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J Neurosurg 115:387–397, 2011

Segmental anatomy of cerebellar arteries:

a proposed nomenclature
Laboratory investigation
Ana Rodríguez-Hernández, M.D.,1 Albert L. Rhoton Jr., M.D., 2
and Michael T. Lawton, M.D.1
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California; and 2Department
of Neurological Surgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Object. The conceptual division of intracranial arteries into segments provides a better understanding of their
courses and a useful working vocabulary. Segmental anatomy of cerebral arteries is commonly cited by a numerical
nomenclature, but an analogous nomenclature for cerebellar arteries has not been described. In this report, the micro-
surgical anatomy of the cerebellar arteries is reviewed, and a numbering system for cerebellar arteries is proposed.
Methods. Cerebellar arteries were designated by the first letter of the artery’s name in lowercase letters, distin-
guishing them from cerebral arteries with the same first letter of the artery’s name. Segmental anatomy was numbered
in ascending order from proximal to distal segments.
Results. The superior cerebellar artery was divided into 4 segments: s1, anterior pontomesencephalic segment;
s2, lateral pontomesencephalic segment; s3, cerebellomesencephalic segment; and s4, cortical segment. The anterior
inferior cerebellar artery was divided into 4 segments: a1, anterior pontine segment; a2, lateral pontine segment; a3,
flocculopeduncular segment; and a4, cortical segment. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery was divided into 5
segments: p1, anterior medullary segment; p2, lateral medullary segment; p3, tonsillomedullary segment; p4, telovelo-
tonsillar segment; and p5, cortical segment.
Conclusions. The proposed nomenclature for segmental anatomy of cerebellar artery complements established
nomenclature for segmental anatomy of cerebral arteries. This nomenclature is simple, easy to learn, and practical.
The nomenclature localizes distal cerebellar artery aneurysms and also localizes an anastomosis or describes a graft’s
connections to donor and recipient arteries. These applications of the proposed nomenclature with cerebellar arteries
mimic the applications of the established nomenclature with cerebral arteries. (DOI: 10.3171/2011.3.JNS101413)

Key Words      •      anterior inferior cerebellar artery      •

posterior inferior cerebellar artery      •      superior cerebellar artery      •      segmental anatomy

rteries are critical landmarks for microsurgi- ture is established for the segments of the ACA, MCA,
cal dissection in the subarachnoid spaces, pro- and PCA (Table 1).6,7,14–16,22–24,29 This numbering system
viding reliable guidance when opening fissures, is easy to use and more widely practiced than the actu-
navigating through a clot after subarachnoid hemorrhage, al names of arterial segments. For example, a proximal
and exposing aneurysms or a variety of other patholo- MCA aneurysm is more likely to be described as an M1
gies.10,11,17,21,25–28 Individual arteries have been divided segment aneurysm than as a sphenoidal segment aneu-
conceptually into segments based on their curvature and rysm, just as a distal MCA aneurysm is more likely to be
course.18,20 The resulting segmental anatomy has helped described as an M2 segment aneurysm than as an insular
neurosurgeons learn and appreciate an artery’s unique segment aneurysm.
characteristics, branches, and relationships to adjacent Segmental anatomy of infratentorial cerebellar ar-
neuroanatomy. Segmental anatomy has also provided a teries has also been described by Rhoton and colleagues
working vocabulary that clinicians apply to patients’ spe- through cadaveric dissection,8,9,12,13,18,24 but a numerical
cific anatomy and pathology. nomenclature has not been established for the segments
Segmental anatomy of supratentorial cerebral arteries of the SCA, AICA, and PICA. Recognizing the educa-
has been described in detail by Rhoton et al.18,20 through tional and practical value of such a nomenclature, we pro-
cadaveric dissection. Furthermore, a numeric nomencla- pose a numbering system for cerebellar arteries that is
analogous to the numbering system for cerebral arteries.
Abbreviations used in this paper: ACA = anterior cerebral artery;
AICA = anterior inferior cerebellar artery; CN = cranial nerve; MCA
= middle cerebral artery; PCA = posterior cerebral artery; PICA = Methods
posterior inferior cerebellar artery; SCA = superior cerebellar artery;
STA = superficial temporal artery; VA = vertebral artery. Cerebellar arteries were designated by the first letter

J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011 387

A. Rodríguez-Hernández, A. L. Rhoton Jr., and M. T. Lawton
TABLE 1: Established nomenclature of cerebral arteries, carotid TABLE 2: Proposed nomenclature of cerebellar arteries
arteries, and VAs*
Artery Segment
Artery Segment
ACA  s1 anterior pontomesencephalic
 A1 precommunicating or horizontal  s2 lateral pontomesencephalic
 A 2 postcommunicating or infracallosal  s3 cerebellomesencephalic
 A3 precallosal  s4 cortical
 A4 supracallosal AICA
 A5 postcallosal  a1 anterior pontine
MCA  a2 lateral pontine
 M1 sphenoidal  a3 flocculopeduncular
 M2 insular  a4 cortical
 M3 opercular PICA
 M4 cortical  p1 anterior medullary
PCA  p2 lateral medullary
 P1 precommunicating  p3 tonsillomedullary
 P2 postcommunicating  p4 telovelotonsillar
 P2A crural  p5 cortical
 P2P ambient
 P3 quadrigeminal
 P4 calcarine brainstem and the cerebellum (cerebellomesencephalic,
ICA cerebellopontine, and cerebellomedullary), and the sur-
 C1 cervical faces of the cerebellum (tentorial, petrosal, and suboccipi-
 C2 petrous tal). When examining these relationships, 3 neurovascu-
lar complexes are defined: an upper complex related to
 C3 lacerum
the SCA, a middle complex related to the AICA, and a
 C4 cavernous lower complex related to the PICA. Each neurovascular
 C5 clinoidal complex includes one of the 3 parts of the brainstem, one
 C6 ophthalmic of the 3 surfaces of the cerebellum, one of the 3 cerebel-
 C7 communicating lar peduncles, and one of the 3 major fissures between
VA the cerebellum and the brainstem. In addition, each neu-
rovascular complex contains a group of CNs. The upper
 V1 pretransverse
complex includes the oculomotor, trochlear, and trigemi-
 V2 transverse nal nerves that are related to the SCA. The middle com-
 V3 atlantoaxial plex includes the abducent, facial, and vestibulocochlear
 V4 intracranial nerves that are related to the AICA. The lower complex
includes the glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and hy-
*  ICA = internal carotid artery. poglossal nerves that are related to the PICA.
In summary, the upper complex includes the SCA,
of the artery’s name: s denotes the SCA; a, the AICA; midbrain, cerebellomesencephalic fissure, superior cer-
and p, the PICA. Lowercase letters were used to distin- ebellar peduncle, tentorial surface of the cerebellum, and
guish cerebellar arteries from cerebral arteries with the the oculomotor, trochlear, and trigeminal nerves. The
same first letter of the artery’s name (specifically, ACA SCA arises in front of the midbrain and passes below the
and PCA). The segmental anatomy was numbered in as- oculomotor and trochlear nerves and above the trigeminal
cending order from proximal to distal segments. The pro- nerve to reach the cerebellomesencephalic fissure, where
posed nomenclature for cerebellar arteries is summarized it runs on the superior cerebellar peduncle and terminates
in Table 2 and Fig. 1. by supplying the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The
middle complex includes the AICA, pons, middle cere-
Results bellar peduncle, cerebellopontine fissure, petrosal surface
of the cerebellum, and the abducent, facial, and vestibu-
Optimizing operative approaches to the posterior locochlear nerves. The AICA arises at the pontine level,
fossa requires an understanding of the relationship of the courses among the abducent, facial, and vestibulocochle-
cerebellar arteries. The 3 cerebellar arteries bear a con- ar nerves to reach the surface of the middle cerebellar
sistent relationship to other structures occurring in parts peduncle, where it courses along the cerebellopontine fis-
of three in the posterior fossa including the brainstem sure and terminates by supplying the petrosal surface of
(midbrain, pons, and medulla), the cerebellar peduncles the cerebellum. The lower complex includes the PICA,
(superior, middle, and inferior), the fissures between the medulla, inferior cerebellar peduncle, cerebellomedul-

388 J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011

Nomenclature of cerebellar arteries

Fig. 1.  Overview of segmental anatomy of infratentorial arteries, as seen in lateral (A), anterior (B), superior (C), and inferior
(D) views. Printed with permission from Albert L. Rhoton Jr.

lary fissure, suboccipital surface of the cerebellum, and rostral of the infratentorial arteries. After passing above
the glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, and hypo- the trigeminal nerve, the SCA enters the cerebellomesen-
glossal nerves. The PICA arises at the medullary level, cephalic fissure, where its branches make several sharp
encircles the medulla, passing close to the glossopharyn- turns and give rise to the precerebellar arteries, which
geal, vagus, accessory, and hypoglossal nerves to reach pass to the deep cerebellar white matter and the dentate
the surface of the inferior cerebellar peduncle, where it nucleus. On leaving the cerebellomesencephalic fissure
dips into the cerebellomedullary fissure and terminates where its branches are again medial to the tentorial edge,
by supplying the suboccipital surface of the cerebellum. its branches pass posteriorly under the tentorial edge and
are distributed to the tentorial surface. The SCA usually
Superior Cerebellar Artery arises as a single trunk, but may also arise as a double
The SCA or its branches are exposed in surgical ap- (or duplicate) trunk. The SCAs arising as a single trunk
proaches to the basilar apex, tentorial incisura, trigeminal bifurcate into a rostral and a caudal trunk. The SCA gives
nerve, cerebellopontine angle, pineal region, clivus, and off perforating branches to the brainstem and cerebellar
the upper part of the cerebellum. The SCA is intimately peduncles. Precerebellar branches arise within the cer-
related to the cerebellomesencephalic fissure, the superior ebellomesencephalic fissure. The rostral trunk supplies
half of the fourth ventricular roof, the superior cerebellar the vermian and paravermian area, and the caudal trunk
peduncle, and the tentorial surface (Figs. 1 and 2). The supplies the hemisphere on the suboccipital surface. The
SCA arises in front of the midbrain, usually from the bas- SCA frequently has points of contact with the oculomo-
ilar artery near the apex, and passes below the oculomo- tor, trochlear, and trigeminal nerves.
tor nerve, but may infrequently arise from the proximal
PCA and pass above the oculomotor nerve. It dips cau- Segments. The SCA is divided into 4 segments: an-
dally and encircles the brainstem near the pontomesen- terior pontomesencephalic, lateral pontomesencephalic,
cephalic junction, passing below the trochlear nerve and cerebellomesencephalic, and cortical (Figs. 1 and 2).
above the trigeminal nerve. Its proximal portion courses Each segment may be composed of one or more trunks,
medial to the free edge of the tentorium cerebelli, and its depending on the level of bifurcation of the main trunk.
distal part passes below the tentorium, making it the most Anterior Pontomesencephalic Segment, s1. This seg-

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A. Rodríguez-Hernández, A. L. Rhoton Jr., and M. T. Lawton

Fig. 2.  Segments of the SCA.  A: Superior view. The SCA arises at the level of the midbrain and dips caudally along the
pontomesencephalic junction to enter the cerebellomedullary fissure and supply the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The s1
courses anterior to the midbrain, the s2 lateral to the upper brainstem, the s3 in the cerebellomesencephalic fissure (Cer. Mes.
Fiss.), and the s4 is formed by the cortical branches.  B: Lateral view of the right pontomesencephalic junction showing s1 to s3.
The s2 loops downward toward the trigeminal nerve.  C: Anterior view. The s1 arises anterior to the midbrain, and the s2 loops
downward to the level of the junction of the trigeminal nerve with the midpons.  D: The SCA bifurcates early and both the rostral
and caudal trunks dip in to the cerebellomesencephalic fissure to form the s3.  E: The superior lip of the cerebellomesencephalic
fissure has been removed to expose the s3 within the fissure where it gives branches that continue down the superior cerebel-
lar peduncle (Sup. Cer. Ped.) to the dentate nucleus.  F: Superior view of the s4 formed by the cortical branches supplying the
tentorial surface of the cerebellum. Bas. A. = basilar artery; Ca. Tr. = caudal trunk; Perf. A. = perforating artery; Ro. Tr. = rostral
trunk; Vert. A. = vertebral artery.

ment is located between the dorsum sellae and the upper terminates at the anterior margin of the cerebellomesen-
brainstem. It begins at the origin of the SCA and extends cephalic fissure.
below the oculomotor nerve to the anterolateral margin of Cerebellomesencephalic Segment, s3. This segment
the brainstem. Its lateral part is medial to the anterior half courses within the cerebellomesencephalic fissure. The
of the free tentorial edge. SCA branches enter the shallowest part of the fissure
Lateral Pontomesencephalic Segment, s2. This segment located above the trigeminal root entry zone and again
begins at the anterolateral margin of the brainstem and course medial to the tentorial edge with its branches in-
frequently dips caudally onto the lateral side of the upper tertwined with the trochlear nerve. The fissure in which
pons. Its caudal loop projects toward and may reach the the SCA proceeds progressively deepens medially and
root entry zone of the trigeminal nerve at the midpon- is deepest in the midline behind the superior medullary
tine level. The trochlear nerve passes above the midpor- velum. Through a series of hairpin-like curves, the SCA
tion of this segment. The anterior part of this segment loops deeply into the fissure and passes upward to reach
is often visible above the tentorial edge, but the caudal the anterior edge of the tentorial surface, the surface fac-
loop usually carries it below the tentorium. This segment ing the lower margin of the tentorium. The trunks and

390 J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011

Nomenclature of cerebellar arteries

branches of the SCA are held in the fissure by branches for exposing the branches ipsilateral to the craniotomy
that penetrate the fissure’s opposing walls. Identification near the midline, below the pineal within the cerebel-
of individual branches of the SCA within this fissure is lomesencephalic fissure, and in the posterior part of the
made difficult by the sharp curves of the branches and by ambient cistern.
the large number of intermingled arterial loops.
Cortical Segment, s4. This segment includes the Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
branches distal to the cerebellomesencephalic fissure that
pass below the tentorium and are distributed to the tento- The AICA courses through the central part of the
rial surface. cerebellopontine angle near the facial and vestibuloco-
chlear nerves (Figs. 1 and 3). It or its branches may be
Operative Exposure. The SCA is exposed when deal- exposed in surgical approaches to the cerebellopontine
ing with neoplasms involving the cerebellum, posterior angle, basilar artery or VA, clivus, the fourth ventricle
cavernous sinus, tentorial incisura, and cerebellopontine and cerebellum, and during approaches directed through
angle and when dealing with aneurysms arising at the the temporal and occipital bones. The AICA is intimately
basilar apex, origins of the SCA and PCA, and, although related to the pons, lateral recess, foramen of Luschka,
rare, on the distal SCA. It is less common when dealing cerebellopontine fissure, middle cerebellar peduncle, and
with arteriovenous malformations, during vascular de- petrosal cerebellar surface. The AICA originates from
compression of the trigeminal nerve in trigeminal neural- the basilar artery, usually as a single trunk, and encircles
gia, and during a revascularization bypass procedure for the pons near the abducent, facial, and vestibulocochlear
posterior fossa ischemia. nerves. After coursing near and sending branches to the
Selecting an operative approach to a lesion involving nerves entering the acoustic meatus and to the choroid
the SCA requires that the arterial segments involved be plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka, it passes
accurately defined. The only supratentorial approach that around the flocculus on the middle cerebellar peduncle
provides exposures to the SCA origin, anterior and later­ to supply the lips of the cerebellopontine fissure and the
al pontomesencephalic and cerebellomesencephalic seg- petrosal surface. It commonly bifurcates near the facial-
ments, and the proximal cortical branches is a temporal vestibulocochlear nerve complex to form a rostral and a
craniotomy with elevation of the temporal and occipital caudal trunk. The rostral trunk sends its branches later-
lobes combined with division and retraction of the ten- ally along the middle cerebellar peduncle to the superior
torium. Extending this approach backward to the quad- lip of the cerebellopontine fissure and the adjoining part
rigeminal cistern often necessitates obliteration of some of the petrosal surface, and the caudal trunk supplies the
of the veins draining the lower surface of the temporal inferior part of the petrosal surface, including a part of
and occipital lobes, with the risk of venous infarction and the flocculus and the choroid plexus. The AICA gives rise
edema. A similar or even greater exposure of the SCA is to perforating arteries to the brainstem, choroidal branch-
achieved with the combined supra-/infratentorial presig- es to the tela and choroid plexus, and the nerve-related
moid approach with tentorial splitting, but this is a much arteries, including the labyrinthine, recurrent perforating,
more extensive operation. When the tentorium is divided and subarcuate arteries.
in either of the above approaches, care must be taken to Segments. The AICA is divided into 4 segments: the
prevent injury to the trochlear nerve that passes between anterior pontine, lateral pontine, flocculopeduncular, and
the lateral pontomesencephalic segment and the tentorial cortical segments. Each segment may include more than 1
edge. The SCA origin, along with the basilar apex, if lo- trunk, depending on the level of bifurcation of the artery
cated above the dorsum sellae, can be reached through (Figs. 1 and 3).
a pterional or orbitozygomatic craniotomy with opening Anterior Pontine Segment, a1. This segment, located
of the Liliequist membrane. Exposing a low SCA origin between the clivus and the belly of the pons, begins at
by the pterional route may require that the dura roof of the origin and ends at the level of a line drawn through
the cavernous sinus be opened, a so-called transcavern- the long axis of the inferior olive and extending upward
ous approach, in which the anterior and posterior clinoids on the pons. This segment usually lies in contact with the
and upper part of the dorsum sellae must be removed. rootlets of the abducent nerve.
Resecting the petrous apex in the subtemporal anterior Lateral Pontine Segment, a2. This segment begins at
petrosectomy approach will also aid in exposing a low the anterolateral margin of the pons and passes through
SCA origin, if it cannot be exposed by dividing the ten- the cerebellopontine angle above, below, or between the
torium. A retrosigmoid craniotomy, extending to the edge facial and vestibulocochlear nerves and is intimately re-
of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses, provides excellent lated to the internal auditory meatus, the lateral recess,
exposure of the SCA in the region of the trigeminal nerve and the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of
and the anterior part of the cerebellomesencephalic fis- Luschka. This segment gives rise to the nerve-related
sure. This approach provides satisfactory exposure of the branches that course near or within the internal acoustic
lateral pontomesencephalic segment, but not of the ori- meatus in close relationship to the facial and vestibulo-
gin or of other segments. A supracerebellar-infratentorial cochlear nerves. This segment is divided into premeatal,
approach provides satisfactory exposure of the cortical meatal, and postmeatal portions, depending on their re-
branches, the lateral part of the cerebellomesencephalic lationship to the porus of the internal acoustic meatus.
fissure, and lateral part of the midbrain. The occipital These nerve-related branches are the labyrinthine artery,
transtentorial approach provides a more favorable angle which supplies the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves

J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011 391

A. Rodríguez-Hernández, A. L. Rhoton Jr., and M. T. Lawton

Fig. 3.  Segments of the AICA.  A: Anterior view. The a1 arises at the pontine level and passes below CN VI. The s2 begins
at the level of a rostrocaudal line extending along the most prominent part of the olive and courses along the lateral medulla.
The a3 begins where the artery passes above the flocculus to run on the middle cerebellar peduncle, which forms the floor of
the cerebellopontine fissure.  B: Enlarged view. The cerebellopontine angle, also called the cerebellopontine fissure (Cer. Pon.
Fiss.), is formed by the cerebellum, folding around the pons to form an angular cleft with the flocculus and CNs VII and VIII in the
center. The fissure has upper and lower limbs that meet at a lateral apex.  C: View through a retrosigmoid craniotomy. The a2 is
the site of a loop directed toward or into the internal acoustic meatus. The a3 courses above the flocculus (Flocc.) and along the
middle cerebellar peduncle toward the apex of the cerebellopontine fissure. The a4 is formed by the cortical branches supplying
the petrosal surface of the cerebellum.  D: Posterior view with the posterior meatal lip removed to show the a2 looping into the
porus of the meatus and the a3 passing above the floccus.  E: Right anterolateral view of a1 to a4.  F: Anterolateral view of
another brainstem and cerebellum showing a1 to a4. Inf. = inferior; Nerv. Intermed. = nervus intermedius; Sup. = superior; Vest.
N. = vestibular nerve.

and vestibulocochlear labyrinth; the recurrent perforating malformations located infratentorially are uncommon
arteries, which pass toward the meatus but turn medially compared with those in supratentorial locations, and not
to supply the brainstem; and the subarcuate artery, which infrequently involve the other cerebellar arteries in addi-
enters the subarcuate fossa. This segment not uncom- tion to the AICA and the brainstem, thus increasing the
monly dips below the pontomedullary junction, especial- management risk. Compression of the facial and vestib-
ly if it is tortuous. ulocochlear nerves by tortuous arteries is postulated to
Flocculopeduncular Segment, a3. This segment begins cause dysfunction of these nerves, a concept that is re-
where the artery passes rostral or caudal to the flocculus viewed elsewhere.
to reach the middle cerebellar peduncle and the cerebel- The AICA may be approached through a retrosig­
lopontine fissure. The trunks that course along the pe- moid, middle fossa, translabyrinthine, or combined su­pra-/
duncle may be hidden beneath the flocculus or the lips of infratentorial presigmoid approach. The retrosigmoid ex-
the cerebellopontine fissure. posure is excellent for lesions involving the meatal and
Cortical Segment, a4. This segment is composed of postmeatal segments of the AICA, the lateral part of the
the cortical branches to the petrosal surface of the cer- mid and lower brainstem below the trigeminal nerve, and
ebellum. the area near the internal acoustic meatus. A subtemporal
middle fossa approach, with division of the tentorium and
Operative Exposure. The AICA is most commonly possibly combined with a medial petrosectomy, may be
exposed in operations for tumors of the cerebellopon- selected for lesions in which the AICA has a high ori-
tine angle. Aneurysms involving the AICA are rare and gin, or also involves the SCA and basilar arteries. In the
if not located at the origin, are most likely located at or middle fossa approach to the internal meatus, only a short
near the internal acoustic meatus. The displacement and segment of the artery located near the meatus is exposed
management of the nerve-related arteries with vestibular and sometimes only if the artery loops into the meatal
schwannomas are reviewed elsewhere.19 Arteriovenous porus. The translabyrinthine approach exposes the AICA

392 J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011

Nomenclature of cerebellar arteries

at, and for a short distance proximal and distal to, the superior part of the VA, because the VA courses from the
internal acoustic meatus, and along the anterior part of lateral side of the medulla below to the anterior surface
the petrosal surface. The supra-/infratentorial presigmoid of the medulla above. An anterior medullary segment is
approaches with various degrees of resection of the semi- present if the VA at the level of origin of the PICA has
circular canals, vestibule, and cochlea may be selected passed to the anterior surface of the brainstem. From its
for lesions located deep in front of the brainstem, espe- origin, the PICA usually passes posteriorly around or
cially those located near the AICA origin. The AICA ori- between the hypoglossal rootlets, but occasionally loops
gin may be exposed in the anterior approaches directly upward, downward, laterally, or medially before passing
through the clivus only if the origin is near the midline, posteriorly around or between the hypoglossal rootlets.
but not if the origin is from a tortuous basilar artery that Lateral Medullary Segment, p2. This segment begins
loops far laterally into the cerebellopontine angle. where the artery passes the most prominent point of the
olive and ends at the level of the origin of the glossopha-
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery ryngeal, vagus, and accessory rootlets. Its course varies
from passing directly posterior to reach the glossopha-
The PICA has the most complex, tortuous, and vari- ryngeal, vagal, and accessory rootlets to ascending, de-
able course and area of supply of the cerebellar arteries. scending, or passing laterally or medially to form one or
It may be exposed in surgical approaches to the foramen more complex loops in the cistern on the side of the brain-
magnum, fourth ventricle, cerebellar hemisphere, brain- stem before passing between these nerves.
stem, jugular foramen, cerebellopontine angle, petrous
apex, and clivus. The PICA is intimately related to the Tonsillomedullary Segment, p3. This segment begins
cerebellomedullary fissure, the inferior half of the ven- where the PICA passes posterior to the glossopharyngeal,
tricular roof, the inferior cerebellar peduncle, and the vagus, and accessory nerves and extends medially across
suboccipital surface (Figs. 1 and 4). The PICA, by defi- the posterior aspect of the medulla near the caudal half of
nition, arises from the VA near the inferior olive and the tonsil. It ends where the artery ascends to the midlevel
passes posteriorly around the medulla. At the anterolat- of the medial surface of the tonsil. The proximal portion
eral margin of the medulla, it passes rostral or caudal to of this segment usually courses near the lateral recess and
or between the rootlets of the hypoglossal nerve, and at then posteriorly to reach the inferior pole of the tonsil.
the posterolateral margin of the medulla it courses ros- This segment commonly passes medially between the
tral to or between the fila of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, lower margin of the tonsil and the medulla before turning
and accessory nerves. After passing the latter nerves, it rostrally along the medial surface of the tonsil. The loop
courses around the cerebellar tonsil and enters the cer- passing near the lower part of the tonsil, referred to as the
ebellomedullary fissure and passes posterior to the lower caudal or infratonsillar loop, may also course superior or
inferior to the caudal pole of the tonsil without forming
half of the roof of the fourth ventricle. On exiting the cer- a loop. In some cases it dips below the caudal margin of
ebellomedullary fissure, its branches are distributed to the tonsil and even below the level of the foramen mag-
the vermis and hemisphere of the suboccipital surface. num. A caudally convex loop is not present if the PICA
Most PICAs bifurcate into a medial and a lateral trunk. passes directly medial between the tonsil and medulla, if
The medial trunk supplies the vermis and adjacent part of the PICA ascends along the lateral surface of the tonsil to
the hemisphere, and the lateral trunk supplies the corti- reach the hemispheric surface, or if the artery has a low
cal surface of the tonsil and the hemisphere. The PICA origin from the VA and ascends posterior to the medulla
gives off perforating, choroidal, and cortical arteries. The to reach the tonsil.
cortical arteries are divided into vermian, tonsillar, and
hemispheric groups. Telovelotonsillar Segment, p4. This is the most com-
plex of the segments. It begins at the midportion of the
Segments. The PICA is divided into 5 segments: an­ PICA’s ascent along the medial surface of the tonsil
terior medullary, lateral medullary, tonsillomedullary, toward the roof of the fourth ventricle and ends where it
telovelotonsillar, and cortical (Figs. 1 and 4). These exits the fissures between the vermis, tonsil, and hemi-
seg­ments are often longer than the distance around the sphere to reach the suboccipital surface. In most, but
medulla or the tonsil because the PICA frequently has a not all, hemispheres, this segment forms a loop with a
tortuous course and forms complex loops on the side of convex rostral curve, called the cranial loop. This loop
the brainstem among the lower CNs, near the tonsil, and is located caudal to the fastigium between the cerebellar
caudal to the roof of the fourth ventricle. Each segment tonsil below and the lower half of the fourth ventricular
may include more than one trunk, depending on the level roof formed by the tela choroidea and posterior medul-
of bifurcation of the artery. lary velum above. This segment gives rise to branches
Anterior Medullary Segment, p1. This segment lies an- that supply the tela choroidea and choroid plexus of the
terior to the medulla. It begins at the origin of the PICA fourth ventricle.
anterior to the medulla and extends backward past the Cortical Segment, p5. This segment begins where the
hypoglossal rootlets to the level of a rostrocaudal line trunks and branches leave the groove between the vermis
through the most prominent part of the inferior olive medially and the tonsil and the hemisphere laterally, and
that marks the boundary between the anterior and lateral includes the terminal cortical branches. The bifurcation
surfaces of the medulla. Those PICAs arising lateral to of the PICA often occurs near the origin of this segment.
rather than anterior to the medulla do not have an ante- The cortical branches radiate outward from the superior
rior medullary segment. An anterior medullary segment and lateral borders of the tonsil to the remainder of the
is more likely to be present if the PICA arises from the vermis and hemisphere.

J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011 393

A. Rodríguez-Hernández, A. L. Rhoton Jr., and M. T. Lawton

Fig. 4.  Segments of the PICA.  A: Left posterolateral view. The cerebellum was removed by dividing the cerebellar pe-
duncles. The p1 arises anterior to the level of the inferior olive. The p2 courses between the most prominent part of the olive and
the origin of CNs IX–XI from the medulla. The p3 courses along the posterolateral medulla and inferior cerebellar peduncle. The
p4 courses within the telovelotonsillar cleft and forms the cranial loop, and the p5 is composed of the cortical branches.  B: Pos-
terior view. The p2 courses between the most prominent part of the olive and the origin of CNs IX–XI. The p3 courses along the
posterolateral medulla and inferior cerebellar peduncle (Inf. Ped.).  C: Superior view of an axial section through the medulla. The
p1 arises along the anterolateral margin of the medulla and is related to the rootlets of the hypoglossal nerve. The p2 is situated
between the most prominent part of the olive and the origin of CNs IX–XI from the medulla.  D: Posterior view of the relationship
between the p1 to p3 and to the lower CNs. The p1 arises anterior to the midportion of the olive and passes by the rootlets of CN
XII. The p2 courses along the lateral medulla and the p3 along the posterolateral medulla and inferior cerebellar peduncle.  E:
The right half of the cerebellum has been removed to show p3 to p5.  F: Posterior view of the suboccipital surface of the cerebel-
lum. The p3 courses along the caudal margin of the tonsil, and the p5 is composed of the cortical branches. Caud. = caudal; Chor.
Plex. = choroid plexus; Cran. = cranial; Vent. = ventricle.

Operative Exposure. The PICA is exposed when deal- with a low-lying origin has to be followed upward into the
ing with neoplasms involving the cerebellopontine angle, cerebellopontine angle or there is a need to mobilize the
foramen magnum, cervicocranial junction, clivus, jugu- site of the VA’s passage through the dura, a far-lateral or a
lar foramen, fourth ventricle, and cerebellum; aneurysms limited transcondylar approach may be considered. A ret-
arising at the PICA origin, the most common site in the rosigmoid craniotomy may be sufficient to expose a PICA
posterior fossa below the basilar apex, and less frequent- arising from the midportion of the VA on the lateral side
ly from the distal segments; arterial dissections at the of the brainstem in the lower part of the cerebellopon-
PICA-VA junction; arteriovenous malformations, which tine angle. If there is a need to expose the origin deep in
also commonly involve the other cerebellar arteries and the midline near the vertebrobasilar junction, a supra-/in-
the brainstem as well as the cerebellum; posterior fossa fratentorial presigmoid approach with some added degree
ischemia requiring bypass because of the PICA’s easy of labyrinth resection may be required, depending on the
accessibility through a suboccipital craniotomy and the depth of the PICA origin and the pathology. A midline
proximity to the occipital artery; anomalies at the cranio- suboccipital craniectomy, possibly combined with re-
cervical junction, such as the Chiari malformation and moval of the posterior atlantal arch, is usually sufficient
osseous deformities; and dysfunction of the lower CNs to expose pathology involving the tonsillomedullary and
such as glossopharyngeal neuralgia. telovelotonsillar segments of the artery. Lesions involv-
The PICA can arise outside the dura, and at any point ing the PICA in the walls in the fourth ventricle, vermis,
from along the intradural course of the VA. The origin and paravermian areas are usually exposed by a midline
can be located along the lateral side of the medulla, if suboccipital approach. Lesions involving the hemispheric
the artery arises near the passage of the VA through the branch can be exposed through a suboccipital craniotomy
dura, or in front of the brainstem if the origin is high near centered over the pathology.
the vertebrobasilar junction. Exposing a low-lying PICA
origin, either extradurally or immediately intradurally, at Discussion
the level of the foramen magnum can be achieved by a
midline suboccipital or a far-lateral approach. If an artery A nomenclature for segmental anatomy of cerebral

394 J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011

Nomenclature of cerebellar arteries

arteries is established, numbering the segments of the lation bypasses are possible using the nomenclature. For
ACA, MCA, and PCA in a manner that is easy to learn, example, the PICA-PICA bypass joins the p3 segments
easy to communicate, and useful intraoperatively during with a side-to-side anastomosis (p3-p3 bypass), and the
microsurgical dissections along arteries in the subarach- PICA reimplantation onto the VA is a p2-V4 end-to-side
noid space. A similar nomenclature for segmental anat- anastomosis. These applications of the proposed nomen-
omy of cerebellar arteries is lacking. In this report, we clature with cerebellar arteries mimic the applications of
propose such a nomenclature that numbers the segments the established nomenclature with cerebral arteries.
of the SCA, AICA, and PICA in a manner that is also easy Better description of posterior circulation bypasses
to learn, easy to communicate, and useful intraoperative- would clarify important technical nuances (Fig. 6). For
ly during microsurgical dissections along arteries in the example, the STA-to-SCA bypass is performed classi-
subarachnoid space. Vascular pathology associated with cally to the lateral pontomesencephalic segment, which
cerebellar arteries is less prevalent than with cerebral ar- is exposed subtemporally. This bypass can also be per-
teries, but this nomenclature might be valuable with distal formed just lateral to the oculomotor nerve on the distal
aneurysms. Distal cerebellar artery aneurysms are often anterior pontomesencephalic segment, which is exposed
described generically without specifying the exact aneu- pretemporally.28 The description “STA-SCA bypass”
rysm location. The nomenclature localizes these aneu- does not differentiate these anatomical and technical dif-
rysms more precisely (Fig. 5), which currently is lacking ferences. Applying the nomenclature, the STA-SCA by-
in published reports and spoken communications. Simi- pass performed through a subtemporal approach using
larly, the nomenclature localizes a bypass anastomosis an s2 recipient segment might alternatively be described
precisely or describes a graft’s connections to donor and as an STA-s2 bypass. The STA-SCA bypass performed
recipient arteries. Alternative names of posterior circu- through a pretemporal approach using an s1 recipient

Fig. 5.  Case example: distal a1 AICA aneurysm. This 27-year-old woman presented with progressive headaches, nausea,
imbalance, and vertigo. A: Axial T2-weighted MR image demonstrating a 1.5-cm-diameter mass indenting the right antero-
lateral pons.  B and C: The initial digital subtraction angiogram does not show an aneurysm (left VA injection, anteroposterior
view [B]), but an angiogram obtained 3 months later demonstrates a subtle filling of the aneurysm in the arteriolar and capillary
phases of the angiogram (right VA injection, anteroposterior view [C]), indicating recanalization of a thrombotic a1 segment AICA
aneurysm. D: The aneurysm was exposed through a right extended retrosigmoid approach, working between CNs VII and VIII
superiorly and IX and X inferiorly. E: The aneurysm was located on the a1 (anterior pontine) segment, originating on the AICA
as it courses above the abducent nerve entering the Dorello canal. The aneurysm’s thick walls and dolichoectatic morphology
prevented direct clipping, and the aneurysm was trapped.

J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011 395

A. Rodríguez-Hernández, A. L. Rhoton Jr., and M. T. Lawton

Fig. 6.  Case example: s1 SCA bypass.  A and B: This 55-year-old woman presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage from a
multilobulated left SCA aneurysm, seen on digital subtraction angiography (VA injection, anteroposterior view [A]) and rotational
angiography with 3D reconstruction (B). The superior lobule was coiled and residual neck preserved blood flow in the SCA. The
patient was referred for surgery to treat the residual aneurysm. Intraoperatively, it seemed unlikely that the aneurysm could be
clipped without occluding SCA and likely that a bypass would be needed to preserve it. C: The s1 (anterior pontomesence-
phalic) segment was prepared as the recipient site, just lateral to the oculomotor nerve. The anterior temporal artery was used
as the donor artery. D: The anterior temporal artery was transected distally and reimplanted onto SCA with an end-to-side
anastomosis. After bypass patency was confirmed, the aneurysm neck was dissected and clipped. The patient tolerated anterior
temporal artery sacrifice without neurological sequela.

segment might alternatively be described as an STA- tactic navigation, but overlying arterial anatomy can also
s1 bypass. Similarly, description of PICA bypasses with confirm the point of access to the underlying malforma-
the nomenclature adds technical nuance to their names. tion, particularly when there are registration inaccuracies,
These names for posterior circulation bypasses are analo- brain shift, or minimal hemosiderin staining.
gous to those for anterior circulation bypasses, like the Lowercase letters were used to distinguish infraten-
A2-A2 ACA bypass and the C3–5 cavernous carotid artery torial arteries from supratentorial arteries with the same
bypass.7,17 first letter of the artery’s name. Although the nomencla-
The proposed nomenclature uses the arterial seg- ture is clear in written communication, it may not be clear
ments already defined by Rhoton and colleagues.8,9,12,13,18,24 in verbal communication. An “a3 segment” aneurysm
The segmental anatomy of the VA and its numbered sys- could be interpreted verbally as a distal AICA or a peri-
tem were defined previously.1–5 Anatomical descriptions callosal aneurysm. The simplicity of using the first letter
are clear and logical, but these names for cerebellar ar- of the artery’s name outweighs the potential confusion in
terial segments are cumbersome and can be forgettable. spoken communication, and verbal context should clarify
A numbered system for arterial segments is easier to re- infra- versus supratentorial location. In addition, segmen-
member and easy to apply. A numbered system will, if tal nomenclature is easily combined with the name of the
nothing else, encourage a more thorough appreciation of parent artery, as in “a3 segment AICA aneurysm.”
the anatomy of cerebellar arteries. Arteries are critical Arteries in the posterior fossa are susceptible to nor-
landmarks that guide microsurgical dissection in the sub- mal anatomical variations, tortuosity, and underlying dis-
arachnoid spaces to vascular lesions. The exact location ease such as atherosclerosis. Segmental definitions may
of a cerebellar arteriovenous malformation may not be not be clear in these cases. For example, a PICA that orig-
clear by inspecting the lateral cerebellar surface through inates proximally, just beyond the VA’s dural penetration,
an extended retrosigmoid approach, but correlating ob- may be lateral to the medulla and not have a p1 (anterior
served anatomy with angiographic segmental anatomy medullary) segment. An elongated and tortuous basilar
can guide the dissection (Fig. 7). The dissection of brain- artery can displace the AICA’s origin lateral to the line
stem cavernous malformations relies on frameless stereo- drawn through the long axis of the inferior olive, confus-

Fig. 7.  Case example: cerebellar arteriovenous malformation.  A: This 55-year-old man presented with a left cerebellar
hemorrhage and a small cerebellar arteriovenous malformation, seen on CT angiography (axial view).  B: A digital subtraction
angiogram (left VA injection, anterior oblique view) confirms a small arteriovenous malformation arising from the flocculopedun-
cular (a3) segment of the AICA.  C and D: Dissection into the cerebellopontine angle traced the AICA along its cortical and
subarachnoid segments to reach the nidus (C), which was removed through a left extended retrosigmoid approach (D).

396 J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011

Nomenclature of cerebellar arteries

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J Neurosurg / Volume 115 / August 2011 397

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