Research On National Water Information System

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Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (RRP CAM 51159-002)

National Water Resources Data Management Center

and Water Resources Information System Report

November 2019

Cambodia: Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project

Prepared by the Pacific Rim Innovation and Management Exponents, Inc. on behalf of the Ministry of
Water Resources and Meteorology for the Asian Development Bank.

3S – Sekong, Sesan, Sre Pok

ADB – Asian Development Bank
CHIRPS – Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data
CISIS – Cambodia Information System on Irrigation Schemes
CNMC – Cambodia National Mekong Committee
CWP – crop water productivity
DHRW – Department of Hydrology and River Works
DOM – Department of Meteorology
GIS – geographic information system
GMS – Greater Mekong Subregion
GPM – Global Precipitation Measurement
ha – hectare
IWRM – integrated water resources management
JICA – Japan InternationalCooperation Agency
km – kilometer
km2 – square kilometer
MAFF – Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
MOE – Ministry of Environment
MOWRAM – Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
MPWT – Ministry of Public Works and Transport
MRC – Mekong River Commission
MRD – Ministry of Rural Development
NWRDMC – National Water Resources Data Management Center
O&M – operation and maintenance
PDWRAM – Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology
QGIS – quantum geographic information system
RBG – river basin group
TOR – terms of reference
TRTA – transaction technical assistance
TWG – technical working group
USGS – United States Geological Survey
WA+ – Water Accounting Plus
WRIS – Water resources information system

1. This report presents the findings and recommendations of an analysis undertaken by the
Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project transaction technical assistance (TRTA) consultant
team to address the terms of reference (TOR) for consultancy services on the Establishment of
the National Water Resources Data Management Center (NWRDMC) and Water Resources
Information System (WRIS).

2. While the development of the irrigation sector is of primary importance, the non-irrigation
subsectors will increasingly compete for the use, allocation, and availability of water resources
and should, therefore, be reflected in the database for the NWRDMC and WRIS.

3. The data for WRIS should cover all aspects of water resources including, but not limited
to, the following:

(i) Hydrological-meteorological information (both near-real time and historical

information) from ground observation system, such as rainfall, temperature,
evapotranspiration, humidity, wind speed, water level, river discharges, etc.;
(ii) Land-use map including crop distribution map, irrigated areas, non-irrigated areas,
soil map, etc.;
(iii) Elevation map (topography) and watershed (river basin) boundaries;
(iv) Population distribution map;
(v) Water infrastructure physical information and their operation, such as location,
dimension, capacity of irrigation pumping stations, storage of reservoir and its
operation, etc.; and
(vi) Secondary data (e.g., satellite-based information or results from modelling
packages). These secoundary data could include, not limited to, land-use, Digital
Elevation Model, soil type, rainfall, temperature, water level and discharge from
modelling packages, etc.

4. The NWRDMC will be constructed to serve as national data center for water resources
information to support water resources management and planning. The data center will include
specific functions such as technical tasks on modelling, analytical works for monitoring and
forecasting purposes, processing of remote-sensing and satellite-based information, numerical
model and doppler radar, conference room, media and boarding room, information and
communication technology and other functions identified during need and capacity assessment.

5. The WRIS should include spatial and temporal database based on ground observation
with analytical information from modelling system and remote-sensing-based information to
supplement ground observations. The system should connect to other initiatives and include, for
example, hydromet stations from other projects and the ensuing project. The system should not
only store data, but also directly produce knowledge and information including visualized data to
support policymakers’ decisions, such as results from Water Accounting Plus (WA+) and other
modelling packages related to water management including flood forecasting. The information
system should be opened to the most important stakeholders, and data should be shared among,
and be accessible to, ministries and development partners in Cambodia. Proper attention should
be provided to the capacity building of relevant staff from all key ministries that will be responsible
for populating and operating the system once established.

6. Two clearly different data sources relevant to the set-up of the WRIS consist of:
(i) institutional data (ground observation) and (ii) secondary source data including remote sensing
data, satellite-based information, global and regional data sets and results from the modelling
systems in other projects. The satellite-based information and remote-sensing data should be
obtained in the public domain.

7. For the remote sensing data, an exploratory study was undertaken to identify key datasets
that are freely available and provide valuable information for Cambodian water managers. The
study revealed that there are multiple useful sources of rainfall, evapotranspiration, and
vegetation and/or biomass-related products, as well as several sources of the required auxiliary
datasets. The datasets are easily accessible, such as through web services and file transfer
protocol servers, and are, thus, available for the WRIS to connect to.

8. The development of WRIS will initially focus in Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta River Basin
Groups where approximately 95% of irrigation schemes in Cambodia are located.

9. The assessment of the datasets available in the Ministry of Water Resources and
Meteorology (MOWRAM) and other government agencies showed that there are significant needs
on reviewing and standardizing data from different agencies before integration into the unified
database of WRIS.

10. The main objective of the WRIS is to provide water resources information that is clear,
easily accessible, consistent, understandable at different scales from river basin groups to
irrigation scheme level to support evidence-based, effective planning and investment, and
monitoring of water resources by MOWRAM and other government agencies. The development
of NWRDMC and WRIS will be divided into three components:

• Component 1: Needs assessment and design of the NWRDMC and national WRIS
and assist in bidding and construction supervision processes

• Component 2: Development of the national WRIS and construction of the NWRDMC

• Component 3 Capacity development

11. The data collected for the focused areas, Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta River Basin
Groups will come from a wide variety of sources, classified into two types: primary and secondary.
Primary data include those from ground observation and survey pertaining to water resources
and water use for irrigation and non-irrigation subsectors while secondary data include the
analytical information from modelling systems and satellite-based information, such as flood
forecasting system from the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Flood and Drought Management
and Mitigation Project supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Water
Accounting Plus (WA+) Framework.

12. Results from WA+ and other water balance management tools that assist to understanding
of water availability, water supply, water demand and water use in different sectors at river basin
level, will be updated on a regular (monthly or seasonal) basis to ensure that the user has access
to up-to-date water resources information. This will allow users to identify the water resources in
different sectors in general at river basin scale which can be used to support preliminary planning
for water resources management. Then detailed assessment on water allocation with water
infrastructure, such as reservoir operation, irrigation schemes operation will be carried out by the
water modelling system. These analytical information from modelling systems and satellite-based
information from different projects will be collected and integrated into WRIS.
13. To visualize the potential features, products, and services of WRIS, thematic mapping
was performed by the Team, and a prototype of the system was developed to support the
formulation of the framework and concept of the data center. Samples of maps and websites are
shown in this report.

14. The WRIS prototype shows an automated system that can offer the visualization of data
through maps with various themes, display attribute information, user account management, and
report generation in a user-friendly, web geographic information system (GIS) platform. The
prototype has six parts: (i) user account; (ii) menu; (iii) map view; (iv) search and/or filter; (v) help;
and (vi) background map. The data that were collected and processed were categorized into
appropriate menu items and organized into water resources, water use, as well as physical and
social conditions. “About WRIS” is a short description of the prototype. A WA+ submenu provides
access to the available WA+ sheets for Cambodian river basins.

15. The data center is conceptualized as the central hub for all water resources management
information accessed through an integrated database system, operated and maintained by well-
trained personnel, offering products and services initially to MOWRAM and all its departments
and eventually to the whole country. With all the information available at any time, base flow of
the rivers for the entire country will also be maintained.

16. Data and information to be disseminated could be divided into two categories:
(i) Operational type (regularly updated for monitoring purpose including hydromet from ground
observation); and (ii) Planning type (analysed data to support long-termed planning and

17. The data center and system development and operation and maintenance (O&M) activities
will be divided into three components, namely:

Component 1: Needs assessment and design of the NWRDMC and national WRIS and
assist in bidding and construction supervision processes.

• Review exsiting information systems in Cambodia.

• Need assessment to understand needs of stakeholders (MOWRAM; Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [MAFF]; Ministry of Environment [MOE]; and
Ministry of Rural Development [MRD]).
• Develop a concept on engineering and architecture designs for the NWRDMC,
including internal layouts.
• Design of the data center and WRIS based on results from reviewing of existing
systems and need assessment, including exteriors and interiors of the NWRDMC,
functions of rooms in NWRDMC, placement of equipment, network layout, and
placement of divisions and specializations. Information and communications
technology functions and facilities should be considered in the design of
• Prepare the technical specifications, Bill of Quantities, drawings, and
supplementary information regarding works to be procured for the bidding
documents for the construction of the NWRDMC building and the technical
specifications of the goods and equipment for NWRDMC and WRIS.
• Supervise all aspects of the construction and installation of the various
components of the civil works of NWRDMC to ensure that the constructed
structures and equipment meet design requirements and standards.
Component 2: Development of national WRIS

• Review, assess, and incorporate water resources data into the WRIS. This
includes primary data such as ground observations, surveys, and secondary data
including satellite-based information and results from modelling systems.
• Collect data from relevant agencies and carry out quality assurance and quality
control for the data including gap filling and standardinzation.
• Installation and configuration of physical assets for the WRIS, including server, work
stations, network, and other equipment, as well as procurement of software
applications to support the operation of the data center and WRIS.
• Set up database (both cloud-based and in-house) systems to ensure continuous
access during constructon of NWRDMC and development of WRIS.

Component 3: Capacity Development

• Conduct capacity need assessment to design the training program to fit the needs
of end users at different levels.
• Organize technical trainings and workshops based on needs of end users, such as
data management including, not limited to, data standardization, data processing,
database management and database updating, data visualization and
dissemination, interfaces (website and mobile application) development and
modification, O&M for WRIS and other relevant topics (such as basic GIS, basic
hydrology and meteorology, basic water resources modelling for water allocation
and basic remote-sensing, WA+, etc.).
• Training topics will be identified based on needs from the end users (technical
groups and non-technical groups). Training approach will be combination of
classroom and on-the-job trainings to ensure intensive engagement and continuous
collaboration with clients.

18. NWRDMC and WRIS will be managed by MOWRAM, and the data center will be housed
in a building that will be constructed inside the MOWRAM compound.

19. As the establishment of the data center requires significant resources, it is appropriate
that it is given enough time, expertise, and support. Data collection and standardization alone is
an enormous task, and extra care should be given to the handling of information that will be fed
into the system. Hydromet data is collected at twice a day (manual record) and at near-real time
scale (automatic system). The Cambodia Information System on Irrigation Schemes (CISIS) data
need updating and validation for more than 2,000 irrigation systems. This large collection of data
has its own format based on users’ needs, and for those data to be integrated into one database
system, the datasets will need to be standardized, which will require the formulation and creation
of unique keys for linkage into the spatial database.

20. It is, therefore, suggested that NWRDMC and WRIS implementation be carried out by
MOWRAM in close collaboration with MAFF and MOE. A needs assessment will be carried out in
close consultation with MAFF and the training program will be designed based on the needs
assessment for MOWRAM and MAFF. MOE will be engaged during the needs assessment to
understand their needs and ensure that data and information from MOE will be integrated into the

21. Capacity development of relevant personnel will be a combination of classroom and

practical training that will be provided on a continuing basis for as long as there is a need to
upgrade the WRIS and the data center. This will ensure the sustainability of the system and the
operation of NWRDMC. The selected participants will go through a pre-training assessment to
determine their current skills and formulate a training plan for the subsequent technical
workshops. The training topics and timelines will also be developed based on capacity need
assessment and availability of MOWRAM and MAFF.

22. A team of experts will support MOWRAM in the development and establishment of the data
center and WRIS, as well as in the design and delivery various training activities intended to equip
the data center and WRIS personnel with the skills required for system O&M. It is also suggested
that a Technical Working Group (TWG), composed of representatives of the concerned ministries
and involving all water and non-water sectors, be created to support each other in the
standardization of data and ensure the sustainability of the NWRDMC and WRIS. Tentative
implementation schedule is shown below.

23. In the long term, the data center should pave the way for the more effective and efficient
management and monitoring of water resources management and further promote information
sharing and cooperation among ministries and other organizations to sustain the availability of
water and the proper utilization of land resources.

1. This report was prepared in response to the terms of reference (TOR) of the Irrigated
Agriculture Improvement Project transaction technical assistance (TRTA) consultant,2 which calls
for the “development of the framework and guidelines for: (i) developing the Water Resources
Information System (WRIS) as a common platform for countrywide data related to water
resources management including hydromet data and secondary data and information from
modelling systems and satellite-based information and remote-sensing data, such as Water
Accounting Plus (WA+); and (ii) establishing the National Water Resources Data Management
Center (NWRDMC), which will be the hub for water-related information and data in the country
and will be responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating the information and data.”

2. The report (i) describes the approach and methodology adopted by the TRTA team to
address the requirements stated in the TOR; (ii) identifies the agencies and/or institutions involved
in water resources data collection, analysis, and management; (iii) presents the results of the
TRTA team’s data collection activities at the national, river basin, and provincial levels;
(iv) describes the development of the framework for the NWRMDC and WRIS, including the data
to be included in the WRIS; and (v) presents the proposed structure, tasks, implementation
schedule, implementation arrangements including the required consulting services, and the
estimated cost for NWRDMC and WRIS establishment and initial operation. The TOR of
consultants to support NWRDMC and WRIS development and implementation are in Appendix 2
of the project administration manual (Package CS-02).


A. Overview

3. Objectives and benefits of NWRDMC and WRIS. The objective of establishing the
NWRDMC is to enhance water resources management and planning in the country. The data
center will also encourage data sharing and inter-ministerial cooperation for sustainability
purposes. The WRIS is intended to integrate information from existing databases and
ongoing relevant activities in Cambodia, largely based on ground measurements with satellite-
derived remote-sensing data. As hydrometeorological (hydromet) station density in Cambodia is
poor, the potential added value of remote-sensing data is significant. By providing
quantitative information, for example, on rainfall, evapotranspiration, vegetation cover, and crop
growth, current state-of-the-art remote sensing data products will be able to provide supportive
information for decision makers in a variety of sectors related to water management. The WRIS
will provide access to ground data and integrate them with other geographic information system
(GIS) and remote-sensing data and/or products to deliver comprehensive information service to
different end users.

4. Information required for database and system development. Considering the above
objectives and system requirements, the TRTA team identified and determined the following:

(i) System and data users: Who will be the users? What are they looking for? How
will they use the information? What are their expectations from an automated

2 The report was prepared by Ms. Corina Manansala, International GIS/MIS Specialist, with inputs from Mr. Long
Vannak, National GIS/MIS Specialist, and Engr. Enrique B. Tajanlangit, International Structural Design Engineer. Mr.
Gijs Simons, International Water Resources Specialist, was engaged by PRIMEX specifically to provide technical
inputs on Water Accounting and in the preparation of TORs for the consultants who will be engaged by the project
management unit to help establish the NWRDMC and WRIS during project implementation.

system? These are important inputs for designing the database and the WRIS.
(ii) Available datasets: What datasets and information are readily available for
collection, assessment, and processing? These are needed because the attributes
and characteristics of the available datasets will affect the concept design of the
system and the data center. The availability of relevant datasets was examined for
both remote sensing and ground data.
(iii) Development stage: How long will it take to establish a data center? Should it be
done in one phase or in several phases?
(iv) Outputs: What products are expected from the data center and WRIS? What are
the analyses and trends can the data center and WRIS provide?

5. Data required for inclusion into the NWRDMC and WRIS cover all aspects of water
resources and include the following, among others:

(i) Primary data from ground observation and survey: hydromet information from
stations, river discharge from field measurement, doppler radar, topographical
survey maps and elevation, land-use survey maps, etc.
(ii) Secondary data from water modelling system (such as hydrological, water
balance and flood models), satellite-based information and remote-sensing data
(WA+, etc.), global datasets (land-use, Numerical Weather Prediction, Global
Circulation Model, Regional Climate Model, etc.)

6. System features. The system to be designed should be a dynamic spatial database with
up-to-date remote sensing-based water supply and water consumption information to allow for
decision support. It should be linked to other initiatives and include other data, for example, from
hydromet stations set up under other projects. Weighing lysimeters or eddy correlation flux towers
have to be used for validation of water use in irrigation. The system should not only store and
visualize data, but directly support policymakers’ decisions. Water Accounting Plus (WA+) will
estimate the water movement in different sectors in the basin which can provide initial
understanding for water resources situation for the basin. The system should be open to the most
important stakeholders, and data should be shared and be accessible to other ministries and
development partners in Cambodia. Proper attention should also be paid to building the capacity
of relevant staff from all key ministries that will be responsible for populating and operating the
system once established.

B. Methodology

7. Desk review. In order to assess the current status of water resources management
information in Cambodia, the TRTA team collected and reviewed available secondary information
on previous projects with objectives similar or related to the NWRDMC and WRIS.3

8. Data collection. To test the availability, form, and format of the data for the envisioned
WRIS, initial activities focused on collecting all data from within a few selected river basins.
There are five main river basin groups in Cambodia (Figure 1), two of which stand out, namely the
Tonle Sap and the Mekong Delta River Basin. Both river basins are densely populated, are
subject to increased development (including the need for water for a variety of uses), and have
the highest demand on water resources, present and future. However, as the river basins in the
Mekong Delta Basin Group are often interlinked, the Tonle Sap River Basin Group was selected

3 The list of references is provided at the end of this report.


for preliminary demonstration as it has clearly defined and identifiable river basins. Tonle Sap
River Basin Group have numerous irrigation schemes, vast agricultural lands, dense populations
with fast growing urban and rural development centers, a number of foreign-assisted projects, and
are projected to be the most populated and developed provinces around the Tonle Sap by 2030.

Figure 1: Five Main River Basin Groups in Cambodia

Source: TRTA consultants.


Figure 2: Tonle Sap River Basins

Source: TRTA consultants.

9. Battambang Province has four river basins: (i) Svay Don Keo; (ii) Moung Russei or
Dauntri; (iii) Stung Sangker; and (iv) Mongkol Borey (see Figure 3 and Table 1). The total
population in Battambang Province in 2006 was 142,878 in 25,196 households, of which only
10,723 had access to water supply. The average annual growth of the province was 1.72%, with
a projected maximum growth rate of 3% per year by 2020. By that time, the total population would
have climbed to 201,883. Battambang has three major reservoirs. Kamping Pouy Reservoir which
can supply water to 13,500 hectares (ha) of land and has a storage capacity of 110 million cubic
meters. Bovel Reservoir can supply water to 44,000 ha during the wet season, while the Bassac
Reservoir can supply water to 20,000 ha during the wet season and 3,000 ha during the dry

Figure 3: Battambang Province with river basins

Source: TRTA consultants.

Table 1: River basins in Battambang Province

Code No. Name
16 Stung Svay Don Keo
17 Stung Moung Russei or Dauntri
18 Stung Sangker
19 Stung Mongkol Borey
Source: TRTA consultants.

10. Kampong Thom Province has three river basins: Stung Stung, Stung Sen, and Stung
Chinit (Figure 4 and Table 2). The province is located in the floodplains of the Tonle Sap Lake.
The total population of Kampong Thom back in 2009 was 708,398 in a total of 106,362 households
and a population density of 51 per square kilomenter (km2). Only 65.6% of the families had access
to clean water; 43,882 families used rainwater, and 0.1% of the population gets water from the
rivers and streams. There are two major irrigation systems in the province: Stung Chinit and Stung
Stung. The former is able to irrigate 12,000 ha during the wet season and 3,000 ha during the dry
season. The latter is able to irrigate 21,562 ha during the wet season and 2,162 ha during the dry
season. Apart from these two operating irrigation systems, there are also 215 aquariums, tanks,
canals, and systems under construction.

Figure 4: Kampong Thom Province with River Basins

Source: TRTA consultants.

Table 2: River Basins in Khampong Thom Province

Code No. Name
24 Stung Stung
25 Stung Sen
26 Stung Chinit
Source: TRTA consultants.

11. The TRTA team conducted field visits to Battambang and Kampong Thom provinces for
data gathering (Figure 5). Starting with whatever accurate data on irrigation were available
through the CISIS database (Table 3), data collection in both provinces involved field visits and
meetings with stakeholders including the following: Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
(MOWRAM), Department of Hydrology and River Works (DHRW), Department of Meteorology
(DOM), Provincial Departments of Water Resources and Meteorology (PDWRAMs), Municipal
Water Supply offices, Provincial Government offices, and various ministries (e.g., Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [MAFF]; Ministry of Environment [MOE], etc.). The information
collected included the following:

(i) Agencies concerned with water management, permitting, and planning;

(ii) Municipal water supply: history, available water supply network maps; existing
water treatment plants and locations, water volume, and water source;
(iii) Industrial water supply: permits and sources;

(iv) Investments required and sources of funding;

(v) Donors involved in water supply;
(vi) Industrial growth areas by year; and
(vii) Land conversion from agricultural to other uses.

Figure 5: Focus Area for Data Collection

Source: TRTA consultants.


Table 3: CISIS Data for Battambang Province, May 2017

Source: TRTA consultants.


12. Two clearly different data sources relevant to the set-up of the WRIS consist of: (i) primary
data (ground observation) and (ii) secondary source data including remote-sensing data, satellite-
based information, global and regional data sets and results from the modelling systems in other
projects. The satellite-based information and remote-sensing data should be obtained in the
public domain. For the remote-sensing data, an exploratory study was carried out to identify key
datasets that are freely available and provide valuable information for Cambodian water
managers showed that there are multiple useful sources of rainfall, evapotranspiration, and
vegetation or biomass-related products, as well as for several of the required auxiliary datasets.
Table 4 below provides an overview of remote-sensing data availability for Cambodia. These

datasets are easily accessible through web services and the file transfer protocol servers and
are, thus, available for the WRIS to connect to.

Table 4: Indicative Overview of Satellite-derived, Freely Available Data for Cambodia

Typical Spatial
Description Examples of Products Typical Time Step
Rainfall 5km – 25 km Sub-daily to daily
MOD16, SSEBop,
Evapotranspiration 500 m – 5 km Weekly to 16-daily
ESA CCI, Globeland30, N/A (ESA CCI has yearly
Land cover 30 m – 500 m
FAO GLCN maps)
Terrain SRTM 30 m N/A
Sentinel, Landsat,
NDVI 10 m – 1,000 m Daily to 16-daily
MODIS, Proba-V
Biomass production MODIS 500 m – 1,000 m Yearly
Soil properties SoilGrids (ISRIC) 150 m – 1,000 m Static
Forest cover loss Global Forest Change4 30 m Yearly
km = kilometer, m = meter, N/A = not applicable.
ALEXI = atmosphere–land exchange inverse, CCI = Climate Change Initiative, CHIRPS = Climate Hazards Group
InfraRed Precipitation with Station data, CMORPH = Climate Prediction Center (CPC) morphing technique, ESA =
European Space Agency, FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, GLCN = Global Land Cover
Network, GPM = Global Precipitation Measurement, ISRIC = International Soil Reference and Information Centre, MOD
16 = MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Project, MODIS = Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, NDVI =
normalized difference vegetation index, PERSIANN = Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using
Artificial Neural Networks, SEBS = surface energy balance system, SRTM = shuttle radar topography mission, SSEBop
= operational simplified surface energy balance.
Source: TRTA consultants.

A. Available Satellite-derived Data

13. A wealth of satellite-derived data is available in the public domain. In the past, raw data
from different satellites were distributed through internet portals. Although available on the global
scale and containing highly valuable information, these datasets still require significant
processing by experts. In recent years, technological improvements, especially increasing
computational power, have allowed the production of a number of derived products based on
these satellite images, based on the application of different algorithms by space agencies and
research institutes (e.g., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, European Space
Agency, United States Geological Survey, etc.). These products are now distributed through
various easily accessible channels (e.g., Google Earth Engine). The delivered data layers contain
quantitative information on parameters relevant to the water and agriculture sectors (e.g., rainfall,
evapotranspiration, crop growth) and, thus, require much less processing and interpretation steps
before they can be applied by policymakers. The WRIS should make optimal use of the potential
benefits of open-source remote sensing data to Cambodia water managers. This section presents
a number of key satellite-derived data layers, which should become accessible through the WRIS.

14. As most of the satellite-derived data products are available at the global scale, they contain
valuable information for Cambodia and can be used for many other purposes relevant to the WRIS
at some specific levels, such as for mapping elevation, identification of different land cover types,

4 Global Forest Change.


distinguishing irrigated from non-irrigated areas, monitoring of floods or drought impacts, and
evaluating land use changes at larger scale. For example, vegetation growth is a crucial
parameter that can be derived from remote sensing and can subsequently be converted to
variables such as biomass production or agricultural productivity. An example of such a vegetation
index is the normalized difference vegetation index, which is shown in Figure 6 for the month of
March 2018. These maps are typically available, from daily to weekly, and at differing spatial
resolutions depending on the satellite that is used.

Figure 6: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Map of Cambodia, March 2018

Note: Readily available product based on the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer
satellite (daily overpass, 250-meter pixel size).
Source: TRTA consultants.

15. Particularly relevant for water managers is the availability of rainfall data and
evapotranspiration. Various satellite-derived rainfall products exist, most of which determine
rainfall amounts by their observation of cloud particles, and often undergo a correction procedure
based on station records. This allows for the construction of rainfall maps for an entire basin or
country and even areas where very few stations are present. Products such as Global
Precipitation Measurement (GPM), Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station
data (CHIRPS, and Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial
Neural Networks are available for Cambodia with daily or even sub-daily timesteps (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Annual Average Rainfall Based on 37 Years of Daily Data (1981–2017)

Note: Rainfall in Cambodia as derived from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed
Precipitation with Station data Precipitation Product.
Source: TRTA consultants.

16. Evapotranspiration is, in many basins, the main outgoing component of the water
balance. It is also a crucial parameter that needs to be known for assessments of water
productivity or irrigation efficiency. Given the challenges of measuring this parameter in the field,
the opportunity to map evapotranspiration with satellite presents an interesting alternative to
Cambodian water managers and irrigation planners. Several products are available, some relying
mainly on observations of the land surface temperature, others applying algorithms based on
vegetation density. After over 20 years of scientific development, these maps have achieved
accuracy levels that make them suitable for practical water management applications. Maps are
typically available with weekly time steps. Figure 8 shows an example from the freely available
operational simplified surface energy balance product of the United States Geological Survey,
which has a 1 kilometer (km) spatial resolution.

Figure 8: Yearly Evapotranspiration, 2017

Note: Actual evapotranspiration in Cambodia as derived from the operational simplified surface
energy balance product of the United States Geological Survey.
Source: TRTA consultants.

17. A particularly interesting parameter to water managers is the rainfall surplus and/or water
yield, which is central to the WA+ approach. It is calculated by subtracting evapotranspiration from
rainfall, thus giving the volume of water that is “produced” at a certain location, which is, in
principle, available for further use in the river basin. Figure 9 presents the annual rainfall surplus
for Cambodia in 2017. It clearly identifies the main water-generating regions of the country in the
southwest and northeast. In the dark red areas, evapotranspiration is higher than rainfall and the
water yield is negative, thus indicating an alternative water source in addition to rainfall. In this
way, water consumption from irrigation can be mapped and analyzed. The typical agricultural
areas around Tonle Sap Lake and in southern Cambodia are clearly visible on this map.

Figure 9: Annual Rainfall Surplus (Rainfall Minus Evapotranspiration), 2017

Source: TRTA consultants.

18. Crop water productivity (kilogram of crop yield per cubic meter of water consumed) has
become a widely accepted indicator of efficiency of water use in irrigation schemes and
agricultural systems, in general. Spatial analysis of crop water productivity allows the identification
of strongly and weakly performing areas and can inform determination of best practices and
desirable regions for agricultural expansion. Improving water productivity can be achieved by
reducing the amount of water consumed or by adopting practices, which enhance agricultural
production with the same amount of water. Biomass water productivity can be computed fully
based on remote sensing information by dividing satellite-derived biomass production (such as
the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) MOD17A3 product, Figure 10) by
evapotranspiration. Conversion to crop water productivity requires the application of a crop-
specific harvest index, which should be derived based on local ground data on yields.

Figure 10: Annual Net Primary Productivity around Tonle Sap Lake, 2014

Source: TRTA consultants.

19. The availability of remote sensing data has enabled the production of a new generation of
global soil maps, of which the SoilGrids dataset5 is the most widely used. Based on an integration
of ground data with extensive satellite image archives, this dataset encompasses a wide range of
valuable data for water resource planners and agricultural experts, such as nutrient content in the
topsoil and soil texture (e.g., clay and sant context). Figure 11 shows an exceprt of the SoilGrids
data for Cambodia.

Figure 11: Clay Content in the Top 100 cm of the Soil Profile

Source: TRTA consultants.

5 SoilGrids.

20. The frequent revisit of satellites over the earth’s surface makes it possible to monitor
dynamics of land surface processes and perform land cover and land-use classification. A variety
of global datasets exist, each with different legend and intended purpose, such as forestry or
agriculture. Figure 12 shows the freely available European Space Agency Climate Change
Initiative land cover map for 2015 for Cambodia.6 An advantage of this dataset is the availability
of 24 yearly maps from 1992-2015, allowing for the monitoring of land cover changes during this
period. Land cover is a key input in the WA+ approach as water availability and water consumption
are evaluated for different types of users (irrigated agriculture, rainfed agriculture, natural areas,

Figure 12: Satellite-derived Land Cover Classification of Cambodia for 2015

Source: TRTA consultants.

B. GIS and Ground Data Available in Cambodian Institutions

21. Data collected on the Tonle Sap River Basins were classified under several themes and
scales, from nationwide to river basin, and municipal levels. The data were organized based on
river basin borders rather than on administrative boundaries.

European Space Agency, Climate Change Initiative.

1. National-level Data

22. River basins. The National Water Status Report, 2014 shows that the country is divided
into five main river basin groups (RBGs) (Figure 1 and Table 5). The profile7 of each river basin
is shown below.

Table 5: Main River Basin Groups in Cambodia

No. Name of River Basin Area
(square kilometer)
1. Mekong Delta 35,839
2. Upper Mekong 19,522
3. Sekong, Sesan, Sre Pok 25,965
4. Coastal Zone 18,046
5. Tonle Sap 81,663
Source: TRTA consultants.

23. The Mekong Delta RBG is made up of eight sub-river basins. This river basin covers the
Mekong River from about midway between Kratie-Kampong Cham to the border of Cambodia
and Viet Nam, including the Vaico river basin. Most of the area is on the Mekong River
floodplain, and most rivers are affected by the Mekong River floodwaters. The Upper Mekong RBG
consists of five sub-river basins. The river basin is located in the upper part of the Mekong River,
whose reach covers the important gauging stations of Stung Treng and Kratie, which monitor the
inflow into the Tonle Sap system and the Mekong Delta. The 3S RBG is composed of three sub-
river basins. The RBG is located in the northeast and includes the Se Kong, Se San, and Sre
Pok (3S) rivers draining into the Mekong River at Stung Treng. The total catchment area is 78,645
km2, but only 25,965 km2 lie within Cambodia. The Coastal Zone RBG, comprising eight sub-river
basins, is located in the southwestern part of Cambodia and is confined by the Gulf of Thailand
in the southwest and the Elephant and Cardamom mountain chain in the northeast. The Tonle
Sap RBG, composed of 16 river basins, is located at the center of the country and covers the
entire catchment of the Tonle Sap Great Lake. It is the largest river basin covering 45% of the
total land area of the country, bordered by the Elephant and Cardamom mountains in the west
and southwest, shielding the basin from the Gulf of Thailand, and the Dangrek mountains in the
north. There are 39 sub-river basins in the country (Figure 13 and Table 6).

7 ADB. 2014. Cambodian Water Resources Profile. Phnom Penh.


Table 6: River Basins with Area

RBG Code River Basin Area Code Sub-River Basin Area
1 Prek Kampong Bay 3,018 5 Prek Trapang Rung 2,615
2 Prek Toek Sap 1,529 6 Prek Tatai 1,619
Coastal 3 Prek Sre Ambel 2,653 7 Prek Koh Pao 3,109
4 Prek Andong Toek 2,460 8 Stung Me Toek 1,043
Subtotal Area of Coastal RBG: 18,046 km2
3S 27 Tonle Se Kong 5,564 29 Tonle Srepok 12,380
28 Tonle Se San 8,021
Sekong) Subtotal Area of 3S RBG: 25,965 km2
30 Prek Preah 2,399 33 Prek Te 4,363
Mekong Riverine
Upper 31 Prek Krieng 3,331 35A 8,287
32 Prek Kampi 1,142
Subtotal Area of Upper Mekong: 19,522 km2
12 Stung Krang Ponley 3,033 20 Stung Sisophon 5,593
13 Stung Baribour 3,003 21 Stung Sreng 9,931
14 Stung Bamnak 1,116 22 Stung Siem Reap 3,619
15 Stung Pursat 5,964 23 Stung Chikreng 2,714
Stung Svay Don
Tonle 16 2,228 24 Stung Staung 4,357
Stung Moung
17 1,468 25 Stung Sen 16,342
Russei (Dauntry)
18 Stung Sangker 6,052 26 Stung Chinit 8,236
Stung Mongkol
19 5,264 39 Boeng Tonle Sap 2,743
Subtotal Area of Tonle Sap: 81,663 km2
Mekong Riverine
9 Stung Toan Han 1,765 35B 2,086
Mekong Delta
10 Stung Siakou 2,485 37 8,723
Mekong Mekong Tonle Sap
Delta 11 Stung Prek Thnot 7,055 38 flood plain (Spean 1,508
34 Prek Chhlong 5,599 36 Tonle Vaico 6,618
Subtotal Area of Mekong Delta: 35,839 km2
km2 = square kilometer.
Source: ADB. 2014. Cambodian Water Resources Profile. Phnom Penh.

Figure 13: River Basins in Cambodia

Source: TRTA consultants.

24. The TRTA team plotted all 22 major river systems (Figure 14) and the Tonle Sap Great Lake.

Figure 14: Major River Systems in Cambodia

Source: TRTA consultants.

25. The longest and widest river is the Mekong River, which starts in Stung Treng Province,
passes through Kratie, Tboung Khmum, Kampong Cham, Phnom Penh, and Kandal, then crosses
the border of Cambodia to Viet Nam.

26. The Tonle Sap Great Lake is located in the country’s central plains with an elevation

between 10-30 meters above sea level. It has an attached river, the Tonle Sap River, which drains
into the Mekong River. The annual fluctuation of the Mekong’s water volume causes a unique
flow reversal of the Tonle Sap River.8

27. Administrative boundaries and land cover. The country has 26 provinces, 194 districts,
1,621 communes, and 13,827 villages. It is mostly covered by forest, with agricultural lands
dominating the central plains. Near the water bodies, like Tonle Sap Great Lake and Mekong
River, the land cover is mostly shrublands and grasslands (Figure 15).

Figure 15: Land Cover of Cambodia

Source: TRTA consultants.

28. Based on the inventory of hydrological stations of DHRW, the TRTA team plotted the point
locations of the stations (Figure 16). The inventory contains the station codes and names,
available data on water level and water flow, type of water level recording equipment, present
status, and remarks.

8 M. Arias. 2015. Impacts of Hydrological Alterations in the Mekong Basin on the Tonle Sap Ecosystem. University of

Figure 16: Hydrological Stations

Source: TRTA consultants.

29. The TRTA team also accessed the Open Development Cambodia website to collect
available soil and geology data. Open Development Cambodia is an online hub with data freely
available to all users for use and download. The data were sourced from the Greater Mekong
Subregion (GMS) Environment Operations Center, and the classifications were based on the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Digital Soil Map of the World V3.6.9 On
the other hand, the source of the geology data came from the Atlas of Cambodia: Maps on Socio-
Economic Development and Environment published in 2014.10

2. Tonle Sap River Basin Group Level Data

30. Data collected for the Tonle Sap River Basin scale are basically the same as those at the
national level: (i) sub-river basins; (ii) administrative boundaries; (iii) river systems and
waterbodies; (iv) soil and geology; (v) existing hydrological stations; and (vi) land cover. The
TRTA team then collected additional information for the pilot river basin.

31. Rainfall. Rainfall data from the Tonle Sap Sub-Area (SA-9C) Project, Cambodia National
Mekong Committee (CNMC), 2012 were used for plotting (Figure. 17). Average annual rainfall in
the area around Tonle Sap Lake varies from 700 millimeter (mm) – 1,600 mm.

9 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

10 National Library of Australia.

Figure 17: Annual Rainfall, Tonle Sap River Basin Group

Source: TRTA consultants.

32. Groundwater location and availability. Data were collected from the Well Map website.
The Well Map database is an initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) with financial
support from the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program. Other organizations also
contributed historical data like: (i) ADB-financed Tonle Sap Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Project; (ii) Resource Development International Water Quality Database; (iii) UNICEF-
administered well database and arsenic database; and (iv) World Vision International’s ell

33. Drought- and flood-affected areas. Data for drought-affected areas came from the
National Committee for Disaster Management – Disaster Loss Database, while the flood data
came from the Tonle Sap Sub-Area (SA-9C), Cambodia National Mekong Commission Project,
2012. The maps that were prepared based on these data are shown in Figures 18 and 19.

Figure 18: Flood-affected Areas

Source: TRTA consultants.

Figure 19: Drought-affected Areas

Source: TRTA consultants.


34. Water quality monitoring. The Tonle Sap River Basin has seven stations (Figure 20)
used for monitoring and assessing water quality. The assessment of water quality11 is based on
three main categories of water quality indices: (i) Water Quality Index for Aquatic Life (WQLLal);
(ii) Water Quality Index for Human Impact (WQLhi); and (iii) Water Quality Index for Agricultural
Use (WQLag). The assessment follows the Mekong River Commission’s (MRC) Guidelines for
Water Quality Assessment,12 which provide the values for good quality water specific to aquatic
life and human impact.

Figure 20: Water Quality and Biomonitoring Stations

Source: TRTA consultants.

35. The hydropower stations are a subset of data containing known operational and planned
hydropower dams in the GMS for Cambodia compiled by International Rivers and published in
2014. The team downloaded the information from the Open Development Cambodia website, but
the original sources for these data were compiled from various sources including the Global
Reservoir and Dam (GRanD) Database, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR) Challenge Program on Water and Food – Mekong (for Mekong Basin dams
only), the United States National Inventory of Dams (NID) and other government dam inventories.

36. Population data were obtained from the Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey, 2013,
Final Report of the National Institute of Statistics under the Ministry of Planning (Figure 21).

11 CNMC. 2012. Profile of the Tonle Sap Sub-Area (SA-9C).

12 MRC. 2008.

Figure 21: Population in the Tonle Sap River Basin Group, 2013

Source: TRTA consultants.

3. Provincial-level Data: Battambang and Kampong Thom

37. Irrigation. In Battambang Province, the agricultural lands cover 270,000 ha, of which
about 60% are irrigated and 40% have no irrigation.13 Four more canals need to be constructed
to reach more agricultural lands. At present, there are eight existing reservoirs and one planned
reservoir project in the upper part of Stung Dauntri. There is a plan to construct a dam to divert
water to the agricultural lands and to control the water supply in the municipality. There are two
ongoing reservoir projects, one each funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) and ADB.

38. In Kampong Thom, the irrigated lands vary in area by season. During the wet season, the
irrigated area totals 210,000 ha, while in the dry season, the area is reduced to 34,000 ha.
Currently, there are several reservoir and irrigation canal projects. One is Stung Krasaing, which
is funded under the Uplands Irrigation and Water Resources Management Sector Project. The
Stung Staung Project has been completed, and the 30 Kanha Reservoir is under construction
with funding from China. The existence of hydroelectric power plants upstream in Lao PDR has
affected the quantity of water flowing through the Mekong River to the Tonle Sap Great Lake.

39. The map showing the locations of ongoing and planned reservoir projects in the two
provinces is in Figure 22.

13 Source is from the Battambang PDWRAM.


Figure 22: Location of Planned and Ongoing Reservoir Projects

Source: TRTA consultants.

40. Municipal water supply. Hard copies of maps of the water supply network were obtained
from the Battambang Municipal Water Supply and Kampong Thom Municipal Water Supply

41. In Battambang, there are two existing water treatment plants, and water is sourced from
the Sangker River. At present, there is a network system spanning 494 km and covering
Battambang municipality and two other districts. A laboratory checks water quality on a daily
basis. So far, no threats to water quality have been detected. Current water demand, based on
the population, is estimated at 60% of supply. In short, water supply exceeds demand.

42. In Kampong Thom, the water supply network has 5,200 service connections covering one
commune and three villages. By 2025, it is expected that the whole municipality will be connected
to the network. The current water supply is 5,360 cubic meter (m3) per day and is obtained from
the Stung Sen River. In spite of the five water treatment plants in the municipality, water quality
is a problem, especially during wet season. There are also reports of sedimentation caused by
deforestation upstream of the Stung Sen River.

43. Land use. The Battambang municipal office gave the TRTA team a hard copy of their
Land Use Master Plan up to 2020. The report shows the existing land-use and planned
developments including future settlement pattern, phases of development, future residential and
agriculture zones, and future special protection and promotion areas (Figure 23). Unfortunately,
the Kampong Thom municipal office lost its previous land use documents and maps after a
change in office administration.

Figure 23: Future Land-Use Plan of Battambang Municipality

Source: TRTA consultants.

44. Rainfall. The DOM has rainfall and temperature data, mostly in Excel format and some in
hard copy. There are many data handlers in DOM, which has resulted in a lot of piecemeal,
disorganized information. DOM is addressing this problem by collecting and organizing the
information to be migrated into their server. Their database format follows that of the MRC. Data
recorded from the hydromet stations located in the PDWRAM offices are automatically transmitted
to the DOM database, except for the rainfall data, which are either e-mailed or reported by phone.

45. DHRW collects and manages flood information and forecasts for the major river systems
only, such as the Mekong River. Data collection is both manual and automatic (Figure 24). The
automatic and telemetry stations send the data directly to DHRW, while for the manual equipment,
the data are downloaded from the field. These data are shared via email to international partners,
namely: Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam. DHRW also collects water quality information for
biodiversity suitability studies.

Figure 24: Existing Doppler Station

Source: TRTA consultants.

46. Riverbank erosion. DHRW also monitors riverbank erosion. It conducts studies in
affected areas and develops protection design. DHRW also monitors water discharges by doing
river gauging cross-sections to measure water flow and level. However, these activities are rarely

done because of budget limitations. DHRW does not digitize maps of river systems. Instead, they
use the topographic maps developed back in 2002 under a JICA project. This project was done
in two phases. The first phase, implemented by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport
(MPWT), produced topographic maps at 50,000 scale. In the second phase, JICA worked with
both MPWT and the Transport and Geographic Department of Ministry of Land Management
Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC).


A. Development of Maps

1. GIS Folder System

47. The development of the framework for the NWRDMC and WRIS consisted of the
development of maps based on datasets that were collected earlier and the creation of the WRIS
prototype. It involved a visualization of the NWRDMC concept and an identification of the features
and potential outputs of the data center and system.

48. A standard project folder was created by the TRTA team to store all the collected datasets
and information (Figure 25). This project folder was saved in an artificial drive called the W drive,
which contains the following folders:

00_Documentation contains all the reports, maps, and data documentation;

10_Database contains all the spatial (GIS format) datasets, imageries, tables, KML files,
and others, including layers to create the maps;
20_Maps contains all the maps created;
30_Quicklooks contains the JPEG and PDF versions of the maps;
90_RawData contains the datasets collected in their original file format;
99_WorkArea contains folders assigned to each GIS operator to save their temporary
working files.

Figure 25: Components of the GIS Database

Source: TRTA consultants.

2. Database Folder (10_Database)

49. The Database folder contains many files for GIS, tables in Excel format, available imagery
or Digital Elevation Model, and Google Earth files (KMZ or KML) (Figure 26).

Figure 26: Contents of GIS Folder

Source: TRTA consultants.

50. The GIS folder has several sub-folders for each type of spatial data (Figure 27). It
was organized in such a way as to combine the same category of datasets and to enable a quick
search of each GIS file. Datasets that have to do with the country, province, district, commune,
and village locations are stored in the Administrative folder (10_Administrative). Those related to
the natural geographic characteristics of the area (like river basins, river systems, land cover, soil,
and geology) are stored in the Natural Conditions folder (20_NaturalConditions). Datasets related
to manmade structures (e.g., roads, railways, irrigation schemes) are stored in the Infrastructure
folder (30_Infrastructure). Datasets on public facilities and institutions (such as government
offices, health centers, schools, and pagodas) are stored in the Public Facilities folder

(40_PublicFacilities). Those on the socioeconomic profile of an area, such as population and land
use, are stored in the Social Conditions folder (50_SocialConditions), while those on hazards
(flood and drought) are stored in the Hazards folder (60_Hazards).

Figure 27: GIS Sub-Folders

Source: TRTA consultants.

3. File Naming System

51. Standards were set for the naming of files in the GIS folder. The structure of the file
name indicates the layer category, coverage, layer name, and coordinate for the system (Figure
28). By so doing, one look at the GIS file will enable the user to see the short description of the
datasets without the need to view them using GIS software. Map and folder names were also
standardized to avoid GIS map file confusion and duplication (Figures 29 and 30). The format of
the maps was discussed among the GIS specialists and operators, and protocols were followed,
such as standard text style and size, background image, paper size, layer symbols, and labels
(Figure 31).

Figure 28: File Naming System and Definition

Source: TRTA consultants.

Figure 29: Layer Category Standards

Source: TRTA consultants.


Figure 30: Layer Coverage Standards

Source: TRTA consultants.

Figure 31: Protocol on Map File Naming

Source: TRTA consultants.

4. Data Documentation

52. To keep track of the datasets that go into the GIS system, data documentation was created
with information on the layer name, file path directory, coverage, source, and attributes (Tables 7
and 8).

Table 7: Map Documentation

Source: TRTA consultants.


Table 8: GIS Layers Documentation

Source: TRTA consultants.

5. Remote Sensing and GIS Maps

53. The NWRDMC will manage and maintain water resources information and provide
visualization for better understanding of the datasets. After organizing all the datasets collected
by the TRTA team, they were categorized into two main data types: primary and secondary.

54. Primary datasets refer to the information collected from ground observation and survey
(such as hydromet data from stations and etc). The information can be updated in the data center
and will be used during its operation. Secondary datasets are obtained from modelling results
and satellite-based information and global datasets.

55. The maps were also organized according to four themes (water resources, water
use, physical conditions, and social conditions), and 65 maps were produced. Water resources
thematic maps (25 maps) are on water sources, monitoring stations, amount of rainfall, as well
as quality and availability of surface and ground water. Water use thematic maps (10 maps) are
about agriculture and non-irrigation use of water. Physical condition thematic maps (21 maps) are
about ground features and characteristics visualized into maps. Social condition thematic maps
(8 maps) are about the socioeconomic conditions in focused areas.

B. Development of the WRIS Website Prototype

56. After developing the maps and organizing the database system, the prototype WRIS was
developed by the TRTA team. The features of this WRIS prototype are described below.

1. WRIS Platform Model

57. The prototype is in web-based format and is a stand-alone system. It is currently

linked to the GIS folder system or W drive. In the implementation phase of the data center, WRIS
will be linked with the database system that will be housed in a physical server. The prototype is
user- friendly; users will just have to click on the icon/s, and the requested information will pop up

58. WRIS is also designed to be a WebGIS system, but instead of opening a GIS software
and adding the layers to create a map, the prototype displays them together with their default
symbology and layout.

59. The prototype has more than 40 web pages and displays a static14 view of the
information collected by the TRTA team. To test how the proposed WRIS work, one web page
was linked to an open source web-based GIS service utilizing Quantum GIS (QGIS) and QGIS
Cloud. This can be freely accessed once the user registers a user account with the GIS developer.

60. WA+ was integrated into the prototype to showcase the use of remote-sensing and
water accounting processes to produce analyses, such as water productivity, water availability,
etc. WRIS will also integrate water modelling systems developed under different projects to
disseminate data and information from the modelling systems to support water resources
management and planning.

2. Accessibility

61. The system is a stand-alone version, i.e., it needs to be installed in each computer for a
user to gain access to it. In the implementation phase, there will be three ways to access the
system: (i) through the WRIS link on the official website of MOWRAM; (ii) installation of the system
in the work station; and (iii) through WRIS’ own web address (IP address) (Figure 32). During
project implementation, MOWRAM and other stakeholders will need to discuss and decide on
how the system can be accessed, taking full consideration of data security and information
dissemination to pertinent end users.

Figure 32: Accessibility Flow

Source: TRTA consultants.

3. User Accounts

62. WRIS will have a System Log In feature that will allow new users to register and create
their accounts or if they have already done that, they just need to type in their username and
password. There will be three types of user accounts: Lead, Member, and Public Accounts. Lead
accounts will be given to selected users, who are responsible for maintaining and updating the
system. Most of these users are personnel of the NWRDMC, who can edit the system interface,
maps, and database. Member accounts will be given to selected users, who can contribute
datasets and information to the maps and database. Public accounts will given to the public users

14 “Static” means the user can only view available data, and they are incapable of modifying or adding any data on

who can only view the maps and selected information.

4. User Interface

63. The WRIS user interface has six parts: (i) user account; (ii) menu; (iii) map view;
(iv) search; (v) help; and (vi) background map (Figure 33).

Figure 33: Water Resources Information System Prototype

Source: TRTA consultants.

64. User accounts. This part will enable users to view their account settings and make
changes. For example, users can change their user name and password and they can also sign
out if they want to close WRIS (Figure 34).

Figure 34: Manage Accounts Feature

Source: TRTA consultants.

65. Menu. This displays the available maps and information that can be viewed in WRIS
(Figure 35).

Figure 35: Menu Tabs

Source: TRTA consultants.


66. Map view. This is the business core of the WRIS, which displays the maps, datasets, and
attributes (Figure 36). The design concept is for WRIS to use Google Earth application programming
inteface as background display of the system.

Figure 36: Map View

Source: TRTA consultants.

67. Search. WRIS also has a Search filter (Figure 37), where users can type in their query,
and the system will bring up results based on a matching of keywords.

Figure 37: Search Feature

Source: TRTA consultants.

68. Help. Users can seek guidance on the use of the system by using the Help feature. A
quick tutorial on how to operate WRIS can be found here.

69. Background map. In the Map View display, users can select background maps or images
by clicking on this side menu.

Figure 38: Background Map Menu

Source: TRTA consultants.

5. Menu Tabs

70. The design of the structure of the main menu and sub-menus was based on: (i) the
available thematic maps; (ii) what users will potentially look for in a system; and (iii) types of data
(primary and secondary). The schematic of the prototype WRIS is shown in Figure 39. Some of
the layers were integrated with available remote-sensing products, such as satellite-derived
rainfall datasets from GPM and CHIRPS, water productivity, and water consumption. A WA+
menu tab was also incorporated into the system to allow users to browse through WA+ sheets for
Cambodia, namely: (i) resource base sheet; (ii) evapotranspiration sheet; (iii) agricultural services
sheet; (iv) utilized flow sheet; (v) surface water sheet, (vi) groundwater sheet; and (vii) ecosystem
services sheet.

Figure 39: Menus and Sub-Menus

Source: TRTA consultants.

6. About WRIS

71. This is a webpage that gives a short narrative of the purpose and origin of how the WRIS
was conceptualized.

a. Water Resources

72. The Water Resources menu contains information on water sources, the equipment used
to observe water, water characteristics, and the hazards that affect its quality and availability. This
is in the form of a sub-menu in a pop-up type window that would lead to another pop-up window
(Figure 40). The Catchment Areas sub-menu is all about river basins, sub-catchments, and river

systems. Once activated, the system will display a pop-up window listing available maps and
datasets (Figure 41). The Hydromet sub-menu is all about information that are observed and
recorded by the various hydrological and meteorological stations and equipment. Users can view
locations of hydrological stations, rainfall data, water level and water flow. The Water Quality and
Monitoring sub-menu contains information on point location of stations that record water quality.
The Groundwater sub-menu has information on the sources and availability of groundwater. The
Flooding sub-menu stores information on the coverage and location of previous flooding incidents,
while the Drought sub-menu has information on the coverage and location of previous drought
incidents. Finally, the IWRM plans sub-menu provides access to the relevant government policies
on IWRM.

Figure 40: Water Resources Sub-Menu

Source: TRTA consultants.

Figure 41: Catchment Areas Pop-up Window

Source: TRTA consultants.

b. Water Use

73. This menu holds information on water uses for both agriculture and other purposes. Like
the Water Resources menu, it contains sub-menus, namely agriculture and others (Figure 42).
The Agriculture sub-menu features information taken from the CISIS database and presents
the information as maps in the WRIS. It also features information on water consumption (Figure
43). It will enable users to view weekly map series on the actual amount of water consumed,
based on satellite-derived evapotranspiration products and water productivity, and present
seasonal maps of crop water productivity organized by crop, river basin, and season.

Figure 42: Water Use Menu

Source: TRTA consultants.


Figure 43: Water Consumption Map

Source: TRTA consultants.

74. The Others sub-menu features water usage by other sectors (Figure 44). The maps
included in this sub-menu were collected from the provincial government, water supply offices,
and other sources, and they are presented in the system as maps with different themes.

Figure 44: Available Datasets for the Water Use fo Others Sub-Menu

Source: TRTA consultants.

c. Physical and Social Conditions

75. The last two menu tabs are dedicated to secondary data that WRIS can be linked to.
Instead of pop-up windows, the icon menus were designed to serve as sub-menus for the two
themes. For Physical and Social Conditions, the datasets were symbolized as icons, as shown in
Figure 45. The use of icons makes sense in this menu because of the numerous data categories
or themes collected by the TRTA team.

Figure 45: Water Resources Information System Icons

Source: TRTA consultants.

d. Water Accounting Plus

76. The WA+ sub-menu provides access to all WA+ sheets. These sheets are populated
based on the data layers that can be viewed individually elsewhere in the system. The WA+ sub-
menu is the heart of the system for the IWRM policy maker, who wishes to obtain an overview of
the status of water availability and water use across a river basin. The WA+ sub-menu is
structured according to the individual sheets, each with specific applications and purposes:

• Resource base sheet for providing a general overview on overexploitation and

unmanageable, manageable, exploitable, reserved, utilized, and utilizable flows
and discerning between landscape evapotranspiration (by rainfall) and
incremental evapotranspiration (by manmade and natural withdrawals) and
quantifying atmospheric recycling (Figure 46);
• Evapotranspiration sheet for identifying water consumption by land-use classes
and water user groups; describing manmade impact on evapotranspiration,
beneficial and non-beneficial consumption, breakdown of beneficial consumptive
use in agricultural, ecological, economy, energy, and leisure;
• Agricultural services sheet for sustaining food security, allocating water to
irrigation, maintaining rainfed production systems, defining future cropping
systems, modifying land- use planning, indicating possibilities for saving water in
agriculture, shrinkage or expansion of irrigated areas;
• Utilized flow sheet for identifying multiple uses of water, providing overview of all
manmade and natural withdrawals, describing surface water and groundwater
withdrawals, distinguishing between consumed and non-consumed water,
recognizing recoverable and non-withdrawals, consumptive use, return flow
drainage, recharge, water quality degradation, recoverable flow, and quantifying
terrestrial water recycling (Figure 47);
• Surface water sheet for defining surface water availability and utilizable
withdrawals in any location in the river basin, preparing surface water allocation
plans, defining water rights, navigation, conserving endangered species, planning
of infrastructure and water resources development;
• Groundwater sheet for assessing aquifers as a storage reservoir for droughts and

their role as buffering mechanism, preparing safe groundwater withdrawals plans

(i.e., prevention of declining groundwater tables), providing exploitation permits,
and managing aquifer recharge; and
• Ecosystem services sheet for conserving biodiversity of flora and fauna,
delaying runoff, preventing flooding in settlements, implementing climate smart
agriculture, preventing physical and chemical land degradation, recovering flow
with degraded water quality, carbon sequestration, reducing greenhouse gas
emission, improving drought resilience, preventing soil erosion, and promoting
green growth.

Figure 46: WA+ Resource Base Sheet for a Dry Year (2004) in the Tonle Sap River Basin

Source: E. Salvadore et al. July 2017. Water Accounting in Selected Asian River Basins: Pilot Study in

Figure 47: WA+ Utilized Flow Sheet for a Dry Year (2004) in the Tonle Sap River Basin
(IHE-Delft, 2017)

Source: E. Salvadore et al. July 2017. Water Accounting in Selected Asian River Basins: Pilot Study
in Cambodia.

77. The WA+ components include an automatic reporting functionality that allows the user to
select a period of time and a geographical region of interest, e.g., an irrigation system or a river
basin, and subsequently completes the WA+ sheets based on data available in the Water
Resources and Water Use components of the system. The areas of interest can be selected by
clicking on GIS polygons representing basins and irrigation schemes, and periods can be selected
using a time slider. The user can tick the specific WA+ sheets that are relevant to their purpose
in a list, as not all the WA+ sheets will be relevant to each WRIS user. The WA+ sheets created
with the automatic reporting functionality are presented in the online system, and can be exported
to pdf format (full sheets with layout as in Figures 42 and 43) and Excel format (the raw data).

78. In order to support the planning and management of water resources, the WRIS will not
only allow for the analysis of historical and current conditions, but also for different scenarios
related to land-use changes and climate change, as well as government policies. This relates to
expected future changes in water resources primary data, but also to projected changes in water

use data due to government policies, population growth, or agricultural expansion. The WRIS
itself is not a full-fledged modelling platform to perform these simulations, but it provides access
to relevant data generated by various agencies and integrates and presents this information in a
meaningful manner to the policymaker. This should include, for example, the scenario analyses
that are being performed uder the Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management Program.
The WRIS integrates outcomes of such initiatives and allows for centralized access to these data.
The WA+ component of the WRIS will, thus, not only allow incorporation of baseline data for the
creation of the sheets, but also use output of scenario analyses (e.g., future changes in rainfall
patterns, crop water use, etc.) to facilitate evaluation of long-term water resources availability and

e. Other Features of WRIS

79. Other features of the WRIS include the following (Figure 48):

(i) Attribute information: WRIS can display the attribute information available from
the map displayed, which may consist of details of the layers shown on the screen;
(ii) Open and/or display map: this enables users to have a copy of the maps by
downloading them in JPEG format;
(iii) Open QGIS Cloud: this will open the QGIS Cloud website where the same maps
will be displayed and enable users to have more interaction with the map by
zooming in or out, inquire about the attributes available, and measure distances or
areas; and
(iv) Exit page: this button closes the current page and goes back to the previous

Figure 48: Map and Database Display in WRIS

Source: TRTA consultants.




80. The NWRDMC is envisaged to be the central hub for managing all information related
to water resources management. It will support decision makers in MOWRAM in their
planning, operations, and prioritization of projects and activities. The concept of the data
center is that it will manage different databases in MOWRAM, consisting of hydromet
databases (manual and automatic systems), GIS data and satellite-based and/or remote-sensing
data, CISIS databse, modelling systems, and satellite-based modelling system, such as WA+ and

81. What is crucial in the development of the NWRDMC database is the setting up of links or
application programming interface with databases that are presently used in MOWRAM or other
ministries and organizations. Coordination among these agencies, guided by a team of experts
during the development phase, should discuss the specific datasets related to water resources
management for sharing in the WRIS. The roles of the agencies and the information they could
share can be discussed at a workshop, where the data sharing protocol will be formulated.

82. The ministries and organizations with pertinent WRIS-related datasets in their possession
can continue with their work and activities (e.g., MRD managing rural water supply), and still share
the information by linking with the NWRDMC and sending updated datasets. They do not need to
send everything they have or to have a separate physical server for them in the data center. In
return, NWRDMC and WRIS should provide products and services that will benefit the other
ministries and organizations who share their information with the NWRDMC and WRIS.

A. Database Management

1. Spatial Information Database

83. This database will be dedicated to storing and managing spatial (GIS format files), raster
(imageries), and attribute information (tables attached to the GIS files). The maps and layers that
are displayed in WRIS will come from this database, including GIS and remote sensing analysis
products like the WA+ outputs. It is recommended that there should be a standard operation
protocol that will involve assessment, processing, and standardization of the datasets before
integration into the spatial information database. Each dataset should have a standard format
and the system should assign a unique “key” to give the layer identity for quick retrieval in the

84. Administrative boundaries. At present, the administrative boundaries (provinces,

districts, communes, and villages) in Cambodia have assigned geocodes, which are unique IDs
for each spatial boundary to differentiate them from one another. Provinces, districts, communes
and villages have a two-digit code assigned to each one of them (Table 9). As one goes down
from province to village level, the codes are combined, as shown in Figure 45. It is recommended
that the codes for all administrative levels should be in eight-digit format, as shown in Table 10.

Table 9: Codes for Administrative Boundaries

Source: TRTA consultants.

Figure 49: Geocode Structure

Source: TRTA consultants.

Table 10: Recommended Geocode Format

Source: TRTA consultants.

85. Other spatial datasets. Other spatial layers (such as road networks, bridges, rivers,
population, land use, land cover, and public facilities) will have their own set of unique IDs that
the database system will recognize for retrieval. To illustrate, let us say that we have a road
network layer in GIS file format and attached to it is the attribute table consisting of the road
number, road name, and length. The road number must be unique for each road, and this can
be the ID for the road layer that WRIS can use as reference for retrieval. For population data, the
census reports provide statistics on the total population, population density, urban and rural
population, by sex and residency, and many more (Table 11). To integrate these data into WRIS
and data center, the statistics that are in table form should be reorganized, and the administrative
geocodes reformatted into the eight-digit code (Table 12).

Table 11: Current Format of Census Data

Source: TRTA consultants.


Table 12: Recommended Code Format

Source: TRTA consultants.

2. Cambodia Information System on Irrigation Schemes (CISIS)

86. In 2008, MOWRAM developed CISIS with support from the French Development Agency
(Agence Francaise de Developpement or AFD). Its objective was to assist in the planning of
maintenance and development of irrigation schemes and assets in the country.15 CISIS is a
dynamic and comprehensive asset management database of irrigation systems including
infrastructure details (condition and age), service areas, cropping patterns, and socioeconomic
data. it is a Microsoft Access tool linked to a GIS database, currently containing data on 2,483
systems across the country. The system is managed by the Department of Planning and
International Cooperation at MOWRAM. CISIS updates in recent years have benefited from data
sharing with JICA and ADB as well as the use of satellite imagery.

87. A review and assessment of CISIS by the TRTA team showed that the database was
merely a consolidated record of all irrigation schemes based on site interviews that were
conducted two years ago. Most data were not updated nor used for water resources and irrigation
projects, and CISIS data were organized by province. For the concept of WRIS and NWRDMC,
the tables were reorganized by river basin, as shown in Table 13. Furthermore, the table was
divided into three blocks, each with a specific theme: (i) Block 1, location of irrigation projects
(Table 14); (ii) Block 2, irrigation scheme areas and farmer water user communities (Table 15);
and (iii) Block 3, structures and canals (Table 16).

15 AFD, 2010

Table 13: Reorganized Cambodia Information System on Irrigation Schemes (CISIS)


Source: TRTA consultants.


Table 14: Block 1, Irrigation Projects and Locations

Source: TRTA consultants.

Table 15: Block 2, Irrigation Scheme Areas and Farmer Water User Communities

Source: TRTA consultants.


Table 16: Block 3, Structures and Canals

Source: TRTA consultants.

88. Though the CISIS contains other information (such as canal structures, soil, FWUC
management, and O&M status), the database has become static and is now an archive. It is,
therefore, recommended that, to utilize the information within CISIS, it should be integrated
with other water resources and water use datasets under the umbrella of the NWRDMC. The
integration of CISIS datasets with other databases in the NWRDMC will enable MOWRAM to view
information in one central system and do analysis on trends, prioritization of irrigation schemes
based on their condition, and estimated budget. For example, users can overlay irrigation
schemes with water level and water flow, which will come from the hydrological database, and
assess if there is a need to improve particular schemes.

3. Meteorological Database

89. DOM collects information on wind direction, wind speed, temperature, rainfall in the last
hour, pressure, and humidity from the various hydromet stations distributed over the country. The
public can view the information in the official website of DOM and MOWRAM.16 Although the
available data have so many gaps, not to mention that they are in Excel format, they can still link
up and send meteorological data/information to WRIS. Using satellite-derived rainfall datasets,
the data center will be able to cross-check and overlay the information from DOM to produce
rainfall maps and forecasts. Data from doppler radars should be integrated into the WRIS database
as well.

4. Hydrological Database

90. The hydrological database managed by DHRW can be linked to the WRIS. They have an
option to use the unique hydrological station IDs as the “key” for communication between
NWRDMC and DHRW databases.

91. Modelling systems developed under different projects should be reviewed and integrated
into WRIS database as well.

B. National Water Resources Data Management Center Structure

92. While the conceptual design of NWRDMC will be conducted after need assessment, an
initial NWRDMC concept was preliminary designed with the following considerations in mind (final

16 MOWRAM, Department of Meteorology.


conceptual design will be carried out later):

(i) Unified computing. At the core of computing systems, there is a desire to perform
faster, more efficient, and easy adaptation. Engaging unified computing
integrates hardware, virtualization, and a comprehensive ease of management
software, which streamlines management, reduces the total cost of ownership, and
increases scalabilty.
(ii) Converged systems. Servers, as well as storage and virtualization hardware, are
consolidated into a single stack. While converged systems utilize separate
software to control each function, each pillar can be scaled independently based
on requirements.
(iii) Back-up and recovery. Regular back-up of all files and data to a secure storage
space is essential or, if the device fails, entire projects and important information
can be reliably recovered without missing a beat.
(iv) Replication. Recovery time should be reduced to as little as 15 minutes by
employing image-based virtual machine through a variety of network solutions.

93. The diagram of the data center concept in Figure 50 shows how the data center will
operate, databases, equipment needed, and who the system users will be.

Figure 50: Diagram of the Data Center Concept

Source: TRTA consultants.

94. The data center will be housed in, and managed by, MOWRAM and will initially have four
databases, as described in Section A above. These databases, except for the spatial information
database, are housed and maintained in their respective offices in MOWRAM, i.e., meteorological
database in DOM, hydrological database in DHRW, CISIS in the Department of Planning and
International Cooperation. These three existing databases will be linked at the NWRDMC, through
the WRIS, and can call up shared information or layers for analysis in the system. The data center

products and outputs can be shared with the project stakeholders (e.g., PDWRAMs, DOM, and
DHRW). In return, the stakeholders will provide data and information to the data center regarding
corrections and updates of the datasets. The flow of information to and from the data center is
shown in Figure 51.

Figure 51: National Water Resources Data Management Center Information Flow

Source: TRTA consultants.

95. The data center will be working on an intranet platform. This means that the system
can only allow users with authorized accounts. The users can make do with the products and
outputs for whatever purpose, but they have no access to edit or modify the datasets directly
in WRIS. They have to go through the data center manager, advise him/her on what changes
are needed, then the data center personnel can modify the datasets.

96. Ensuring data quality is very important in WRIS and data center operation. As in all
computerized systems, garbage in, garbage out. Inconsistent datasets will lead to failed systems.
The integrity of data collection, processing and integration must be assured at all times.

97. The data center will comprise several sections. Some ideas are described below (numbers
and functions of sections will be identified after need assessment);

(i) GIS and/or mapping section, which is where the datasets from various sources
will be assessed, encoded, processed, and converted into standardized,
compatible file formats that WRIS can recognize; it will also provide GIS, mapping,
and remote-sensing services and products to MOWRAM;
(ii) Programming section, where all application coding will take place; it will be staffed
by application and database programmers alike who will sustain and improve the
(iii) Systems and database section, where the innovations and enhancements to the
design and features of WRIS and the data center will be developed. The staff will
coordinate with MOWRAM and stakeholders on the development and
improvements of the application system and operations of the data center, then

relay instructions to the programming and GIS and/or mapping sections to have
the requests addressed;
(v) Server room, which will be run by the Administrator, who will oversee the condition
and performance of the servers;
(vi) Command center or the central hub of the building, where decision makers
(ministers, managers, department heads) will view and monitor water resources
information in the form of WebGIS maps coupled with Water Accounting and GIS
analysis outputs shown in big, wide screen LCD monitors; the command center
will be managed by the Data Center Manager;
(vii) Training office, which will be responsible for the planning, conduct, and
assessment of technical trainings in support of the operation and sustainability of
the data center;
(viii) Administrative office, which will handle administrative work, such as
accounting, human resources, procurement, security, and maintenance; and
(ix) Consultants’ office, which will serve as the base for the international and
national consultants who will support the operation and enhancement of the data

98. The NWRDMC section will be incorporated into MOWRAM’s organization, as shown in
Figure 52 below.

Figure 52: Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology with National Water Resources
Data Management Center Organizational Chart

Source: TRTA consultants.

99. Due to the present situation of MOWRAM in terms of availability of personnel, the
Directorate General of Technical Affairs can be the Director of the data center. As such, he will
be responsible for the coordination and cooperation of all departments under him in the operation
of the data center. He will also be responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the center and
sharing of data center products and information for policy and decision-making activities.

100. NWRDMC will have section heads assigned to four sections: training, GIS and mapping,
programming, and system and database sections. At present, MOWRAM already has GIS
departments in their departments, such as DHRW and DOM, albeit small. It is recommended that
these departments can combine all their GIS specialists and operators and let them work in
NWRDMC. This will also pave the way for standardizing their existing datasets and information

and developing standard operating procedures.

101. The Training Section will serve as the knowledge hub of the data center. The ministry can
invite consultants or resource persons to conduct training for their personnel to improve or
reinforce their current skill sets. In the case of the System and Database and Programming
sections, it is necessary for MOWRAM to hire specialists such as Systems Analysts,
Programmers, and Database Developers for the NWRDMC.

102. From time to time, MOWRAM can have consultants who will support the data center by
providing assistance in knowledge sharing, further development of WRIS, institutional
arrangements, and standard operating procedures.

103. The data center will need to procure hardware, software, and office assets for its
operations based on the need and capacity assessment. It will also need back-up, cooling, and
security systems. Considering the huge volume of data and processing that will have to be done,
the basic hardware specifications are suggested in Tables 17 and 18 (to be updated after
reviewing existing information from other projects and need assessment from stakeholders). In
the course of project implementation, the specifications could change once the volume of datasets
and analysis needed are determined by the experts. For the software, the specifications will be
determined during the WRIS design phase and data center building construction.

Table 17: Basic Specifications for GIS/Remote Sensing Work Station

Item Specificaions
CPU speed 2.2 GHz minimum; hyper-threading (HHT) or multi-core recommended.
Platform x86 or x64 with SSE2 extensions.
Memory/RAM 2 GB minimum
Display properties 24-bit color depth
Screen resolution 1024x768 recommended minimum at normal size (96 dpi)
Swap space Determined by the operating system; 500 MB minimum
Disk space 2.4 GB. In addition, up to 50 MB of disk space may be needed in the
Windows System directory. For WebGIS, additional disk space may be
required for the application to create cache files when used.
Video/graphics adaptor 64 MB RAM minimum; 256 MB RAM or higher recommended; NVIDIA, ATI,
and Intel chipsets supported; 24-bit capable graphics accelerator; OpenGL
version 2.0 runtime minimum required; Shader Model 3.0 or higher
Networking Hardware Simple TCP and/or IP, network card, or Microsoft loopback adapter
required for the license manager
Source: TRTA consultants.

Table 18: Basic Specifications for the Server

Item Specifications
Form or factor height 1U rack (recommended)
Processor (max) and/or Up to two Intel Xeon processors E5-2600 v4 series with up to 22 cores
Cache (max) each / up to 55MB per processor
Memory (max) Up to 1.5 TB–2400MHz with 64GB TruDDR4 Memory, LRDIMMs
Disk bays Up to 10 front and two rear 2.5-inch HDDs or SSDs or up to four 3.5-inch
Maximum internal storage Up to 46TB
RAID support 12Gbps dedicated RAID slot with support for hardware RAID 0,1,10
with optional RAID 5,50, 6, 60

Item Specifications
Power supply (standard ½ redundant 550W AC, 750W AC, 900W AC, 1500W AC, 900W DC
and/or max) 80 PLUS Platinum and 750W AC 80 PLUS Titanium (model dependent)
Hot-swap components Power supplies, fan modules, and HDDs/SSDs
Network interface 1 x IMM and 4 x 1GbE (std.); optional 10/40GbE ML2 or PLIe adapter;
Trusted Platform Module built-in
Expansion slots 1–3 PCIe 3.0 slots and 1 dedicated RAID slot
USB ports and/or VGA Up to 3 x USB 2.0 front, 2 x USB 3.0 rear, 1 x USB 2.0 internal/1 front
ports (optional) / 1 back
Energy efficiency 80 PLUS, ENERGY STAR (model dependent); up to 40oC operating
temp; 2 fan zones with up to 8 fans
Operating systems (OS) Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux
Supported Enterprise Server, VMware vSphere – (optional USB Key or SD Media
Source: TRTA consultants.

104. During the construction of NWRDMC building, the could-based system will be set up to
store the collected data from different agencies to ensure smooth development of WRIS and
continuous access to WRIS by public during the build construction phase. The cloud-based
system has benefits on no capital expenses on on-site hardware and no responsibility on resoures
for server management while an in-house server has a control over backup with access control
to the database. The combination of cloud-based and in-house systems will be explored to ensure
smooth development and continuous WRIS services. The NWRDMC and WRIS, once fully
operational, will integrate all available information in MOWRAM and from the stakeholders, but it
will not just be about putting everything together. The data center will also have the capability to
produce its own products and deliverables.

105. Once the irrigation systems from CISIS are integrated in WRIS, MOWRAM will be able
to make a priority list of the systems and estimate the budget required for the planned
rehabilitation projects. Water availability, productivity, and consumption will also be determined
through remote sensing provided by the WA+ services. Remote sensing techniques can
produce maps and analysis of areas that have enough or insufficient water. Satellite-derived
rainfall can provide forecasts or visual representation of recorded rainfall. Time series from
satellite-derived vegetation cover can allow users to view the impact of drought events on crops
and natural vegetation. These are just two examples of what NWRDMC and WRIS have to offer.
The bottomline is that the data center should be able to meet the requirements of MOWRAM and
its stakeholders by supporting them in their planning and management and make better
decisions to make water resources management more effective and efficient.

C. Cost Estimates

106. Please refer to the project cost table.

D. Implementation Arrangements

1. Phasing of Implementation

107. It is proposed that the implementation of the NWRDMC and WRIS be done in three
components, each with a specific area of interest, stakeholders, duration, required experts, and
expected deliverables, as shown below.

Component 1: Needs assessment and design of the NWRDMC and national WRIS and assist
in bidding and construction supervision processes

• Review exsiting information systems in Cambodia.

• Need assessment to understand needs of stakeholders (MOWRAM, MAFF, MOE,
and MRD).
• Develop a concept on engineering and architecture designs for the NWRDMC,
including internal layouts.
• Design of the data center and WRIS based on results from reviewing of existing
systems and need assessment, including exteriors and interiors of the NWRDMC,
functions of rooms in NWRDMC, placement of equipment, network layout, and
placement of divisions and specializations. Information and communications
technology functions and facilities should be considered in the design of
• Prepare the technical specifications, Bill of Quantities drawings, and
supplementary information regarding works to be procured for the bidding
documents for the construction of the NWRDMC building and the technical
specifications of the goods and equipment for NWRDMC and WRIS.
• Supervise all aspects of the construction and installation of the various
components of the civil works of NWRDMC to ensure that the constructed
structures and equipment meet design requirements and standards.

Component 2: Development of national WRIS

• Review, assess and incorporated water resources data into the WRIS. This
includes primary data such as ground observations, surveys, and secondary data
including satellite-based information and results from modelling systems.
• Collect data from relevant agencies and carry out quality assurance and quality
control for the data including gap filling and standardinzation.
• Installation, and configuration of physical assets for the WRIS, including server,
work stations, network, and other equipment, as well as procurement of software
applications to support the operation of the data center and WRIS.
• Set up database (both cloud-based and in-house) systems to ensure continuous
access during constructon of NWRDMC and development of WRIS.

Component 3: Capacity Development

• Conduct capacity need assessment to design the training program to fit the needs
of end-users at different levels.
• Organize technical trainings and workshops based on needs of end-users, such
as data management including, not limited to, data standardization, data
processing, database management and database updating, data visualization and
dissemination, interfaces (website and mobile application) development and
modification, O&M for WRIS and other relevant topics (such as basic GIS, basinc
hydrology and meteorology, basic water resources modelling for water allocation
and basic remote-sensing, WA+, etc.).
• Training topics will be identified based on needs from the end-users (technical
groups and non-technical groups). Training approach will be combination of
classroom and on-the-job trainings to ensure intensive engagement and
continuous collaboration with clients.

109. The WRIS objectives, data required, key data sources, and where to possibly locate them in
the system, are listed in Table 19 below.

Table 19: Water Resources Information System Objectives, Data Required, Sections,
and Key Data Sources
Water Resources
Purpose Data Required Information System Key Data Sources
Water resources Rainfall Water Accounting + Remote-sensing
assessment Evapotranspiration (WA+) Department of Hydrology and
Streamflow Water resources River Works (DHRW) flow
Land-use Physical conditions stations
Social conditions Telemetry stations (Regional
Flood Management and
Mitigation Center (RFMMC)
and Ministry of Water
Resources and Meteorology
eWater Source
Municipal Governments
River basin Water demand WA+ Remote-sensing
planning Rainfall Water resources DHRW flow stations
Evapotranspiration Water use Telemetry stations (RFMMC
Streamflow Physical conditions and MOWRAM
Land-use Social conditions eWater Source
Municipal Governments
Irrigation canal Water level Water resources Remote-sensing
operation Weather station data Water use Cambodia Information
Canal network System on Irrigation Schemes
Department of Meteorology
(DOM) weather stations
DHRW weather stations
Flood forecasting Rainfall Water resources Telemetry stations (RFMMC
and/or mitigation Near-realtime and forecasted Physical conditions and MOWRAM)
discharge and/or water level Social conditions Hydrologic Engineering
Weather station data Center-Hydrologic Modelling
System, Hydrologic
Engineering Center-River
Analysis System from
National Flood Forecasting
Irrigation efficiency Evapotranspiration WA+ Remote-sensing
assessment Water supply Water use CISIS
Location of irrigation systems
Water productivity Evapotranspiration WA+ Remote-sensing
mapping Biomass production Water use CISIS
Land-use and/or crop type
Harvest index
Drought (impact) Normalized Difference WA+ Remote-sensing
monitoring Vegetation Index Water resources DOM stations
Biomass production Water use DHRW flow stations
Rainfall Physical conditions Telemetry stations (RFMMC
Evapotranspiration and MOWRAM)
DOM weather stations
DHRW weather stations
Hydropower Upstream rainfall, WA+ Remote sensing
planning and/or evapotranspiration Water resources DHRW flow stations
development Long-term streamflow Physical conditions Telemetry stations (RFMMC
Social conditions and MOWRAM)

Water Resources
Purpose Data Required Information System Key Data Sources
Environmental and social eWater Source
context SERVIR (to ‘serve’ in
Water quality Concentration of pollutants Water resources Station data
Evaluation of Key data on water availability, WA+ DHRW flow stations
climate change (and water use, etc. under different Water resources DOM weather stations
impacts) climate scenarios Water use DHRW weather stations
Physical conditions eWater Source
Social conditions Soil and Water Assessment
Tool (SWAT)
Scenario planning Key data on water availability, WA+ Remote Sensing
water use, etc. under different Water resources eWater Source
(management and/or policy) Water use SWAT
scenarios Physical conditions
Social conditions
Source: TRTA consultants.

2. Institutional Arrangements

108. NWRDMC and WRIS will be managed by MOWRAM, and the data center will be housed
in a building that will be constructed inside the MOWRAM compound in Phase 1. However, as
there are several ministries and organizations in Cambodia that are active in the planning and
management water resources in the country, redundancies in the work they are doing, including
data/information handling, cannot be totally avoided. It is, therefore, recommended that a
Technical Working Group (TWG) be formed to maintain and sustain the operations of the
NWRDMC, composed of the lead ministry, core ministries, and member ministries.

109. MOWRAM will be the lead ministry as it is their mandate to manage all water resources in
the country. As such, MOWRAM will lead in the operation of NWRDMC and WRIS. Most of the
primary data to be collected in the development of WRIS and data center will come from
MOWRAM, including the PDWRAMs, DOM, and DHRW. During the first phase, only MOWRAM,
MAFF, and MOE will be involved in need assessment.

110. MOWRAM and MAFF will be core ministries for training. Data from other ministiries (MOE,
MPWT, etc.) will also be integrated into the WRIS.

111. Other ministries and organizations (government and nongovernment), which can
contribute to and benefit from WRIS, but will have no direct access to the data center, will be
included as member ministries. These ministries include the following: MRD, Ministry of Mines
and Energy (MME), Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Economy and Finance, CNMC, MRC, Tonle
Sap River Basin Commission, Cambodian Water Supply Association, Municipal Water Supply
Offices, provincial and municipal government offices; and development partners (ADB, World
Bank, FAO, UNDP, DFAT, GIZ, etc.).

3. Consulting Services

112. A team of international and national consultants will be engaged by MOWRAM to provide
technical advice and support to the project management unit in the design, development, and
O&M of the NWRDMC and WRIS, as well as the planning and conduct of training and capacity
building of concerned personnel, in the first three years of the project. A team of international and

national consultants, respectively, will be required. Their terms of reference (TOR) are in
Appendix 2 of the project administration manual (Package CS-02).

4. Capacity Building

113. Training topics will be selected based on capacity need assessment and priority for WRIS.
Training topics could include statistical analysis of hydrological-meteorological data, data gap
filling, basic remote-sensing and GIS, analysis of remote-sensing data, modelling of water
allocation for agriculture, WA+ concept, its application and interpretation of WA+ results and other
topics to fit the needs from end-users. Training should also consider O&M of WRIS including
database maintenance and upgrade, back-up systems, security, and data center standard
operating protocols. Training program will be designed by considering two types of targeted
groups (technical staff and general audiences who use information from WRIS for water resources
management purposes).


A. Input Data Availability and Format

114. In terms of stations per surface area, the hydromet station network in Cambodia is
substantially outside of the acceptable World Meteorology Organization Range 2. This means that
there is a large potential added value of satellite-derived water management information in the
country. The WRIS system should include state-of-the-art, public domain satellite products on key
hydrological parameters, such as rainfall (e.g., GPM, CHIRPS) and evapotranspiration (e.g.,
SSEBop, Atmosphere–Land Exchange Inverse), with the WA+ approach providing a framework for
presenting satellite-derived information in an understandable way to policymakers.

115. To make the most of relevant public domain information that is produced outside of
Cambodia, the WRIS should connect to data and decision support system tools relevant to the
country, such as those disseminated for the Mekong region through modelling systems and
satellite-based information developed under differenct projects, such as GMS-Flood and Drought
Management and Mitigation project, Meking Integrated Water Resources Management Project,
SERVIR-Mekong (USAID) and other global-scale water and climate datasets.

116. Additional hydrological and meteorological stations for procurement and upgrade of
computer systems in PDWRAM offices are needed. As the data center will be dependent on
the information gathered by PDWRAMs, they should be able to transmit accurate and on-time

117. A standard operating protocol should be implemented for the proper storage
and transmission of all recorded observations and datasets. There are a lot of gaps seen
in the data collected by the TRTA team, thus making trend analysis more difficult. Most of the lost
information is kept in hard copies of documents. Some of the information is also transmitted via
phone calls or emails. There should be a system that will standardize the way datasets are
stored and transmitted in the data center.

B. Water Resources Information System Features

118. Various data and information are available from various sources in the country in hard
copy or digital format. However, almost all of them are “raw data” and need to be standardized to
be integrated into the unified database of WRIS. There are no standard mapping or data

standards adopted, adding complications if all of the information is integrated, including the fact
that there has been confusion regarding data sources, the year it was created, and the attribute
information it contains. There should be a standard format to be adopted by all datasets to be
integrated in the data center. The NWRDMC should set up a set of standards that would organize
all datasets before integrating them into one database system.

119. The data center should not only focus on water resources and water uses, but should
also include physical and social conditions, such as land use and population, as these
conditions also affect water availability and allocation. In order to support the planning and
management of water resources, the WRIS should allow for the exploration and/or analysis of
historical and current conditions, as well as analyses of different scenarios related to land use
changes and climate change. The system should allow the assessment of the full water balance,
including water supply and consumption, as well as incorporating projected future demands. WA+
sheets should, therefore, be created not only for baseline assessments, but should allow for
presentation of different future scenarios based on modelling tools.

120. Improving agricultural productivity in Cambodia is a key target of several development

partners, including ADB. Crop water productivity (CWP) is the key concept that brings productivity
and consumptive use of water resources together. A pilot project at MAFF, supported by ADB, is
foreseen, which will aim at monitoring and improving CWP. The WRIS should store and present
spatial CWP data to allow decisionmakers to view and compare water productivity values for
individual irrigation schemes, river basins, and crops.

121. Data in the WRIS would be useful for stakeholders from a range of different sectors. For
example, many development projects involve irrigation system design and planning. With the
current lack of access to hydrological data, the design of these systems typically involves
many assumptions and deliberate oversizing. Development of irrigation infrastructure should
account for crop water requirements, surface water and groundwater availability, and variability
of supply. It should be possible for an irrigation designer to find this package of required
information in the WRIS. Similar information should be available to designers of other water-
related infrastructure, such as hydropower facilities.

122. Datasets that will be integrated into the WRIS database system should have a
corresponding inventory list detailing the coverage, source, and attribute information it holds.
There should also be a standard operating manual on how these datasets were processed,
finalized, and integrated into the data center. By so doing, data center operations will be sustained
and not deterred by sudden personnel turnover.

C. Linkages to Other Projects

123. The WRIS should be compatible with the existing station databases at DHRW and DOM,
as well as with outputs of the simulation models used by MOWRAM departments and MRC,
particularly SWAT, the Hydrologic Engineering Center suite, and eWater Source. In addition, the
system should be as flexible as possible for integration of other or future information systems and
modelling tools.

124. Ongoing and planned activities related to a dynamic WRIS are often focused on
flood forecasting and early warning systems (operational water management). A national
information system aimed at more strategic planning of water resources is currently non-existent,
although this application is considered highly relevant by the key stakeholders consulted. River

basin planning has received increased attention over recent years, particularly in western
Cambodia,17 and could be extended, in the future, to 3S and 4P based on the decision support
system tools developed under the World Bank Mekong IWRM project and other projects. The
future national WRIS should play a key role in supporting planning processes, by integrating data
from different systems and storing and/or presenting them by river basin.

125. The WRIS should seek a connection to CISIS, which will undergo further development under
the new WAT4CAM project and would benefit from water resources data. CISIS can work better
if it is organized by river basin instead of by provincial boundaries. The delineation of river basins
depends on the terrain and river systems that flow within them, and these basins’ coverage extends
beyond boundaries. CISIS, in return, could feed the WRIS with the most recent information on
location and extent of irrigation systems.

126. With regard to the collection and subsequent quality control and processing of automated
hydromet station data, MRC is a key stakeholder in the region. Synergies and compatibility with
the existing MRC infrastructure (e.g., the Master Catalog Server) will need to be sought.

D. Capacity Development

127. Some WA+ capacity has previously been built at MOWRAM and MAFF in a pilot project,
although not to the extent that the ministry staff are now fully proficient. Under the ADB GMS
Project, training was provided to DHRW and DOM on the set up and use of hydrological and
hydrodynamic models and the use of global and regional modelled and satellite products. A
detailed capacity building plan is required to build upon the current skills and knowledge of
relevant staff at MOWRAM and MAFF in order to ensure an effective and sustainable WRIS.
These efforts should also focus on the management of information and big data. MAFF would be
an important government partner for population of the WRIS and should be closely involved in
capacity building efforts. Given their mandate, involvement of the MOWRAM’s Department of
Water Resources Management and Conservation may also be considered.

128. MOWRAM should hire additional specialists, such as meteorologists and hydrologists, in
their personnel roster. The data center would benefit from the guidance and analysis given by these

129. There should be a continuing series of technical training in specialized fields that would
be useful in the sustainability of data center operations. Technology changes overnight, and the
personnel should be up-to-date on new system features and trends so that the data center can
also follow suit.

E. Institutional Arrangements and Data Sharing

130. By choosing an IWRM approach, it is imperative that the WRIS will be open to
stakeholders, and data shared by and accessible to ministries and development partners. A
shared WRIS combined with the standardized framework and terminology provided by WA+ could
facilitate dialogue on water resources between different stakeholders.

131. A TWG for the data center should be established. There are a number of ministries and

17 The first river basin plan for Cambodia (Stung Sreng Basin) was supported by the ADB Water Resource Management
Sector Development Program and endorsed in 2015. Six other river basin plans are under preparation, five through
JICA’s River Basin Water Utilization Program and one supported by AFD.

organizations working in the water sector. The TWG can enable them to help each other by
sharing information and formulating policies on data sharing and standardization.

132. In order to sustain the data center, it should be able to provide products that other ministries
and organizations can use for their own activities. This will encourage support from these sectors.


Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2014. Cambodia Water Resources Profile. Manila.

Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2014. National Water Status Report. Manila

Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2014. Project Data Sheet. Regional: Greater Mekong Subregion
Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (CAM). Manila

Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2015. Preliminary Proposal for the Development of a National
Water Resources Data and Information System in Cambodia. Manila.

Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD). 2010. Strategy for Agriculture and Water –
Harmonized Program Design Document.

Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD). 2018. Water Resources Management and

Agricultural Transition for Cambodia (WAT4CAM): Project Feasibility Final Report.

Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC). 2012. Profile of the Tonle Sap Sub-Area (SA-

GEF/UNDP. 2013. Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Cambodia
to Support Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change.

Green, A., G.M. Podger, J. Hayes, and C. Apirumanekul. n.d. Water Resource Modelling in the
Mekong River Basin: Developing Synergies among National and Regional Modelling
Decision Support systems. Observations and Options. (Preparatory Stage).

IHE-Delft. 2017. Water Accounting in Selected River Basins in Asia: Pilot Study in Cambodia.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 2014. River Basin Water Resources Utilization
Project in Cambodia (RBWRU).

Mekong River Commission. 2008. An assessment of water quality in the Lower Mekong Basin.
MRC Technical Paper No. 19.

Royal Government of Cambodia. 2017. Sub-decree on the Adjustment to Article 27 and Article
34 of Sub-decree No. 188.

Shantz, A. 2013. A Review of Functionality of an Existing National Well Database in Cambodia.

Final Report. Water and Sanitation Program, Ministry of Rural Development (MRD).

World Bank. 2016. Mekong Integrated Water Resource Management Project (IWRM), Phase 2.
Project Appraisal Document.

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