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‘Time: Three hours Qt Roll No... Nov, 2020/8P602 vil, xi, B. Pharmacy 6” Semester-2020 Pharmacology-Ill M. Marks: 78 SectionA 132020 Multiple choice questions (Answer 3! the questions), Sromhexine acts by: 1A. Inhibiting cough centre B. Irritating gastric mucosa and reflexly Increasing bronchial secretion ©. epolymeraing mucopoiysaccharides D. Desenstzing stretch receptors in the lungs present In sputum Mucokinetie sa drug which: . ‘A. Reduces airway mucus secretion Increases alrway mucus secretion C.-Makes respiratory secretions more watery. Stimulates mucocllary activity of bronchial epithelium ‘The following antlasthma drug Is not 2 bronchodilator: A. Ipratropium bromide 8, Theophylline ©. Formoterol D. Sodium cromoglycate ‘Which histamine H2 blocker has most marked Inhibitory effect on microsomal cytochrome P-450 Enzyme: A. Cimetidine B. Ranitidine ©. Roxatidine D. Famotidine 1 following purgative stimulates Intestinal motility Independent ofits action on mucosal fluld dynam Castor oil B. Senna ©. Docusates D, Sod.pot. tartrate “Which antiblotic Is primarily bacterlostatic but becomes bactericidal at higher concentrations: A. Erythromycin B. Tetracycline €. Chloramphenicol D. Ampicilin Superinfections are more common with: ‘A. Use of narrow spectrum antiblotics 8. Short courses of antibotics Use of antibiotics that are completely D._ Use of antibiotic combinations covering both gram absorbed from the small intestines Positive and gram negative bacteria Indicate the sulphonamide whose sodium salt yields a nearly neutral solution which Is sultable for topical use In the eye: A. Sulfadiazine B. sulfacetamide © Sulfadoxine . Sulfamoxole ‘The beta lactam antibiotics Include the following: ‘A. Cephalosporins B. Monobactams . Carbapenems D. Allofthe above ‘The penicilin G preparation with the longest duration of action Is: ‘A. Benzathine penicilin . B. Sodium peniciin Potassium penicilin D. Procaine penicillin ‘The most important mechanism by which tetracycline antibiotics exert antimicrobial action Is: ‘A. They chelate Ca2+ ions and alter B. They bind to 30S ribosomes and inhibit bacterial permeability of bacterial cell membrane protein synthesis, ©. They bind to 50S ribosomes andinterfere D. They Interfere with DNA mediated RNA synthesis in. with translocation of the growing peptide bacteria chain in the bacteria The following antibiotic penetrates blood-CSF barrler the best: A. Erythromycin B. Gentamicin ! Tetracycline D. Chloramphenicol PTO for the remaining questions 13, ‘First line antitubercular drugs Include the following except xt A Chrottoxacin ‘8. Streptomycin ©. Pyratinamide D. ethambutol \ xij, Thevirus directed reverse transcriptase enryme is inhibited by: A. amantadine B. Zidovudine © Vidarabine 1D. Acyclovir 1, i). Systemic corticosteroid therapy Isnt used routinely and is reserved only for severe cases of: A. Exfoliative dermatitis Posterior welts © Acute rheumatic fever D. Hodgkin's disease ‘xix. Select the antibiotic that has a high therapeutic Index: A Streptomycin 8. Dosyeysine C. Cephalexin 1D. Vancomycin 2% The most efficacious drug for inhibiting round the dock gastle ald output AL Omeprazole B. cimetidine © Pirenzepine D. misoprostol Sectlon-B Long answer type questions. Answer any {9 of the fol tions inthis pees Define asthma. How different types of asthmatic patients can be treated with drugs. 10 Enutherate dtferent types of antiulcer drugs. Write pharmacology of H2 blockers in detall 10 (A) Discuss clinical applications of immur~suppressant’s with suitable examples. 10 {) Explain principals of toxicology. Sectlon-c q {of the folowing nine questions in ths seo 5x7 = 35 Discuss drugs used in treatment of cough. 6 Write a short note on drugs recommended to patients suffering from constipation. 5 Give an account of cotrimoxazole. 5 Briefly explain antimalarial drugs. ' 5 What do you understand by general principles of chemotherapy? 5 Describe drugs used in sexually transmitted diseases. ' 5 ‘Write an account of antiviral agents. 8 Discuss in brief about tetracycline. 5 fe short note on drugs used in treatment of infectious diarthoea. 5

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