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TEXTBOOK: Fairyland 2

TEACHER: Ene Andreea Elena

SCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 79, Sector 4, Bucuresti

GRADE: 2nd


LESSON: Body Parts

AIM: to develop students’ speaking skills by discussing the topic and to provide

opportunities for collaborative work

OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson, students will be able name the body parts in

English. The students will also be able to use the the body parts in short sentences

TIME: 45 minutes


TYPES OF INTERACTION: Teacher-Students;Student-Student

SKILLS: Speaking, Listening, Writing

MAIN TOPIC: Learning lessons

AUDIO/VISUAL AIDS: student’s book, worksheets, whiteboard and marker, videos,

interactive board, post-its

METHOD(S): Communicative

STRATEGIES: conversation, exercise, writing

TYPES OF ACTIVITIES: whole class; individual work; pair work;

WARM-UP: Informal conversation



Body Parts: head, arm, tummy, leg, foot, nose, eye, mouth

1. Some students might already have learnt some of the words;

2. Some students may find it difficult to pronounce certain words;


1. Create some interesting contexts and topics to talk about

2. Encourage elicitation in the teaching stage and ask for plenty of example

Stages of the lesson

Warm up:

Procedure: The teacher walks into the class and greets the students. The teacher

checks the attendance and also starts checking the homework

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Timing : 5‘


Procedure: The teacher draws on the whiteboard two circles. In the first circle. The

teacher writes ‘head’ and in the other circle writes ‘body’. The teacher asks the

students to say words they know associated with the head/body. While saying them,

the teacher writes in the diagram the words.

Interaction: T-Ss, S, Ss-T

Timing: 5’

Procedure: The teacher starts the lesson by displaying on the interactive board a

presentation with some monsters.The teacher describes one of the monsters, and

allows the students to guess which one is being described. The teacher tells the

students to choose one monster from the presentation, that they will describe in their

notebooks, starting from the following sentences - ‘It has....’ and ‘It is ...’The teacher

allows a few answers, while the other students will have to guess what monster was


Interaction: T-Ss, S, Ss-T

Timing: 10’


Procedure: The teacher splits the whiteboard in half. On each side of the board, the

teacher will put some sticky notes with random body parts. The teacher will ask two

volunteers to come in front of the class. The two students will stay in front of the

whiteboard, facing the class. The teacher asks the rest of the class, to come to their

colleagues one by one, take a sticky note from the board and put it on the specific

body part of the volunteer in front.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss

Timing: 10’

Controlled practice:
Procedure: For this activity the teacher gives the students a worksheet. The
worksheet is a pumpkin template. The teacher dictates some short sentences, while the
students have to draw according to what they hear.
Interaction: T-Ss, S
Timing: 10’

Procedure: The teachers issues the homework to the class. The students will have to
write as homework, at least 3 sentences about the pumpkin that they drew according
to the dictation. The class finishes with a song.
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 5’

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