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- Lord, you promised us that you will came back soon,

We are prepared and waiting for your return.

- On the judgement day, every christians will be alone to listen his/ her records of life.


1) In this world , the Lord want to reward everybody without exception,

Some are requesting for the rewards,

Some are stubborn doing Ungodly things while expecting God to also reward them.

2) Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

On the last day the book of life will be open for everybody to check his/her Name.

3) On that day, if you hear your name!

Meaning you have been rewarded ( Eternal life).

4) On that day , some of us will be Crying and will be saying! Because their names wasn't found on that
last day and will be saying:

* Me as Pastor, i spent all my entire life preaching the gospel and today , this is me crying , my
name is not found in the book of life.

* Me as Deacon, i spent all my time putting the house of God in order,

Organizing christians and church works,

But my name wasn't found in the book of life.

* Ohhhhhh me as Christian, i spent all my time doing God's work

( going to church, giving offerings, etc...)

But on this last day my name wan not found in the book of life.

* Ohhhhhhh, we as Choirs, we spent all our time singing and praising the almighty God, but on this last
day, our name was not found in the book of life.

5) Ohhhhh brothers and sisters in Christ,

It will be a shame for us either being

Pastors, Deacons, Christians, Choirs, to not be on the list on the last day because we are the light of the

6) So Brothers and sisters in Christ, all the denomination,

If you are still to surrender your life to Jesus Christ,

Do it as fast as possible because we don't know tomorrow!

It may be late , if you fail to do it, only you alone will be crying

On that last day by saying " IF I KNEW".

End End End .

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