Visual Imagery

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1. Visual Imagery
- The term "visual imagery" refers to what we see and the mental images we
create while reading. It's also when authors may transport the reader to a
certain location, which may contain things or other characters.

Example: Fallen leaves cover the ground like a blanket.

2. Auditory Imagery
-It refers to what we hear and brings the sound of things, ideas, characters,
emotions and actions in the story right out of the ears of the reader.

Example: I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and a gentle breeze


3. Tactile Imagery
-It describes what we feel or it is concerned with a sense of touch, physical
touches, or textures such as temperature, texture, touch, movement, and so

Example: Our cat has a shiny black color fur.

4. Gustatory Imagery
- It is about flavors, or what we taste, and it appeals to the reader's sense of
taste by describing what the speaker or narrator of the poetry tastes, such as
sweetness, sourness, saltiness, spiciness, and others.

Example: I want to eat something sweet.

5. Olfactory Imagery
- It refers to what we smell and the words we use that makes use of the sense
of smells, such as fragrances, odors, aromas, or scents.

Example: The smell of the sea is one of my favorites.

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