How To Study

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Engineering mathematics I
-exercises and worked out examples and some derivations(according to syllabus) of
Pr pokharel text book.
-solutions guide of the text book of engineering mathematics.
-almost all questions will be from the textbook.requires many practice.

2.Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat transfer.

-Mahesh chandra luitel sir book(both for numericals and theory ),class
-tutorial solutions for numerical practice.
-according to syllabus,get concept and understand all the topics mentioned in
-do not get stuck in any long or tough numericals. practise hard to overcome it.
-see old questions. chemistry.
-text book of nepali Ram kumar sharma book ,class note
-chemistry numerical solutions from pulchowk or thapathali stationery.
-go through the syllabus and study all the content required(mostly theory questions
-reference jain and jain book.
-have to write answers what is required technically.

4.C programming.
-Learning C by examples (red book by krishna kadel),class materials,ANSI C book for
-undersrand all the theory and syntax for all chapters.
-refer tutorials available .
-practise doing programs on your own creating logics on your own.
-see old questions.
-Study FORTRAN properly at last.never skip it.

5.Engineering drawing
-all tutorials provided in class.
-RK dhawan book for reference.
-time management required.
-practise more to increase your pace of drawing.
-see old questions.

-already done on lab.
-only internal assesment taken.can refer any relevant book according to syllabus.

Apart from all this lot depends on your hard work,confidence and determination to
do the best.
-Try to acquire maximum marks in assessments as it is all in your hands which will
play a great role for your final percentage.

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