Phone Radiation

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The risk of mobile phone radiation in health:


Name: Mekonen Abibi Alemu (Msc in

Biomedeical engineering)
Dec, 2018.

The dramatic increase in use of cellular telephones has generated concern about possible negative
effects of radiofrequency signals delivered to the human body. Previous research studies show no
evidence of the impacts of mobile phones to human health and new studies suggest that mobile
radiation might double the risk of developing cancer on the side of the head used, increase brain
activity, can cause damage to nerves around ears and, more importantly, damages the Blood–brain
barrier (BBB).

This paper reviews the status of the mobile radiation have effects on health or not, to address the key
issues and to evaluate the science, and to fill any gaps of knowledge in mobile radiation effect in

Key words : Health, Radiation, cellular phone, cancer

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ICNIRP:  International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection

ICES:  International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety
WHO EMF Project: Electromagnetic Fields Project of the World Health
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer.
CTIA : Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
WHO : World Health Organization
GSM : Global System for Mobile communication
RF : radio frequency
SAR : specific absorption rate

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Mobile or cell phones are now a days an integral part of modern telecommunications in every
Individual life. The number of mobile phone manufacturing and users have increased rapidly. In
2017, the forecast of users reached “4.77 billion “and in 2019, users in the world is “expect to pass
the five billion mark” according to Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association.

The WHO constitution defines health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Rapidly increasing of manufacturing
electromagnetic radiation sources, materials like mobile phone have fear in health hazard.

Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space
or through a material medium. Mobile phones emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing
electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorb by tissues close to the phone. The amount of
radiofrequency energy a mobile phone user is exposed depend on many factors as the technology of
the phone, the distance between the phone and the users. The maximum powers that GSM (Global
System for Mobile communication) is permit to transmit by the present International Commission on
Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) standards are two and one W at 900 Hz and 1800 Hz,
respectively. Radio frequency induce RF electric fields in tissue a part of the radiated energy will be
absorbed in tissues.

The aim of these reviews is to combine the different Gorvemental and Non-governmental available
epidemiological evidence and research articles analysis to learn whether exposure to RF from mobile
phones and their base stations might affect health.

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Literature reviews
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) states in an open letter to school
superintendents, There is a consistent, emerging science that shows people, especially children who
are more vulnerable due to developing brains and thinner skulls, are being affected by the increasing
exposure to wireless radiation [1].

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the International

Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES) and the World Health Organization Electromagnetic
Fields Project (WHO EMF-Project) are assuring users that there is no proven health risk. ( ICNIRP.
Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to
300 GHz) Health Physics. 1998;74:494–522. [PubMed], ICNIRP Statement. Health issues related to
the use of hand-held radiotelephones and base transmitters. Health Physics. 1996;70:578–593.

Cell Phone Dangers / Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH @ National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences Mobile phone radiation have contribute for the chance of cancer development (NIEHS)

Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism : The human
brain is sensitive to the effects of RF-EMFs from acute cell phone exposures. The findings of
increased metabolism in regions closest to the antenna during acute cell phone exposure suggest that
brain absorption of RF-EMFs may enhance the excitability of brain tissue. (NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript)

Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, 8(3):917-920 :- Penetration depth and
specific absorption rates(SAR) have been calculated in human skin tissues exposed to GSM
frequencies 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz from cellular phones. Results conclude that when cell-phone
device is placed very close to human body, the chances of absorption of radiations increases which
can cause adverse health effects. So it is preferable that one should use mobile phone at least at a
distance of 1.5-2.5cm from the human body. Penetration depth and specific absorption rate in human
tissue depend upon the dielectric, biological and thermal properties of human tissue and most
significantly on the intensity of electromagnetic waves [5].

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Health Evidence networks report shows that the evidence available does not provide a clear pattern
to support an association between exposure to RF and microwave radiation from mobile phones and
direct effects on health. It however cautions that lack of available evidence of detrimental effects on
health should not be interpreted as evidence of absence of such effects and recommends a
precautionary approach to the use of this communication technology until more scientific evidence
becomes available[8].

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a component of the World Health
Organization, appointed an expert Working Group to review all available evidence on the use of cell
phones. The Working Group classified cell phone use as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based
on limited evidence from human studies, limited evidence from studies of radiofrequency energy and
cancer in rodents, and inconsistent evidence from mechanistic studies. ( International Agency for
Research on Cancer. Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. Lyon,
France: IARC; 2013. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, Volume

In 2015 the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health
Risks concluded that, overall, the epidemiologic studies on cell phone radiofrequency
electromagnetic radiation exposure do not show an increased risk of brain tumors or of other cancers
of the head and neck region. The Committee also stated that epidemiologic studies do not indicate
increased risk for other malignant diseases, including childhood cancer [8].
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) states that the weight of the
current scientific evidence has not conclusively linked cell phone use with any adverse health
problems, but more research is needed[9]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notes that studies reporting biological changes
associated with radiofrequency energy have failed to be replicated and that the majority of human
epidemiologic studies have failed to show a relationship between exposure to radiofrequency energy
from cell phones and health problems[10]. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) states that no scientific evidence definitively answers whether cell phone use causes

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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) concludes that no scientific evidence establishes a
causal link between wireless device use and cancer or other illnesses.[8].The American Cancer
Society (ACS) states that the IARC ( International Agency for Research on Cancer) classification
means that there could be some risk associated with cancer, but the evidence is not strong enough to
be considered causal and needs to be investigated further[13]. In May 2016 the NIH reported links
between mobile phone RF exposure and cancer in male rats. According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz
(UC/Berkeley), "The study's results reinforce the need for more stringent regulation of
radiofrequency radiation and better disclosure of the health risks associated with wireless
technologies [14]. In 2013 Dr. Martha Herbert, a Harvard Pediatrician, wrote in this letter that
"thousands of papers...document adverse health and neurological impacts of EMF / RFR." Also in
2013 the American Academy of Pediatrics requested a review of EMF radiation emissions from
technology devices, citing impact on children.

Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has
classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B),
based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1 , associated with wireless
phone use [16]. In 2015 the Ashland School District in Massachusetts is reducing wireless radiation
exposure to children[17].

Dr. Lennart Hardell, oncology professor at University of Orebro in Sweden, found that people who
begin using cell phones before age 20 have five times more brain cancer by the time they reach their
late twenties.

Generally, from the above literature reviews there is continuously ongoing controversy whether the
users of mobile phones radiation health effects, safety of the radiation emitted by these devices, and
continuation of research in this area is need that is scientifically justified.

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Mobile phone health effects/ Formulating Hypothesis
Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy (radio waves) a form of non-ionizing radiation from their
antennas. Tissues nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy. The absorption of energy depends
on the following points

 The number calls per day,

 The distance of holding,
 Quality of cell phone
 Ages of the users
 The duration of each call and
 The amount of time use per a day.

The mobile phone radiation exposure (ICNIRP) guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the
Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 1.6 W/kg. Tests for SAR are
conducted using standard operating positions (1.5cm to 2.5cm) with the device transmitting at its
highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.

Various regulatory bodies have set ‘safe’ limits for SAR measurements. For instance, the US Federal
Communications Community limits radio frequency exposure to a SAR value of 1.60 watts/kilogram
over 1 gram/tissue which is for 6 minutes. It has a safety margin of 3 to 4 calls per a day for 6
minutes so a person should not use cell phone for more than 18 to 24 minutes per day.

Specific absorption rate at which radiation is absorbed by human body, measured in watts per kg
(W/kg). The high energy of RF field exposure causes thermal effects in biological tissues and
generates high SAR values this may rise the temperature up to about 0.1 0C in 1 mm3 after 33 hr of
continuous phone use. In Europe the limit is higher and set at 2.00 watts/kilogram averaged over 10
grams/tissue. These figures are the amount of radiation absorbed by the body and they do differ
according to the body parts affected. For instance, the SAR rate for the ear will likely be higher than
that of the body.

SAR = (s * E2 ) / r Where s, is electrical conductivity of tissue and r is the mass density of the tissue
and E2, electric field SAR is the specific with position and because the conductivity is different for
different types of tissue.

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For analyzing absorption of energy by the human body, electromagnetic fields can be divided into
three ranges.

1. Frequencies from about 100 kHz to less than about 20 MHz, where absorption in the trunk
decreases rapidly with decreasing frequency, and significant absorption may occur in the
neck and legs;
2. Frequencies in the range from about 20 MHz to 300 MHz, at which relatively high
absorption can occur in the whole body, and to even higher values if partial body (e.g., head)
resonances are considered;
3. Frequencies in the range from about 300 MHz to several GHz, at which significant local,
non-uniform absorption occurs. Frequencies above about 10 GHz, at which energy
absorption occurs primarily at the body surface

All cell phone radiation guidelines, mobile manufactures and international regulatory body have
aware of cell phone radiation effects health above the limited rages. This show that the depending up
on mobile phone radiation very close to human body less than (2.5 cm), the quality of mobile,
calling duration and ages of the users have contributes the chances of absorption of radiations
increases which can cause adverse health effects in our body.

Specific Absorption rate (SAR)/ Testing hypotheses

The mobile radiation SAR values are an important tool in judging the maximum possible exposure
to radio-frequency energy (radiation) for a mobile absorption energy in the tissue. The SAR values
indicates that more SAR less r and less SAR distance far from the body and less absorption energy.

The second point is that the human brain is sensitive to the effects of RF-EMFs from acute cell
phone exposures when brain activates increased metabolism in regions closest to the antenna during
acute cell phone exposure suggest that brain absorption of RF-EMFs may enhance the excitability of
brain tissue.

The long term use of cell phones and wireless increase the risk of cancer risk. Independent
longitudinal research has consistently shown that “heavy” (30 min/day) cellphone users have an
increased risk of brain cancer.

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Holding distance
In the testing procedures the FCC uses to certify that cell phones don't exceed the 1.6 watts per
kilogram SAR limit, the commission chose to test the phones at a distance of between 0.59 inches
and 0.98 inches (1.5cm to 2.5cm) from the body. It also tests the devices in a "body-worn"
configuration and specifies that this should be done with the device in a belt clip or holster. If a belt
clip or holster was not supplied with the phone, the FCC has told testers to assume a separation
distance of between 0.59 inches and 0.98 inches (1.5 cm to 2.5 cm) during a test.

Calling duration/ day

The research evidence indicates that long term use of cell phones and wireless increase the risk of
cancer risk. Independent longitudinal research has consistently shown that “heavy” (30 min/day)
cellphone users have an increased risk of brain cancer. Such research lead to the World Health
Organization’s International Agency for the Research on Cancer to classify this radiation as a Class
2 B Possible Human Carcinogen in 2011. Since 2011, the evidence has increased [20]

Guidelines and regulations

The FCC’s guidelines and rules regarding RF exposure are based upon standards developed by IEEE
and NCRP and input from other federal agencies, such as those listed above. These guidelines
specify exposure limits for hand-held wireless devices in terms of the Specific Absorption Rate
(SAR). The SAR is a measure of the rate that the body absorbs RF energy. For exposure to RF
energy from wireless devices, the allowable FCC SAR limit is 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg), as
averaged over one gram of tissue. Various regulatory bodies have set ‘safe’ limits for SAR
measurements. For instance, the US Federal Communications Community limits radio frequency
exposure to a SAR value of 1.60 watts/kilogram over 1 gram/tissue which is for 6 minutes. It has a
safety margin of 3 to 4 calls per a day for 6 minutes so a person should not use cell phone for more
than 18 to 24 minutes per day.

Generally, the more close to cell phone radiation absorb more Radio frequency energy and increase
the temperature by 0.1oc around that region and increase the brain activates, and increase the chances
of health effects[20]

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Data collection and analysis
Magnetic fields that vary in time induce the movement of electrical charge and cause potentials and
circulating currents in biological systems. These currents can be estimated using the following
equation, SAR = σE2/ρ, SAR values and the corresponding temperature rise for 6 minutes duration
have been calculated using equations above respectively for three different tissues, e.g., eye, brain
and nerve exposed to RF fields.

Figure: different tissue absorbance

Equation shows that SAR is directly proportional to the conductivity in the radiated tissue and
inversely proportional to the physical density of it.

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SAR values and the corresponding temperature rise were calculated for the eye, brain and nerve
tissues exposed to RF fields among of them the tissues of eye showed the highest and nerves the
lowest SAR values still remaining within the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and other
safety limits (= 1.6 W/kg). here also listed some mobile models with SAR values.

Cell Phone Model SAR Level

Samsung Galaxy S8                                 1.55
Samsung Galaxy S7 1.59
Samsung Galaxy S6 1.25
Samsung Galaxy S5 1.47
Samsung Galaxy S4 1.18
Samsung Galaxy S3 0.87
Apple iPhone X not yet available
Apple iPhone 8 Plus 1.19
Apple iPhone 8 1.20
Apple iPhone 7 Plus 1.19
Apple iPhone 7 1.20
Apple iPhone 6s Plus                  1.14
Apple iPhone 6s 1.14
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 1.19 Table:
Mobile model SAR Values

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Discussion and results
Based on the documents here two groups that cell phone radiation health effects or not. The first
group cell phone radiation have health effects and need more research like the American Cancer
Society (ACS), National institute of health(NIH), WHO/International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC), Dr. Lennart Hardell, Oncology professor at University of Orebro in Sweden,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Journal of Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Research, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and American
Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM).

The second group cell phone radiation have not health effects yet. Like the International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the International Committee on
Electromagnetic Safety (ICES), the World Health Organization Electromagnetic Fields Project
(WHO EMF-Project), Health Evidence networks report, European Commission Scientific
Committee, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The Federal
Communications Commission (FCC).

Under this study's results reinforce they need more research on cell phone radiation, strict regulation
of radiofrequency radiation and create awareness of handling of cell phone. Cell phone radiation
emissions more risks on children than adults and above the limit values like calling, duration, SAR
and holding distance have more exposure and develop health effects

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[2] [PubMed], ICNIRP Statement. Health issues related to the use of hand-held radiotelephones and
base transmitters. Health Physics. 1996;70:578–593. [PubMed]

[3] Cell Phone Dangers / Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH @ National Institute of Environmental Health

[4] Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism : (NIH
Public Access Author Manuscript)

[5] Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, 8(3):917-920

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[6] Health Evidence networks report

[7] Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. Lyon, France: IARC;
2013. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, Volume 102)

Disclaimer, accessed August 15, 2015. ) or


HomeBusinessandEntertainment/CellPhones/ucm116282.htm )

[12] ( )

[13] )

[14] International Journal of Health Sciences, Qassim University, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Oct-Dec 2014) )

questions/ /

[16] In 2013 Dr. Martha Herbert, a Harvard Pediatrician,

[17] ( )


[19] Dr. Lennart Hardell, oncology professor at University of Orebro in Sweden,






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[28 ]


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