How To - Commssioning Fieldbus Devices1 PDF

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How to ….

Commissioning Fieldbus Device

Centum VP + PRM

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Foundation Fieldbus environment settings ............................................................................. 3
2.1 Device Panel environment settings.................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Fieldbus Builder Environment Settings ............................................................................................ 5
2.3 Foundation Fieldbus Segment Common settings ........................................................................... 7
2.4 DD file folder settings for CENTUM VP and PRM ............................................................................. 7
3. Configuration of FF Instruments in Centum VP. ....................................................................10
3.1 Assigning a Tag and Address to the device .................................................................................... 14
3.2 Equalize the offline project configuration with a FF device ........................................................... 17
4. Configuration of FF Instruments in PRM ...............................................................................27
5. Continues activities PRM/BP Engineer ................................................................................38

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1. Introduction
Foundation Fieldbus is a two-way digital communication network for field devices like
sensors and final elements. Since Foundation Fieldbus is fully digital communication, the
traditional 4-20mA current signal is replaced by 0’s and 1’s.
Therefore, a different approach is required for field device maintenance in comparison
with more traditional 4-20mA field devices.
The major differences are:
1) The handling of device configuration is integrated into the DCS system.
2) The parameter structure is different than e.g. HART devices.
This document is written to provide a procedure for commissioning Foundation Fieldbus
devices. The first part describes the steps to be carried out within the Yokogawa Centum VP
environment. Then the steps to be taken within the Plant Resource Manager system are
In the beginning can be found information related to Foundation Fieldbus Environment
settings for:
1) Device Panel environment settings
2) Fieldbus Builder environment Settings
3) Foundation Fieldbus Segment Common settings
4) DD file folder settings for Centum VP and PRM

2. Foundation Fieldbus environment settings

This chapter is describing the steps to be taken BEFORE any engineering can be carried
out in the systems. Please confirm these steps when functions are not working properly in the
engineering environment of Centum VP.

2.1 Device Panel environment settings

 From the Windows Start button, go to the “YOKOGAWA CENTUM” folder and start
“System View”
 Go to “Tools” ->”Fieldbus” -> “Device Panel”

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 Open “Device Panel”.

 Check Environment Settings via “Options” -> “Environment Settings”. Make sure the path
names are accordingly.

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 The path names should be set as follows:
Library Database Folder Path -> “Centum VP Location” \DevicePanel\LibraryDB
CF/DD files Folder Path ->“Project Location”\”Project name”\Fieldbus\CFDDFILE
Template File Folder Path ->“Project Location”\”Project name”\Fieldbus\TEMPLATE

2.2 Fieldbus Builder Environment Settings

 From the Windows Start button, go to the “YOKOGAWA CENTUM” folder and start
“System View”.
 Select an ALF111 Foundation Fieldbus interface card inside System View.

 Double click on the xALF111-x icon and the Fieldbus builder will open.
 Open the project common settings via ‘Environment Settings’->”Project Common…”.

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 Check “Environment Settings”, “Project Common”. Make sure that the directory paths
are corresponding with the location of the project.

 The path names should be set as follows:

Directory Path of Capabilities File/DD File -> “Project Location”\”Project
Destination Directory of Host File Set -> “Project Location”\”Project name”\Fieldbus\HOSTFILE

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Destination Directory of Template File -> “Project Location”\”Project

2.3 Foundation Fieldbus Segment Common settings

Apply the Segment Common settings according this procedure:
 Go back to the Fieldbus Builder and open “Environment Settings” ->”Segment
 Set the FB segment-specific environment settings to:

2.4 DD file folder settings for CENTUM VP and PRM

This actions to be taken before starting off-line FF engineering and Device commissioning:
 The DD (Device Description) files of all Foundation Fieldbus devices used in the project
must reside in the “Fieldbus” folder of the CentumVP project location. A copy of this set
must be stored to the PRM DD folder.
For example a new device must be added or replaced in the project:
Yokogawa YVP110 Fieldbus Valve Positioner
According the Foundation Fieldbus specifications, the DD file is constructed as follows:

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 Check the Yokogawa interoperability site for HIST tested files. This internet site contains
the DD files that are compliant with the Host Interoperability System Test by Yokogawa.
( This site also contains DD files from other vendors than
 In this example case, download the DD file for Yokogawa YVP110.

 Transfer the downloaded package to – for example - an USB memory drive.

 Unpack and copy the content to the following directory on the CentumVP project server:
“Project Location”\”Project name”\FIELDBUS\CFDDFILE\<MANUFAC_ID>\<DEV_TYPE>\

The DD file(s) to be copied are:

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The DD files should also reside on the PRM Field Communication Server.
 Copy the downloaded DD-files to the PRM Field communication server in the
following path:

 In case of the actual on-site device revisions (DEV_REV, DD_REV) differ from the ones
used during the off-line engineering phase, first perform an upgrade to the actual
revisions, (FB-Device Registration, Change Device Model/Type...) and download the

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3. Configuration of FF Instruments in Centum VP.
 From the PAS Engineering Workstation go to the “CENTUM VP” ->”System View” and
select the correct ALF111 card (FCS number, node and slot number, as per the instrument
loop diagram/segment drawing). Double click the ALF card and this opens the Fieldbus

 To check the communication condition of the FF device go to Tools and select “Device

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 This opens the device panel (also known as the life list).

 When the device panel is opened for the first time, go to Options and select Environment
Settings and check if the option: “The equalization of block parameter’s values are
targeted by the equalization processing.” is not enabled

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For adding a new device to PAS in the device panel the following device information shall be
checked and matched with the master data in PAS (data as per device list in the Fieldbus Builder),
instrument loop sheet or segment drawing:
a) Device Tag
b) Node Address
c) Device Class (Default; must always be ‘BASIC’)
d) DEV_TYPE (Master data on instrument data sheet (instrument type))
e) DEV_REV (Master data in PAS, Fieldbus builder)
When the instrument in the Device Panel is not the same as in the Fieldbus Builder the device
has to be checked with the instrument loop sheet or segment drawing which device need to be

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3.1 Assigning a Tag and Address to the device
 Right click on the new device and select “Tag Assignment”.

 The following screen appears:

 Rename the device by entering the correct tag in the field “Device Tag Name”.
 Uncheck “Assign Automatically” and enter the appropriate device address.

Note 1 : Make sure the Device Tag Name and Node address matching exactly with the offline
configuration in the left column of the Device Panel.

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 A confirmation window appears. Also press OK. The “Tag + Address” will be assigned
right now. This can take a while.

 The assignment is ready when the message window indicates:

Note 2: In a segment, multiple devices can have the same Node Addresses configured. In
the field the devices need to be disconnected and one by one added to the PAS system to
update the addresses.
Note 3: Occasionally one or more devices can have a node address configured that is not
falling into the range of free defined addresses the controller is scanning for. To solve this
issue, follow the steps below.

 To change the “Scanning Range” open Fieldbus Builder go to Environment Settings ->
Segment Common and enable “The parameter is corrected manually.”

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 Enable “Show/Hide detail settings items” button (if not done yet) and select the card. Go
to tab “Common Information” and change the range at “Range of Node Addresses” from
0x23 to 0xE7.

 If the devices are correctly connected the devices are going to be shown in the Device
Panel and addresses can be changed to the address divined by the master data.
 When all connected devices are found and the Node address is adjusted, the range has to
be changed back to 0x23 and the setting “The parameter is corrected manually.” has to
be disabled.

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3.2 Equalize the offline project configuration with a FF device
 When the device addresses are sorted out go back to the device panel drag and drop the
device from the panel on the right (Device on FF-H1 bus Information) and drop it on to the
project- defined device. Then select “Yes” on de “Device Information Display Dialog” to
update the values of the block parameters.

 Press “OK” on the “Continue” dialog box:

 If asked Select “No” and do not update the values of the blocks.

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 Change to “Equalization” mode. Press on the “Equalization Mode” button on the upper
left corner of the screen:

 Check if the manufacturer, model and device revision are equal.

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 The option “The equalization of the block parameter is executed” has to be disabled.
 Start the Equalisation process (lower right). Confirm to continue (if the Fieldbus Builder
and/or the Control Builder are open, confirm to close them).

 Now a list of actions to be taken appears. Press “Execute” to start the equalisation
process. The items mentioned in the list can be different per device and situation,
because it depends on the state of the device.

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 Press “Finish” when the process is completed with result:
“---- Error = 0 Warning = 0 ----“

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 Errors can be expected, especially when the Device Class has to be changed. This is
explainable, because the equalisation process waits until the device is recovered from the
Device Class change (needs a reset of the device). The resulting screen can still show
SUCCESS tick marks.

 Despite the fact that the equalization process finished successfully, it is sometimes
necessary to re-run the equalization because the device prohibits the update of all
parameters of all blocks in one go. The second run takes less time because most steps
finished in the first run.

 Close the “Device Information Display” after the equalization process.

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Now the device is equalized with the CentumVP offline configuration database.

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Additional step; Apply the user template in the Fieldbus Builder. Select “Device Registration” >
“Apply user template”.

The list of applicable templates is shown. Select the applicable template (highlighted in blue) and
click “OK”. Don’t change the default selectbox, this will change the default template.

Note 1: The list of templates shows checkboxes. Template selection is not by means of these
checkboxes, they are used to define the default template. The setting of this template selection
checkbox shall not be changed during I/O checking.

Note 2: For various instrument types, more than one template exists, although for most
instrument types there is only one. In case multiple templates exist, the selection shall be made
upon instrument function. Examples are the differential pressure transmitters that may be used
either for DP or gauge pressure measurements. These measurement types require different
templates. Temperature instruments, where the template depends on the temperature element
being used, are similar.

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In the Fieldbus Builder, confirm the correct template name (which is shown in green) and
download to the device.

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 After the equalisation go back to the Fieldbus Builder and start the initial download to the
device. Open the fieldbus builder, File, Download and select the Device, left and right
tickbox should be selected.

Note 1: When a Warning or Error are shown as final result check the alarm and try to find
out what the problem is. In most cases a parameter set in the Fieldbus Builder for a block
(MDO/AI/RESOURCE/TRANSDUCER/etc ) is not allowed by the device. For example this can be the
permitted mode of a MDO blocks or the unit in an AI block. When a change is made at the block
in the Parameter Editor, rerun the Initial Download.
Note 2: When there are still communications errors run the “Master Data Download” to
the device. The Master download can be performed in the Fieldbus builder and can be found
under Initial download at Advanced Functions.
After a successful Initial/Master Data Download open the Device Information Display and update
the device information, select Equalization Mode and check if all Block Parameters are equalized.

 Commission the device to remove the tag label shown in the device panel. Select device,
right mouse click “Commission”. The tag label will disappear.

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 From Device Panel, click on the “+” sign shown left of the device. Press “UPDATE” in the
top tool bar to refresh the view. This lists the available functions blocks as working in the
device. Resource, transducer, analogue input blocks should be in “AUTO”. Other blocks
can be in “OS” mode. If an AI or AO which is used in the controldrawingof the function
blocks do not report “AUTO”, this must be investigated.

Note3: Additional step required if using templates;

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4. Configuration of FF Instruments in PRM

When PAS is configured the PRM needs to be configured. Without PAS configuration PRM will not
find any fieldbus device.

 Navigate to the PRM server and logon.

 From PRM - Network view, select the correct FCS/controller/segment as per the loop
diagram/segment drawing. The data shown in the Network View is grouped by
FCS/Node/Slot number.

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 Select the applicable segment, right-mouse click and execute “Plug & Play”.
 PRM confirms action with a window “PRM-Detect Plug & Play”. Resource, Transducer and
Function Block parameters are then read.

 When ready, close the Plug & Play window by clicking on “Close”. If errors or warnings
occur, this must be investigated. Warnings on devices not connected are ignored.

 In the same view, select the device and, with right mouse click, execute “Save all

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 Click “OK” to execute. (Please note the tick to read parameters need not be set).

 Upon completion, close the “PRM Save all parameters” window by clicking on “Close”. If
errors or warnings occur, this must be investigated.
Give the parameters list the name “Initial Parameters” when you save for the first time.
When you make changes in the device, give the name “Commissioning Parameters”.

 In the PRM Plant view, navigate to the SPARE folder view, look for the device (shown by
its device ID and the tag in brackets).

 Drag and drop the device to the correct folder of the plant hierarchy. This makes the
device show “READY” in the Network-view. The Device ID is automatically replaced by the
actual tag number.

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 Instruments are automatically sorted in this Plant View.

 From PRM Network view, select the device; right click to perform “Update Device Status”.

 This action provides no feedback message, take notice of the dot in front of the tag.
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 From PRM Network view, click the “History” Tab and acknowledge all notifications. Right
click and “Acknowledge Alarm”.

Confirm “OK” (with reason).

 From PRM Plant view, select the device and confirm the device healthiness status: a green
dot in front of the device tag name, without a yellow exclamation mark.

If errors occur, investigation must be carried out.

 In Plant view, select the device, right-mouse click and select “Block Settings”.

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 A new window opens; this is the block settings window. The “Read” parameter shall be
checked for the AI01 (and subsequent AI01 up to AI08 in the case of multiple analogue
inputs (mostly applicable for Lube Oil control on Fieldbus and the temperature

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 Switch back to PRM “Plant View” and navigate to the device. Click with the right mouse
button on the device and select “Parameter Manager”.

 The Parameter Manager starts in a new window. Press the “Update Device Values”
button to acquire the current parameter setting from the field device.

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 Compare the current block settings with the typical database. Adjust the parameters
where necessary.

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 Press the “Download Checked Parameters” button. The device will be set to Out of
Service (O/S) mode for downloading. Press “OK”.

 A new dialog appears. It is recommended to fill in a valid reason.

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 The parameter download will now start. After the download the parameters between
“Device Values” and “Work Area” should be equal.

 Close the Parameter Manager. A message will occur:

 Press “Yes” to save the parameters to the database.

 Next, correct functioning of the instrument shall be verified. For example:

 For Pressure instruments, portable hand pump shall be connected to the instrument
hook-up and pressure shall be injected.

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 For temperature instruments, the ambient temperature reading shall be noted. The
instrument pressure indicated on the PAS face plate on the OWS shall be verified against
the pressure shown on the gauge of the hand pump.
 Measurements as shown on the PAS shall be recorded on the loop test inspection record.
In case the instrument readings are inconsistent, the troubleshooting process should be

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5. Continues activities PRM/BP Engineer

 Device Patrol defines the time it takes to update the traffic light in PRM
o Low – scanned every 1 day
o Medium – scanned every 12 hours
o High - scanned every 1 hours
o High+ - scanned every 12 minutes

Now we have already put the available SIS devices to Medium priority and the rest to Low priority. Advice is
to put the critical devices (valves etc.) to High Priority. Please check this always, as devices will enter the
database all the time during commissioning.

 DTMs are installed on PRM02 but not all assigned, still has to be checked

 Manuals to be completed for all PRM stations. When a new device is added, and the manual and
icon are missing, these have to be downloaded from the Internet and copied to the server. Path to be

o Detector Electronics HART X9800

o E+H Gammapilot M

 Icons to be completed for all PRM stations

 Never leave a device Untagged in the database, always ask for the TAGNAME and correct this in the
Parameter Manager. After this tagging a “Plug and Play” should be done again. There is one device
which cannot be changed by TAG in the parameter manager, please use the Comment field in the
PRM database then, under Device Details.

 New DD files should be downloaded from

Select Manufacturer and search for the device.

 IMTEX Controls LTD

Tagname cannot be changed by the parameter TAG, but should be changed by in parameter Long Tag
and Message.

 To be able to do Stroking of the VG9000F, the TEST RESTRICTIONS should be set to “Always
Allowed” (with the DTM in PRM), PST is not working otherwise. After this test the setting should be
set back to “Ruled by MDO block”.

 When all MTL Advanced Diagnostics Modules are downloaded, the segment should be checked on
the Status of the segments. If the segments are not green in the DTM, physical properties of the
segment are not correct, like Signal Level (mV), jitter, Noise etc.

 When parameters are changed in PRM for Fieldbus (TB and RB blocks), an upload is required in the
DCS system.

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 Please lock parameters sets in PRM if these sets are important to be seen after 30 days, otherwise
they are automatically archived in PRM. Click on parameter set and press right mouse click, Assign
Key, Do Not Archive.

 Make sure that all HART devices are tagged in PRM when doing a commissioning, change Long Tag
if this device has the Long Tag, otherwise leave the TAG blank and use the Descriptor.

 Maintenance Marks should be put on the tags to show the status of the loop, this can be done from
Device Details/MTMK. When a loop is commissioned, select the BLUE commission maintenance
mark, this will lock the device in PRM. Be aware that a FF loop still can be changed from DCS, this
should NOT be done.

 NAMUR settings for Rosemount devices are not the same as NE103 setting:
o NAMUR NE103 = 3,6/3,8 – 20,5/21,0 Ma
o Rosemount = 3,75/3,9 – 20,8/21,75.
In most of the cases these Rosemount settings cannot be changed, therefore it is required to make
the change in SIS to get the IOP alarm when the device fails.

 For HART we apply the template in PRM and check parameters are changed accordingly, use the
Custom tab to check this.

 Draeger Devices are presented as Device_230 and Device_234, Device Type is unknown at the
moment, also the DD file cannot be found. Generic
DD is used to change the device. Descriptor should be used if the tag is longer than 8 characters,
leave the TAG blank then.
BP to provide the DD file.

 ND9000F Device Revision 6

Resource Block: Features_Select: Reports/Faultstate/PV for BKcalout should be selected only in the
block parameter.
If Apply user template is used, this will be automatically fixed.
Please check the “Faultstate to Value” parameter in the FF-AO of the Control Drawing, this one
should be set to YES if the failstate value of the valve is 0 or 100% in case of comms errors. If the
setting is set to NO the valve will stay put (HOLD position).
Example here below, values are not the same as in BP WND project:

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