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Gateshead Millennium Bridge, UK

Peter Curran, Assoc. Dir, Gifford and Partners, London, UK

Millennium Bridge was by rotation in a

vertical plane perpendicular to the direc-
tion of travel – the fifth dimension. Early
sketches are shown in Fig. 3.
The scheme proposed was an innova-
tive and adventurous design in the
form of a tilting bridge formed of a
pair of steel arches, pivoting from a
common springing point within con-
crete pilecaps. The way it operates can
be compared with raising the visor on
a motorcycle helmet, or the opening of
an eyelid. The whole 800 t bridge ro-
tates and opens to allow the passage of
ships underneath. In this respect it is
unique and simple. The operating sys-
tem has hydraulic jacks, which push on
a steel paddle from underneath a pivot
point and rotate the bridge as a whole.
Fig. 1: The Gateshead Millennium Bridge In the open position the connecting
suspension cables are horizontal and
hold the pair of arches together.
Introduction the forefront of innovation in their day
and hard acts to follow.
The Gateshead Millennium Bridge is a
movable bridge for pedestrians and cy- In the mid-1990s Gateshead Metro- Procurement
clists with a unique tilting action – the politan Borough Council conceived
fifth dimension – and spanning 105 m plans to redevelop the riverside and The unique and complex nature of the
across the River Tyne in close compa- adjacent derelict areas linking this to project led to a desire to appoint a
ny with the famous bridges by engi- the already regenerated quayside on ‘preferred contractor’ at an early stage,
neers Robert Stephenson, Sir William the Newcastle side of the river. With to enable their input into the develop-
Armstrong and David Anderson. It was the opportunities offered by funding, ment of the design. It was decided to
the result of collaboration between en- Gateshead Council initiated a design adopt a target cost contract and fol-
gineer and architect in an internatio- competition for a new crossing which lowing a two-stage process. Over a pe-
nal design competition and procured attracted an international field of forty riod of 12 months the design was de-
through a partnering process. This pa- seven entries. Six teams pre-qualified veloped and the target cost established.
per describes the design from concept and were invited to submit design pro-
through development and analysis and posals.
explains the design criteria adopted
The brief required a landmark struc-
Structural Design
for static and dynamic conditions.
ture which provided 25 m clearance in
The parabolic steel arch comprises a
the open position across the naviga-
kite-shaped section tapering in both
Background tion channel, yet link the quaysides at
plan and elevation (Fig. 4). It is fabri-
only 4 m to 5 m above river level, and
cated primarily from steel plate up to
The River Tyne has six major bridges without any construction on the quays
35 mm thick, internally stiffened longi-
in the central city area, three being of themselves (Fig. 1).
tudinally and transversely. The arch
outstanding historic and engineering
houses stay anchorages orientated into
significance. The high level bridge, Historically, movable bridges have de-
the plane of the stay cables.
1849, is a spectacular double-deck rail veloped through four dimensions of
and road bridge designed by Robert movement, as shown in Fig. 2, starting External to the arch, the connection of
Stephenson. Armstrong’s Swing Bridge, with the medieval draw bridge and its the spiral strand stay-cables is by tradi-
the only low-level bridge, was opened subsequent variants. These were fol- tional open fork-ended sockets. At-
in 1876, and was the largest swing bridge lowed by swing bridges, retractable tachment lugs on the arch are seated in
constructed at that time. The Tyne or telescopic bridges (including trans- the hemispherical recesses and con-
Bridge by David Anderson, opened in porter bridges), and lift bridges. After nected to diaphragm plates and stiff-
1928, is a 2-pinned steel arch designed due consideration of these convention- eners within the arch. The 18 stay-ca-
in parallel with the Sydney Harbour al and well developed options, the mode bles are formed from galvanised wire
Bridge. Each of these structures was at of movement adopted for the Gateshead and have an adjustable anchorage at

214 Recent Structure Structural Engineering International 4/2003

1. 4.

2. 5.


1. Drawbridge. Rotation in a vertical plane, Horizontal axis perpendicular to road.

2. Swingbridge. Rotation in horizontal plane, vertical axis.
3. Retractable (or telescopic) bridge. Linear movement, horizontal direction.
4. Liftbridge. Linear movement, vertical direction.
5. Fifth dimension. Rotation in vertical plane, horizontal axis parallel to road.

Fig. 2: Five dimensions of movement Fig. 3: Engineer’s sketches of concept

the connection to the deck where they enabling the different required para- The hydraulic interaction analysis set
pass through a cylindrical hole within pet heights for pedestrians and cyclists out to prove that the bridge could be
which the anchorage plate is embed- to be accommodated uniformly across opened satisfactorily in 4 min in wind
ded. Spirally wound galvanised wire the section (Fig. 5). speeds up to 14 m/s and in emergency
cables were selected because of their operation in winds up to 25 m/s.
The two elements, cycleway and foot-
proven track record over many years
way, are connected at intervals by a Response to pedestrian loading was
and the simplicity and compactness of
series of steps, and separated by an modelled and it was shown that any
their anchorages.
integral seating arrangement so that movement or vibration, in either verti-
The deck is parabolic in elevation and, bridge users can pause to enjoy the cal or transverse directions, would be
being curved in plan, presents a most spectacular views of the riverside. well within the limits of human toler-
complex geometrically warped shape. ance. The structure is stable under all
types of dynamic loading.
The main element is of steel box con-
struction, tapering in plan from the
Dynamic Behaviour
quayside towards the centre of the riv-
er. The box section accommodates the
The dynamic behaviour in wind and Mechanical and Electrical
the response of the structure during Services
stay-cable anchorages in elliptical re-
opening operations were identified as
cesses accessed from the soffit, and
key issues at an early stage in the de-
sized to enable any re-stressing of the As part of the package for mechanical
sign. Investigations were therefore put
cables to take place from this location. and electrical services it was decided to
in hand for wind tunnel testing at the
The upper surface of the box will be subcontract detailed design and manu-
University of Western Ontario under
coated with a non-slip epoxy coating. facture of the equipment required to
several different wind directions and
move the bridge as well as the bearing
Transverse steel beams are cantilevered bridge opening conditions and a pro-
assemblies to support the bridge.
from the steel box at about 3 m spacing gramme of analysis for the potential
and radiate outwards around the curve interaction of hydraulic systems with The bridge required systems to open it,
and support a lightweight aluminium the bridge structure was also carried which could push and pull, because the
deck to carry the cycleway. The cycle- out. The aerodynamic testing was com- centre of mass passes over the pivot
way is of constant width over the length prehensive and quite conclusive that point during opening. Ram loads could
of the bridge and is about 300 mm the structure would be stable in wind change from 10 000 kN push to 4500 kN
lower than the adjacent footway, thus speeds up to 60 m/s. pull during this sequence, in fully oper-
ational wind conditions. Various emer-
gency procedures and requirements
. were stipulated to allow for system
4 m ax.
m failures or adverse conditions.
1,32 8
2 m m max .

1,1 m

1,4 m



Fig. 4: Cross section through the arch Fig. 5: Cross section through the deck

Structural Engineering International 4/2003 Recent Structure 215

Synchronisation of the ram systems on painted and welded on a carefully set The main pedestrian deck surfacing
each side of the river was vital to en- out support system. On completion the consists of a slip resistant epoxy bound
sure the structure was not adversely arch was lifted into position and the aggregate system.
twisted and control devices keep the deck segments were moved under it to
Between the two decks which are at
two sets within 25 mm of each other. be joined. At this stage the stay-cables
differing levels are located a series of
hung surreally from the arch, looking
All the necessary plant and equipment benches and metal ‘hedges’. The bench-
for something to support.
including pumps, control panels and es offer the opportunity to pause and
emergency generators are housed Cantilever beams for the cycleway reflect on the bridge, admiring views
within the end supports of the struc- were welded on and the nosing was back up to the Tyne Bridge, while the
ture. Main power is supplied from a added. At this stage the sheer scale hedges, which consist of formed perfo-
sub-station on the south bank of the and elegance of the structure began to rated stainless steel sheet on an inter-
river and passes through the deck to be realised and preparations were in nal frame, offer a degree of protection
supply the systems on the north side. hand for meeting the proposed lifting from the wind. The parapets are metal
date of 6 November 2000 (Fig. 6). and are purpose designed. At the ends
of the bridge a series of gates are in-
Erection The Asian Hercules floating crane,
corporated to control access on the oc-
with a capacity; of 3200 t is the largest
casions when the bridge is opened to
Initial plans were that the erection se- in-shore floating crane in the world
shipping. The two concrete supports to
quence would be as follows: and was prepared in readiness for the
the bridge, built into the river, provide
9 km journey up river. However, in
– transport segments of the steelwork glass enclosures, one of these used as a
the event weather conditions were so
to local work area for joining control room and the other is expected
stormy that the planned lift date had
– weld the arch into one piece, attach to house events and exhibitions in the
to be postponed. The weather finally
bearing trunnion housings and install future.
relented and the bridge was successful-
with floating cranes and temporary
ly lifted, transported and positioned on
the 20 November 2000, a perfectly still
– join the deck segments; install side
and clear day (Fig. 6). The spectacular
“thirds” followed by the central part
occasion attracted tens of thousands of
temporarily supported on piles The unique design of the Gateshead
spectators lining both banks of the river.
– make site connections, install stay- Millennium Bridge, utilising the fifth
cables dimension of movement, has been
– install and commission mechanical Finishes completed successively and proven to
and electrical services. be fully satisfactory under service con-
Apart from the general form of the ditions. The bridge was opened to the
Design development and enquiries
bridge, which has a huge visual impact, public on 17 September 2001 with re-
over crane availability led to a revised
the finishes are the part with which the ported queues of 30 000 people waiting
proposal (which had been considered
user comes into the most direct con- to cross the river. In 2002 it became the
at the concept stage) to assemble the
tact. The cycle path is made up from a first bridge to win the Royal Institute
bridge on the quayside and lift it into
series of aluminium extrusions with in- of British Architects 2002 Stirling Prize
position as one piece. This plan remov-
tegral linking. It has a running surface for ‘Building of the Year’. It has become
ed a great deal of the risk of working
that offers good grip for cycles but an icon of North East England, a source
over water and shortened the programme
moreover is of light construction, which of great pride to the local population,
for installation by largely completing
is important for the outermost can- and is proudly promoted as the focal
steelwork fabrication prior to erection.
tilevered part of the deck. With its point of the region’s regeneration.
The various sections of steelwork were lightness the deck also provides a de-
delivered by road to the works at gree of transparency which will be
Hadrian Yard on the banks of the Riv- perceived best when the bridge is tilted SEI Data Block
er Tyne and the arch segments were open and the soffit is fully exposed. Owner:
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough
Council, UK
Structural design:
Gifford and Partners, Southampton, UK
Wilkinson Eyre Architects, UK
Harbour and General Works Ltd, UK,
Volker Stevin, UK
M & E, Watson Steel and Kvaerner
Markham, UK

Steel (t): 800

Concrete (m3): 7050
Total cost (EUR millions): 24
Service date: September 2001
Fig. 6: Transportation of superstructure

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