Phd226danial Iqhwan (C2) - Case 4

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2018428438 – P2PH110C1

a) i – SPSS: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Traditional: Histogram plotting

ii – Categorical data (nominal)

iii – The best statistical test is Chi square test. It is non parametric and the data is
categorical. This test is used to identify between two categorical variables which is
nominal, either there is any significant relationship. Therefore, this test is the best test that
is suitable to study the data that are random variables.

b) i – 1) the test allows comparisons to be made between three or more groups of an

independent variable data which are traditional lecture input, gamification and
virtual method.

2) the dependent variables are normally distributed for each category of

the independent variables.

3) the data has homogeneity of variances that are identical

ii – Homogeneity of variances is an assumption underlying both t-tests and ANOVAs in

which the population variances, distribution of scores around mean, of two or more
samples are considered equal. In the test of homogeneity, we select random samples from
each subgroup or population separately and collect data on a single categorical variable.
The null hypothesis says that the distribution of the categorical variable is the same for
each subgroup or population. There are several statistical tests that can be use such as
Levene’s and Barlett’s test.
Based on the test in Table 9, the based on mean sig value is 0.831 which is higher
than 0.005. The Levene’s statistics is not significant at 𝛼= 0.05 which is F=0.186,
Sig=0.831. Therefore, the homogeneity of variance is not violated.

iii – One-way ANOVA test is used to identify method of teaching that is preferred by
students from three methods of teaching, traditional lecture input, gamification and virtual
methods. It has been shown that the data is statistically significant, F(2,27)= 4.359, p=
0.023 which is lesser than 0.05. As the data is statistically significant, we needed to
compute the Turkey post hoc test. It indicates that the mean score for traditional method
(M=10.4, SD=2.88) was significantly different from the gamification method (M=14,
SD=2.87). However, the virtual method (M= 11.8, SD=2.49) did not significantly differ
from traditional method and gamification.

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