Anti-Spain.
Next Questions (Back to Slide No. 4)
2. How was the Philippine Independence declared?
This question is quite crucial since the story behind the
independence of each Filipino in the present time came
from the blood, tears, and life of our beloved fallen
heroes. Including Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio
Aguinaldo, General Luna, del pilar. Many more.
In Slide No. 33 & 34. No. 35
Wherein in the past, each of them was called upon to
carry out revolutionary revolts, which were initially
initiated by "La Liga Filipina" along with Dr. Jose Rizal,
and were continued and primarily led by a secret
organization called "Katipunan" by Andres Bonifacio. Due
to the goal of getting our deprived liberty from the
In Slide No. 40
The revolution wasn’t that easy for the katipuneros as,
apart from the fact that unsuccessful revolts had taken
place since Spaniards were more equipped and had more
troops compared to them, it turned out that rivalry
emerged from their said organization, which eventually
led to the division of the Katipunans (Councils) -
Magdiwang and Magdalo. At last, after experiencing
several bloody and unsuccessful revolts as well as the
disputes of the Katipunans themselves, the Katipuneros
finally had the taste of victory over the Spaniards
through their undying bravery, nationalism, and Emilio
Aguinaldo's established relationship with the United
Slide No. 47
On June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo proclaimed the country's
sovereignty and the birth of the Filipino Republic, from
his balcony in his house in Kawit, Cavite, the Filipino
flag was unfurled, and the Filipino National Anthem,
"Lupang Hinirang," was first heard by the Filipino people.
3. Why Aguinaldo return to the Philippines after his exile
in Hong Kong?

In Slide No. 24
- Emilio Aguinaldo returns to the Philippines to continue
his armed insurrection. Aguinaldo finally entered a
contract with the Spaniards, agreeing to exile in Hong
Kong Pact of Biak na Bato- in exchange for 800,000 US
dollar. Pact- of Biak na Bato was the second revolution
led by Emilio Aguinaldo.
Throughout his exile in Hong Kong, he became a friend of
the Americans.
So he returned to Manila on May 19, 1898, to oust the
Spaniards with the support of the Americans, and on
June 12, 1898 declared independence for the
4. Who were the inspiration of the Philippine Revolution?
- Our three key leaders, Dr. Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio,
and Emilio Aguinaldo, were the inspiration behind the
Philippine Revolution. Started by Jose Rizal who was a
brilliant, multi-talented man. He was a doctor, a novelist,
and the founder of La Liga Filipina, a peaceful anti-
colonial pressure group that sought peaceful reform. And
it because of the two popular novel of Rizal the Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
After Rizal was arrested and deported to Dapitan, the La
Liga Filipina dissolve, this was superseded by a call for
aggressive reforms, put forward and favored by Bonifacio.
Upon having heard Rizal's arrest, Bonifacio and his
fellow men formed the Katipunan. Aguinaldo joined the
Katipunan movement of Andres Bonifacio in 1894 and
became general of the Cavite area when the open war
broke out in 1896. Aguinaldo went into exile in late
1897, after surrendering to the Spanish, but was brought
back to the Philippines by American forces in 1898 to
join in the battle that ousted Spain after almost four
centuries. After that, Aguinaldo was recognized a s the
first president of the independent Republic of the
The Philippine American War
- Or or we can call this one as Filipino – American
War. (1899- 1902)
Slide No. 3
Munitions- is usually a military weapons.
Slide No. 4
- Mariano De Los Santos- some says he was an
Slide no. 10.
- Before the issuance of the Benevolent
Assimilation (Proclamation).
- Before the conclusion of the treaty of paris,
president Mckinley pretended not to know what
to do with the Philippines.
- Actually there were pressure groups

- The American businessmen who pressured

McKinley for economicreasons, American
businessman saw the Philippines as a market for
American Products and a start for the americans
to enter the Asian Market.
- The military and navy pressure groups were
interested in gaining a fiithold of power and
defense in Asia by turning the Philippines into
its first line of defense from the east expanding
from Guam.
- The third pressure groups were from the
American protestants who wanted to spread
Protestantism to the Philippines.
- All of these are ehat pressured McKinley to lay a
plan of benevolent assimilation to the

Hence, Mc. Kinley could not ignore these vested

interests and so he finally instructed the
American peace commissioners in Paris to
demand the cession of the Philippines to the
united states.
It is evident that from the outset the Americans
never really intend to help the Filipinos to win
their independence, (So may hidden agenda’s ung
America) dapat hindi sila nagpadala successive
military reinforcement in the Philippines.

- With the treaty of Paris- to the satisfaction of the

American vested interests. Mc- Kinley issued a
Benevolent Assimilation on December 21, 1898.

- This proclamation was the first official indication

of American policy regarding the Philippines.
Slide No. 14
- It is expressly indicated the intention of the
United States to stay in the Philippines by
exercising the right of sovereignty over the
filipinos. In other words the united states would
assume full control and disposition of the
government of the Philippines.
- In the same time, president mckinley instructed
his military commaders in the Philippines to
extend American sovereignty over the entire
country by force.
Slide No. 15

- General Merritt, did not published the full text of

Mckinley’s proclamation for fear of arousing the
anger of the filipinos. Instead, he changed some
words to soften the language of proclamation so
as not to antagonize the people. “Kumbaga
niloloko lang ng mga amerkino ung mga filipinos
at the time”. Bait-baitan kung baga pra makuha
ang gusto. Hehehe.

Slide No. 16

- Filipinos Reaction to the Proclamation

- General Miller and General Otis both was in Ilo-
ilo, published the original texts of the
proclamation. A copy fell into the hands of the
revolutionary leaders. Ayan walang kawala.
- The proclamation was immediately subjected to
severe attacks.

- Antonio Luna who is the editor of La

Independencia – led the attack on the
proclamation and pointed out that it was merely
a subterfuge to quiet the people temporarily until
measures could be inaugurated and applied to
put in practice all the odious feature of
government which spain had employed in the
Slide No. 17 Continue
- On January 5, 1899 – Aguinaldo issued a
counter-proclaimation “ the content of the
“ My government cannot remain indifference, in
view of such a violent and aggressive seizure of a
portion of its territory by a nation which
arrogated to itself the title of champion of
oppressed nations. That it is that my
government is disposed to open hostilities if the
American troops attempt to take forcible
possession of the visayan islands.
- I denounce these acts before the world, in order
that the conscience of mankind may pronounce
its infallible verdict as to who are true oppressors
of nations and the tormentors of mankind.
Slide No. 19
- In revised proclamation issued, Aguinaldo
protested most solemly against his intrusion of
the united states government on the sovereignty
of these islands.
- General Otis said- regarded the two proclamation
of Aguinaldo as tantamount to war. Genera Otis-
quietly strengthen the American observation
posts and alerted his troops.
- What the filipino did? They evacuated to a safer
place around manila.
- So Aguinaldo on the other hand- Aguinaldo
proclamations drew the masses together with a
vigorous determination to fight the American
(ally) in turns inti enemy.

- Slide 18
- Attempts to Relax the Tension
- Aguinaldo tried to relax the filipino- American
- He knew fully well that an armed conflict with
the americans would necessitate more and bitter
sacrifices on the part of the filipinos and not
having sufficient arms and ammunition othe
filipino troops would be a terrible disadvantage
( bka nga bolo lang ung dala dala ng mga filipino
troops natin noon).
- Ano ginawa ni Aguinaldo?
- Aguinaldo wrote a letter to General Otis-
notifying him of the appointment of Floretino
torres, ambrosio flores and manuel arguelles to
meet same number of American commissioner.
- The purpose of such meeting of the
commissioners was to work out plan for the
adjustment of the conflicting political interests
of both parties.
- General Otis and appointed Geberal R. P. Hughes.
Colonel James Smith and lieutenant colonel E.H.
Crowder to meet with the Filipino Commission.
- The shot that start the war.
- Slide 23
- This was the San Juan Bridge incident –
- On February 1,1899- a group of American
engineers was arrested by the filipino troops, it
because of these incidents general Otis filed a
protests with Aguinaldo, but Aguinaldo replied
that the five americans were not arrested but
merely detained.
- Agiunaldo contend that they were found well
within the filipino lines and that they were
detained in accordance with the decree of
October 20, 1898 prohibiting foriegners from
approaching the filipino defensive works.
Slide No. 25
- On February 2, 1899 – General McArthur
protested in the presence of colonel Luciano san
Miguel soldiers within his territory.
- Slide 26.
- On February 4, 1899 – An incident occurred
which led to the outbreak of filipino- American
- On the same day, Private Willie Grayson with two
other members of his patrol, advanced ahead of
the village in San Juan to ascertain whether
there were filipino soldiers in the vicinity.
- McArthur without attempting to find out the
cause of the firing, issued his order to advance
against the filipino troops. The filipino- American
war was on.

- Captain Fernando Gray conducted an

investigation and said that the firing started in
malolos, that Americans were the one who
started the hostilities.
- On Feb 7, 1899.- Aguinaldo ordered Buencamino
to start again the investigation, and Buencamino
asked the secretary of War Baldomero Agunaldo
for information regarding the incident.
- Slide 30.
- Drive to the North
- Slide no, 35
- The battle of Bagbag
- Important to the filipinos was the bagbag river
which afforded them good protection against
- Slide No. 39.
- The Fall of Mabini
- Mabini as the President of the cabinit, he was the
most powerful men behind Aguinaldo. Mabini
urged the filipinos to continue the bitter struggle
for independence.
- Slide no. 44.
- The assassination of General Antonio Luna
- Of all filipino soldier, Antonio Luna was the best
prepared to fight the American enemy.
- He was educated and studied in Europe, and
studied in military science and tactics. “Kung sa
time natin eto ung Art of War”. At magaling si
General Luna jan.
- Aguinaldo recognized his brilliance and
appointed him to a high position in the army.
Luna saw that the army had no discipline. So he
tried to instill discipline in the army, but the
common soldiers particularly the Kawit regiment
did not like him for it.
- Slide No. 51-
- The conquest of the Visayas
- American conquest of the visayas
General Miller attack ilo-ilo- miller demanded the
surrender of the city but the filipino patriots headed
by Martin Delgado refused and decided to fight. Fight
against the heavy odds. Delgado ordered the burning
of the city to prevent the enemy from using it as a
base of their operation.
But later on nakuha parin ng americans ung ilo-ilo-
sta.barbaa, mandurriano, miller din sent American
warship to cebu demanded its surrender.
Negros Constitution- The American occupation of
negros was easy for the negrenses sympathy with the
amreicans and dun na ni raised ung amrican flag
when ilo-ilo was taken by the americans.
Slide No. 56
The bates treaty-
- The amrican were very diplomatic and cheerful
in dealing with the muslims, in an attempt to
win them, the americans appointed General John
Bates to negotiate a treaty with the sultan by
which the muslims and the americans could exist
peacefully. There is no attempt on the part of
the American to conquer the muslims for they
knew fully well that they would have a big fight
on their hands if they made an attempt.

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